The 1-5-6-4 Chord Progression (Piano Lesson)

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have you ever wondered how to know which chords are going to sound really good together all you need to know is a simple formula and this will unlock hundreds of songs that you already know so i'm going to teach you how to find this formula you can locate it and play it in any key you want after you've learned it and it's super simple to do even beginners can do this so the first thing you need to do is pick a key and what i'm going to do is i'm going to pick the key of d today and i'm going to start by playing a d major scale just to kind of get in the zone of the key that i'm playing in and i'm noticing that in the d major scale i've got an f sharp and a c sharp so i'm going to put that in my mind for when it's time to play the chords now every note on the d major scale is going to get a number so d is our first note and this is going to be the one so we're going to play a d chord this is our first chord it's called the one chord the next chord in our progression is the five chord so all we have to do is count up five steps one two three four five and it'll bring us to the next chord in our progression which is an a major chord remember how when i played the scale earlier it had a c sharp it's coming in real handy now as i play the a major chord the next chord in the progression is the minor six let's count up six one two three four five six this puts us on a b minor chord and then finally we've got the four let's count four one two three four this is a g chord so all you need to do is know the formula which is one five minor six and four and then how to build a chord beginning on each of those spots on the scale of the key that you're playing it it's that easy so let's see how this looks we're gonna start with our d which is our one and then a which is our five then we've got our minor six which is b minor and then our g which is the four and already you're probably going that sounds familiar because it does because you just learned how to unlock so many songs watch this your lipstick stays on the front lobe of my left side brains i knew i wouldn't forget you and so i went and let you blow my mind before the cooldown right now i'll be giving him my besties and nothing's gonna stop me but divine intervention i reckon and take out my turn to win some more learn some but i won't hesitate no more no more it there you go there are so many songs that you can play using this progression so have fun exploring you can play these in any key you can play them in any order just remember you need the one you need the five you need the minor six and you need the four now comment below and let us know your favorite song that uses this progression and if you can figure out what songs i was just playing now alright have tons of fun with this and we will see you next time bye you
Channel: Pianote
Views: 596,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: all keys, 1-5-6-4 chord progression, piano lessons, jordan leibel, beginner piano lessons, piano scales, music theory, how to play piano, intermediate piano lessons, piano lesson, music lessons, play piano, free piano lessons, learn piano, piano chords, chord progression, chord progression piano, chord progression theory, chord progression tutorial, C major scale, A major scale, C minor scale, d major scale, f major scale, major scales, minor scales, piano progression
Id: 8n7LsgFfFC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 44sec (224 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 21 2018
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