I Used EXPLOSIVE Music Notes to KILL EVERYONE in Holocure

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so the higher number I roll the more damage I can do meaning if I get a six well idiots just start dying a bunch but that one was only four and so my goal is to try and get to 30 minutes in this endless mode since the original one ends at 20 what is this Idol song Fun new weapon where just musical notes started flying out all right sounds good to me me and Miss barrels hakos will make it through or else we die so singing's what it takes to kill things so be it I just need to keep rolling like high numbers I think a six is like 70 or something four is twenty one two is eleven one is just trash kill these chickens that's huge also I feel like these musical notes aren't doing much right now but they'll probably get better yeah how much do they even do 24 okay yeah suddenly they're much better also her skill is that I just uh fire all my weapons without delay man it's that stupid broken you imagine what that's going to be like when I have 700 weapons attacks have a 10 chance to cause the target to be upside down yeah that's hilarious are you kidding me look at him he's like what an idiot okay I just got hit I wasn't paying attention maybe I'm the idiot Critical Hits roll the same percentage chance again to deal extended damage oh my gosh I'm a gambling character I mean I guess I should have realized whenever my entire main attack is rolling a dice and hoping for the best but that's gonna be fun hey giant lizard boy you mind dying for me actually wait I just keep getting more credit cards so I'm buying them yeah get flipped upside down loser okay standing up again kind of wishing you really would have saved my special but that's fine oh he's dead get the holozon box what do you have for me friend more credit card I'll take it and I've maxed out my credit card now all right double free Anvil chan ce which means double free upgrades and as far as my upgrades go I feel like getting my plate I stay image up by 30 more percent probably pretty good I Wonder If eventually I'll be able to throw another one a lot of games you can throw two dice it'd be nice if I could kill people by throwing two survey says any upgrade oh throw two dice don't mind if I do it's just like doubled my damage in a way thanks game oh that's a lot of creatures wait uninterrupted dice throwing there we go we're blowing people up that's so strong oh increase experience gained by 10% yes that just means more upgrades better dice better murder is this cheating am I gonna get like banned from Vegas probably not I'll just do the dice at him and kill him if so oh more experience oh there's another Elite already dude I feel like endless mode just Chucks these guys at me it's fine just stay back I'm fairly certain I just heard an anvil pop up there I would like to head that way more study glasses for better experience more play dice upgrade so now my dice are much larger and much farther oh my gosh I could just do crazy damage this way just keep chucking it in there oh a lot of people just disappeared I thought that was all enemies man does that Elite just like want to die though any any day feel free oh yes he popped there's just so many oh it's the golden guy that's it pop my ability he's upside down he's dead oh her ability is just so broken and now let's upgrade my idol song to level three and I just got three upgrades here small knockback on hit more music note size and sure I'll take a cutting board no harm there it's just something to push people away reduce time between attacks by 20% idle Song level five that's insane and dude why am I just upgrading so much it's because of my glasses alright better critical hit odds I get the feeling stuff's gonna get pretty insane increase music note size by 25% absolutely those things are huge I should probably find an upgrade that like gives me health because now I'm starting to get my teeth kicked in a bunch oh researchers coat this gives me experience per second that's extremely handy and at my Anvil I'm just gonna make my dice do 30% more damage because now it's also just one level away from being maxed and I've got a lot of little tokens on the ground what do we think game play dice awaken to throw three dice oh yeah that's three oh and they're red now it's like I'm at an official Casino all right let's beat everyone back then I'm insanely strong with my dice now ooh idol song Max 50% more damage too that's crazy ooh another anvil dude those are dropping like crazy I wish I could get the double Anvil use upgrade all right holozon box I got another triple one what better researchers coat better cutting board I don't really want this full meal so I'll just drop you nurse horns give me HP back I will be taking that please and then upgrade my cutting board okay wait no the crocodiles in detective outfits