Moved by the Holy Ghost 1991 by Leonard Ravenhill

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I think it's 80 years tomorrow afternoon since I first went to a Saturday meeting I was four years of AIDS to a guess how old I am and I remember 60 years ago spending an afternoon with the most distinguished woman preacher in the world her name was Katherine booth she was the daughter of the founder of the Salvation Army William Booth but just a few weeks ago I spent some time my precious Martha with a woman that I think is the most anointed woman in the world today she hasn't lectures no no penny she hasn't got two dresses nobody on the staff owns a car she lives in a room 15 feet by 15 a bathroom is four feet by four with a toilet there she has a little chapel a drip of water as big as your fingers he catches water with it and warms it put some soap on the head and throws the water over her head and that's the shower she has the Queen the other day when she was in where was she in Miami she didn't drop in to see us but anyhow she helped misters what are you going to stroke cough Schwarzkopf cancer she gave him a nice hood once he doesn't give that to ladies she gives them an MD a member of the business empire together the egg me eats a Jackie pullings worth who I think is the most anointed woman in the world today I mean to listen to her we started our meeting with 2,500 people in three days we had 9,000 people there in the Civic Center in Anaheim and she just reduced the whole place to tears and brokenness there's no thunder and shouting and draw voting in all that business but one thing amongst others a group that really stuck in my heart was this she said there's only one place in the world where today they're having revivals you know where it is in America God's left America long ago we million dollar Crusades and nothing happens we've got million dollar Crusades for 25 years you don't tell me one city does have revival through them we are 500 evangelists in America we don't have one revivalist evangelist seek popularity prophet shun it the thing was this well she said they're having revival in China okay and this is the country remember that mr. Bush is trying to get us to link up with and she says our young people look at these young ladies here tonight they go down the street they go to a gospel meeting and disappear and they haven't been seen since the Communists keep gathering up landlords with young people and take them away they disappear no politician is going to say that I'd tell mr. Bush if I got half a chance but we want some cheap cotton or something from over there we've nothing to take over there in fact some of the people over there say don't bring us American evangelism one man said recently young Americans come over here they show they bring their guitars they sing for three days and buy they go to American living luxury but Jackie you stay with us and she said I'm looking at the walls she said a man came out of prison recently he'd been there twenty seven years for preaching the gospel and when he came out is his face was the color of the wall he had been in solitary confinement for years and people said news ahead he's coming back to his village he didn't have a Bible under his arm he didn't have a little cassette he just walked down the village street and the whole village came and repented they knelt in the street and cried to God there's a Christian there's an honour for 26 years and been in prison he's been beaten he's been without food his be without he'd been inside the confinement and yet the glory of God has on him isn't even what the other glory of God by coming to a meeting she almost gone so those of us will go from meeting to meeting to meeting I tell you when I listen to that woman I felt like well I have to follow her preaching as a matter of fact and that never felt as well I always feel unworthy preaching anyhow but to follow that amazing woman I'll tell you how it happened she was English too as you would imagine and she said to a vicar in the Church of England I'm tired of giving a dollar for missions I'm tired of stand up sit down say a prayer do something what should I do and off the cuff II said get on a boat and wherever it stops get off and stay the rest of your life she did that 19 years of age playing a classic low ball in the kinetically the Philharmonic there and little thinking that won't up old boy was going to meet anyhow let me say this she got on the balls it starts here it stop there stop to singapore's stop somewhere else then it stopped in hong kong and she got off the boat she was 19 years bates he's still there at 44 she goes to the gutter most Martha said to her in our house Jackie was the most difficult thing you had she smiles so sweetly and she said Martha I'm a very public because I love people I love people but I love quietness my biggest difficulty when I went to Hong Kong was to share my bedroom for 18 years with prostitutes sometimes threaded threaded on the floor sometimes after doesn't mean some time criminals the most wicked men that there are but she's so live there that people say if you want to see a Christian go see Jackie I say no when I was talking to her I was thinking oh nice i sat with the daughter William Booth she was about 20 years of age she wasn't very athletic she had the curvature of the spine the scene inhabited from her mother and William Booth of course used to kick everybody to the ends of the earth but he said to his children don't you go so Catherine the second Catherine said I'm going to France she went to the underworld of France and rented their building there and within three weeks had revival professors from the small born whether these long bid it wise men of the world prostitutes were there men would come to they also take daggers out of the socks take guns out of the socks and kneel that and weep and their these title ladies of England left their stately homes you see there's one thing that's more attractive than anything a nun God's name I tell you this you never have to advertise a fire whether it's in a man whether it's in a church whether it's in the community all we need is men and women on the fire we don't need more money we don't leave more organization we don't need broken bankrupt access to come and sit on the platform of our conferences forget it let's go back to God well there's my introduction shall outcries now I could talk all night about Jackie but I want let me give you a text and do something with it from the second letter of Peter second Peter chapter one have you got it now I'm reading from the NIV the never improved version King James King James are never improve emeritus NID oh you just woke up thank you please you're a sweetie not asleep steak a little Peter chapter one and verse twenty annoying this first the prophecy of the scripture is no private Institute interpretation for prophecy came not in the old time by the will of man but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost to gather what the prophets prophets the holy men prophets the lonely men profits are Longley men prophecy directs prophets are daring prophets the difficult in the last two years I've traveled much of the country in conferences up to eight to nine thousand people with some of the most famous so-called prophets in the world today then people say do you have any prophets like Jeremiah no we don't these are prophets of God you see the little church I went through in England they thought was very popular in England at the time they used to make the difference and say this neither lead on TV and you have years ago the difference between the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament and the Holy Spirit in the New Testament in the Old Testament he was with them and in the New Testament he was then that's not true look at the First Epistle of Peter and the first chapter verse 9 1 Peter 1 verse 9 preceding the end of your faith even the salvation of your souls and which salvation the prophets have been crimes such diligently and prophesied of the grace that should be unto you searching what or what manner of time the spirits of Christ which was in then the spirit was in them then look for a moment at the 3rd chapter of Acts and those 22 take that verse I think it is now that's not the text I want it which menace yes I'll find it now axe 322 okay Moses listen Moses truly said unto you a prophet your Lord your God shall raise