I want God, thats all! (L. Ravenhill)

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you see there's one thing that's more attractive than anything a nun gods name I tell you this you never have to advertise a fire whether it's in a man other it's in a church whether it's in the community all we need is men and women on the fire we don't need more money we don't need more organization we don't need broken bankrupt actors to come and sit on the platform of our conferences forget it let's go back to God knowing this first the prophecy of the scripture is no private Institute interpretation for prophecy came not in the old time by the will of man but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost to gather holy men of God spake did you get these as they were moved by the Holy Ghost do you remember that story next 26 into 27 where Paul's on the ship and there were 270 people on it and the ship got in trouble and they threw out the baggage God is looking for men and women full of faith and of the Holy Ghost but it says that when they couldn't do anything with that ship it says what we let her drive that same word in the Greek is used here moved by the Holy Ghost how does the Holy Ghost move does it say in the beginning he moved over the face of the earth there was darkness over the face of the earth there was chaos now - Cassie brought cosmos if he weaves such a petty idea of the Holy Ghost we don't know God it took me six months to prepare to go for six days and then the Lord said no so that's okay so I waited ungodly gave me this word holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost the other thing he gave me as it was in the days of North there's only one answer to the situation in the world today not just America but the world and that's the Holy Ghost revival holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost listen do you think you can get the Holy Ghost to revolutionize your life and stain the status quo if you say you're in a meeting tonight and then the mercy of God he moves on you say tomorrow last night God normed on me in that meeting they changed my life listen there's only one proof of that it changes your lifestyle you can't store it in your mind because you get to know a bit more about the Holy Ghost and life raging on out God allows you to be a walking library he asked you to be a God filled personality listen if you get through with the Holy Ghost you won't Kevin's a snap of the things about the opinion of people whether they like you or how you are different and we make the greatest thing you'll ever learn this side of eternity jesus loves me it's either be totally Christ so I'll be committed to Christ or else get tied up with a harlot Church but what's the next thing the Holy Spirit does he comes on a bunch of men and they were gathered together we're in the upper room and they were filled with the Holy Ghost is here in acts 2:4 Paul prays for the classes they may be filled with the knowledge of his role however you are stumbling around you don't know which way to go you young people I don't know whether God wants on the mission field wants me here wants me there find out God's will and do it get on a boat and go to Hong Kong a King Kong as far as I go as long as you know you're in the will of God all hell won't stand against you and then in Ephesians 3 and verse 19 you remember that fantastic verse it's the most stupendous thing I know of this side of eternity it says you you you are new mortal beings you can be filled with all the fullness of God well that Greek will they be filled with us please actually be being filled with us to it it's not something that happens once it's continually there Jesus says if you are guiding me you will get your prayers answered simply because we use God and you go shopping do you abide in him every day does he tell you to go to a certain place meditate he shows you your whole career crucified you many of your man to be a lawyer and God says you can't be a lawyer but you know most of us are trying to get we want God's maximum blessing on minimum deposits and he doesn't do that God will demand your whole spirit and soul and body he says the Spirit of God I didn't notice Jesus never did anything to the spirits of the Lord was upon him he knew was a son of gathering his trophies of age but he waited till he came up out of job and then what happened oh I want to be filled with the Holy Ghost you clap your hands you shout have a wonderful time wait a minute you told God you want to be like Jesus what happened when Jesus was filled with the Holy Ghost he was immediately led of the Spirit he wasn't letting the devil he was letting to have the spirit for 40 days in the wilderness I prepared for that you can't have God's blessing on your terms but go read on to the next chapter he returned in the power of the Spirit I didn't I didn't return a nervous wreck the devil tempt him for 40 days sexually every way was tempted in all points and the devil never took advantage of him by because he was a god film man how filled was he look at Isaiah chapter 11 in Isaiah chapter 11 john 334 says 1 he was given the stew without measure in John 3 34 but here in Isaiah 11 listen there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse a branch shall grow out of his roots the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him did you hear that the Spirit of the Lord the spirit of wisdom number 2 the spirit of understanding number 3 the spirit of counsel number 4 the spirit of mind mice number 5 the spirit of knowledge number 6 and the fear of the Lord he shall not judge after the sight of the eyes not reproved after the hearing in his ears he shall judge with the righteous judgment command dear friend don't you wish those things were exercised in your church that your preachers are your deacons had the spirit of wisdom the spirit of knowledge the spirit of power the spirit of Revelation of enough coming around is going to happen we don't get that by just going to a meeting for one night you see if this happened in Wesley's day or 100 years ago you say well that's a different day what's different about it human nature is the same isn't it isn't pain the same isn't murder the same isn't grunting that's the same why in god's name going to make excuses hell is the same heavens are saying i hope to win your message burning message on the judgment seat of Christ so holy men of God spake as we were moved by the Holy Ghost but there's never you can be moved emotionally you go down in tangent under meetings remove how many