I vi IV V: Easy And Fun Chord Progression Tutorial

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[Music] hey there Steve Dixon here with piano lessons online.com thanks for joining me here for today's tutorial all right one of the best things you can do to shortcut your learning process at the piano is to learn common patterns and Common Core progressions that you're going to find in all kinds of different Tunes all right so today what we're going to do is we're going to look at the 1645 core progression one of the most most famous core progressions in music history super useful stuff all right so I'm going to teach you how to play this core progression how to identify it in your own music and I'm also going to show you some real famous tunes that also feature this core progression all right so this lesson should be a lot of fun let's step over the piano and get started learning thanks all right welcome to the piano so let's explore the 1645 cor progression let's learn how to build it so you can start singing it all over your music all right so we're going to go into the key of C here just to explain you what's going on and if we just take a basic C scale right C major scale right okay this is scale degree one right this is 2 3 4 5 6 7 and then one again cuz C and C right so if I build a chord off of every note of this scale so this would be the one chord because we're building it off of this note this is the two chord cuz we're building it off of this note the three chord cuz we're building off this four five and here's the six chord all right and this is the first place we need to really talk into okay so if we're building a 1 645 chord progression this is the one chord like I said and if we count up 1 2 3 4 5 6 we're going to build the chord off of the sixth note of the scale so this is our sixth chord then we're going to find a chord off the fourth note of the scale right this is the F there so 1 2 3 4 build a chord off that and then we're going to build another chord off the fifth note of the scale which is g 1 2 3 4 5 G okay so in the key of C A 1 645 chord progression will be 1 which is C 6 which is a minor F which is the four chord and then G which is the five so that's 1645 so no matter what key you're in you're just going to figure out okay what's the first note of the scale what's the sixth note of the scale what's the fourth note of the scale and then what's the fifth not scale and then build those chords off those bottom notes all right now one more thing to point out here before I actually show you a couple famous Melodies that feature this 1645 is that the one chord okay so the one chord and the four chord and the five chord from this 1 1645 chord pression those are going to be major chords so no matter what key you're in it's always going to be major all right so 145 is major but the six chord okay so when we figure out what in a new key doesn't matter where we're at whatever the sixth note is 1 2 3 4 5 six when we build a chord off of that that chord is going to be minor okay so one is Major six is a minor chord four is a major chord and then five is a major cord again all right so hope you're writing some notes on there CU that's a very important Point all right now here's what we're going to do here let's stay in the Kia C for just a second and let's play a tune let's play a famous Melody so let's take like the lead Zepp to jamaer okay how about this [Music] one etc etc okay so all I was doing my left hand was C the one chord [Music] so a minor the sixth chord right right and then F chord the four chord and then five chord and then it repeats from there all right so that's one famous Melody that happens with 1 1645 and there's so many great songs that feature this let's go into another key now okay let's go into I guess more of the Jazz slightly popular real and let's kind of think Bobby Darren here right so now we're going to go into the key of F and do beond the C all right so let's quickly work out the chord progression in the key of f all right so here's our f scale scale be 1 2 3 4 five 6 7 and then one again so here's going to be our one chord right we're building off a one our six chord 1 2 3 4 5 six we're going to build a chord off the six here okay remember how I said the six is going to be minor so I didn't play it as D major playing it as D Minor here so we have one chord IS F major sixth chord is D minor in the key of f right our four chord 1 2 3 4 is going to be B flat so B flat major and then our five chord is going to be a C major because 1 2 3 4 5 C major and again 1 14 five are major six is minor so let's listen to beyond the C in the key of f 6 4 5 okay so 1 6 4 five all right that's one more example let's do one more example let's do standby me all right and standby me is originally in the key of A so this will give us a good opportunity to explore this pattern in a new key so let's take an a major [Music] scale scale degree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and then one again right so here's our one chord it's going to be major right now we need a six chord next 1 2 3 4 5 6 this is my sixth scale degree my I said it's going to be minor so here's an F Shar minor chord we're building it off of the six all right now we need a four chord next it's going to be major 1 2 3 4 D major here right D major four chord major and then our five chord which is built off of this e Note 1 2 3 4 5 is going to be E major okay so 1 645 so let's listen to standby me now in the key of A Using 1 1645 five just there's our six there's the four here's the five back to the one and then it would repeat from there right so there we go three famous Melodies we could sit here for 90 hours straight and fill up the internet with 1645 explanations right so but what I would suggest you do is see if you can grab a couple of those Melodies just like I demonstrated see if you can work a few of those out in a few different keys right practice identifying 1645 in your own music and like I said it's in a million different places right and then really just get a grasp of this concept of one being major six being minor four being major and five being major again all right so in enjoy learning this pattern it's a great one it's really going to help simplify your music going forward all right thank you so much for watching and for further training and resources to learn more about piano and to help you become a better player please visit piano lessons online.com we would love to help you play and grow and share music with you further all right thanks for watching and I will see you at piano lessons online.com
Channel: PianoLessonsOnline.com
Views: 36,040
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Keywords: I vi IV V, piano lesson, how to play piano chords, chord progression, piano chord progressions, chords, piano, 1 6 4 5, piano tutorial, beginner piano lessons, easy piano lessons
Id: ZPabFqOPrkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2016
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