up of your brethren like unto me isn't that astounding if Jesus said that if Jesus said there was a prophet like me in his name was Moses only one thing but God says is a man called Moses and the Beast somebody raised up eventually who is like Moses what was Moses he was an intercessor he prayed like no other man that ever lived except Jesus but let's go back again to that verse in 2nd Peter 1 holy men of God spake did you get these as they were moved by the Holy Ghost do you remember that story next 26 into 27 where Paul's on the ship and there were 270 people on it and the ship got in trouble and they threw out the baggage they threw out the lifeboats they threw out everything they have it's a type of the church that's in darkness and going to further darkness we're going to throw everybody on the board three years from now your money won't be worth a dime not even the gold you stashed away we're going into the greatest tribulation the world has ever known and the church isn't ready for it and my prayer is the same as their joys tonight I mean I should be in Hong Kong tonight actually I took go from Hong Kong to Taiwan Taiwan to New Zealand New Zealand to someone else but I'm where God wants me that's all that matters to me tonight to be here where God is to say something to share something which is superior important to you God is looking for men and women full of faith and of the Holy Ghost but it says that when they couldn't do anything with that ship it says what we let her drive that same word in the Greek is used moved by the Holy Ghost how does the Holy Ghost move does it say in the beginning he moved over the face of the earth there was darkness over the face of the earth there was chaos now that Cousy brought cosmos what about these men here what do you do with men like Zechariah what did you with man like Elijah what do you do with men like Isaiah these are awesome men if he weaves that to pet the idea of the Holy Ghost we don't know God I'm going to speak either tomorrow night or Sunday morning I don't know which one a message God gave me you see that I was taught as a little boy in England and I got a lot of wisdom there man proposes but God disposes now last year I was ready to go to London to preach in the London arena at 11,000 people night a friend of mine rented it for a hundred and sixty eight thousand for four days who can our three meetings a day and I anticipated going cup people coming from Australia New Zealand India all the evangelical preacher Ryota were going to be there and then suddenly I didn't feel well enough to go so I saw what I'm not doing but then I wanted to know why did God not let me go because I don't go to a meeting and preach I'm not on hire another taxi cab so I come here this weekend it took me three men months to prepare if you give me a hundred thousand dollars you won't pay me it took me six months to prepare to go for six days and then the Lord said no so that's okay so wait you're ungodly gave me this word holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost the other thing he gave me which I was fair to modernize a Sunday morning as it was in the days of law do you know this is most correct this is the most critical crisis America or the world never been in once it say in the Bible in the last days they'll be what's the scripture use their mouth of without [Music] Martha remember a minute what with the window exits without Oh perfectly was the scripture though I forgot leavin what it is and one of those blanks came up right now okay but it talks about the last days there be troubles in the world anyhow without without with perplexities in other words there's no way out there's no way out why in god's name are we buying the needs of Gorbachev he's a bloodiest man in the world he supervises the rape of Afghanistan for 10 years he supervised the rape of Romania for the few years that they are part he was behind the terrible massacre in San inium Square last year in China he got his legs under the table in the White House for the first time in history right before him all homosexuals under meal there that's never happened in history going downhill how much quicker can we go there's only one answer to the situation in the world today not just America but the world and that's the Holy Ghost revival if we don't do that without the biggest bloodshed in history and so I just would give attention to what God wants us to hear tonight holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost well as I said I didn't go to that meeting but I was on a plane with Martha in January of this year going to the conference in New York and I know no normal Council in New York a conference in California and I just looked out of the plane I saw what look like sheets and sheets or acres or miles and miles of snow and I nudged mouth I said darling look at this snow and then the captain said look to the right window and you'll see the white sands of New Mexico and I thought boy they look good and just like that this text came into my mind move by the Holy Ghost and then the most stupendous thing [Music] look at the gospel recorded by Luke for a mini winner what happened to you convent let me ask you a question supposing as you were getting ready this morning packing your bag or putting gas in your car sir an angel who came and stood to the side of you and began to commit it in your audio Oscar it's visa would you say are you really named Joe we're not used to seeing angels well here it says in the first chapter of the gospel coded by Saint Luke now look at verse 28 the angel came in unto her and said hail thou art highly favoured the Lord is with thee even as something an angel comes from having to tell a young woman the Lord is with thee but wait a minute look at those 35 the Holy Ghost will come upon thee and the crown of the high school Saturday that holy thing which should be one of these would be called the Son of God come on how many times you read that it doesn't make that much - they shall want to wakes up in the morning she's an honorary woman who is empty the Holy Ghost comes upon her and at nighttime who always filled with God what do you think she felt like she goes to a boyfriend and says Joseph have got something to tell you darling and he says why is it that ain't important because I've got something to do it no no no no no this nobody in history that I have this what do you mean she said have you ever read the ninth chapter have you heard the rabbi the pre high priest in Temple reading the ninth chapter of Isaiah when it says a virgin shall be with child I said well darling I've heard that a hundred times she's around that one no she didn't say that she wasn't allowed to say what you thinking you thought us your belly begins to swell she gets bigger than thinking of big and says well I want to ask you but I didn't ask you said well I can't tell you anything I can't tell you anything and then she goes from him and she has to tell the high priest can you imagine the gossip listen do you think you can get the Holy Ghost to revolutionize your life and stay in the status quo if you say you're in a meeting tonight and then the mercy of God he moves on you say tomorrow last night God normed on me in that meeting it changed my life listen there's only one proof of that it changes your lifestyle you can't store it in your mind because you get to know a bit more about the Holy Ghost and life waiting on us God allows you to be a walking library he asked you to be a God filled personality what do you think was in Jerusalem somebody says I want to tell you something you won't believe this in all these soldiers that campground and the world at that time hundreds of soldiers camp around Jerusalem and you know Mary which Mary there's a hunger Mary's go to the temple you know Holy Mary another one always goes in the corner she always prays with that woman a hundred years of age Hannah is that something a woman went to church every day to live for 80 years and then of your time that singing went and prayed every day all the old people go up in that corner there's old swimming with his long beard with in his eyes I'm not going to diet if I see the salvation of God you know in the last three years people have come from seven different there isn't many countries to my office and without knowing it each of them will show me your simian you're not going to die to revival killed oh that's great I'm willing to hang