20 Dark Academia Outfits! *with a vintage twist*

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- Hello! Or should I say, (gentle music) good evening? I just smudged this. Dang it. (sighs) (pen scratching) (upbeat jazz music) I just feel like I look like Austin Powers. Every time I have bangs and glasses, it just, as demonstrated in this TikTok I made last year. ♪ My heart went ♪ Yeah, baby! (upbeat music) One thing I wanted to start doing in 2021 is more fashion videos. I feel like it's been a really long time since I've done that, mostly because what is fashion anymore? I think that's why I want to start doing these kinds of videos. Try to get my outfit part of my brain working, because right now it has been foreclosed on, vines have started growing on top of it. There's some tumbleweeds that occasionally drift by. There might be a squatter in there. I noticed in 2020 focus on different kinds of aesthetics. I know that I kind of poked fun at it, but honestly, it is such a good way to find direct inspiration for what you're looking for. I just find it really helps to create your own outfits when you're in a rut, which is the entirety of 2020. One of those aesthetics is dark academia. How do you pronounce academia? - [Siri] That's pronounced academia. - Thank you! - [Siri] Glad you found me helpful. - She just wants to be appreciated. If you're not familiar with this aesthetic, it is basically... Instead of explaining it, I'm just gonna show you some images. (mysterious music) So now that you've taken a very rough starter course on what dark academia is, feel like I've, well, ahem, I'm going to show you 20 different outfits. Clothing that I already have in my wardrobe, and also clothing that I recently thrifted from, da, da, da, da. (bell chiming) ThredUP. Who just so happens to be the sponsor of this video. Weird. I've said this many a time before, but they are absolutely one of my favorite brands to work with. They were one of the first sponsors to ever work with me. The fact that they stuck with me this long means a lot. So basically thredUP is a massive online thrift store. It's as simple as going to their website or the app. You can filter by brand, size, color, fit. Their search function is a little bit different, where it's very brand-focused, so when I'm looking for something very specific, a lot of times I will just narrow it down using all of the options. Say, if I want a long skirt, I will go to skirt, set the length and a size, the color, which no doubtedly is probably brown, and then you kinda just have fun scrolling from there. They have your favorite brands for up to 90% off. So if you are looking for a specific brand, especially if you are trying to avoid kind of fash fashion, fash, fash fashion. Fast fashion or fully priced items. If you guys want to check out thredUP, head to the link in my description, and use my code for 30% off of your first order. Decided to make a bunch of different outfits for this. I've done a lot of research, I watched "Dead Poet's Society" this morning for inspiration. - [Mr. Nolan] Leave, Mr. Keating. (dramatic music) - Say, "O Captain, my Captain!" All right. Forgot how sad that movie is. Just sprinkle of sobbing thrown in there. Without further ado, 20 dark academia outfits. (transition whooshing) All right. Planned out pretty much what I want to do for each outfit in my handy dandy notebook a la Steve from "Blue's Clues." So for this, I definitely did a little bit more research than I usually do. I looked at dark academia hashtags. A lot of these outfits are gonna be outfits that I'm recreating with my own clothing, and also a little bit more of a vintage twist. Dark academia itself is kind of vintage-y, make a little more spicy, huh, huh? (lively jazz music) There's just something about layering a vest with a patterned blazer that's just. (smacks lips) Very Sherlock, very wealthy man from the 1800s, and. ♪ Dude, vibe ♪ (lively jazz music) Big part of dark academia is apparently academia, not academia like the nut. A big part of dark academia seems to be turtlenecks. I have a love hate relationship with turtlenecks because I feel like they look very classy, very elegant. Like you're about to attend a slam poetry performance at your local theater. Did end up getting a turtleneck from thredUP. If I can find it. Here. They tend to accentuate my double chin. (laughs) So went for a sort of loose turtleneck this time around. Estimated price on this was $60, but thredUP had it for 16.99, which is not too shabby. Paired with that, I'm also gonna be wearing these trousers, which are my absolute favorite trousers ever. These are Evan Piccone ones. Trousers can be really hit or miss for me, and these ones I feel like are really nice, 'cause they hit exactly where I want on the waist, pleated so they go out and make it look like I have hips, when in reality, my hips don't actually look like this, so. Another good thing is that they actually reach my ankles, which as a not so Hobbit person, very welcomed. For us long boys. (gentle jazz music) So these ones were actually estimated retail price at 119, but thredUP had it for 20.99. It's quite the difference. And I would never pay $120 for pants. (lively jazz music) (upbeat jazz music) I started off trying to do the French tuck like Tan would advise me to, but I did, no, it didn't work. (upbeat jazz music) For this one, I also wanted to go with that collared shirt underneath. I just think that that adds a really academic kind of vibe to everything for some reason. I never wore a collared shirt once in my college experience, but, you know. I went to art school, so that also might explain it. Freshman year, we had an art history class, which was in the auditorium with literally all of the freshmen. The tests looked like memorizing about a 100 pieces of art, artist's name, and think the date as well. Naturally, the day before, I would just cram. I'm not gonna lie, some of the mnemonic devices I came up with were pretty fricking genius. Like for example, I would take a painting like this. It's called "One of the Family," by Frederick George Cotman from 1880. I would look at the painting and think, okay, there's two little boys. One is Frederick, one is George, and then the dog on the lap is like, oh, you're caught, man. If you look at the window pane, there are eight panes going vertical. So 1880. (bell chiming) And I did not retain a single piece of information about