appeared enemies suddenly deciding to get harder that's fine you know what break this open oh a ton of XP en's curse fires curse energy in front of you this just looks cool I'm taking it oh wow that just Auto goes and beats someone up huh all right thanks and what is this sausage swing a small sausage at someone yeah go ahead it's so stupid oh it's a bunch of idiots quick use my ability this should be like free kills for so much again her special ability is the most broken thing I've ever seen in my entire life I love it more cutting board and I want to upgrade my sausage to do more damage now because I just did a hundred damage crit oh my gosh what was that go ahead beat him in the face yep you got it sausage Whack Him in for my final weapon I picked up the plug type asico it just shoots a tail out now it's just a game of getting upgrades and finding collabs oh there's an elite right there hang on can I like get my mega crit on him please that would be nice did he oh no he's just flipped oh squeeze through yes I want this sticker dang it first Target I hit they get marked then they start getting hurt a bunch look now the elites Mark to kill him kill his face off he doesn't need it he's a skeleton reduce all attack damage by 15% but increase his crit Chance by 30% wow yes okay thanks my damage is weaker but my crit chance is basically half which I'm sure you can imagine is pretty crazy oh I can reduce all damage by seven percent and increase crit chance by 30 again pretty soon I'm about to be doing all crits also do not surround me I get claustrophobic hello holozon box take my free upgrade and then upgrade this down under skill again so now it's at 15% and then if I upgrade it one more time it's maxed out I like to max out abilities if I can because it means they stop showing up and I can get right to the good stuff because it means they stop showing up and I can get right to the good stuff increase crit Chance by 30 for free yeah I mean I'll just take that it still says my crit is 46% is that broken I don't know I'll just trust it where did those two anvils just come from oh my gosh I just got a lot of things this sucks we'll just strengthen my marking stamp and then start upgrading off the Anvil let's get this sausage upgraded to level four decrease the cooldown and added a small knockback which I will accept with absolute Open Arms why are there so many chickens I don't know but they keep dropping me Anvil so I'll take it more sausage it's almost maxed it looks like it has 63 damage which is just stupid I never thought I'd be a pop Idol Vtuber we're just running around smacking people with a giant sausage but hey you never really know where life will take you sausage swing becomes a two hit combo go ahead give him a smack yep the old one two that's so dumb there's a giant cat in the bottom right of my screen and I'm a little afraid I will be firing an additional asacoco now so that's fine oh they're upside down idiot okay that's a laser beam wait do my thing where I just infinitely fire the sausage starts whacking the crap out of them that's insane en's curse thanks okay her special ability just needs to be studied by scientists on why it was ever allowed the sausage is just so busted and ooh yes Anvil I'm almost able to get my asacoco to Max and plug type Max thank you I've got three weapons maxed surely I can collab here soon right one of them has to combine with the other oh my gosh this stamp is insane a 10% chance to stun combined with my ability to flip people over and I oh there is a golden collab here it's my sausage and my asacoco what do you make lightning weiner that was my nickname in high school shoots lightning towards wieners to home into targets and strike lightning down on them okay now that's got to be busted in some way I'm I'm fairly certain that can't be allowed all right for my next weapon then I'm taking glow stick also oh another stamp I like this one just more weapon damage what's not to love oh hey bunch of tiny rats you don't mind if you just get lightning struck do you no I didn't think so no blacksmith gear you're here I didn't mean to go all Dr Seuss but that's possibly one of the best things I could ever see for now I'm just kind of running around trying to find stuff to pick up and it's working out well I'd really like one of those ones that just let me suck up all the experience that's on the floor like a hungry rat who hasn't eaten cheese in a couple days game can I get one of those I see an anvil over there let's get my cutting board to level five because then using the Anvil I can max out my cutting board now now I should have three walls from my back left and right and then I shoot at a bunch of lightning wieners from I don't know my mouth or something I don't really know where those come from and I think I actually prefer to not find out oh use my ability there's a lot of people on