around a couple more years just as long as Social Security doesn't run house no I don't have a newsletter E for the monthly that's okay I'm trying to trust the Lord anyhow why what's the news well you know my my my brother-in-law's friendly with a high priest and he says that Mary you know little Mary does all Kandra girls are getting pregnant with all these soldiers run about Mary Mary says he's carrying a baby and Joseph isn't the father watches she said Joseph down no no no she just says no man did this I got no meeting with the man at all once he adds blasphemy to it she says God did this you get filled with the Holy Ghost you lose a lot of your friends and then you have to say God did this that's not one way to get it rid of your husband by the way but we don't think of that doing the Holy Ghost should come up do you think she knew that the Holy Ghost had come upon Allah did he see she came up next money with her hands on the tummy and saying the Christ of God is in me and the only woman in history that would ever have this privilege that's wonderful maybe she didn't sleep for a night or two that the good gossip is round town or Mary I saw today you know she smiles and sister gracious and you know she acts as though she doesn't even know what's happening and she's pregnant a single girl like her I've always told my daughter I hope you'll be like Mary there has been a row model sees at every meeting that spiritual she never missed the feast of Passover at Tabernacles anything else and now she's in this mess boy that gave the gossips a lot of stuff to talk about and she looks back and says well how many times I've been in the in the temple and I've heard them read the ninth chapter of Isaiah a virgin shall be with but I couldn't believe nor me supposing I say that there's another Jackie pulling her hair so now do you think so he's got in the same business he found a 19 year old girl with a university degree from a middle-class family that today might be married with a bunch of children and living in a mansion in England then she lives in a raucous hellhole in the world she goes out till 11 o'clock at night she goes down an alley and at the end of the alley 20 feed these racy sleeves she claps he goes down 10 feet stamps her feet claps her hands so the rats won't get in the house when she opens the door she has to drag them back and she goes out and she finds women can you imagine there are women in Hong Kong at sixty years of age the prostituted for 45 years do you know hates Jackie the most in Hong Kong the professional missionaries they want so smaller hands she doesn't say everybody should be like me but thank god there's a model there even though well I'll tell you what happened one night a bunch of guys came into a meeting place we through the chairs through the windows they smashed the doors and tore the place up they passed their dung off and picked it up and smell it all over the walls and they went out and she came in to see the place racket ruin and all the chair broke and all the sacrificial money spend and the places program and and human experience on the wall distant like ask in all she did was wash it off the men that they did other had a sudden laughs and they went back to one of the greatest bandits in the nation they went to the den of the worst rottenness wicked men that murder and rape it's their lifestyle and they roam and do every dumbing thing they can do and they went back and said to the chief you know we got in Jackie's place tonight and we feel bad now we broke the place that we broke all the chairs we brought on the tables we smash the windows and the bandits said go back and apologize they said what go back and tell you sorry you don't understand I mean doesn't have isn't the chair just a thought there isn't a thing which smacks everything that's my table be smashed we can't go back to Jackie she won't forgive us here's a man who can cut your throat without spitting Rachel daughter in front of the eyes spin the money blast everything you have and when the good they saw the rascal says we can't go back to Jackie he says about the graça he said she won't forgive us and then it says this this dirty filthy man whose hands are running with blood says go tell Jackie oh sorry but she won't forgive us she hostile she's a Christian is not something an abandoned knows and and we don't know it dear God we get offended because the pastor went tries to run the house in the same street missed us how easily we offended her yes yes it's very nice when she says our little thing inside of me is the Redeemer of the world he's prophet priest and King he's the only one the holy ghost ever conceived in history is the only one that will be conceived that way okay that's very nice but what would you do when he comes through this second chapter in Luke listen to this verse 34 says simeon blessed and said may be his behold this child is set for the rising again of many in Israel and for a sign which to be fought against a sword shall pierce through thine own soul do you hear that this woman who had heard of it time and time again she heard the high priest quoting the ninth chapter of Isaiah but she had also heard the high priest cross up Isaiah 53 was the same as I 53 now do you remember thank you he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities it she's bearing that man that's going to bear the sin of the world she's going to see him on the cross naked she's going to see a man that walks from and now I'm penniless like precious Jackie does you talk about prophets do you know Plato as a prophet did not play to a prophesied long before Jesus born Plato said one day God will come to this world with their feet he'll have no home it'll be a homeless penniless man and we won't know him and it came to pass what do you think people said when they saw the belly on that little get a look at dirty travel netting around with her soldiers she talks about holiness and gets pregnant she talks about fasting a nice years she'll never bring that charge is too small and everything they said every damnable thing about what did she care listen if you get through with the Holy Ghost you won't Kevin's a snap of the things about the opinion of people whether they like your hair you are different and we make in that big conference one day nine thousand people said let's sing a chorus maybe you some of you know it jesus loves me this I know do you know the one you know ecstasy about it they understand that says fifty years ago the greatest thing you'll ever learn this side sanity's jesus loves me the Apostle Paul said he loved me and gave himself for me I don't care if he died for the world I don't care if he died fern said she loved me bloody man going down the road my hands running when blood and he transformed him evading the greatest mother his day maybe the greatest man that ever lived after Jesus Christ so Mary hasn't it would you like God to give you an unveiling of your life from here to the end do you know will happen in another 25 years in America people will be crucified in the streets for following the lamb if you won't join the Roman Catholic Church they'll burn you to death or something I had always done but they're still doing in South America that battle is coming up it's either be totally Christ's or be committed to Christ or else get tied up with a harlot Church filled Nellie was filled physically too but what's the next thing the Holy Spirit does he comes on a bunch of men and they were gathered together we're in the upper room and they were filled with the Holy Ghost is here in acts 2:4 but you know why do we get stuck there I made a quick note of this just yesterday always filled with the Holy Ghost acts 2:4 but it says in the sixth chapter do you remember it says about Stephen Ames a man full of what no before that full of faith lots of people follow the Holy Ghost but not full of faith and of the Holy Ghost he said in Philippians 1 with filled of the fruits of righteousness Paul prays of the Glassons they may be filled with the knowledge of Israel however you are stumbling around you know which way to go you young people I don't know whether God won from the mission field wants me here wants me there find out God's will in do it get on a boat and go to Hong Kong a King Kong as far as I go as long as you know you in the will of God all hell won't stand against you and they said in 2 Corinthians 7:4 that they were filled with