Estate Sale Stayed Open for Me! Thrifting Antiques & Vintage

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we are getting ready to go to an estate sale in South Tampa in a nice part of town where I've done some estate sales and taken some Consignments and all of the stuff has been good so I'm excited to see what they've got I did the neatest appraisal fair in the building on the right for the center club for a couple of years that was fun this sale looked like it had a lot of good stuff and it's apparently quite popular well there is quite the lineup and this sale's been going on two hours and it only goes on one more hour so I'm not even sure I'm going to get in but I'm going to stand in line and find yeah they just told us they're staying open after one because there's a big line still so I guess I will get in so I'll hang out that moment of anticipation when you are next in line but the door is shut some of the people in line I overheard talking about the person who owned this house and they said that she was really into sewing so I'm expecting that we'll find lots of Notions I see a bik buckle there there's lots of buttons there's probably money to be made I usually only look for really old individual buttons of value or sets but here's a bunch of sets right there Peterborough baskets were another American maker about the same time that longa Burger was big I sometimes have sold those with success little sewing boxes that are occasional Furniture like this little sewing box table have always soell well for me but their prices about what I would charge retail an ATM on site that's amazing never thought of bringing an ATM to our sales but we usually just hold stuff for people while they go get cash this is flower with cane a pattern by us glass from about 1900 when the flashing became very popular because red was expensive to make and in fact they have a bunch of press glass pieces I like this block pattern syrup from about 1900 and that syrup is pretty neat too syrups used to be really collectible these prices are not bad and you can see this one is in good shape with the lid that works that's important like the children's sewing machines very cute Stitch mistress just saw one of those at an appraisal fair and this one has a motor that's unusual for the time this one was made in the USA by a company called Lindstrom which it shows there the Little Miss piece but most of these were made in Germany although singer also made ones that worked that were real Miniatures of their actual sewing machine cage this is really cool because of the graphics there Deco these are all priced about like I would sell them for so I might have to come back on the last day CU if they do a half price day we take all of them boy they like the lemons in this place is this an old CET don't think so quilt Toops sell as well as quilts do for me and not just in Kentucky where we're so close to the quilt Museum where I sell but really all over the place and they only want $15 a piece so I'm going to take any that are in good shape newspaper is backing that is something that for me even though the newspaper backing has yellowed the fabric I'm going to take this anyway because I think it's really interesting and it's from 1933 right in the depression these swing frames from the 30s are cute but I never seem to get around to putting a picture in them ah some Disney 3 pigs characters from the 30s too apparently the husband was some sort of a doctor this is a figure with his name etched on it and it's one of those Italian ones by the company that is related to hry called tor art that's pretty cute and the quilts are $25 so far most of them have had damage but this one looks like it's in pretty good shape and it's got the names I always like the ones where the people sewed their names on the blocks and then someone put it together or they did it together at a sewing be some more quilt tops over here you can tell people have gone through these but I'm surprised I'm finding a number of decent ones and again the price are good so I'm very happy cuz a ton of people have already been at this sale even though it's only day one one thing that's really fun for me about going to estate sales is snooping around so the names on that Quilt Block were a lot from Minnesota so this family must have moved to Florida sometime probably around 1950 okay this looks fake or done recently look how even all of the wear is the recurring pattern in it that's not the way that would have worn yeah let's look at the underside oh yep sure enough there's the label and it came from HomeGoods yeah no thanks let's see if we can find some more quilt tops in here a lot of these seem to be 1930s and 40s and of course you date them just like quilts based on the last piece of fabric the newest piece of fabric use in the piece Bo there's just a number of them here I think they got tossed around so much that they're kind of buried and I'm going to take any of these that don't have holes or don't have stains because at $15 a piece I can more than double my money on them this is a really nice find to augment I've been getting a lot of glass in China lately and I really like to have a diverse group of things in my booths at shows and there's another one with names hey see there we go this is fun I'm enjoying this sale a lot so far I'm glad everybody didn't get everything in here but I can see there's so many you can only imagine what already went out of here but just be happy with what you get well this is great I don't usually find things like this in Florida because Florida can be hard on Linens but these folks moved here at the right time when air conditioning started to be in houses and they love the stuff so they kept it well 40 is about the right price on this checkerboard chess board I wish I had pieces to go with it cuz I'd get it because it'd be worth about 95 with the pieces at least they do sell well uh regular Linens I don't know that I want to mess with these even though they're nice just because I'm getting so many things that are bigger and Shier and I can hang around the tents in my booth I hope that gal can mend or clean the ones that are left cuz I didn't leave any that didn't need that there's a big pile boy they're all over this is a good pattern here actually may at Finlandia some people do like this because it's a simple blue and white it can go in the oven it doesn't have a gold or silver room so