I Walked Across an Entire Country in Crocs

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today I'm walking across an entire country in Crocs my goal is simple I want to see if Google Maps is accurate I'm also very interested to find out one what kind of shape my feet will be in and two what kind of shape the Crocs will be in did I mention that these are the same Crocs that I ran a marathon in and climb part of Mount Everest in will they hold up only time will tell oh you're so going down Google you don't even know what's coming the rules to the challenge are also very simple at no point during my walk can I run I must follow the olymp IC guidelines to walking meaning that my heel must strike before my toe on every single step obviously this challenge is going to be one of my hardest yet I mean I'm literally Crossing an entire country not to mention the fact that I have to basically be an Olympian sure I could have done it the easy way could have just walked across America but no it's not the too easy way you guys I flew all the way to Europe thousands of miles introducing lonstein the greatest country that you've never heard of I just realized that I have no idea what language these people speak lentinan German Swiss no idea but they definitely don't speak English which is the only language that I know I could be in some trouble here that's just one of the many challenges I'll be facing along the way but I'm doing it in Crocs the greatest shoe known to man so it uh it should be no sweat right about a mile and a half in legs still feel pretty fresh thighs are starting to burn a little bit nothing I can't handle yeah I may be completely overestimating my abilities I'm only a mile in and I'm having some Deep Thoughts as I analyze the matri who has the time at Google to record this are they coming out here and walking across lonstein they're watching me right now huddled around to death praying that I don't beat their time there's no shot that Sarah from Google has a better walking time than me they also Place some distractions in my way hello 2 and 1 half miles dang I kind of need to pick up the pace actually I think I'm a little behind yeah these obstacles are actually causing me to slow down enough to be a problem I need to focus up guys I just realized something I'm approaching a new terrain this one could make things a lot more difficult and slow me down to say I'm worried severe understatement I'm terrified I kind of have a long ways to go still and to help me pass the time I've been playing my favorite new game tuneblast tuneblast is available on literally all of your devices for apps of freaking lutely my favorite part about tuneblast is that I can play it literally anywhere in the world because it doesn't require Wi-Fi I can play on a plane on a train in a car in a bar in a country that I don't have Wi-Fi currently lonstein yeah I don't have service here you can play Insane mini games and you can also play people from around the world I've been playing this dude in Brazil he's kind of killing me at the moment cuz I'm not very good yet but I'll be better soon you might even be playing me or playing with me by joining a team and working with other players to unlock awesome rewards to blast also has over 7,000 unique levels with crazy Graphics almost as crazy as these mountains am I right and if you download ton blast with the link in the description you get 3 hours of unlimited lives and 100 free coins I'm 4 mil in these Crocs are putting in the war my speed is also increased considerably due to uh well I need to use the potty difficult times are ahead my friends thankfully I was blessed with America's Finest export no way McDonald's ah little piece of home I don't exactly have time to spare so let's just say that I probably Set the World Record for fastest no way what I emptied my bladder and it was time to fill that puppy right back up thank you so much little coffee in hand potty break barely missed a beat probably added like 3 minutes but uh honestly I'm in pretty good shape here after Downing the world's greatest cup of coffee my speed was picking up approaching mile 6 legs are starting to fuel a bit I'm not going to lie which I know that sounds silly but you go try and walk 6 miles and I even had some supporters out to cheer me on looks like some locals found out about the challenge came out to support love to see it you guys heard about the challenge [Applause] yeah too easy Army strong in lickstein it wasn't just supporters though it looks like I have some enemies out as well kind of feels like at the moment like I'm being watched everybody here seems a little bit sus what's going on morning they seem nice they seem like the mob is what they seem I got to get going Google employee in Disguise probably look at him he's pretending to clean the window they're staring at me now they're looking at me oh my gosh I'm nervous they're pretending to work on the window we all know they're Google employees just when I thought IID escaped Google the unthinkable happened Google even brought the chopper out this is serious I can't believe this just let me have this dub Google just let me have this dub I was getting kind of paranoid I don't know a single soul in this country and it feels like people are watching me from free Direction feel like people are watching me what the I think people are recording me what's going on just blend in just blend [Music] in sound sweet I managed to escape the Ops and made my way out of town but I was still slightly on edge oh gosh that scared me oh my goodness it's a very loud fell hi hi hi aside from my countless enemies you know what the great Shakira once said Hips Don't Laugh apparently swinging his hips around for multiple hours at a time can cause a slight amount of pain anyways I have a long ways to go I was never officially diagnosed with ADD but my parents also never brought me to a doctor there's horses hi hello nay I'm making great time but since these puppies are in sport mode they are begging me to run so I'm taming them in order to stick to the Olympic walking guidelines just hit mile 8 yes I am 8 miles in 2 hours and 21 minutes I'm blazing I'm blazing fast Google's out Google's out they're out she's Google oh my gosh clearly a Google employee trying to beat my record as I'm making a record dude they're Shameless they're Shameless I can't believe it approaching mile 9 pace is good I just can't slow down i' I've progressively gotten a bit slower and that can happen I need to beat Google got a really nice dog approaching new enemy seems friendly hi hello oh hi nice puppy oh my goodness I'm getting close but possibly the largest problem yet has just occurred to my tiny little brain I just realized something I was going through my pockets and noticed that I don't have my passport on me now I'm a particularly unprepared individual but this is Rock Bottom I don't think I've ever been this unprepared I'm going to be at a border crossing on the other side of this in a few miles and I left my passport at the hotel it's too late to turn back I'll wreck my time there's only one thing hoping that they don't ask th I this bad um all right we'll just hopefully it works out you're probably sick of watching me walk at this point so here's a crazy hyper laap of me walk which is I it's just the same thing I'm I'm actually just walking I only have 1 hour left to beat Google's time and they were doing everything they could to stop me Google will stop it nothing they won't quit tracking me I'm not going to give up I'm 10 mi in this has never been done before this is unprecedented okay Crocs across a country thighs are burning cves on fire everything is roasted I can do this I had to seriously pick up my Pace speed walking was the only option final stretch baby final stretch this is where rubber meets the road literally rubber on my feet meeting the road oh baby there it is I can see it the finish line so close ah my legs are burning about to finish a world record first time ever that somebody has walked across the country in Crocs come on baby Victory I can taste it I can taste it there's nothing you can do now Google she's all mine I'm so close come on oh my gosh why does it have to be uphill I'm killing myself come on I'm so close Victory let's go baby in exactly 3 hours and 58 minutes too easy baby go watch another video use the link in the description to download toune Blast and win some awesome prizes
Channel: Isaiah Photo
Views: 2,291,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZzZzQuLggrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2023
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