comfort and then in Ephesians 3 and verse 19 you remember that fantastic verse I remind you of it as somebody to preach on it will you it's the most stupendous thing I know of this side of infinity it says you knew your new mortal beings you can be filled with all the fullness of God can you fill what's already through without emptying it no yes you can okay I put all the lights out in this room oh let's say a couple of hours ago maybe there wasn't anybody in it and people start coming in the room was empty you fill it with people the room was full of their otherwise they couldn't breathe then we put on a switch we fill it with light it's full of people it's full of air it's full of light we can turn up the switch and we can fill it with heat it's full of people it's full of light it's full of warmth and eyes take a sprain I can fill it with perfume it's filled and filled and fill well that Greek will there be filled with us please actually be being filled with us to it it's not something that happens once it's continually there Jesus says if you are guiding me you will get your prayers answered simply because we use God as you go shopping do you abide in him every day does he tell you to go to a certain place and meditate he shows you your whole career crucified you many of your mind to be a lawyer and God says you can't be a lawyer you make up your mind to get married and God said you can do that I went to a conference from years ago walked up to the front and there were about eight hundred college people there and as I bowed in prayer somebody just grabbed my Nina looks that most godless girl I've ever seen I think gorgeous cheeks and bright eyes and said you remember me said sure I do I remember you she said you remember you preached on eyes last six one night whoa logo I said sure I remember her she said well I went home and the Lord spoke to me and she said you said wait before God he told us of a vision of eternity a vision of God a vision of deity a vision of the prophecy of vision of duty and said I went home and I prayed and God said now forget all about any courtship for the next three years pray and study at meditate and say I just said that Lord this boyfriend I love he's the most handsome man in all the university he won't be single another month the girls will be after him I said what happens yet oh he's wonderful and she said look he's coming here comes a man across modern young man that's mustache tall handsome like me and know like somebody else and she said well mr. Remo I want to tell you something when I went home that night I made a place to God all right I'll never talk to a boy again and never have a date with the young man until you release me to meet that fellow he went home and the Lord said friends forget all about that pretty girl for three years I was take care of her and she said we met just recently I haven't dated everybody in three years the undead anybody in three years and each of us said God has kept us and so we're going to get married so there you are cancel your relationship with a boyfriend not with your husband just with your boyfriend but all you know most of us are trying to get we want God's maximum blessing on minimum deposits and he doesn't do that God will demand your whole spirit and soul and body he says the Spirit of God I think notice Jesus never did anything to the spirits of the Lord was upon him he knew was a son of gathering his trophies of age but he waited till he came up out of job and then what happened oh I want to be fill the Holy Ghost you clap your hands we shall have a wonderful time wait a minute you told God you want to be like Jesus what happened when Jesus was filled with the Holy Ghost he was immediately led of the Spirit he wasn't letting the devil he was letting to have the spirit for 40 days in the wilderness I have prepared for that you can't have God's blessing on your terms but go read on to the next chapter he returned in the power of the spirit I didn't I didn't return a nervous wreck the devil tempt him for 40 days sexually every way was tempted in all points and the devil never took advantage of him by because he was a god field man how filled was he look at Isaiah chapter 11 in Isaiah chapter 11 John 3:34 says what he was given the spirit out measure in John 334 but here in Isaiah 11 listen there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse a branch shall grow out of his roots the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him did you hear that the Spirit of the Lord the spirit of wisdom number 2 the spirit of understanding number 3 the spirit of counsel number 4 the spirit of mine mites number 5 the spirit of knowledge number 6 and the fear of the Lord he could not judge up to the sight of the eyes nor approved after the hearing in his ears even judge with righteous judgment command dear friend don't you wish those things were exercised in your church that your preachers are your deacons had the spirit of wisdom the spirit of knowledge the spirit of power the spirit of Revelation of enough coming around 1 going to happen but you don't get that by just going to a meeting for one night remember he came out of the ivory palaces into a world of wall can you imagine the heaven of heavens cannot contain God and yet God compresses him into the matrix of a woman but do you think he felt like in that black chamber of that woman's womb breather six of us are cherubim and Seraphim falling down before him we sang tonight and he's to the cherubim and Seraphim he's in a black chamber where nobody talks nobody hears he shut up in the womb of a blessing woman by the name of the Virgin Mary he's not all strawberries and cream oh I hear people say oh I'd like to Jack you pull injure would you like to live in a hellhole like that would you like go down that alley at night and you can't trust that this way because of the pile of human excrement you can't step that way because there's blood somebody's had half his head cut off there's a girl there with the breasts out trying to feed a baby the man there smoking pot smoking from a big pipe how come he's been smoking for 50 years who wants to live like that you see if this happened in Wesley's day or a hundred years ago you say well that's a different day what's different about it human nature is the same isn't it isn't pain the same isn't murder the same isn't grunting that's the same why in god's name do we make excuses hell is the same heavens are saying I hope to bring your message burning message on the judgment seat of Christ and it may very painful for me to deliver true but by the grace were going to deliver that so holy men of God spake as we were moved by the Holy Ghost but there's never you can be moved emotionally you go to Allentown uganda meetings remove how many times make commitments come on commit yourself to get a bit more commit yourself to pray a bit more commit yourself through this you can commit yourself 400 times a lot of times does a man get crucified that's one commitment preachers love to say oh we had a lovely Sunday morning people have been coming to that don't mean a thing to come to the front anymore I was raised in the wholeness church whether at least twice you enter the alternates only twice when you got saved in the same time to be sanctified or crucified if you like it's not coming every weekend what the hell what good is it do I remember preaching in the lovely Church in London I was preaching at the London Kazik and one day I had to go over town to a plain cow Orange Grove certificates of England very beautiful it had stained glass windows and a lovely pulpit and just when I went in the pulpit one of the men in the church said you know we used to standard this pulpit when you grip the pulpit and put your feet down just say to yourself I'm standing in the place where the gustas top ladies stood remember he wrote to him Rock of Ages cleft for me so boy when I going to prove it I put my feet down that hell appropriate time and I'll sing that one phrase in our hymn be of sin the double cure do you know why we've had no revivals there isn't an evangelist from Billy Graham down word that has a message with a double cure Wesley says I went here I went there I went to Manchester I went to London and I offered then Christ we don't offer people Christ rather than forgiveness rather than peace we of those forgiveness we have the heaven please pardon and prosperity that damnable teaching