the screen this is insane that's balanced I think oh it's one of those experience eating orbs reduced special cooldown by 20% wait that's kind of busted give me that and then en's curse to level five glad I had enough for two level UPS just lying around on the ground oh there's an elite right there hey buddy my special cooldown might have a one-fifth percent faster drop rate but I didn't even need it for you I'm just stupid strong more en's curse what do you got holozan box oh you've maxed out my en's curse fire three curses and each time it spreads damage increased by ten percent oh I can combine stuff again my cutting board and en's curse what do you make bone Bros despite the hand that feeds you if it's holding a knife but it's plus 15% damage and size oh dear God that is not oh that that can't be fair that's just a giant beam that kills stuff huh okay no sure yeah I'm fine with that actually I think that's balanced I can't wait to infinitely fire that for five seconds and see what happens whatever happened to me throwing dice where did that go oh now there's lizards holding axes and wearing just super stylish clothes coming after me okay that's fine get beamed no skeletons with baseball bats it's like my worst nightmare oh Anvil excuse me guys need to get in there for this thank you I want to upgrade my idol costume a couple of times because now my special cooldown's 30% and now I'm changing up my marking stamp for the weaken stamp because it has a pretty high chance to just well weaken and then we'll strengthen you to level two and idle costume up to level four it's a 35% special cool down I shouldn't be allowed to have that that should be reprimanded away from me by the US government but now it's 40% how high does it let me go does it let me have an infinite cooldown I think before I buy any more weapons I'm just gonna try and get my glow stick to Max to see if my glow stick and idle songs stick together oh there's two Elites right here do the thing that's okay now see remember when I said it wasn't going to be fair that that's why glow stick level four you're gonna be glow stick level five glow stick level six are you gonna max out the glow stick that'd be nice yeah you do all right happy that happened in such a fast and efficient way just keep killing stuff what is this weapon attacks can heal a random amount oh that might actually be really good let's swap it with my pacifist stamp and then strengthen it because this is endless mode I don't know what I'm going to get into past a 20 minute Mark so it's just good to have coverage no way I can actually do another collab ooh CEO tears fire rapid tears at random targets I do love that one and now combine my glow stick and Idol song because what do you do throw glow sticks in all directions that explode okay so yeah it's just a rainbow of pain and suffering but in Fun Song format there's another collab Anvil I can combine Idol concert with Idol costume what does that do reduce Special cooldown by 30 whenever activating a special increase all stats by 50% for 10 seconds I didn't know there was like collab collabs oh no I'm really strong oh I didn't mean to do that oh I'm I'm sorry I'm sorry everyone who's here little junamos uh that's that's on me here let's just increase my weapon damage too I think that would be fun I think spider cooking combines with CEO tears but then we'll just upgrade you again just keep upgrading CEO tears it shoots random stuff at random targets that's fair okay that's oh my gosh this is busted this is probably the strongest I've ever been and if I use my cooldown you just I don't know I don't even know what happens the god of rainbows and Idol songs just comes in and murders everything the super collab is busted I don't even know how you're supposed to damage me at this point I'm fairly certain I've just ascended into godhood increase regular fan spawns oh I could just make more enemies actually let's go with that more enemies should mean more experienced drops and also more coins right oh hello Elite enemy do you mind uh trying to come give me a little hug you're going for it you're hanging in there you actually have a lot more Health than I thought you would oh you're dead though now I think I'm just one more level up away from having spider cooking Max so personally I can't wait bread dogs hey buddies you mind if I cut you up with my little red knife throwing things also spider cooking is now Max thanks to an upgrade I got I just need to hear the golden Anvil sound and then a smile will appear on my face oh it's just a normal Anvil sound what I can do is enchant my super collab to have a effect so now it has knockback okay that's handy and then I can just like upgrade bone Bros to have three more damage it cost coins that I have but I mean I'm at 4900 of them let's also increase this halu down here the enemies got 25 stronger but everyone