that, so. And also drawing old man wieners. (bell chiming) Anyways. So kind of along the lines of that more feminine school look, I want to pair it with this skirt, which is from Pendleton, fancy. This is a little bit shorter than I usually go for, but I'm gonna try this out. I think maybe with high-waisted socks, it could look kinda cute. A little bit more modern than what I'm used to, but trying new things here, dark academia. Okay, estimated retail price of this was 89. Understandable because Pendleton is a very bougie brand, but thredUP had it for 26.99. You're gonna be able to see my kneecaps. (Rachel chuckles) (upbeat jazz music) So I think this one came out a little bit more preppy and a little bit more "Clueless" than I had initially planned, minus the whole falling in love with your stepbrother thing. Seriously, did no one think that was weird? (upbeat jazz music) This next outfit, I definitely wanted to go a little bit more simple. This sweater, which is originally from LOFT, it looks like I will be able to do my hand cocoons, which I enjoy doing. Estimated retail price of this was $60, thredUP had it for 18.99. (upbeat jazz music) (lively jazz music) So this next one, I just wanted to go for a more, almost like a rugby type look, I don't know. This top. I don't know, I just felt like it was like cute little... I don't know. I'm so good at describing things. (lively jazz music) I feel like when I make outfits, I have a tendency to go big or go home, which is not necessarily something that you need to do. I think basic outfits with just a couple components to them can be just as inspiring and just as successful in terms of making you happy. This one, I just wanted to do a simple white top with some trousers. (fingers snapping) Wham, bam, you're done. (lively jazz music) Outfit number nine. This one was heavily inspired by an image I saw. I liked that it kind of had the little glasses hanging there just in case you gotta read some fine print. (lively jazz music) (record scratches) (smooth music) Part of... Part of dark. Okay, this is the one. Part of dark academia, something I really liked was the use of black. Admittedly, I don't wear as much black as I would like to. Guess what we're doing here? I wanted to do another outfit where there's a black top and just simple pants. (smooth jazz music) Number 12 is something a little spicy. Not something I usually gravitate towards, but you know what? We're trying new things this year. I've seen a variation of this outfit a few times, and I always really like how it looks. I don't know that I would ever wear this out, but you know what? Just for you guys, oh. (lively jazz music) ♪ I've got the oh, so, you know, feeling ♪ ♪ 'Cause my sweetie's gone ♪ ♪ I mean I've got it bad ♪ ♪ I've tried to make believe that I'm not ♪ Outfit number 13 is another pretty simple one. This skirt I just thought was really stinking cute, and I don't have enough black skirts. I think I literally have one. Really textured from Zara. Still has the tags on it, and as you can see, it would have been 69.90, but thredUP had it for 58.99. I also got really long duster. Make me feel like Van Helsing. Dusters are just really comfy and really cool. Right? What says cool quite like I'm about to go hunt me some vampires. This was originally $74, but thredUP had it for 24. I'm going to take my sweater that you have probably seen before, but this which I found out a vintage store, pretty sure it stands for Michigan. Doesn't even feel that thick until you put it on and you realize you're just very itchy and very moist. And it has these, which I really love, although it only has it on one elbow because this one was gone when I got it. Naturally, I have yet to mend it, 'cause I will spend hours turning myself into Gandalf, but will I mend a simple elbow? Let's be realistic. (lively jazz music) This is actual footage of my brain cells working overtime trying to remember this one mini tutorial I saw on TikTok about how to turn a satchel into a backpack. (lively jazz music) (bell chiming) (lively jazz music) 18 is kind of like a Jo from "Little Women" inspired. (lively jazz music) 19 is going to be another pretty simple one. A cute sweater. Super cute, very stretchy, also brown. It's estimated at 30, thredUP had it for 12.99. (lively jazz music) I wanted to end this 20 outfits with something that's a little bit different, a dress that I've been wanting to wear for a really, really long time, and that is this dress that the wonderful ixdoxdeclare on Instagram sent to me. It's freaking stunning, gothic, kind of Victorian-inspired dress. Almost like a dark academia Hogwarts edition in the 1800s. (mysterious jazz music) (Rachel exhales) I feel like this is gonna kind of spark up my interest to create outfits again. I want to keep doing these kinds of videos. Outfits inspired by so-and-so, if you have any suggestions. Thank you so much thredUP for sponsoring this video. Again, if you guys wanted to check them out and get 30% off of your first order, you can head to the wint. Yeah, link in my description and use my code. And now I'm gonna clean up the mess that I made. That is it. I love you guys, whether you're new or old to this channel. If you're new here and you feel like sticking around, feel free to subscribe. I upload every Friday, and we have fun here. - [Man] Wow. - And I will see you in my next video. Bye! No, but really, why is it so dark? (alarm ringing) Ah, ah! Stop that. One of the things... One of the things I wanted to start. (upbeat music) ♪ I gotta find you in the email ♪ ♪ Oh, where did you go ♪ (lively jazz music) Number... Hello? "Doctor Who" Easter egg outfit? Tom Baker scarf, and then this jacket always make me feel like the Tenth Doctor! Feel like he was always running like this. Fact. You know, I drew out these images, but I don't fricking remember what they are. Nah, I don't want to use this one. Here, I don't wanna. - [Mrs. Lovett] Well, who says the week's out? - Who says the week's out? It's only Tuesday. - It's only Tuesday. - That'll do, pig, that'll do. (smooth music)
Channel: Rachel Maksy
Views: 611,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark academia, aesthetic, dark academia fashion, vintage fashion, dark academia outfits, academia outfits, academia fashion, vintage style, rachel maksy
Id: 2mSx-np1uG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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