I Unlocked EVERY Warframe Trophy!

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this is Warframe my favorite game of all time I've wanted to make a trophy video on this game for a long time but the problem was I already 100% the game at least I would have if this trophy wasn't bugged so because of that I decided to start a new account to 100% Warframe again there are 91 trophies in this game with 32 DLC Packs to go through so let's just jump in if you don't know anything about Warframe let me sum it up you are a being called a tenno humans that have special powers with those Powers the tenno controls suits called warframes and you mostly play as these warframes and they have many different powers and weaponry this all takes place in a war tour and origin system where you fight different factions such as the grineer Corpus and infested you complete missions experience amazing quests and be as overpowered as possible the journey starts with me choosing my first Warframe and I chose obviously we I got to go Vault my main obviously we are pretty weak and we meet up with the group of grineer and more importantly the leader Captain Vore he attaches a device called the ascaris to my Warframe with the intention of kidnapping him but this happens instead I'm surging your warframe's Power Systems quick now the tutorial begins and I start by testing out my abilities after I took down those fools I found some melee weapons okay we're going with the Scana as an Easy Choice jeez goodbye oh man I missed this tutorial man it wasn't even like this originally either like this is got complete redesign it's been ages there's a of weapons ahead lot of course eventually my extraction ship comes in buto so now I had to find my old ship and I found one more weapon Paris Paris is the better choice after that I found my ship and met my sethlon Oris and I had to protect the ship from some enemies and then we were able to fly out and finish the tutorial with the tutorial done my new goal is to finish vor's prize also because I happen to log in during warframe's 11th anniversary I got a new melee called the Dex NaNa which will help a lot during the early game I wouldn't get a trophy for finishing vor's prize but after completing this first mission I could get a trophy for reaching rank two with my Warframe this Mission introduces a mission called spy where you need to hack data vaults this version of the mission only has one Vault compared to the normal 3 and the data I'm looking for is a com segment for the ship of course with me already knowing how to play the game I was easily able to get the segment and get my first [Music] trophy no longer a rookie first trophy I continued on rescuing a man named darvo and getting access to mods which are how you make your load out even stronger eventually we had to get The Foundry segment so that we could build the asr's negator so we got the resources for it and I was able to build it but before I did that I applied four mods to my Warframe lus do something theer our tools shape us and when I crafted the negator I also got weapon Smith building it in the boundary oh I think I get a show for that unfortunately the ascar had a fail save so we needed to find VOR before it could detonate we sabotaged a ship to get the nav segment we needed and while I was here I got a trophy for getting a kill with all of my weapons in 5 seconds or less 10 of all trades Now That We Knew vor's location it was time to confront him I don't care for that stay this one is a hand using Lotus hi move easy after I finished VOR prize I was also able to do my first Mastery Rank test mastery rank is pretty much your overall level based on how many items you've maxed out and how much of the star CH you've completed this isn't important for any trophies but it's very important for progression besides to 100% my starting goal was to make my way through the star chart by unlocking new planets completing different quests and upgrading my Arsenal this wasn't my only goal for this account though I also just simply wanted to re-experience being a new player since it's been 7 years since I started this game and digital extremes have made so many changes to the game and the new player experience such as UI changes entire title set redesigns and changing dumb requirements for things to unlock new planets I first need to complete the requirements for things called Junctions I'll explain a little more about that later but just know that Venus Junction required me to complete a quest called s's vigil so that's the next thing I did this Quest introduces warframe's first open world the PLS of on along with the Village Market cedus you learn a little about the villagers specifically kanu SAA and anko who went missing and sa is trying to get to the bottom of his disappearance it's a pretty nice Quest and a good introduction to the PLS you also encounter a being called an idolon which was far out of my league at this point but I would eventually need to fight one for a trophy speaking of trophies after I finished the quest I got one s vigil now that I had done SC viil I was ready to unlock Venus after you finish all the Junctions requirements you go there to fight a spectre which is just an evil Warframe after you defeat it you go through a cool cut scene and you