it can go in the mic microwave uh let's see what else they have here fillery and Bach they still make a lot of stuff that looks like this that's probably a good thing to buy if I was doing more pattern mashing these days and let's see a cute but nothing I really need where do you go Easter's coming but this is more cutesy than collectable I think I'd really like to find a piece of flint glass to show you folks uh I like this do drops piece but I think that's soda lime glass and I made a mistake once and called something Flint glass that wasn't and somebody who's really knowledgeable and a good collector gave me a lot of information but I haven't found a piece of flint glass so I can show you the difference I'd like to teach everybody and learn a little bit more about it myself well as people age in Florida their Gardens become jungles if they don't have anyone to take care of it which I personally like I don't see any of this being old enough to be anything I would buy however be great if you were just buying it to use in your own garden because they've certainly got plenty of selection of pots and various things let's go into the garage H we sold a greasy broken transmission once at anate sale that someone wanted to tip and put in their yard as yard art but never seen an engine for sale before that's a big floor to price at50 on these but of course they're popular here to use as decor and people buy them to put in bars this one's got cypess Gardens and that's a nice small size somebody could put in their recck room or something so you know sometimes at estate sales you price things for the local audience if you think there's greater demand in the place nii was a very popular drink in its time and I always look at these emboss bottles to see if we can tell which plant made them that can make a difference in value now in Florida if books have made it out to a garage you do have to be a little bit careful because um they can have insects and pests but these looks like some interesting local histories and there is a customer for that namely me I actually collect a lot of this kind of stuff this one looks like it's in good shape and I don't have that I might put that in my pile funny how people don't take certain things that you would think would be gone just because they don't batch everything else and that's not what they came for $12 isn't a bad price on that it certainly looks out of place with all this L Mo these are really wonderful pieces and again you know the prices on Leo just really tanked and there's some really pretty serving pieces here that you know individually could sell and be used in different ways this looks sort of like Fire King or glass bake but it's actually teroa which is a Mexican line I know that Corning had a relationship with them when we we were running the outlet center 30 years ago there's a bunch of American Fostoria American but also some of this looks like White Hall by Indian glass you can tell the difference because the Fostoria is fire polished and the American White Hall is not which means you can still see the seams in the American White Hall let's see under this 1910s Rose plate which is your typical pretty thing is a Fenton Christmas plate I've kind of got a lot of 19 7s biscow but this one seems well painted and oh it's Ethan Allen okay they actually started as a housewares maker back in the 30s before they ever did furniture and they had pieces like that made in Italy and Japan and this English looking plate called Abby is actually by MRI a Dutch company I had a complete set of this particular L pattern with the swirls very very pretty again just not a big market right now old pattern glass PL plates there's just a lot of things in here that are cute but they're the things people collected 30 and 40 years ago that are currently out of style now if you like this sort of thing these prices are great and it's really underlooked in the market right now but as a reseller I have to wait to see a few signs of it coming back before I get too excited about any of these things even though they're quite lovely and I like the reticulation on this and what a cheap price for the whole set well the Willow pattern has come full circle because this set is made in China but that's where the pattern originated let's see oh here we go Easter is coming and if the prices are cheap enough this would be the time to be looking for bunny kins and Beatrix Potter and related cute little animal things and I see that we've got a bowl here and that is a piece that's been made since the 1930s but I suspect these are later was very popular to buy these as gift sets in the 1980s and90s but they will sell around this time of year potentially and let's see what the price for all of them is I see the double handled cup and oh yeah if that's for all three pieces I don't see how we could leave that be but before I pick it up let's look at this Old Paris face oh and there's a neat old paper label we see a lot of these red bordered paper labels from about 1920 that are describing things on the bottom of b h I guess we're having venison tonight very nice in the middle of the kitchen I suppose you can hang your oven mitts on them or something right they do sell though this fish tray seems like something that would sell in Florida and it has the thickness that makes me think it's older and oh wow Hall's China and that's one of their better labels from the 1930s I'm surprised to see this I've actually never seen this piece and I've seen a lot of Hall China and the price seems good I'm going to take a chance on it so there is more upstairs and this is a print one of the Botanicals we see these for each month of the year these were very popular in the 50s let's see what we have here of some nice looking cute Linens be interesting to see if there were any signed ones but oh boy this has definitely been rifled through the dolls don't look like they're anything really interesting oh and there's someone who likes dolls too well here's a 50s era fashion doll similar to the Miss Revlon doll and she has her original dress and shoe so that's a possibility depending on the price and wow lots of Christening gowns lots of children's gowns and clothes I think she was dressing A lot of these dolls this person was really serious about her collecting and there is a ton of cute stuff but I don't have a lot of customers for that type of clothing for children I just don't think