I used my OLED monitor for 1,223 hours

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I guess it's fair to say that I've used my ol monitor quite a bit since I've got it about a year ago it's the LG 27g r95 QE and it has clogged up 1,223 hours to be exact so yeah how bad is the burning has the maximum brightness gone down did the colors degrade these are some of the things I want to talk about and we're going to take a look at some color slides in a minute to see if there actually is any visible degradation but I also want to share some of the good and bad experience I've had with basically daily driving an ol monitor for about a year now for some context I've probably been treating my monitor slightly worse than others might do first up after running the contrast tweak pretty much the whole time so my maximum full screen brightness is about 5% higher putting more strain on the panel and yeah I've been using the monitor not only for gaming and content consumption but also a lot for writing scripts working on spreadsheets and video editing which isn't something i' really recommend doing on an OLED display and yeah it's actually running in the background right now with a static wallpaper and I've had it running like this a few times for other videos as well I've also disabled the sleep mode in Windows which is a bit risky I have to admit but I left the monitor's own screen server option turned on and I'm still trying my best to turn off the monitor whenever I'm leaving my desk for a few minutes and that's also one of the biggest drawbacks of using an olet monitor like there's this itch you know that you've got a avoid static content as much as possible or the screen might burn in with a plain normal LCD monitor I'm surely not going to bother turning it off every time I'm leaving my desk for just a few minutes and I'm also not going to have the task bar on auto hiide or change my wallpaper every other week but these are the things you're probably going to do with an OLED monitor at the very least feel bad about it if you don't so despite those measures did I abuse this monitor enough to get visible burnning or per permanent electroluminescent layer degradation to be a bit more specific first I manually started a short compensation cycle to make sure that there is no temporary immature tension that could be mistaken for permanent degradation and well here's the 50% gray slide and I think it actually looks very clean like there's some aling which is caused by the camera and also a tiny bit of dirty screen effect but I really cannot spot any burning artifacts here it's a similar story with the 5% grade slide but the YouTube compression is probably messing a bit with this one so I have a link to all these slides in the video description in case you want to look at them in more detail now the color slides also don't show any visible degradation of course we're going to check if the colors still are as saturated as they used to be in a bit but at the very least there are no visible burning artifacts I think that's great news like this monitor has seen quite a bit of static content lots of valerant and UI elements didn't leave the trace and I don't see any sign of the UI elements of notion or Da Vinci resolve either which I both use a lot now to put this into perspective the 1200 something hours I've clocked up on my monitor are roughly equivalent to about 8 hours a week for 3 years and 7 to 8 hours per week is a figure you often find being quoted as the average time that Gamers spend gaming so if you're such an average gamer you'd probably be fine using this monitor for at least 3 years if you'd be using it for your 9 to5 though hence 40 hours a week my usage hours would be roughly equivalent to just 7 months with probably even more static content than my monitor has seen 3 years of using it 9 to5 would be over 6,000 hours so yeah no idea how my monitor would look like after 6K hours but hopefully it's still fine now burning is only one potential issue decreased color saturation or lower maximum brightness could also be a problem problem after a lot of usage so here's the color gamut volume from the original measurement at it just after a few hours and 12200 hours later well it's still the same which is great to see but what about the brightness well there was a firal update in the meantime which was supposed to change the brightness under certain conditions so that's something to keep in mind but yeah that update didn't really have an effect under these conditions it seems and 1200 hours later it's still the same and here's what it looks like in HDR it's just as bright as on day one I mean this wasn't the brightest monitor to begin with so it's especially great to see that it didn't lose any brightness now I'm also very happy to report that the text quality has actually improved at least in a few programs of course the weird pixel structure of OLED isn't something you can change with a firmware update but the software support for it is slowly improving which has a huge impact on the quality of text like previously most text look like this showing pretty heavy fringing but this is what it looks like now at least in the notion and Spotify Windows apps which both must have made some changes and how they Rend a text probably as a response to all monitors getting much more popular as soon and people are figuring out how to configure programs like Mech type to improve text in other applications so text in some programs looks great without changing anything now and with a few tweaks you can make a lot of the text you see in other applications look pretty much perfect now but that's probably a topic for another video so yeah some people say the early adopters are basically beta testing these OLED monitors and they kind of have a point like we're just getting an idea of how many hours you can use these things until you're going to have visible burning artifacts I mean back when I got this monitor I had no idea how it would look like 1200 hours later I'm very happy that it's still looking flawless but I guess that it could also went in a different direction and the software support for the OLED pixel layouts is only very slowly starting to catch up but yeah despite of all that I'm still very much enjoying this monitor especially so for Competitive Gaming and I'm probably going to continue using it as my main monitor maybe it'll get replaced by one of the next gen olets I don't know we'll see thanks for watching this next video
Channel: techless
Views: 89,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: OLED burn-in, WOLED, LG OLED, OLED image retention, OLED degradation
Id: e7W45pp-pN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 17sec (377 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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