times we make commitments come on commit yourself to get a bit more commit yourself to prayer bit more commit yourself through this you can commit yourself a hundred times how many times does a nun get crucified that's one commitment preachers not to say oh we had a lovely Sunday morning people have been coming to the don't mean a thing to come to the front anymore and one day I had to go over town to a plane called orange grove and just when I went in the pulpit I'm standing in the place where the gustas top lady stood remember he wrote to him Rock of Ages cleft for me so boy when I gonna prove it I put my feet down that hell up from pit time and I'll sing that one phrasing out him be of sin the double cure do you know why we've had known revivals there isn't an evangelist from Billy Graham down word that has a message with a double cure Wesley says I went here I went there into Manchester I went to London and I often then Christ holy men moves that were moved by the Holy Ghost spake as they were moved so I got a bed at nine get up at 12 or 1 or 2 wait I'm gone then moved as they will move by the Holy Ghost listen let me tell you one of two things will happen if you get through the Holy Ghost I do prayer life will be revolutionized is something else will would you like to be a preacher do you want to know the secret of preaching here it is in first Peter a first chapter verse 11 searching what or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which is in them did signify when it testified beforehand of the sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow do you see that the stuffing and then the glory okay and to them it was revealed but not unto ourselves and themselves but unto us they did minister to you by then that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven most preaching today's rhetoric and logic and historic stuff but there's no true preaching unless the Holy Ghost upon it the Holy Ghost is creative do you remember a song that stars will the world is some things don't answer I would be like Jesus be like Jesus is my song in the home and in the song be like Jesus all day long I would be like these worldly fetters Chantell throw me but why did he watch TV so much the biggest curse in America of the world is TV Romans 9 where Paul prays were the most amazing but I wish myself accursed he didn't say he says I call the Holy Ghost to bear witness how many times new pray and coma Holly goes to bear witness he not prints because what the people pray he not praying because the pastor's there and he may be impressed with your prayer I mean I was excited to pray alone as you are in a meeting do you clap your hand when you worship alone are doing just do it publicly I went through easing a while ago to preach when I got there there was 1,400 people there as I came in from the back of the auditorium there were five six you five young women and they were where the hair was down they were tossing it this way and going to the ground touching the ground with the head crossed okay I know and they were clapping and singing if more than I could take when I get up I said listen you young women there you're supposed to lead the worship do you do that at home in your bedroom what is in exhibition I in just there professionally there's then a little rail worship I'll tell you that I believe the highest form of worship is silence I can't even speak I believe the highest form of Prairie's it speechless I preached number of times in the Carnegie Hall in Pittsburgh and this miss to come and preach on the Friday mornings and I preached on the Tuesday night when she had a healing meeting there was the room the room to stand that's all the gallery was Pat when I preached on holiness Tuesday night hadn't anybody in the gallery they were all down here so somebody said one day rather why did it take raining on your staff she didn't want me I don't care about that they see the saying Batwa jeez give Jesus give them lobs and fishes they run after him but when he laid down the conditions this is the way you entered bless of the poor in spirit blessed the meek who wants to go that way Jesus the man who said My Kingdom is not of this world ended up on a cross stark naked all the artists don't paint him like that it's too humiliating but that was the law and that must be publicly exhibited there in nakedness and anybody can curse him you can soldiering on him you can spit on him he has no rights one sees on the cross and that's the man who leads us into a kingdom well let me tell you something there's no other way into the kingdom of that way you've got to sell all your hair you'll have to lose a hundred friends you have to stop feasting inducement fasting these dyes of yours or mascara will be much good the tears will count and and you'll be in trouble the man that teaches you that the Holy Ghost is only enjoying for he does not think about the Holy Ghost I'm trying to warn you the way heading for trouble I'm going to let me tell you this dear friend with all the churches and everything we have God G or D is n ot not on trial in this critical hour in history God is not on trial his chances on trial I could almost my thinking reason and I said listen tell me this I know you've written stacks of book on theology I know that a hundred and twenty Pentecostal churches in Dallas and of you know so there you are the e said no there are not 70 million Pentecostals I said he's a Pentecostal man that's full of the Holy Ghost and speaks in tongues yes he said there were 120 million of them in the world I almost know these hand over but I said oh brother tell me this were there a hundred and twenty million in the upper wrong oh oh no I said what's the difference we let their baptism of the Holy Ghost in yours who cares a hill of beans if you speak in tongues if you're bad-tempered if you're jealous if you get the last ounce of money out of some of the last hands of work out there somebody come on with a million lives removed from apostolic Christianity when he casts out demons that demon said Jesus we non-core we know come on are you known in hell I don't care who knows me they need something when demons say Jesus we know and Paul we know come on young creature I'm Gossett ambitious to be known in hell also going to be known anywhere else you please better than Billy Graham you preach peddling stones or so out you but you can't have the Holy Ghost without revolution one of the most amazing men we've forgotten about was George Fox and George Fox was filled with the Holy Ghost he had to go to prison that