people dress their kids that way on the other hand this seems to be kind of from out of nowhere and it's lightweight like an 80s piece and and it is hey it's Sigma The Taste Setter you know I hadn't thought of this brand in years and they actually made cute stuff back in the day and I have a feeling people will be interested in this again hm and the lobster and you know we're in Florida and we get a lot of new englanders down yeah you know this is a I think is going to be an upand Comer so I'm going to go ahead and try these out oh endless dolls needing dressing and be warned collectors if if you have piles and piles of this stuff you're probably never going to get to it all these are newer dolls in the box and I don't really have a customer for those either I don't think very many people do although there are exceptions when you see the newer porcelain dolls you should take a quick look but I know those two are not anything I'm interested in some old doll cases might be something but we'd wait for half off I see a couple of composition I'm actually more interested in whether these quilts are older because they might be the deal in this room and people aren't noticing them these screen painted metal lamps that are to look old were made around 1970 and they'll sell for 25 or 30 definitely I'm looking at these big brass pieces especially when it holds a pillar candle it has some spotting in it and I don't know how to clean it without it being too bright now on the one hand I know from conducting estate sales that you take everything out and you spread it all around so people say oh my goodness how could there be so much stuff in this house but there really was a lot of stuff in this house there's another nice quilt on this old four poster bed again the quilts and the furniture are kind of being ignored as are these deer heads because well deer heads may not fit the local market but the rest of it is just so covered of course as a reseller that makes this a potential Treasure Trove like here's an interesting looking tile table with could be Dutch Tiles at least they're Dutch scenes it looks like sort of a transfer pattern rather than painting though so let's see if we can figure out where this table came from and decide whether it's something that we might want to get I I think right now it's $40 so I would wait till half price but but let's see if it is from Holland maybe the tiles are and the frame isn't um let me get this where we could take a look ah North Carolina well that looks like a 60s or 70s piece where the furniture was made then more quilts up here on the rail the owl is a cute little embroidery I like that one pattern oh some more good quilt tops here I see that they have marked the stair so that we notice that we're walking down and this one's cute with the basket little lamp that's kind of basic it's certainly old and then silver H that silver could be worth it well there is a very handsome Federal style round miror bit too much well this is re and she turns out to be a viewer she is cashiering this estate sale and doing a great job it's been really busy and she said come back on Sunday because they will be doing nice discounts and I see a lot of stuff that's worth coming back for it is always a good idea if you see a good estate sale and some things you can buy now and some things you think are high to give it one more shot when they get to discount day well I'm not the only one who came back to the sale I see a few people ahead of me hopefully they're not here for what I'm after but we will all find out when the door opens at 10:00 for half off day all right well I started first by running to to the children's sewing machines and I have most of them in the box we'll see what kind of a deal they'll do and then I got wandering into a room full of Linens and I now have 150 hankys in my box wasn't expecting that so gu there's going to be more these are the rejects and its you and the rejects are good in a lot of sales at 50 cents a piece I would be buying what I'm leaving behind but there are so many good ones that I was selective and I have that pile on top of that pile so I'm pretty happy already and we just got started this is one of these houses where there's so much stuff that furniture is just going to be missed because it's under everything but this is nice because it has a surface that pulls out as a desk so it's a good thing for a small space it's 1940s 50s vintage very nice carved four poster bed but everyone's focused on the things on the four poster bed so I suspect the four poster bed will still be here along with a lot of the other Furniture I don't really deal in patterns but I see some old ones and hot iron embroidery transfers oh these are transfers well this might be fun to look through for a minute yes indeed some embroidery is not done by hand it's actually a transfer onto the linen and then you would do the embroidery here is a whole box of these and I'm sure there's some great patterns in here for pillowcases this one's cute because it's juvenile stuff for easy to make for easy to make cunning stuffed toys and patches to match for pillowcases for baskets for scarves there's just not a lot of people who do this embroidery anymore and yet here's all these great old patterns with which you could do it here and it looks like a bunch more under there I'm going to leave The Box open so people can see these are here okay the quilts are the same price as they were they're not on sale but this one has a pretty ragged EV so I'm going to leave that I see a 1973 Shirley Temple doll in the middle of this pile right there other than that I don't see anyone who's famous enough under quilt top or this is actually applicated it'd be cute but again this Edge the way it's finished is going to need a lot of cleaning up tons of linen tons of embroidery so many nice things there's just too many if this book about Colt was actually in better shape this one's pretty collectible because it's got a lot of the history and a lot of the old guns this was done in 1978 when when it was it was actually sponsored by the gene atry Heritage Museum because this was about the old days and how Samuel Colt and his Firearms developed a lot of these old pieces are worth a small fortune now we had a nice conversation out front a bunch of us while we were waiting talking about the lady of this house and how she was a very serious quilter and had a lot of friends