get rewards and of course access to the next planet my next planet was Mercury which has a requirement to survive 10 ways of Defense in a mission called tessora so I used this as a chance to get two Trophies the main one I went for was for surviving eight ways of Defense using only melee attacks and I naturally got angel of death for killing 100 enemies in one mission and talking about the mission it's self-explanatory you defend something and every five waves you get a reward and a choice to extract or continue you can continue for as long as you want but the enemies will get tougher as you go anyway here are the trophies Angel of Death the eight-fold path let's go we counted after getting a trophy for hacking 10 consoles I started on another requirement for mer Mercury which was completed in the quest Vox Solaris this Quest introduces another open world the or valis and the underground colony of fortuna this place is also home to some of the grindi trophies in the game but we'll get there when we get there the quest has us aiding the people of fortuna in rebelling against nefo we get access to a k Drive during this which is a hoverboard and I got this trophy hang tenno make a 50 m jump on a k Drive oh there wasn't a trophy for beating the quest which is all right it was still a cool Quest but there was a trophy for the next requirement defeating the Jackle now the Jackal is one of the few bosses that have been redesigned the other one being Ulus but I'm not sure if any others have been redesigned anyway the main premise of the Jackal is to shoot its limbs until it's fully dead but in 2020 they added some more first of all you got a new intro cut scene I expected it to be take second they kept the limb mechanic but now after every limb The Jackal goes into a defensive mode and releases a laser wall and when it's back on the ground you hit it with your parizon to deal damage and rinse and repeat the fight may still be a little repetitive but I really like the new version of the Jackal and I'd be down for more redesigns or new bosses that are just as cool or cooler than The Jackal after I defeated that fool I got my trophy savior of Venus the Jackal also drops parts for the Rhino Warframe who will be pretty helpful for me later and after performing my 100 stealth kill I got my first maxing out Trophy this one was for reaching rank 30 with a blade and there are many more trophies like this blade proficiency and then I destroy 200 Corpus crewman helmets [Music] hat off to you deflected 1,000 projectiles with my melee Shield saver and then I started a quest called how the kubra as the name suggests I'm going to be getting a Kubo in this Quest and a Kubo is a dog in this universe I had to do a survival to acquire an incubator segment and after I installed it I had to get a Kubo egg which as a side note they Chang this to be a guaranteed drop for the quest compared to before when you could be looking for for an egg for hours I told you they made lots of improvements to the new player experience they even gave me a free power core so I didn't have to farm for one and after I started incubating I got a trophy egg timer I then went after another Quest that was required for sir's junction and that's heart of damos this Quest introduces the third open world cambian drift and A Place Called necrolis Home of the inade the quest introduces us to disinfested family and they don't like each other by the end of the quest we're able to bring them back together somewhat this Quest also introduces necrom X which are really cool but I don't need them for any trophies during this Quest I got a trophy for collecting 50 gang Li from haptic frond and one for catching 10 fish also kill some juggernauts which helps with killing five for this trophy once again there's no trophy for finishing the quest I also started working on invasions invasions are events where two different factions are going against each other if you side with one of them they'll give you a reward also known as battle pay when the invasion is over I'll get a trophy for receiving battle pay five times another type of mission I was working on was void Fishers these are missions where you go in with a relic and collect reactant to open it reactant drops from corrupted enemies which constantly spawn due to these fishes these missions are very helpful because they give you access to Prime gear and Forma which is required for two other trophies after completed my 10th void Fisher I got another trophy into the void let's see what I got uh Bron Prime barrel okay I'll take it as I continue going through the star chart unlocking series maxing out weapons and fighting bosses I encountered a hijack Mission this is a mission where you need to hijack a core and escort it to extraction this Mission kind of sucks unless you have hildren because to move the core you need to sacrifice your Shields hildren has tons of shields so this isn't a problem but for little master rank 2 volt this Mission sucked it doesn't help that there's also a trophy for completing a hijack without L the core move back I may not have gotten that trophy but I got a different one instead I hate this mission where credit is due I got 100,000 credits as I'm whining about a mission I was stubborn though so I didn't want to wait on that