I turned a 3D Gaussian Splat into a Detailed 3D Render.

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hi guys my name is Nile and I would like to share with you the creative journey of this unreal 5 project this video is going to be an entire breakdown how I made this project from start to finish today we're going to learn how to capture real life objects using a technique called 3D Garian splatting we will then move on to set dressing using assets from the quiel library and lastly we will learn how to light our scenes ranging from morning to overcast fog to Nightfall before we move forward let's look at today's pipeline for this project I am using the onreal engine 5.3 the Ki engine which is today's sponsor the quickel library and lastly D venci resolve the idea for this project came from our week-long stay at a traditional thatch Cottage on the northeast coast of Northern Ireland thanks to the KY engine I was able to capture this Cottage using the brand new technology gajian splatting for those familiar with photogrametry ging spotting is a vast Improvement where instead of stitching together multiple photographs video is used to capture high quality objects we captured this Cottage and the surrounding area with with only an iPhone by recording a 360° video Once uploaded to the Kiri app we can then preview our model and cleaning using K's modeling tools on their web app however you can also perform the same task on their mobile app once the scam was cleaned it was then exported as a python file with our model complete let's build up onreal I am using onreal 5.3 three and from the dashboard I'm going to select a basic template from the game tab you can enable R tracing if your Hardware supports it before importing any 3D models we have to download a free plugin for the onreal 5 engine that allows us to import our model I have attached the plug-in in the description below just simply find where you've installed your engine and copy the plug-in folder into the engine's plug-in dire now we can simply activate the plugin inside of unreal and while we're here let's activate the movie render q and the hdri plugin we will be using those later once you restart your engine a brand new icon should appear at the top of your screen simply click on this and import your 3D model from here we have to enable a few features before we start getting creative a brand new blueprint should be created containing your model so let's click and drag that into our scene in the details panel I'm going to search for with relighting and enable this feature this way your 3D scan will adjust the lighting within your scene from here you can use the cropping box to clip your model just in case you need to hide any unwanted geometry just simply set your cropping box to kill out side and then adjust as positioning in your viewport for this render I wanted to place our Cottage in a thick dense foggy Forest to start I simply sculpted my landscape from the be level that aril provided us and at this stage I am making sure to flip back and forth between my camera's viewport and the level viewport so that way I'm not wasting any time on areas that will be visible in our render when I was done I created a simple landscape m material to paint over my landscape for my trees I use the European Mega scan trees alongside assets from the farest Community Collection Pack within the quickel library When painting trees and various types of foliage I find it best to lower the density to something like five add some variation to the scaling disable aign to normal and ensure that the paint on click is enabled this way I can accurately paint my trees into my world and with with a line normal disabled they should all be pointing towards the Zed axis removing the possibility of trees spawning at weird angles on slope terrain at this stage it is all about getting creative and experimenting with different layouts don't be disheartened if you don't get it first time take a break and Tack your level again with a fresh mindset with my environment complete it was time to add some lights let's start by creating a sunset atmosphere with a low hanging Sun casting orange light throughout our scene start by adding a directional light a HD a post-processing volume and lastly a height fog let's start with our H and with the blueprint selected set the intensity and the scale to 1,500 I am using the default approaching storm H however you can download and import your own H from the h Haven if you wish next select your Skylight from in your blueprint and change the source type to SLS specific Cube map for my intensity I'm going to set it to 850 and add a slight blue ting to my light color our scene should now have the correct ambient light however we need to adjust exposure using our postprocessing volume select your volume search for unbind and enable this feature this will ensure your volume is affecting the entire map and not just a selected spot within your level next let's search for exposure and set the metering mode to Auto exposure histogram enable exposure compensation and set the Min and Max EV to 9 this step is crucial to getting realistic lighting and we'll see in a little second instead of adjusting the manual exposure let's scroll down to local exposure and to raise our shadows let's set the shadow