I used LSD, Mushrooms, Yoga... then God said two words...

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usually the drugs were part of part of kind of a spiritual search actually so it wasn't so much drugs on some level to to either numb pain or escape but it was drugs like to enhance an experience like lsd and mushrooms and things that i took to a hiawatha ceremony in the amazon i did with the shaman and i was a buddhist for a few years and and got heavily into meditation and tibetan buddhism i tried yoga and hindu chanting and uh fasting um came vegan fruitarian i lived off fruit for a while in costa rica so see you what are we left out anything i never tried um you know born again christianity was one of the only things i didn't try it just didn't fit in the kind of you know hippies don't they don't tend to bring that up what drove you i think it's looking for for meaning looking for a life that that isn't just the road nine to five kind of turn myself off and turn on the tv life you know i was looking for something that that had meaning and where my i felt that my spirit was alive that i felt that i i could make sense of this this strange life that we're in you you say you just had never even heard the message the weirdest thing the cross you know that that it just meant nothing to me it you know all these other symbols that i'd seen you know the star of david had association with rastafarians or or the om symbol for for um you know yoga practitioners all these these symbols had meaning to me but the cross never even never even came into my awareness it was a really weird thing and then as soon as as soon as it did and it made sense i saw it everywhere you know i saw it in windows and and i i saw the cross you know in telephone poles and all of a sudden the the world became laden with this this this uh this symbol that meant so much to me you know that meant that meant forgiveness and life and you know well we have to get you to that very quickly because after all these world travels and experimenting and searching and everything imaginable you were homeless for a long time all over north america and you wind it up at your aunt's door i was living on a bus with 14 people a hippie bus the bus continued on back to bc and i stayed because my birthday was in a week and i wanted to celebrate with my family and especially my aunt because many times we celebrated our birthdays together because they were next to each other she had become a christian about seven years before and so i stayed and the night of my birthday she skipped an alpha meeting where they were talking about the new alpha course she skipped the meeting to come to you know her druggy nephew's birthday and i that night i went home with her and that night i um for some reason we stayed up till three in the morning talking about god and then the next day i went to a birthday party and the day after that i went to an alpha course and still nothing but but we every night we'd stay up and she had to get up for work at you know seven and we'd stay up till three in the morning talking about jesus and i and i was struggling with these the exclusivity that was a big thing i was struggling with how could you say that jesus is the only way and all these other people are wrong that was a big struggle for me so we talked about that quite a bit and that sunday i went to a worship service with her and i felt god say to me welcome home and wow yeah which was a which was a huge you just heard you had that yeah i just heard him inside my heart say welcome home which one of the things i went to all over the world were these rainbow gatherings hippie gatherings and the sign they always had above the gatherings was welcome home and so god spoke a language in my heart that he knew i would hear and and i there's no doubt it was his voice you say he freed me from deep loneliness and pain yeah at different times i struggled with an intense sense of despair inside my soul like hunger and and oh in so many ways you know god has met that hunger and provided me with with meaning in my life now years before your wanderings would end a lovely girl named sarah got a prayer request for a guy named matt who was in the amazon or something from your aunt yes and she didn't even know who you were she'd never seen you i don't think no no she four years before i had met sarah i was in the amazon and i had gone on an extended fast and i was down to about 80 pounds and struggling with all sorts of uh mental emotional stuff or a mess i was a mess i ended up in the hospital and um almost dead and she prayed for me she was at trinity western in the time in bc and her parents were attending the same church as my aunt and she had prayed for me and then four years later when i showed up at that church her parents called her she was in bc and said you wouldn't believe the people showing up at our church because i had you know i had i looked quite wild so the bohemian wild child was now in the sanctuary yes and how many years ago did sarah become your wife seven years ago okay you've got to see the most beautiful part of this story here's the fruit of that wonderful relationship anna is five lucy is three and here is sarah who prayed for a guy named matt whom she had never seen you enjoying being a dad it's a love it's a love i've i've never felt before and even just coming up here and just a day away hurts my heart because i just love those girls so much and my wife so much so god has given me a new story a whole new story amazing he traveled the whole world and didn't find it but right in your own backyard in a sense jesus was waiting to welcome you home if you are in that general lostness uh alone in the universe you know what you're not alone there's someone who made you for his pleasure made you for himself and i am praying that this will be your story as it is mats
Channel: 100huntley
Views: 220,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lsd, hippie, magic mushrooms, christian, christianity, christians, bible study, mental health stigma, nde, psilocybin, shrooms, drugs, psychedelics, psychedelic mushrooms, tripping, hallucination, mental health, alternative medicine, psychotherapy, christian testimony, jesus calls, new age to jesus testimony, jesus testimony, christian testimony videos, christian testimony 2020, christian youtuber, new age to jesus, my testimony, testimony, 100huntley, 100 huntley street, psilocybin mushrooms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 38sec (398 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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