trophy but I knew I couldn't do it alone so I got the best person for the job without a hitch thank you shardik I appreciate the help man I appreciate it so much dude to be fair I got punished by the stalker for doing that after reaching rank 30 with my pistol I went and fought Mercury's boss who was the one the only Captain Vore again I'm not sure why he has a repeat maybe it was something from years ago but I don't know I'm just going to skip to the trophy but know that even this isn't the last time you see him and trophy savior of mercury continuing on with the star chart I encountered another Miss mission called interception this Mission involves four radio towers that you need to capture and get to 100% before the enemy can do it there's another trophy to get here for completing it with the Enemy capturing 40% or less which unlike the hijack trophy is pretty easy control freak another mission specific trophy is this one for rescuing 10 hostages without setting off the timer this is done during rescue missions and there isn't much else to explain I just needed to avoid enemies and cameras to make sure I didn't get caught which was easy since I knew all the shortcuts during these missions and eventually I rescued the last one Liberator after two more trophies for destroying 150 cameras and maxing out my Sentinel my homie Rulo helped me with some leveling we went to a mission called hydron which in my opinion is the best way to level things up it's just your average defense Mission but because of how many enemies spawn and how small the tile set is you can get so much affinity and level a weapon from 1 to 30 in 15 waves without a booster and depending on your squad you can do that really fast too warframes will take longer but it's still faster than playing normally though it's not the best way to level them I needed Rolo's help because hydron is on sna and I didn't have that planet unlocked yet so he needed to taxi me there while we were here and because our teammates were down we were also able to reach wave 20 so I was able to get two trophies one for Maxi M glaive and the wave 20 trophy fire shuriken proficiency see right the way eventually I unlocked Uranus and to get Neptune I had to complete a mission only using my melee which also happens to be a trophy but for 10 missions so I got that here trophy the sword alone and now I got to the start of the main story of Warframe starting with the quest Nat this Quest isn't that special but it tells us that our guide Lotus was actually a part of the sentient faction who were very important during the old War I'm not even going to attempt to fully explain everything but if you're interested there are lore videos out there the quest doesn't have a trophy but I thought I'd mention it for future reference after the quest I fought the boss of Uranus till regor he was a part of the NAT Quest and his fight is actually kind of fun after I defeated him I got his trophy plus another one trophy it keeps getting better all right comment an hour Trophy and Savor Urus it really does keep getting better from there because after s 10,000 credits worth of items I started my favorite Quest the second dream this Quest doesn't have a trophy but that's not going to stop me for talking about it a little bit by the way this is your spoiler warning if you do want to play any of these yourself this Quest starts with a cut scene of the stalker meeting the Senti and honow who gives him special powers and tells him to take him to the tenel heart aka the reservoir of course our goal is to stop him from doing that with the help of Alid V who is normally our enemy we find a relic that we thought would lead us to hunhow but instead we accidentally give him the location of the reservoir and find out that hunhow is lotus's Dad we followed the stalker through a void gate into an oron Tower and learned that Lua Earth's moon was hidden in the void by lotus to protect it from the sentient since they can't enter the void we ended up disabling the tower's void mask which revealed Lu's location so we went to Lua to stop the stalker from collapsing the void and we had to take it out of the Void to stop him but that allowed the sentience to invade so we had to protect the reservoir this led to one of my favorite cut scenes in the game where you learn about your true form being in the reservoir and the stalker hesitates not sure why but maybe we'll find out in J Shadows now we had access to our true form which is pretty overpowered at least for the quest it is and we had to blast some sentients on our way to extraction when we got back to the ship we were greeted by the stalker and we had to push him away to get access to the somatic link after the third time another cut scene played and this happened all your dread long life you've waited for this moment but you're asking yourself was I one of these wretched things you know the answer you still hate them you still hate yourself what is this [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] now we fight on two fronts my child the war without and the war within now I officially had access to my tenno and focus trees which are my tenno's abilities to upgrade these you collect Focus during missions if you use an item that you put a focus lens on and you invest the focus into