I Used GPT-4 To Create THESE 4 Cool Python Apps

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how's it going guys in this video I'm going to be showing you four cool projects that chatgpt made for me in Python while I was drinking my coffee so to get started I created actually four different projects one was a 3D model a chatbot a python logo and a tick tock scraper so these are the four projects I'm going to show you starting with what I believe to be my favorite and that is the chatbot so if we tap on this chatbot I asked it the following prompt and I pretty much told it to create a chat bot that can learn from my input and then it gave me around 60 lines of code I also asked it to provide type hinting in my code so I could read it better and it did that as well so I was drinking my coffee when I did all of this so pretty much what it did is create a function that can clean the text so you can actually process it it created a scoring mechanism so it could find the best match for each one of the inputs and then it also has a function that updates the responses in the chatbot so it can learn new responses and then it has a function that actually performs the whole chatbot called chatbot and I'm going to be leaving all of these projects in my GitHub repository so you can actually play around with these if you want to and let's see actually how this chatbot works so if we run the chatbot it's going to say hello I'm a learning chatbot please teach me by typing a message and the response I should give to test my learning just type your message and I will respond based on what I've learned and then you can type in exit to quit but the first thing we're going to do is say hi and of course the chatbot has zero experience right now it doesn't know what we're trying to tell it so what we can do is say hi and by providing a double pipeline we can teach it a response so we can say hello there then the chatbot is going to respond I've learned a new response so here we can now say hi and the chatbot is going to respond hello there and if we type in something more complicated such as I wanted to say hi since that's the highest rated response it's going to give us the hello there back we can also give it something more complicated such as how are you question mark and we're going to add the pipelines and say I'm good thanks for asking now every time we ask how are you it's going to respond to that and we can also say Hi how are you with a lot of exclamation marks and since that's going to rank the highest it's going to give us back that response so we're able to teach this chatbot and it's giving us those responses back as well it's a great chatbot and if we type in exit it's going to finish the chatbot so Chachi PT generated all of this in around a minute with the following prompt and I was very impressed because for myself that would probably take at least half an hour not to mention debugging this would take even longer for me but I was impressed it's highly readable the code looks clean I mean there are a few things that could be improved but you just need to specify that with chat gbt the second project I have is a 3D model I told Chachi BT to create a 3D model for me and then I told it to animate it and I mean there are some things wrong with this such as importing system and not using system at all that's fine what I want to show you is how this 3D model works so if we run the 3D model and we go to the main screen it generated this beautiful Cube for us it's in 3D it rotates I love everything about it and yeah you can stare at it for hours chat gbt did this in less than a minute and the Chachi bt4 model is very slow on my computer and I guess it's slow on a lot of people's computers because it does require a lot more processing power so I don't think their servers are being so generous just yet with the speed so I haven't really compared what Chachi bt3 can do with this Cube but I know chat gbt4 is doing quite good with this generation so that was a silly second project but let's stop that and let's move on to the third project and the third project is the python logo I asked both gpt3 and gpt4 to try to draw a python logo so first let's start with the gpt4 approach we're going to run that file it drew it in turtle and as you can see it created absolute nonsense this is the python logo that Chachi bt4 created so I kind of gave it a scolding I said hey this is wrong recreate it Chachi PT apologized as it should have and for gpt4 if we run that on the second attempt at least it got one of the callers right and it put some eyes but that's all I could get it to do when it came to drawing the python logo it has no idea at the moment or actually tell me if you can get this to work I could never get it to draw the python logo no matter what prompt I've tried but if you have a prompt that works with that please share it in the comment section down below so that was the capability of gpt4 withdrawing the python logo and to compare it to gpt3 we can run the first attempt with it right now and I thought this was one of the most beautiful abstract Arts I've ever seen or interpretations of python python is an interpreted language so why not interpret the python logo as well so that's what gpt3 gave for the first attempt and for the second attempt it gave some more nonsense it's still following the caller scheme which I found very impressive compared to gpt4 it could be absolutely random what it did but chat gbt3 absolutely won this contest and finally I asked it to create a tick tock scraper so I wanted it to scrape the amount of followers from any account that we insert and then I asked it to turn it into a TK inter-application that we can run on any OS so we did that it imported requests it imported beautiful soups and it imported TK enter and it also imported this message box that wasn't used that's fine if it doesn't use something that's fine it's easy first just to remove that as a developer our job is done for the day but what it did is get the tick tock followers it looked for the URL it got a response from that URL with the username specified it passed that HTML and it tried to find the title of followers if something went wrong it just said something went wrong then it created a function and it created the app under that so if we actually run this you'll see that we will get this very nice prompt here and you can enter any Tick Tock username you want you can even enter indently and find out how many followers indently has and apparently I only have five followers now and now I remember why I only have five followers and that's because that's not my Tick Tock account that's some fool who actually took that username but indently reels is my Tick Tock handle so if I type in that and I get those followers it's going to show the correct amount of 6577 and you can even type in Apple for the Apple corporation and you'll get 2.8 million followers if you type in something that doesn't exist such as that it's going to give you this error here that it was unable to access the tick tock account which makes sense it probably doesn't exist so the error messages can be fixed I should have asked Chachi PT to be much more specific with the errors but for now it's fine the program works it has a user interface that we can easily use and it gets the followers for any account we want let's say something such as Facebook I wonder Facebook has a tick tock and if we tap get followers it's going to give us the amount of followers from Facebook so those were four projects that I asked Chachi PT to generate for me they were completely random I'm still playing around with it so do let me know in the comment section down below if you have any cool prompts you want me to try out I will try to include it in the next video but otherwise I'm going to be leaving this again in my GitHub repository so if you want to play around with any of these projects just click on the link in the description box down below and copy and paste these have fun with it create your own prompts improve upon these do whatever you want but with all that being said as always thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Indently
Views: 7,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pyton, pyhton, pythn
Id: DmQrccglVn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2023
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