that we have oh well money is a proof that God is with you well the Mafia must be very happy they must be the most blessed man in the world a mafia if that's a proof of blessing a mafia multi millionaire I tell you before God I don't covet the Ministry of any man on God's earth right now if I want to be like anybody won't be like Jackie I said I'm going to come to Hong Kong I'm going to sweep the floor there and one thing I'm going to do nobody's ever how many visitors the absolute oh we've millions they come citing the BBC Ning when sent a hole through and took pictures and showed it all over the TV's facing England in England was checking to the roots and attaining them going to the wall city as its call we're all advices because they then tell us whole story but in fact that I've seen a person is consumed in God it surely is Jackie I said Jackie to me you're the living evidence of 1 Corinthians 13 love that beareth all things believeth all things you've not only got the second mile you got a twenty second mile everybody in Hong Kong know she is to the evangelical world what Mother Teresa is to the Catholics a mother Teresa takes all of you inside knowledge you saw in India she goes and gets older dying keep in the gutter Jackie gets all the people are going to hell but she can get publicity she's got that love that beareth all things hopeth all things endureth all things she said one night just she's getting into bed it's about 2:00 in the morning the phone rang hello hello can I help you Oh mr. Jackie miss Jackie miss Jackie I mean that is big trouble one sees as you've seen pictures of these Chinese girls of such lovely faces and this girl was a beauty amongst beauties and she came to see Jackie before this and Jackie says darling you're exceptionally beautiful now I've been here 30 odd years now I'll tell you what will happen some rich man in this town will come and it will give you Jules you give you a cars to give you servants you live like a good husband for week and then when he's had his sexual satisfaction in her new house he won't want you oh no no no no no no this man this man he was the nicest thousand dollar suits he was the best Jules he is the richest man maybe in Hong Kong and he wants to marry me so he sees at four o'clock in the morning Jackie Jackie this is all so she could you could you help me she wise he was my husband beat me up at my I'm all bloody my lips were swollen I can't speak and she said he says if I don't take him $1,500 by tomorrow night she'll kill me and I know he will he's done that thing before so Jackie there's nobody in Hong Kong I know has $1,500 and she said darling I don't have 15 but Miss Jackie I mean all the world knows about you well I'm sorry I don't have $15 well what can do Jackie said I'll tell you on what's the deadline it's tomorrow night at 6:00 or whatever it was all right don't worry my God answers prayer I don't have $15 but I'll get you 1,500 by tomorrow night so she went to pray and she said Lord what do I do this girl will be killed and the Lord said she be killed tomorrow night between 6:00 and 7:00 unless you give her $1,500 what can I do well you brought an old beau from England she still plays in the Hong Kong Philharmonic to have access to them take it all boys nan teak it's worth a lot of money she goes in town as money buys and instruments and these that she says he says Jackie what have you got she said I need money and all I have is this oval always says that that's an antique and that's worth a lot of money but well I I can't really give you what you should have Miss Jackie but I will give you $1,500 for it she said well thank you and she took it to the girl and the girl of course said Oh nobody does anything like that that just give you a tracks and saying jesus loves you and they leave you another day she went to see a lady had about six children and had many clothes they drags and the Lord said well you see those girls she had six girls and the mother I go to wardrobe and she let us have a little rail in my room and somebody give me a bunch of clothes new clothes lovely ones and she put your hand by the wall and reach out like that and close all those dresses in and whatever dresses you have having that bunch give them away she but Lord they're all new ones she said well that's why when they give them away she collected all the clothes of engagement of the owner it breaks people's heart do you wonder she's just been just like Jesus okay but read that chapter will you eyes at eleven when you go home I'm not time going clock always goes through fast here okay holy men murders that were moved by the holy ghost spake as they were moved there's no if I didn't feel that in the noise removal I came here and I don't wait till I get to hear I've been praying for weeks and weeks and weeks and God's my witness of it I go to bed at 9:00 that night I went to bed at 10:00 o'clock Thursday night had a good sleeping I thought well a lot of wonderful night sleep went in the front room I went to bed at 10:00 I was refreshed got up and it was 11:00 so I go to bed at 9:00 get up at 12:00 or 1:00 or to wait on God and ask for announcing for meetings like this whether you think I'm the best reach in the world of the worst can carry Hitler beans all have to do is deliver my soul then moved as they will move by the Holy Ghost listen let me tell you one of two things will happen if you get through the Holy Ghost I do prayer life will be revolutionized is something else we'll go back to a pizza Willie just for a minute would you like to be a preacher do you want to know the secret of preaching here it is in first Peter first chapter verse 11 searching what or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which is in them did signify when it testified beforehand of the sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow do you see that the stuffing and then the glory okay and to them it was revealed but not unto ourselves and themselves but unto us they did minister to you by then that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven most preaching today's rhetoric and logic and historic stuff but there's no true preaching unless the Holy Ghost upon it the Holy Ghost is creative what do we say about mortars somebody like Moses let me just give you one glimpse of Moses it is in the water 32nd chapter of Exodus listen if you're going to get fear with a spirit walk with God you're getting an awful lot of disappointments that look at the third the second chapter in Exodus at the end of those five says tomorrow is the Feast of the Lord they rose up early on the model and offered burnt offerings and bought peace offerings the people sat down to eat and drink and rose up to play and the Lord said unto Moses go down for the thief which the house brought out of Egypt have corrupted themselves can you imagine that Moses is on the mountain having a revelation of God in fire and the high priest is dancing around a golden calf with half-naked people Andy's the anointed of God and verse 9 says the Lord said unto Moses I've seen these people they are a stiff-necked people now therefore let me alone did I ever hear anybody preach that how many charismatic meetings who means how many conferences there the hero man stood up and say God said this is the Almighty God you can do anything in coentrão world by spinning it off the end of his turn if he likes it can make a Moses out of the stone and God says let me alone this is not God reaching down and take hold of Moses its mozzie greet Moses reaching up and taking all of God I'd love to pray like that until says godly let me alone don't intercede for America level anymore why do you weep when old people are fighting you fast with other people feed why do you look as as near as you can on the property let love a nice home either garage it's turned into an office now but as far as do you never sue your young people who used to go to Christ what what account Youth for Christ meetings how they use go to use for Christ meeting let me see are you afraid to show your age okay do you remember a song that starts will the world is some things don't anything I would be like Jesus be like Jesus is my song in the home and in the song be like Jesus all day long I would be like these worldly fetters Chantal throw me but why did he watch TV so much the biggest curse in American all the world is TV treating with the holy ghost set down from heaven let me get into