the tree I would get a trophy later for fully unlocking a focus tree after that amazing Quest I got started on another one called Rising tide this Quest doesn't really follow a story but it's the process of me obtaining a railjack which is a giant ship that I'll need I got a trophy for entering the dryck which is where you could figured the railjack and then I got started on the quest the quest is the same objective over and over I go find one of the six parts scan the wreckage while interference drones pop up every so often then bring the part back to the dry dock invest some resources into it and wait for it to build all while listening to sephon SAI talk about how he's not a viable ship sephon due to what happened to his old crew after I built the final part Sai realized that he was the only railjack compatible sephylon leading him to finally come to terms with what happened and be a viable ship sephylon I said sephon four times during that anyway here's the trophy for building the railjack oh there you go some assembly required the real Jack is required for multiple trophies and I wasn't looking forward to it after that I got a few more leveling trophies and remember how I said the Jacko drops Rhino Parts well I had farmed them to get the rest of the parts I needed and on this day they were ready to claim along with a bunch of other items and I got this trophy yep buy slots scientist let's go 20 items all of that progress was in the span of 2 days which was enough time for my Kubo to be born and I gave him the best name I could think of I would name him I'd say that's a w name after I matured name for combat I was able to bring him into missions I needed to complete 10 missions with him and I decided to bring him into hydron while I leveled up some weapons to get more of those trophies and eventually we completed our 10th mission together why oh my okay tenno and Hooch and now was time for the next main quest the war within this Quest does have a trophy tie to it this Quest introduces us to the grineer Queens who are the main villains of this Quest Lotus tells us to go back to the reservoir because she detects an intrusion and she's right the Intruder was tessin who was a part of the NAT Quest he was doing something shady and we can hear the Queens talking to him he escapes and tries to shake us off his trail with some specters but we're able to use his specters to find him at the security checkpoint after overriding the security we find the ca Fortress where the Queens are located Lotus tells us not to go to it but we don't listen and we should have because it was a trap we learned that tesin works with the queens and they're able to take our Warframe away from us because we don't have our Warframe we're technically not the operator anymore and Oris kicks us off the ship we're stranded on this mountain pass pretty much powerless anden is see seemingly no help I say that because he leads us through the mountain helping us regain our suppressed memories which unlocks new abilities that we can use without the Warframe eventually we're able to get access to our Warframe again and with the help of tessin we're able to deal with the Queens at least the main one and Escape The Fortress with the queen scepter in the end we're able to choose what we do with the Kua in the scepter which reveals something odd in us and the quest ends War within such a goated quest man the war with it with another amazing Quest done I quickly completed 10 mod transmutes and got started on another Main and trophy Quest chains of herrow the events of this Quest don't really affect the future too much but it reveals an entity called The Man In The Wall which has to do with that weird scene from earlier but the quest is about a lost tennel named re who is this sacred Muse for the red Veil Syndicate causing chaos for them we work with a woman named Paladino to help him and in the end we end his suffering by releasing his Warframe herrow from his chains chains of herrow right after that Quest I did one more but it was a mini Quest called apostasy prologue this Quest takes us to lotus's Chambers where a guy named Balor shows up with his giant arm and straight up takes her that's it this is important for the next quest in the story line I got a few more miscellaneous trophies for finally getting my fifth battle pay maxing out a dagger and killing an enemy from 100 me away on the Plains and then I decided I want to get a kovalich bear with me here because I'm going to have to explain a a lot with this after I finished the war within I got a cut scene that introduced me to kiches a kovalich is a special type of grineer buff up by the Queen's Kua to be the player's Nemesis to get one of these you need to do a level 20 plus grineer Mission and sometime during a mission the screen will Flash and you'll have about 30 seconds to kill as many enemies as possible if you kill enough aova Guardian will start talking and there will be a new Waypoint for AA laring if you take down this laring they will kneel down and show a weapon over their head this weapon is a Kua weapon which is a variant of different grineer weapons and the weapon your Lich will have in this scenario I got a CA Kraken which I didn't want so I just ignored it and went to the next mission where I got the