I Left a Bright HDR Patch on an LG OLED for 4 Hours - Did It Burn-In?

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I'm going to do a dangerous experiment most olet owners won't even dare to contemplate on their OLED display here I have disabled the pixel shifting and screen saver protection on an LG Ultra gear 27 gr 95 QE OLED monitor then I put up a 10% window test pattern at full blast in HDR not for a few seconds not for a few minutes but for more than 4 hours continuously to see if the rectangular window would be burnt into the OLED panel after 4 hours had passed I switched off the lights adjusted my camera exposure and displayed a full field gray pattern on the monitor since it's easier to detect any resulting screen burn in a pitch black room as you can see for yourself there is now a darker rectangular area in the center of the screen as a direct consequence of displaying a white patch of the exact same size in HDR without interruption for such a long period of time but before I poured myself a glass of champagne and started crying into it for causing permanent damage to the LG Ultra gear 27 g95 QE monitor I put the monitor into standby using the supply remote control at which point a notification popped up stating that the image cleaning process would begin after 10 minutes or so I turned on the Monitor and put up the same full field gray pattern again receiving a notification in the meantime that the image cleaning procedure had been completed and just like magic the rectangular Afterglow had disappeared with generally cleaner screen uniformity as well all thanks to the image cleaning process which is one of the many anti- screen bur measures implemented on the LG Ultra gear 27 gr 95 QE and Bolding LG Electronics to start covering OLED Burnin in its 2-year warranty at least for USA owners before I explain how image cleaning Works let's go through each anti-c screen bur measure provided on the lg27 g95 QE which can be found within the OLED care Sub menu the first item is screen move which is pixel shifting an algorithm that moves the entire frame by several pixels at certain intervals now now some of you may be tempted to switch this off due to a common misconception that pixel shifting would just spread any burn in caused by Static logos over a larger area however the wrgb olab panel on the 27 gr 95 QE came from LG display and according to the panel vendor who has at least one decade of experience in manufacturing wrgb olet panels found in the majority of olet TVs on the market today today pixel shifting actually serves to not only reduce the maximum luminance level each pixel is subjected to over time but also distribute the accumulated stress more evenly among pixels along a hard border so unless you are easily distracted by the entire frame being repositioned slightly from time to time it's best to leave screen move engaged especially since the whole picture will always be displayed on screen without getting cropped off due to the over provision of some pixels beyond the 2560 * 1440 resolution four modes are available each with somewhat different algorithms we think mode four is probably the least noticeable during day-to-day use next screen saver with this setting engaged if a static image had been left on screen for 10 minutes or longer the monitor will automatically switch off to protect the panel from developing permanent olet Burnin the image cleaning option allows you to manually run a minor compensation cycle also known as offrs compensation in LG displays lingo whereas the pixel cleaning setting will start a major compensation cycle otherwise called JB compensation by LG display here is the difference between offrs and JB compensation Cycles ol let sub pixels are driven by current controlled by thin film transistors or tfts and over time the TFS would degrade causing a shift in the voltage threshold required to activate the OLED sub pixels the role of image cleaning or off RS is to compensate for the voltage threshold shift and other parameters therefore rectifying the variation in current so that the input data would result in the correct output value on most wrgb OLED displays including the lg27 gr 95 QE off RS compensation is usually carried out in standby after every 4 hours of accumulated use taking between 5 and 10 minutes depending on the screen size as you can see from my power meter this is the wattage when image cleaning or off RS compensation is being carried out in standby on the ultra gear 27 g95 QE and this is the wattage after the compensation cycle has been completed if you turn off the power from the mains then the compensation cycle cannot be executed this is the reason why you should never switch off the mains power on any OLED monitor or television now on top of TFT degradation OLED subpixels also lose Luminosity over time due to unavoidable aging of the organic material and it's the uneven wear across the olad panel that leads to permanent screen burn pixel cleaning or JB compensation is designed to detect the olet degradation at each sub pixel then use a lookup table to translate OLED voltage shift to luminance compensation value helped by an AI based algorithm if it's an OLED ex or newer panel because olet compensation could accelerate degradation the goal of JB compensation is to boost OLED luminance to a gradually diminishing Target instead of to the original luminance when new on OLED ex and MLA panels such as that implemented on the LG Ultra gear 27 gr 95 QE JB compensation will run automatically after every 500 hours of accumulated use or you can manually trigger the process through the pixel cleaning setting in the OLED care Sub menu together with the presence of an extra white subpixel to alleviate the luminance workload these anti- screen bur measures helped wrgb OLED displays prove more resistant to olad burning than QD olets in the long term judging from the results of ratings olet burn in longevity test there have also been anecdotal reports of some QD olet monitors running hot but unfortunately I haven't received a review sample of a second generation QD OLED monitor to verify now back to the LG Ultra gear 27 gr 95 QE monitor it's equipped with an MLA or micr lens array OLED panel to find out how MLA technology improves OLED brightness without increasing the risk of OLED burning please watch my explanation video by clicking here
Channel: HDTVTest
Views: 162,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: t73n6MVhUS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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