he often he's going down the street one day God says take his shoes off so he took them off to shove them under the head raise your hand and walk through town shatter the top of your voice go on - let's find out bloody City and when Martha and I used to go through I you say Martha George Fox went through this city with his hand raised he went through the city crying warned - let's feel that bloody City some months after he pulled up in a house at night they were expecting to dinner and the master of the house said the maids are not ready yet in the chef's in a big house he said woody will you please sit in my library and read a little so George Fox went in he took down one of the big tones they were all leather-bound you know big things and he took the book down and opened it and as we opened it he saw in big letters Old English litchfield and he thought well that's when I walked through the city barefoot crying want to let's feel huh bloody City why did God let me open here so he opened at Litchfield and he read what it said there 200 years before George frogs walked through that town 200 Christians were Martha they will cook to death in the very marketplace where he went and God says to him their blood cries from the ground through you what an experience because he lives you know a wonderful song in that brain I think he calls him I can face tomorrow all because he lives off it all fear is gone I know oh he holds and life is worth the living just because he lives oh you seen again you almost got it because sing it I can face tomorrow because ah I know I know oh hey I life is war just because he lives look at the end of the gospel recorded by Luke read verse 45 then opened he their understanding that they might understand the scriptures and he said this is his written this is his belief to suffer the Christ must suffer and rise the third day and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among the nations and the awareness of the undie whole listen listen now I send you the promise of my father that tarry now in one breath he says go and the other breath he says tell me what had happened they'd seen Jesus they give you a piece of the honeycomb to eat they had breakfast with him they talked with him they listened to him they saw him they touched him well it's nothing now can't he go into all the world and preach the gospel and somebody says well how do you know Jesus in the light because I gave a piece of my honeycomb because I shook hands with him because I touched him because I heard him pray no that's not enough that's number one miracle the second is this and he led them out as far as Bethany he lifted up his hands and blessed them and they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem were continuing the temple leaping and praising God you see des the two most stupendous things one he's risen from the dead and then while they're watching him just as he reversed nature to come into the world without a father he reverts the reverse is the law of gravity and he goes up they'd seen him risen from the dead they break bread with him they unmeet with him they had honeycomb with him and now they seemed going up a long enough do you think a thousand demons could say you never did talk to Jesus you never did eat with him but Jesus says you need more than for the emotional stirring you need the Holy Ghost I want to be a godly wandering to be somewhere the style of heavenly is going to fall people are going to go out totally transformed without one these rites we know without one desire to have an increase of anything there's not a preacher in the world I envy only a hundred and twenty through the Holy Ghost move by the Holy Ghost you they wait in the approve they were filled with joy they went they said he's risen and he's ascended to heaven he's going to send us her father's gift the Holy Ghost and they waited what do you think that in each day they said what we've been waiting 40 days you're only ten months ago they knew how many days doubts away and he came down to the last day how do you think they give up that morning and then suddenly the Holy Ghost but when the Holy Ghost came on Mary she gave birth when the Holy Ghost came on then they gave birth they went out they turn the world upside down didn't have any financial backers didn't ask for offerings when you God full of faith full of the Holy Ghost no room for anything else no room for pride knodel's agreed no rules for promotion no room for ambition no mood desire to be known I want God that's all I can't I wish I could I can revive us beside the verse you something my barber would have been amazing don't know better dad but their aim of our finish with it my goal is God Himself not joy not peace not even blessing but it's me my god and then it finishes up by any road at any cost are you prepared to nice I'm not gonna ask you to come here you've come out how many times you've been to the front and wept and groaned and committed this and committed that forget it go to your room tonight and die we don't want men to come and teach us neither sick we want you to teach us to die but there may be an outpouring of the Spirit the coming out putting any other way the devil is afraid of men for the Holy Ghost men who have no vision by a vision for God and vision for holiness no passion for the lost now will Christ are tall I want more than all in the iphone says Wesley can you really say that tonight I'm not going to I'm not going to sing about him and stir you emotionally I'm asking you to go home and go to your hotel and get alone and think over this message read again and say Lord I want to be moved by the Holy Ghost listen if he's going to come in other things have to go out every error of you which is unclean he will purge every obstruction he will take away Neil camp and from today you'll have divine wisdom and if I understanding the bond strength father Oh God give us an appetite greater than our appetite for food our appetite for fellowship keep your hand upon us bless these precious folk Lord may we be able to say as we leave this place tonight I was not this obedient to the heavenly vision rend the heavens and come down in Jesus name you you you
Channel: kingjesuscomes
Views: 125,778
Rating: 4.8860879 out of 5
Keywords: leonard ravenhill, fire of God, fire of pentecost, I want God thats all, Holy Spirit, Upper room, fire upper room, dying to self
Id: ZtbPnRqkXW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 7sec (1987 seconds)
Published: Mon May 09 2016
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