Kua new core which I did want so I got a trophy for creating the Lich that's what I wanted the best gazes into you when I got back to my ship my screen turned red to let me know that I got a lich my Lich was toxin base because I used ivara when I killed the larling and depending on what Warframe I chose it could have been a different element now how do I actually deal with the Lich first of all I needed to have special mods called recum mods you get these from recum relics and you put them on your parizon I'll explain what they do shortly the Lich will invade a planet if you complete missions there they'll steal some of your loot during these missions special enemies called THS will spawn if you kill them they will give you progress towards the reum murmur which reveals which requium mods you'll need to fight your Lich sometimes your Lich will appear in the mission depending on how angry they are and you fight them like pretty much any other boss but the catch is after every health bar you need to hit them with your Paras on if you have the correct requia mod on you'll be able to continue the fight if you use the wrong mod the Lich will rank up and move to a new planet ideally you want to try to fight the Lich at the lowest level possible but for a different trophy I needed to Vanquish a rank five Lich and let me tell you that was not easy On My Level because not only does the Lich gets stronger but the missions increase in level as well when you're able to get the correct mods and the correct order of them as well the L will flee to Saturn where you need to do a railjack mission to confront them and then it's pretty much a normal boss but side note I wasn't actually able to find my Lich just yet because I needed a rank five intrinsic in my railjack which is a good segue into the trophy Squad goals I needed to reach Rank 10 in the command intrinsic intrinsics are different upgrades for the railjack and command has to do with having a crew what worried me about this trophy is that it's the trophy that is bugged on my main account my command intrinsic is already ranked 10 on there but the progress is stuck at 9 out of 10 de please fix this so if this bug was on my alt as well this 100% would not be possible so I tested it out okay man Rank 10 okay it's popping properly it's popping properly it's actually tracking the trophy might not bug thankfully it was not bugged and the 100% was still on so I ranked that up to five so I could find my Lich while I worked on that I also hijacked an enemy cruise ship I'm the captain now when I eventually reached rank five it was time to fight the Lich what what is that okay there we go what the freak was that all right Vanquish yikes that wish does not kill us give me Kuban cor baby this is easily like the best weapon I have right now plus the ephemera too since I had a CA weapon I thought this would be a good time to get the two former trophies after you max out an item you can add a forma to it Forma adds an extra polarity to your mod configs and a polarity reduces the cost of a mod as long as the symbol matches so the more polarities you have the more space you'll have to add more mods I only have one formo okay polarize this Forma was special on the Kua new cor because whenever you add a forma to a Kua weapon it adds two extra levels to it allowing the weapon to get to rank 40 after five Forma I didn't go that far but but I wanted to at least get it to rank 32 after I got it to rank 30 I got the other trophy polarize that after killing 10 enemies with one explosion I went and fought senna's boss Kayla the I had to prepare for this fight a little bit first because I needed 25 judgment points to access it which you get from these Arena missions before it but the fight is simple fight her shoot these panel so that she can't fire orbital strikes and repeat and it's over for you no no no savior of sedna and then I finally decided to work on the open worlds specifically the orb vales the main trophies I need here are to max out the syndicates I'll start by explaining Solaris United Solaris United embodies the entirety of fortuna and to rank up The Syndicate in other syndicates in general you need to collect sing there are few ways to get standing for Su but my main two ways were bounties and exchanging gems I'll explain that part later bounties are a set of stages that you'll be sent to complete after completing a stage you get a reward for a trophy I need to complete six Bounties in an hour to do that I just repeated the same two bounties and then I got my trophy and last dude to kill Bounty Hunter however there's one big issue with syndicates you have a standing cap every day so you can't just grind all this out it took me multiple days to finally finally max out these syndicates but we'll check out my progress later the other Syndicate is one of the most lame syndicates in the game vent kids these kids want you to use your K Drive which out of all the ways to Traverse open worlds is the worst it's slow and you're restricted to the ground and their Syndicate is not very fun to rank up my main way of getting standing was to go behind Fortuna and do tricks on this pipe as long as you're grinding the pipe you'll get points and the more tricks you do the higher the multiplier you'll get had to do this for