Do We Still Need To Worry About OLED Burn-In?

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I recently bought an LG C2 I really love it but sometimes when I game on it I fear HUD burning especially if it's if it's an extended session for example when I was playing Jedi Survivor on Xbox as the PC version is broken I kept the HUD off the whole time for Starfield I am reducing HUD opacity I also have concerns about keeping rtss running in the corner what are some suggestions on preventing OLED burning while gaming um I I don't really take any uh sort of mitigating uh sort of things at all I just just game and get on with it and everything seems to be fine I don't know what you think John uh I've been very specifically putting one of these through an an intense test you guys use them as a monitor as well right we're all using as monitors right using it for years now I have taken zero precautions like I am using the full bright colored desktop I'm using the light mode for the Windows I've got the taskbar and the icons on all the time uh I'm actually kind of just doing it more just to see if anything happens but now months later uh even if I do a full screen like gray image in different levels of gray there is absolutely zero evidence of any sort of like image retention right now will that change over time possibly but we'll see I will actually keep people up to date isn't arings doing these like extended Mega burin they are doing it extremely Mega burning like just keeping images on for a very long time all the time so I do suggest keeping up with them to see what's going on there because yeah it's so extreme though like it's not even use case at that point right no exactly it's not normal use case and that's interesting because it's sort of pushing them to the limits what what I find interesting about their results though is that they're also like causing some LCDs to fail in weird ways and the panels having other issues with with that so like you know it's uh it's an interesting test to watch they they post photographs uh in sort of a sequential order that you can access through their database and sort of determine like how things change what I did take away from their findings that was interesting is that LG's more recent oleds seem to Faire better in this regard than the the QD oleds QD OLED seem to show more retention versus the the recent LG ones in the same time period basically showed like nothing or like next to nothing in their slides but you could actually see a little bit more on the Q oleds so this all sub pixel stuff you think like certain colors burning out quicker it's possible because I mean the way LGS works is they use like color filters right with like a white ol element and I think C OLED is different from that so it's can provide like a more intense color saturation apparently um I don't know something to look at their data is there it's really interesting in and really good so I recommend that yeah I mean I haven't had any issues I mean I'm now on uh becoming up to three years shortly bought this l LG C10 uh in December 2020 it's as good as the day I bought it yeah I'm using it as a monitor and um initially yeah I had a dark desktop and I had the taskbar sort of disappear out of you and it's not being used the kind of sort of um techniques that many people recommend for good OLED Health but since I've moved on to Windows 11 just haven't really bothered doing any of that still got a brighter background still got the taskbar you know it's it's performing as I'd expect and uh in terms of the the burning stuff I'm assuming leftist tomed sleeps at some point so you know as long as the TV is turned off and not left on with persistent content uh to sort of engineer an arting style stress test scenario I think it's probably be fine with it yeah just just my thoughts what's interesting is uh I also have an LG C10 in the background there the 65 in one is my gaming TV and then right now I'm using actually the C2 here on my desk and so the C my C10 is fine no burning no issues there but I do know like sometimes you have like a specific type of UI like the Xbox menu or the switch menu you go to a gray screen you can actually see like a ghost image for a short period of time which is just like the super temporary image retention the C2 doesn't even do that at all with those with those same scenarios so it does seem like they are continuing to improve their uh Tech in that regard so I feel fairly confident in saying that oled's in a pretty good place now like I think you can probably still torture test it enough to cause problems but like I would say we're in the realm of like CRT maybe like a CRT monitor right you could burn those in as well they had burn in yeah they could absolutely but like that's what we use as PC monitors for decades and it's largely not a problem that only really became a problem if you had like a CRT monitor that showed the same thing every day all the time and it never showed anything else eventually it would burn in and I feel like we're kind of in a similar place with OLED right now but I will keep everybody up to date on my own findings since I do regularly check uh the purity of the image against different color slides just to kind of for science if you will okay we'll find out for science it's good
Channel: DF Clips
Views: 48,051
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Id: 4L_kF851B00
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Length: 5min 33sec (333 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2023
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