quick pictures Martin Luther we know came out of Rome and it's baggage and it's all this coat and it's indulgences and one day God came true but listen do you know he fought for 15 years to find assurance 15 years he said one day in his cell the devil came and wrote all the sins of Martin Luther on every wall and on the stop and he stops and Martin Luther says right he says nothing I've got all the record of your sins I know every sin you committed to a child as a youth as a man sins of a nation sins of everything every record every sin of yours is on the walls there's nothing else to write and Martin Luther said write one thing what is it is it right across them all the blood of Jesus Christ God's Son cleanses us from all sin so what did he do how many people have watched in Billy Graham's meetings think twenty thousand thousand tons at a time blessed assurance diesel and then they have no assurance that you see when you pray do you remember live Anika I'll quote the scripture give it its Romans nine where Paul prays were the most amazing but I wish myself forecast he didn't say he says I call the Holy Ghost to bear witness how many times new plane coma Holly goes to bear witness she's not praying because of the people pray he not praying because the pastor's there and he may be impressed with your prayer I mean I was excited to pray alone as you are in the meetings you clap your hand when you were sick along are doing just do it publicly I went through amazing a while ago to preach when I got there there were fourteen hundred people there as I came in from the back of the auditorium there are five six you five young women and they were where the hair was down they were tossing it this way to the ground touching the ground with the head toss okay I know that and they were clapping and singing if more than I could take when I get up I said listen you young women they're you're supposed to lead the worship do you do that at home in your bedroom what is in exhibition I ain't just there professionally there's then a little rail worship I'll tell you that I believe the highest form of worship is silence I can't even speak I believe the highest form of Prairies is speechless Hannah trade she's barren and she's reproach she prayed nobody heard a prayer lips moved and even the man of God in understander okay so I'm saying this Martin Luther did not invent the doctrine of justification by faith he rediscovered it and he credits for the world and shook the world John Wesley did not invent the doctrine of entire sanctification rediscovered it and shook the world we've had healing meetings my god Lord healing meetings I preached a number of times in the Carnegie Hall in Pittsburgh and this miss to come and preach on the Friday mornings and I preached on the Tuesday night when she had a healing meeting there wasn't a room the room to stand that's all the gallery spat when I preached on holiness Tuesday night hadn't anybody in the gallery they were all down here so somebody said one day but why did it take raining on your staff she didn't want me I don't care about her they see the same back with jeans give Jesus give them lobs and fishes they run after him but when he laid down the conditions this is the way you entered lesser than a poor in spirit blessed the meek who wants to go that way Jesus the man who said My Kingdom is not of this world ended up on a cross stark naked all the artists don't paint him like that is to humiliate but that was the law and that must be publicly exhibited there in nakedness and everybody can curse him you can throw urine on him you can spit on him he has no rights once he's on the cross and that's the man who leads us into a kingdom well let me tell you something there's no other way into the kingdom of that way you've got to sell all you'll have you'll have to lose 100 friends you'll have to stop feasting in just one fasting these guys of yours you must counter will be much good the tears will count and and you'll be in trouble the biggest danger you had is becoming more spiritual the new pastor is not usually the trouble oh boy you can be more spirit in the past okay let Moses in the street groan like I'm paraphrasing it now from the old Methodist hymn book let Moses in the spirit grown down there people are worshiping the golden calf they're dancing naked the high priest is backslidden the whole nations gone whoring after strange gods and only Moses has a revelation of God he's been on the mountain and the lay hold of God for this people and God says Moses let me alone listen to what God says I really quickly - and Moses we saw God verse 11 and the Lord said and Moses besought the Lord his God and said Lord why death I Roth died wrath wax hot against thy people now look at those 22 - and Aaron said let not my anger in my lord wax hot what do you mean because Moses been in the presence of God and God was angry and he thought holy anger the man that teaches you that the Holy Ghost is only enjoying he doesn't know what thing about the Holy Ghost you'll get angry and I get angry I'm angry now how much longer do you think you're gonna put up with the sin of America I'll tell you some statistics in a few days not just about Vice I'll tell you things that we have that nice teen history's ever had faces just one I check so I would make a mistake you've got some parts of the world like when Jackie says I go into China and brother endo there isn't one Bible in the whole town do you know we have 600 million Bibles in America do you know we have 26 translations of the Bible in America do you know in America and Canada between them we have 450 Bible schools and 257 Emmys did Sodom and Gomorrah out of seminary did they have a Bible School which mimic America for World War one in the backyard of Europe she fought World War two in the backyard of Europe she fought the Middle East war in the Middle East she hasn't suffered a thing I could have one morning and open the door looked out the neighborhood had disappeared help down the tree there's a baby up in a tree there's a man's leg sticking out of the debris does it chair leg sticking out there why because the Germans readiness in the night and then we can ask yourself of that much I'm trying to warn you that we're heading for trouble I'm going to let me tell you this dear friend with all the churches everything we have God G or D is n ot not on trial in this critical hour in history God is not on trial his churches on trial and she doesn't have an answer to the problem but like Mother Hubbard our covens are there where is the supernatural do you think Jackie's in fair with God when a woman comes running down the street and kneels in front of her and the woman's all pop mark she's prostituted 40 years and she says tremblingly Jackie miss Jackie Miss Jackie please take the devil out of me and from the devil and you're full of God will you please and every day the life of Oz he casts out demons she doesn't leave me claiming a penny castle she does claim to be a Christian I've got the greatest Pentecostal preacher in the world coming to see me in three days I'm going to ask him a question I wonder the greatest Pentecostal theologians came to see me up a stack of his books and I said that I said I'm just reading the history of Azusa Street by Battlement and it says on after the five page the first page he says on the second page there are 70 listen 70 million spirit filled Pentecostals in the world today and I said to him listen tell me this is this record true other 70 million spirit Philip Endicott oh no mystery no the bathroom and about five years ago I said well what's of course that was the story it's a nice ended up blushing is a mystery no there are 120 million charismatic and old-style Pentecostals in the world today well it was dear lady I could almost must English and I said listen tell me this I know you've written stacks of book on theology I know that a hundred and twenty Pentecostal churches in Dallas Nagano so there you are they he said no there are not 70 million Pentecostals I said he's a Pentecostal man that's full of the Holy Ghost and speaks in tongues yes he said they're 120 million of them in the world I almost not his head over book I said oh brother tell me this were than a hundred and twenty million in the upper wrong oh no I said what's the difference we better have baptism of the Holy Ghost in yours don't tell me it's tons every devout Mormon in Salt Lake City