who were into it as well and they would get together and do a lot of things so a lot of people are here for that I'm actually going to look and see if there's other categories that everyone's ignoring let's take a look at this piece of glass for instance that's Buttons and Bows it's $5 now that's actually a rather old piece people do sometimes like these drafting sets it's $10 at half off these are early American Press glass and they are thick and heavy only $250 50 cents I mean that's 140 years old this piece here as well you know a lot of these patterns I would have to look up in a book because we just don't see it often enough for me to have top of Mind awareness baskets are cute some age not a lot of age the Pheasant is a little bit as is yes yes Sad Iron is cheap enough for $3.50 today lots of little Oilers marel babies that's actually a pretty common one though oo nice and heavy I think I'll leave that down here all right so this is Tera Maria and that has to do with some sort of an AC academic record let's see if we can determine where ah University of Maryland Baltimore schools 1923 my alma modder and look how cute that is the interior and some of these would be really great to take apart I would hate to do that to this one because it's in good shape but that is the fate of a lot of these most of this fabric is 1950s or earlier so this quilt top should date to the 1950s except you always dat a quilt by the latest pieces of fabric and these are a different texture and a lot newer but I love the cat SI eyes it's actually my favorite block so even though that makes this a fairly contemporary quilt technically I still think it's really cool and I'm going to get it and yes quilts were made with whatever they had and that's why you see part of an old flower sack in this block here that makes this one kind of fun and interesting to me chest sets are pretty popular let's see if this has any innards could use a little bit of restaining oh yeah it's a cute little set probably 1970s it's got back gamut on the back you've got dice games and pretty much everything you need cribbage so it's kind of a one- siiz fits-all game board let's see if we can tell when this is made ah like I suspected Taiwan so 1980s gem testing that's something I'd like to do you can read a book and get the equipment and try to teach yourself or you can take a six-month gemologist course and get a certification I would probably need to do that honestly left and double owl here hand painted bis 1970s and oh gosh it's only a150 so I guess I have to get that now we know why people like cats I used to look up at estate sales Moss Brothers was a very famous clothing store here in Tampa in St Petersburg and I'm collecting these hangers now so I need to get one a bunch of old repair Furniture projects and one big old sofa over here in in the corner that I hadn't even noticed that's from about 1910 look at the big carved wing on the bottom this would be a nice restoration candidate because it's actually a modern enough style that people would sit in it comfortably but you'd basically have to have an upholstery shop to make it worth your while holder license plate back from floorida put the county names on and then the new version of course this is not the kind of house people are coming to find liking epic so I'll take that for six bucks younger people are starting to appreciate traditional because they haven't seen it in their life like we're used to you know we just sort of grew up with it and thought it'd always be there they see me oh that's great yes in my family I got the collecting bug and my brother and sister didn't it seems like it skips around yes yes well I think I just sold this for them so I'm going to take it up for the gal who's getting it and hopefully my box will be left alone ah another picnic basket I didn't notice this the other day there's so much in here you're going to miss stuff the first few times around it's got a nice weave looks 1950s don't know what the price is but I'm going to ask very pretty handp painted noriaki sugar and creamer 1920s or 30s era let's see The Mark noriaki with the Mora Brothers Mark for importation to the United States it's says Made in Japan so that's going to be 1930s this is the Minnesota pattern this family was from Minnesota originally 1890s early American Press glass that's what eapg means when you see that on a tag these are pretty pressed faes from about 1900 1910 these are Linux lead crystal nice pieces just not high demand right now where I'm selling and more pretty porcelain here this cup and saucer has a nice shape oh and it's it's Royal Albert that's a decent brand I think we'll just scoop that one right up that's a traditional it's easier to come across carnations are nice this is an interesting piece here because it's a soap dish it's got a different shape and there is your little tray that holds the soap up so that the it doesn't turn into a gooey mess even decorated inside that's a nice little LMO piece marked havlin it's just unusual enough if I don't break the piece inside by moving it around we'll see what the price is if it's inexpensive I think I'll give that a chance and this little box is Royal Copenhagen there's our Mark there just a cute little dresser box again we'll just see what the prices are it comes with junk inside of it but I think I'm going to leave that 2 better well this is why you come back for half off day I spent $400 which is way more than I spent the first day I got 150 plus handkerchiefs I got almost all of the children's sewing machines and they're just great and they sell at shows and I'm very excited to have them I got a neat picnic basket and some little pieces of glass in China I wasn't even thinking about I'm very excited I've got a lot of fresh stock we'll see you again soon if you enjoyed this video check out this one also click thumbs up to like this video and check the description for information about our patreon our memberships we've got a lot of different levels with different perks and bonus videos and early content also please do check out our website the antiqu for appraisal help and we'll see you again for more adventures in the anti- conv ventage community soon bye for now
Channel: The Antique Nomad
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Length: 28min 49sec (1729 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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