I Turned Myself Into Evie From The Mummy

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so I I may not be an explorer or an adventurer or a treasure seeker or gunfighter mr. O'Connell I am proud of what I am and what is that I am a librarian so two summers ago me and Nick cosplayed as Rick and Amy from the mummy and it was pretty much a dream come true Evie is one of my all-time favorite characters ever and I try to live my life by the motto what would he be wear and to be honest I think the mummy still holds up as one of the best movies ever it's just the right amount of cheese so when I did that cosplay a lot of people asked for a tutorial or how to do the makeup and hair and all that good stuff but I'd never filmed anything for that cosplay so I thought I would rectify that by doing in updated Evie transformation now I loved being Evie but I wasn't a hundred percent happy with how the makeup and hair turned out mainly because what I did was I put my hair in foam rollers and then I kind of faked the bangs by pinning my hair up here it said my hair was curly and then I used brown hairspray and I don't think that was the right way to go about it because a lot of my ginger hair was still poking through and I didn't wear contacts just a lot of stuff that I think I can improve on so we're gonna give it a try Rachael White's has Rachael Rachael I always thought it was Rachel Weisz but according to that it's Rachel Weisz she has a very specific face I'm gonna see if we can cat initial guardian of the underworld so first things first we are going to get rid of all this hair which I just make awkward eye contact when I put on my wig cap now that that's done I'm gonna put on my shirt now this is not 100% accurate I had to deep dive into eBay to find a striped shirt some reason they're hard to find wait time so what I did and what you can see here is I pulled back all the hair that I didn't want to cut and then I chopped up some of the bangs because she has a lot of really curly bangs and I rolled them up in my phone rollers and then I steamed them so we're gonna leave this like this for now I look exactly like her so the thing about Evie is that she has very thin teensy-weensy eyebrows so I'm gonna block out my eyebrows so I want you to take a glue stick and it's a little dried up so I'm hoping I can still do this for some reason I can't store glue sticks in my house without this happening zum neuen hello there welcome to my eyebrows kitty stop do one video about ancient Egypt and the cat becomes a diva that's not doing anything except taking out my eyebrows I think I need to go out and buy glue sticks 20 minutes later back to business so let's try this again I'm gonna go over them once what I do is I brush the hairs up just to kind of flatten out that surface area and yes glue sticks are perfectly safe for your eyebrows drag queens do it so you know it's good I'm going to take a sculpting tool and take just kind of a glob work it into my brows so basically you're just trying to fill the gaps between each individual hair so that's just one smooth surface [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're gonna take a powder and a pretty compact powder brush powder puffs I guess and then pack the powder press those arrows down and pack it in that's it this is the best I've ever looked it's all downhill from here so the next parts gonna be a little ridiculous but I'm going to put a little bit of pink on those eyebrows so that when I put foundation on them it will cancel out the black blue of the eyebrows I don't know how it works science we're gonna go on with the foundation this is probably be too late for Evie so I'm gonna go in later and add a little bit bronzer [Music] I'm so scary well Rock no eyebrows all the time why do I look like the next Rob Zombie movie I'm gonna go in with actual concealer my foundation just ain't cutting it I think blocking your brows is one of the hardest things ever and it really takes practice so maybe eventually I'll be good at it yikes maybe we'll do eyebrows next soon for this a reference photo is very useful [Music] I did them a little too high try that again now that I have them marked out I'm gonna go in with my epic ink liner from NYX in brown and then this teensy tiny little brush kind of dip it in that just so it's not so harsh but it will give me the illusion of individual hairs which is what we're going for here [Music] so I'm gonna be the same thing now but with a tiny tiny bit of black I'm just gonna bronze up my face and you to beat [Music] so now let's move on to eyes so it's a bit hard to tell what they do for her eyes I think that's kind of the cost of cosplaying a character from an older movie even 90s is you don't really get HD screen shots so it looks like there's at least a base of white brown so we're gonna go in with that first and I'm using my next ultra palette and this color right here Rachel vice has very cat-like eyes so I'm just gonna add a little bit of cat eye and I'm doing this with brown so it's not super dramatic looks like there is a little bit underneath right here [Music] I'm gonna go in with a dark brown some budget out [Music] and then I'm gonna accentuate the inner corners of my eyes because again she has very cat-like eyes [Music] I look scary right now I swear we'll fix it I think I'm still a bit too pale you don't work in Egypt and not develop a little bit of something so now we're gonna go in and do some contouring I usually mix these two colors this is the NYX cream contour palette and then basically just gonna try to match her portions so yes this looks scary well we're gonna go in with my foundation and kind of work with it make it look not so muddy Wow [Music] I'm gonna go with some highlights because I think that she's very delicate and I think I'm making her look a little too dirty [Music] Scarah I know this is all over the place but it just doesn't look great man her lips got a beautiful so I'm going to try to do what her lips do [Music] ever so slightly outline the lips [Music] baby baby bear bear bear a also if you have never listened to the mommy soundtrack do it it's so good also I don't know if it's just cuz it freaked me out when I was little but that one sound they do on the soundtrack creeps me out every single time Wow a beautiful rendition I think I'm gonna go put my contacts in so I think that will help a lot it's a little better [Music] [Music] so her bangs are still a little bit shorter than this so I'm just gonna do what I did before basically up and then she has one bang that kind of sits in front here then I could just leave they are down but I'm going to put her hair up as I'm going for her look when she's in the library and for this I'm using a hair rat a few moments later so I wasn't completely happy with how it turned out so off-camera I did a little bit more details I fixed the lips a little bit yes they're lopsided because my lips are website they ask you how are you just going to say that you're fine when you're not with I added some lines under the eyes which you would be surprised how much that helps which is weird and then I added a little bit of eyeliner just to change the shape of my eyes because I think my eyes were a little bigger than hers and it was making it look kind of creepy so I added eyeliner in my waterline just to kind of [Music] I think I'm gonna stop futzing with it so that's it oh and you know how they took out your brains they take a sharp red-hot poker stick it up your nose ramble things about division and wreckage will add to your nostril see I don't think it's perfect I do think rachel has a very different face than I do so I knew all along that this was gonna be a more difficult transformation and I knew it was gonna be completely identical and that's okay because that's not what cosplays about but I do think it's a huge huge improvement on my first version and that's all I really ever wanted to accomplish with this so I'm happy now I'm gonna go uh read from this book because what's the worst that could happen yeah I don't know I had tons if I want this it was a lot of trial and error and problem solving but that's kind of what I need I feel like if you want to improve as a makeup artist that's kind of what you need and you need to challenge yourself even if you think it won't look good just try it anyways I hope that you guys like watching I know a lot of you are just as big a fans as I am of the mummy it is a masterpiece I love you guys whether you're new or old to this channel and I will see you in the next video ie okay so two summers ago so a lot of people I don't know I say your name I think I know but I want to be show so people don't make fun of me but I got Toby's I'm sorry it's that bright oh let's just drop my mirror gonna cut it midair so I'm just gonna add a little bit I hope that you guys watch okay and now yeah you more text you want some of these I don't think so take that Bembridge scholars save me from Imhotep hey Imhotep give the hose two V's [Music]
Channel: Rachel Maksy
Views: 125,263
Rating: 4.9872675 out of 5
Keywords: evie oconnell, the mummy, the mummy returns, rachel weisz, evie the mummy, evie makeup, evelyn the mummy, evelyn oconnell, the mummy cosplay, evie tutorial
Id: g4ypFs4PqLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 09 2019
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