speaks in tongues it's part of their religion spirit of speak in tongues who cares a hill of beans if you speak in tongues if you're bad-tempered if you're jealous if you get the last ounce of money out of some of the last ounce of work out of somebody come on when a million miles removed from apostolic Christianity and it's not going to come back by big crowds there's none of these there's not two hundred people here tonight and others a hundred and twenty maybe but supposing God does his way knows I'm not preaching to the absent people I'd like milligrams of the air like all robbers to be a lie the Word of Faith guy to be here they don't know a thing about the Holy Ghost every time he says a word Bob Tilton says thus that the Lord is alive from Hell he doesn't say that one day is done of judgment see oh i priestly meaning royal garments and some names I meant no Roberts I mentioned what a going little fellow in Baton Rouge and so they said mystery no that's not love I said listen I'll be watching you at the judgment seat I said says not love the greatest man that ever lived the life of love they said was John that John didn't write 1 Corinthians 13 a bloody warrior wrote it and under the name of the Apostle crawler pull down strongholds the greatest thing understand a man outside of Jesus Christ was Center the Apostle Paul by who like demons when he cast out a demon the demon said Jesus we know I'm poor we know come on are you known in hell I don't care who knows me I know people think I'm a fanatic people say you're the last of the line your old friend Rose is dead those that was a great Baptist I forgotten as their Me's died but I'm not going to die yet just to make you happy for sure then I think I don't know anymore they need something when demons say Jesus we know and Paul we know come on young preacher young Gossett ambitious to be known in hell also going to be known anywhere else you creeps better than Billy Graham you preach veterans also so out but you can have the holy ghost without revolution he's going to fill you as you fill Mary are you going to let you see things suffering is going to come to others and to you maybe okay let me just say and you know there's some of your preachers the great deal of contention about the second blessing I don't know if you've seen a book if you haven't it's out again I think all greater experiences of famous Christians there isn't one of them in the list that didn't have a second crisis one of the most amazing men we've forgotten about was George Fox and George Fox was filled with the Holy Ghost that he had to go to prison that he often he's going down the street one day God says take his shoes off so he took them off to shove them under the head raise your hand and walk through town rather the trouble your voice go onto let's field our bloody City and when Martha and I used to go through I just say Martha George Fox went through this city with his hand raised he made a lot of Greeks it's because it's always wearing his trouser he went through the city crying warned to let feel that bloody City some months after he pulled up in a house at night they were expecting him to dinner and the master of the house said the maids are not ready yet in the chef's in a big house he said would you will you please sit in my library and read a little so George Fox went in he took down one of the big tones they were all leather-bound you know big things and he took the book down and opened it and as we opened it he saw in big letters Old English Lit field and he thought well that's when I walked through the city barefoot crying want to let's feel how bloody City why did God let me open here so he opened at Litchfield and he read what it said there 200 years before George frogs walked through that town 200 Christians were martyred they will cook to death in the very marketplace where he went and God says to in them cries from the ground through you what an experience and we get blessed if you just sing a song and they sang my French so what if you go out of this meeting who came in habit disappointed in God well okay let me prove to you forever as far as I'm concerned maybe tomorrow I will sing at him I was going to sing it to nice but don't don't have it before we start tomorrow night because he lives you know a wonderful song in that brain I think he calls healing I can face tomorrow all because he lives off it all fear is gone I know oh he holds and life is worth the living just because he lives I've seen again you almost gotta be cause I can face tomorrow because I know oh hey I life is woefully just because me do you know I believe the most disappointing day in the life of Jesus is me when he led captivity captive and gave gifts unto men the Holy Ghost has no gifts the gifts were purchased by Jesus the Holy Ghost this disperses those gifts okay Jesus rose so that they'd wanted to he led captivity captain he went into heaven declared he's trying for the death and sin and the devil and when he came out of the tomb on the resurrection money there wasn't one person there how they did it like opera Jimmy the third is a Aida he don't remember oh well when Verdi celebraties III Aida the first time he played he was in the on the Kali State or in Milan I know so one of the biggest theaters in the world and when he finished they were so excited I think at the end of it the heavenly is dead and they went out clapping and shouting and whistling at 10 o'clock at night they unhitch the horses from his chariot and then pushed his chariot down to the hotel and there was still yelling a four o'clock in the morning very very very very clapping shouting whistling for five hours when Jesus rose from the dead there was not person there Peter wasn't there John wasn't there it must have been disgusting for Jesus the greatest triumph ever because he lives at the right hand of the Father tonight every Sunday we priest sermons we're preaching 80% of the 90% of the sermons repeats about the man who lived 2,000 years ago and there were ten percent 82 percent eight percent or about some of you make him today a tomorrow only take matters not where he was 2,000 years ago where he will be where is he now do you realize he's being trained for 2,000 years he isn't tired but a lot much longer is he gonna do it let me take you through this very quickly now can I do that please tie this thing up look at the end of the gospel recorded by Luke read verse 45 then opened he their understanding that they might understand the scriptures and he said this is his written listen his belief to suffer the Christ must suffer and rise the third day and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among the nations and near witnesses of the undie whole listen listen now I send you the promise of my father that tarry now in one breath he says go and the other breath he says tali what had happened they'd seen Jesus they give you a piece of the honeycomb to eat they had breakfast with him they talked with him they listened to him they saw him they touched him well he's nothing now can't go into all the world and preach the gospel somebody says well how do you know Jesus alive because I gave you a piece of my honeycomb because I shook hands with him because I touched him because I heard him pray know about something now that's number one miracle the second is this and he led them out as far as Bethany he lifted up his hands and blessed them and they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem will continue temple leaping and praising God dear Sita the two most stupendous things one he's risen from the dead and then while they're watching him just as he reversed nature to come into the world without a father he reverts theory versus the law of gravity he goes up they'd seen him risen from the dead they break bread with him they had meat with him they had honeycomb with him and now they seemed going up a longing earth do you think a thousand demons could say you never did talk to Jesus you never did eat with him but Jesus as you need more than some emotional stirring you need the Holy Ghost well listen friend if they needed the Holy Ghost how much do I needed do you know that I think our evangelism today is very much like a man trying to swing up Niagara Niagara Falls with his boots on what chance would he have I can imitate shoes all over the world some of them are gorgeous and I won't I don't know Christ eggs they offered me a thousand dollars to