drops more coins increase regular fan spawns even further Beyond and this what's he doing is to go even further Beyond anyways do it they're 33% stronger but I don't really mind they're kind of getting their teeth kicked there is a golden Anvil better cooking CEO tears combine together friend the dream is dead and there is no hope but it's a bubble Shield oh okay so I can just stand here is what it's telling me also there's a lot of enemies on my screen we can fix that go special ability where I just murder everyone in rainbow color fashion all right thank you for that drops of falling bounce ball and random targets you know what that's fitting to be my last weapon I think something that just kind of happens without me needing to intervene and it's ooh someone dropped a stamp right here give me upgrade my attack up stamp that's 25 more weapon damage is another stamp down here I would like to get too increased ball damage by 20% can upgrade my weekend stance so now there's a 30% chance enemies get weakened oh wait this is the boss throw a bunch of crap at her oh she's gonna try and sit on me move move it give me my bounce bottle level four and there's an anvil there do I have my ability oh yeah special ability time okay she just got erased it's not fair bounce ball level five bounce ball level six bounce ball level Max strengthen my healing stamp this is so busted my Halu item now just says don't do it well I'm gonna do it also my Broken Dreams doesn't have an enchantment let's throw one on it what are you gonna be friend hit rate 20% I don't even know what that would do for you all right more bounce ball then I officially can't level up my stuff any further so now I'm just getting skill picks like increased weapon attack speed by five percent is there gonna be like increased critical chance at all because I'd like that I think that would be fun increase attack power yeah we'll do that one too there is crit chance wait put that on if I could get everything to be a hundred percent crit chance I would be the most busted character in existence what appears after 20 minutes though is it gonna be like a new enemy are we just gonna recycle through the list is it gonna be these weird dogs forever I mean I guess I'll find out as I go okay at 23 minutes I think it's just spamming Elites at me now but they're not actually Elites because they're not dropping me anything I don't know to me that feels a little bit rude but I guess it's fine use my special time I think a lot of murders happening in there I'm gonna try and upgrade my Idol Live to just do more damage it's only three base damage but oh I failed there's like a 93% chance of me succeeding how would I ever fail but now its damage is up to nine percent let's just keep trying it why not 12 and we see 15 more damage no okay well you know can't win them all all right let's do that thing I do so well just infinite attacking it's so stupid but so fun it just clears everything and I can keep trying to upgrade my Idol Live more yes all the way up to level six sure enough 18 more weapon damage I'm also almost level 100 now too no I just heard more anvils drop but I absolutely cannot reach them do that thing that I do so well just yep infinite murdered oh my game is lagging oh and I hit Level 100 more attack power all right upgrade lightning weiner to do more damage that's like a pretty constant hit everything right come on just hang in there I just got three more minutes till I get to 30 pretty silly to think that a lot of this just started because I wanted to laugh at lightning weiner for a bit now look at what it's become I made it to 29 1 minute left come on attack power by eight percent get that again too I see that I'm dealing like 200 damage in my purples and stuff is still just fine what do these guys have like 2000 HP how crazy my damage output is oh man I just get hit once I lose like 20 Health yeah I just went down to 85 from 112 oh my gosh that's fine just 20 seconds longer please I'm almost there movement speed by 12 gives me double movement speed it's at 102 now and I yes 30 minutes I did it what is this what is going on here use my ability use my ability this is horrifying kill them spam them oh that's the scariest thing I've ever seen in my entire life no my abilities gone there's so many faces they're so fast I can't keep up I can't run away forever no well I did just get a score of 1.2 million so that feels pretty good
Channel: ImCade
Views: 43,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cade, imcade, iamcade, indie, pc, funny, gameplay, holocure, imcade holocure, holocure imcade, holocure best, holocure new, holocure update, holocure how to, holocure shop, holocure gacha, I Upgraded So Much It BROKE REALITY, holocure super collab
Id: NVlCzK6mZhY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2023
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