about 20 to 30 minutes every every day and it was super lame speaking of DEC drive though I got a trophy for falling into cool in from 275 M while on it is that in stay frosty there we go I also somehow got this trophy for killing 100 enemies while in arwing mode on the planes even though I was using a k drive and I was on the or Ballas I'm currently revising this video right now and I realized that the in-game version of the trophy mentions the other open worlds but the actual trophy doesn't that's why it's counting on the valis I can't explain the K drive though back to the video we'll come back to the orb valis and the syndicates later because I decided to do the next main quest the sacrifice this Quest starts with us examining lotus's helmet which shows us a cut scene of a Warframe called Excalibur Umbra bis shows up during this and some sentients attack Umbra he defeats them but is restrained by ballis and a big sentient he gets shot and he's gone so we headed to Earth to investigate what happened we scanned his remains and when we got back to the ship there was a blueprint for him but there wasn't enough data to craft him his nana had some traces that hinted that there was more info on Lua so we went there and found a vetruvian that had recordings of ballast that explained some extra lore about the warframes and the orokin we insult the vetruvian into the ship which allowed us to build Umbra but this fool went crazy and almost killed us we learned the reason for this in his memory he was once a soldier who Ballas punished for spying on him during his betrayal of the oran and he was turned into a Warframe by the infestation again if you want to learn more about this play it yourself or watch those lower videos I mentioned umra escaped the ship and the rest of the quest was us following him around to get access to more of his memories eventually we found his final memory which was of him being forced to kill his son we told him that we could face that grief together which allowed us to link up and I used him to take down all of these Sans eventually we took down Ballas and asked him where Lotus was it turned out that she was turned back into a sentient and she leaves and that marks the end of the quest the sacrifice still such an amazing Quest there's way more to the story but that's as far as the trophy SE us but not that the rest of the story is amazing and I'm hyped for new stuff like Jade shadows in 1999 after that rulu helped me complete some nightmare missions these are missions that are unlocked after completing every mission on a planet which is why I needed ral's help since I hadn't done this at all one mission on a planet will be a nightmare which will add a modifier or multiple modifiers to the mission after I completed my 10th Mission I got a trophy also for some context we were looking for a mod from these missions and that's why I reacted this way I got my trophy but not the right mod I'm done I'm done and then I did the final trophy Quest octavus Anthem just so we're clear this is not important for the main story but this Quest revolves around sephon suda being interested in a device called the Manda Accord she takes us to get its parts and fragments of a song for it which is octavia's Anthem but there's a problem with her she's acting forgetful and this is caused by hanho invading her and this song helps her to remember herself eventually we enter her date escape and play the anthem to combat hunhow we defeat him bringing her back to normal and ending the quest octavus Anthem with all the quest trophies done we just have miscellaneous and Granny trophies left our first trophy here is for completing five Hive missions Hive missions are nothing special you just locate a hive destroy the five tumors connected to it then destroy the hive itself and repeat that two more times high five after shooting down 100 enemies in my railjack and killing my 10th raknoid while Airborne I finally fully unlocked my focus skill tree let's unlock this this this this and this I can't upgrade that yeah whatever all right this is what you you are now I can actually upgrade what matters let's go and then I crafted a sister of parvos tenant weapon a sister of parvos is the Corpus equivalent of a Kua l so I don't need to explain anything new just the differences I get access to these after completing the quest to deadlock protocol and call The Tempest stari and I need to go into a place called the granon void at tier three and kill at least 25 enemies there if I do that it will Mark a candidate which is the sister and then the process is the same except instead of killing THS you kill robot dogs and when you get all the mods right she flees to Neptune instead of Saturn thankfully I didn't have to kill a rank five sister so I didn't have to make this unnecessarily harder after I defeated the sister I crafted my tenant weapon which was the AR of plasmor and got the trophy give me give me give me give me give me meeting ajed let's go and I got probably my favorite tenant weapon and I now have an actual good primary let's freaking go then I finally got these two Reviving trophies you would think I could get these a lot earlier but no I didn't simply put people just didn't go down enough whenever I played with Rulo he was fully modded and stuff