preach for an hour after nada to preach for half an hour I'm not concerned about traveling here right now I could go to about ten countries I want to be where God wondering to be so where the fire of heaven is going to fall people are going to go out totally transformed without one desire to be known without one desire to have an increase of anything there's not a preacher in the world I envy I'd like to go to Jackie's place I may go this year she begged me to go I want to teach your staff that's all I want to sit with the staff on the top of the floor people when I talk with young men who've been to prison 20 times girls are being harlots of women harlot for forty years of being transformed by the power of God's little bunch of them you can show me a Bible School in America and Christ relations doesn't the normal offices number or rather says he's four thousand kids for the Holi Gazeta live from hell he hadn't how could you have 4,000 people fill the Holy Ghost their city be the same only a hundred and twenty through the Holy Ghost God is still in business one thing I'm through I preached in Louisville a while ago there was a man in Louisville just another hundred years ago out the largest congregation in Louisville his name was a bee since he founded a Christian Missionary Alliance he had a five figure salary that was as much as they presently United States go he had the chariots a horse and carriage at a big home and one day he met God in a new way he wrote on him you know once it was a blessing now it is the Lord once it was the feeling now it is his words once his gifts I wanted now to give it on once for self I labor now himself alone and then he goes on he's told his courage the game of that big congregation went to New York and bought a piece of land and I preached in the tabernacle it's taken down I think in 1950 outreach there sees about 2000 they build that place another Holy Ghost revival but it cost him everything he had his wife didn't understand him she didn't agree with him you been to university you've got scholarship you're the best preacher in Tonia the biggest crowd your friends your money I give it all out because Jesus did that for me I got a dog and as a result of that now you have 1,200 missions all over the world through one man move by the holy ghost the woman is moved on by the holy ghost she gives birth to the most remarkable babe that ever lived as a bunch of men nervous in the upper room no they were not what does it say they wait in the upper room they were filled with joy they went they said he's risen and he's ascended to heaven and he's going to send us her father's gift the Holy Ghost and they waited what do you think that in each day they said what we've been waiting 40 days only 10 more to go they knew how many days out to weigh and he came down to the last day how do you think they got up that morning and then suddenly the Holy Ghost but when the Holy Ghost came on Mary she gave birth when the Holy Ghost came on then they gave birth they went out they turn the world upside down didn't have any financial backers didn't ask for offerings when you God for the John versus Charles Wesley said that will cry stars all I want the only time you can say Christ is all I need is then when Christ is all you have how can you say Christ is all I need you $50,000 in the bank but you know people are suffering full of faith full of the Holy Ghost no room for anything else no room for pride no truth agreed knodel's for promotion no room for ambition normal desire to be known I want God that's all I can't I wish I could I can't revive suicide the verse you something my Bible would have been amazed don't know if our dad but they're aiming of our finish with it my goal is God Himself not joy not peace out even blessing but it's me my god and then it finishes up by any road at any cost are you prepared to nice I'm not gonna ask you to come here you've come out how many times you've been to the front and wept and groaned and committed this and committed that forget it go to your room tonight and die a wealthy preacher was that Jackie's not long ago he had a three-piece suit he sat there they said Jackie you see my case there she said yes he said I've got 10 lectures in there I passed the one of the largest churches in America and I'll be here for a number of days I'd like to teach you I like to take a young man I'll give them exactly the same teaching I'll give you the 10 weeks to our young preachers 10 lectures on leadership and she said you see that he said of course that's the door see that we'll get through it we don't want men to come and teach us leadership we want you to teach us to die she said don't you realize China is going to come down what in seven years Hong Kong goes to China it'll be a bloodbath and the young men they know that that's why I want to go and share with them but I've enough energy they know they're going to be martyred she said one of the causes of the young China girls they are never close the ranks and they say that clapping and saying O Lord let's be martyrs for Jesus let's die for Jesus not to live and get married not win the tennis championship or something let's die for Jesus the most remarkable group of young people not coming out to Bible College in America of England but these young people already counted the course and say I'm ready to die physically and there may be an outpouring of the spirit a coming out putting any other way I know some of the young prophets you know them Rick John and others they're building a house now for the prophets they may do that but you can't build a house for God he dwelleth not in temples made with hands i priest the other week there and across the road from he was preaching who Bob Shula in his seventeen million dollar Crystal Palace do you think people think nas return it for the belt riled up now five million dollars who takes notice of it that devil isn't afraid of it the devil is afraid of men for the Holy Ghost men who have no vision but vision from God and vision for holiness now passion for the last two days ago we saw precious daunting all go back to South America sees run the greatest woman in the world today she's another jacket pull in John another level she's a schoolteacher she speaks a number of languages but she has revelation of God like nobody I know in this world and her husband been battling it downwards a mixture of Buddhism and Catholicism in South America she's a challenge for me every moment did I see her that will cry start all I want more than all in the iphone says Wesley can you release me that tonight I'm not going to I'm not going to sing about him and stir you emotionally I'm asking you to go home and go to your hotel and get alone and think over this message read again and say Lord I want to be moved by the Holy Ghost listen if he's going to come in other things have to go out every error of you which is unclean he will purge every obstruction he will take away Neil camp and from today you will have divine wisdom and divinest understanding divine strength father as we sit in the comfort of this lovely place we go to our holes or hotels we do remember these precious people in China crates about your breasts Jackie Gibbler new inspiration this weekend we pray for these young people who've already agree that they're willing to die for Christ's sake these young people walk for an hour of two hours at 6:00 in the morning to pray and then walk home two hours they have no breakfast they'd nowhere to have a nice warm shower they have to stand in the middle of a village and get a bucket of water for the rest of the day Lord here we are we're drowning in our creature comforts Oh God give us an appetite greater than our appetite for food or appetite for fellowship keep your hand upon us bless these precious folk Lord may we be able to say as we leave this place tonight that was not this obedient to the heavenly vision give us a glorious day tomorrow rend the heavens and come down in Jesus name
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Keywords: Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth, Leonard Ravenhill, Leonard Ravenhill Sermon, Leonard Ravenhill Video, Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, Revival Preaching
Id: 564XcaySFh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 0sec (5280 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2014
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