so he wasn't going to die and whenever I played hydron people barely went down there as well and then I just mostly played solo outside of that so I only got about nine revives before I decided to boost it with my main account say what you want about that but it took me 7 months to get this on my main account and I didn't have time for that maybe if this was back in the day when my friends and I were new and trash then then I could have gone this legit anyway here are the trophies healer field medic then I went back to the open worlds specifically the plains this time and I completed 10 bounties for the ostron I already explained what bounties are earlier but this time I didn't have a time constraint I just needed to complete 10 champion of the people I also mind when 100 deposits on the planes in the open worlds you can find these red and blue deposits around the map and Mining them will give you gems remember this is one of the methods I use to get standing for Solaris United planes prospector then I finally reached top standing with the vent kids oh finally oh finally at 99k bro I can finally get this stupid trophy all right rank up yes ride or die one of the most useless syndicates in the game is finally done these are probably the only good things from this bro and after traveling 10,000 M with the stolen Daron I got two trophies for crafting things I'll explain Thea first AA is a custom melee weapon that you can build with parts from a man named Hawk Z can be good but I didn't try to make this one good Forge Z give me that I don't care if this Z is bad I just need a z build forged in fire as for the Moa this is a custom companion you can build with parts from a man named Thurby or legs as he's called now unlike Z I don't see a use for these guys which is a little unfortunate because they're kind of cool okay okay yep that MOA money MOA problems let's go the next trophy I got was kind of annoying add to travel 500 m in a single slide on the planes this used to be very easy you could just fly straight in the air with your Arc wi and just slide down because it counted vertically now it counts horizontally so you actually have to try for this what I did was go far away then blink into a melee and instantly aim Glide then I alternated between aim gliding and normal sliding to get as much distance as I could let's see if that worked finally sleds of sunshine finally that trophy took way too long speaking of trophies that took way too long I finally reached top standing with Solaris United to tell you a bit more about how I did this I eventually got tired of bounties because they were slow and some of the objectives annoyed me so I started mining gems at this place called deck 12 which has tons of gems around and after I mined everything I gave the gems to smoke fingers so I could instantly get the sanding I needed instead of doing bounties for ages yes money can't buy happiness I wasn't done with the bis yet though because I also completed 10 perfect animal captures the open worlds have these animals that roam around and you're able to capture them to make sure it was perfect I went invisible with ivara and Then followed their tracks to a call point where I used an echo alert to replicate their sounds when they came over I tranquilized them and got a perfect capture I also just found some animals randomly and tranquilized them as well which is how I got the 10th one is that the last [Music] one let's go animal lover and after that I just cleaned up a bunch of random trophies like completed five Dark Sector missions which is just infested missions that give extra loot killing my last three Juggernauts and burning 100 infested pods this this next trophy for riding 20 veloc pads was RNG base though velocci pods are these giant dragon flies on the C and drift that don't always spawn so I had to go back and forth out of Spawn to try to get these fools to spawn oh finally here we go bugout ride finally then I explored all the caves on the Plains and on the or Bas and then I got the worst trophy in the game riding 1 million M on occasion K drive there is absolutely no reason for this trophy to be in the game I already told you how slow and bad K drives are so dealing with them for 1 million M would be horrid but there is a way to make this much faster if you go to this specific spot of the herend crater you can fall down and fail a trick on the K drive and you'll fall through the map when you see the gear wheel blink you can use the K drive again and it'll give you a lot of distance de will probably fix this so if you want this trophy I'd recommend doing this ASAP cage rien now remember how way in the beginning I said I'd need to fight an idolon well now is that time I didn't prepare much for this all I did was get my amp so I could hit the idolon shield for the most part Rulo helped me with this so how do you fight this thing first of all you need to know that you can either kill or capture it to do either one of these things you need to shoot his Shields down with the amp and when it Shields are down you need to destroy one of its weak spots when a spot is destroyed it will release a wave of energy and leave unless you have idolon LS attached to it and you repeat this until you take down all of its weak spots where it will be staggered this part is important for capturing and then when it gets up you can finish the fight if you just kill it you don't need any lurs and you could just fight it normally but you lose out on some extra loot but we decided to capture it so we had to find these lurs around the map hack them and let them absorb three vonis for them to charge up and turn blue which will allow them to attach to the idolon and stop it from leaving if you have at least two lurs attached to it then when all the spots are destroyed and the idolon is staggered Ana will say that his energy has been contained which means that when we take down his last phase we'll capture it and get some idolon shards which are important for some items there we go nice hey there we go there are also two other eidolons but I didn't need to fight them the next thing I did was travel 100,000 M across the plains this is kind of a lot and to make it worse it only counts when I'm running not bullet jumping and stuff not in my arc wi only when I'm on foot to make this faster I used volt since he has a speed ability but I would have used goost if I had him since as you can tell he's way faster while I went for this trophy I also survived the full night here by the dawn's early light marathoner and then I completed every Corpus railjack Mission this is as simple as it sound I went across the four planets with Corpus missions and completed them the only bad part about this was the few orix missions you need a necrom for these but the game kindly provides completely unmodded vanilla necrox using these pretty much makes the mission impossible because you can't do enough damage to the orix before the sentients take full control well yes I could have fought for a Mech I didn't feel like doing all that work for four missions so yet again Rulo had to help with these but after I completed the last mission I got the trophy all right final Corpus Mission about to get the trophy strategic development we're at the home stretch now and our next trophy is for killing 100 Plains beasts remember the method of capturing animals on the valis well I use that for this I did the exact same process but instead of tranquilizing the animals I just slaughtered them after 100th victim I got the trophy I don't know why the trophy didn't pop there but it will pop here has control don't let Peta see that the second to last trophy is my other least favorite trophy completing all of the K Drive races the races themselves aren't the issue it's the way to access all of them every day five races will be available but the next day May repeat races so because of this when I got close to the end I couldn't make progress for multiple days because the races I needed weren't available but eventually I was finally able to complete the last race oh oh I think that's it yes it is it let's go let's go like this is literally all I needed to do it's literally just a race not a race but like this little course but yet they just would not give me that specific race and my final checkpoint race Ace finally bro finally I reached Rank 10 on the command intrinsic this took a bit of farming so I just repeated the mission cast io's rest on Saturn to get as many intrinsics as I could without too much of a struggle I also used a double Affinity booster since intrinsics are based on how much Affinity you get before I show the final trophy I just want to say if you've made it this far thank you so much for watching I'm happy to have an opportunity to restart from scratch and show my favorite game to a new audience even if this video bombs I'm still happy with what I made anyway here's me finally reaching Rank 10 and 100% in this game all right so I'm about to upgrade my command intrinsic for the last time I grinded this out last night sorry if I sound weird by the way I'm not really feeling too well but I couldn't wait to get this trophy so uh let's just do this man yes Squad Go 100% on Warframe let's freaking go man in game it says it took me 72 hours to 100% this game but ingame only counts when I'm in missions and my PlayStation says it took me 106 hours I hope you all enjoyed the video if you did please consider liking and subscribing really happy to have a 100% for this game and if you're somehow watching de can you fix the squad goals trophy on my main account I literally have the trophy done but yet it says I'm ranked nine oh yeah and one final note for any PC players who are talking about the Steve achievements how there are more of them and how they're harder I know I've gotten most of the bad ones already but I'm a PlayStation channel so I'd rather stick to what I know and just do the trophy rather than switching to steam achievements for this video yeah that's why I didn't do those achievements and uh sorry if that disappoints you anyway I'll see you on the next one peace out [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Shardyx
Views: 107,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shardyx, shardeletus, platinum, platinum trophy, ps5, playstation 5, warframe, Jade Shadows, warframe Jade Shadows, warframe trophies, warframe Platinum Trophy
Id: WGE7azvGbDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 16sec (2716 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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