contrast scale to 0.7 we can add some detail into our world by adjusting the strength of the DT to 1.3 we can set the Blurred luminous blend anywhere between 0.2 and 0.4 to adjust your exposure you can now use the middle gray bias I set mine to 1.2 to push your highlights you can increase the Highlight col cont skill I set mine to 1.2 next let's add a directional light set the intensity to 1,500 set the temperature to 2,800 and adjust the angle according to your level lastly let's add our height fog and enable fly magic fog and for this lighting I left everything else pretty much as default when lighting my fog I duplicated my Sunset folder and adjusted some of the following settings for my post processing volume I set my Min and Max EV to 9.5 my middle gray bias to -2.2 for my hdri I changed my HRI to the forest overcast from H heaven with the following settings both intensity and size are still at 1,500 with my Skylight having an intensity of 800 for my height fog I set the fog density to 0 .4 and my fog height fall off to one for my directional light I have an intensity of 600 with a temperature of 10,500 I found these were the best combinations of settings to give a nice overcast lighting when lighting my night scene I adjusted the following settings with my postprocessing enabled I have a minimum EV of 11 and a Max EV of 9.5 with my local exposure I have a middle gray bias of -1.5 for my heer ey I'm using the satara night Hy from H heaven with intensity set to 30 and the skel at 1,500 however my Skylight intensity is still set to 1,500 just making sure that there's enough ambient Light Within the level for my height fog I have a density of 0.1 and lastly my directional light is set to 300 lucks with the temperature set to 12,000 to mimic [Music] Moonlight in this chapter I'm going to share with you how to achieve a high quality cinematic render to start let's open the movie render queue make sure your level and sequencer match correctly from here let's click on the settings and a new window should open to start I'm going to to remove the jpeg option and replace this with an exr file an exr file is an image format which provides accurate and reliable color representation and allies for multiple channels of color and image data such as Alpha channels or metadata to be stored inside a single file next I will add antialising and this is a technique that Smooths out Jagged edges and improves image quality for my render I used a special sample kind of one and a temporal sample kind of 32 I generally find little Improvement is gained by going Beyond 32 however your project might be different and just bear in mind that this will increase render times as I have a particle system active in my level I'm going to add 120 frames to my render warmup and engine warmup this allows any particle systems in your level to start their looping cycle before rendering make sure that override anti- eling is enabled to save some time I have added my console variables in the description in this video however the most important variable that I find is screen percentage screen percentage is a resolution scaling technique used to render a lower or higher resolution image than what has actually been presented being able to adjust the screen percentage enables you to maintain a balance between performance and image resolution quality I generally set mine to 150 next let's add a game over ride and ensure our setting is outputed to cinematic lastly let's select the folder to render out our image to and here we can set a resolution for now I'm rendering out a 1080p by 1920 all that is left to do is render your level by clicking render local finally we have our renders exported from unreal however there is one final step to push our renders even further let's start by opening to vent resolve and importing our renders from the ti line I'm going to select my clips and then click on the fusion tab from here we can add noes to manipulate a render and to start let's add a color space transform node that way we can extract all the color data that our exr file has saved to Simply click on the media in and then control and space bar on the right let's select is's Apu linear and ases APO you will notice our render is a lot brighter and it's got all that color data ready to play with so naturally let's add a color correction node and from here we can adjust our contrast saturation and so much more if you want to experiment and add more nodes you can but for now I'm going to keep things simple [Music] well that is going to be everything for this tutorial I hope you find this informative and if you've any questions regarding onreal 5 leave a comment in the description and I'll be happy to help again I would like to thank the team over at Kiri for creating such an amazing tool for sponsoring this video on a personal note this project has opened my eyes to the possibility to this brand new technology and I can't wait to see where it takes me on my creative Journey this is Nile from Dusty pixels happy creating [Music]
Channel: Niall Woods
Views: 4,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unreal Engine Tutorial for Beginners, Unreal Engine 5.4, Unreal Sensei, How to use Unreal 5, skyrim in Unreal Engine 5, Unreal Engine 5 Tech Demo, Why Unreal Engine 5.4 is a life changer
Id: uaWChilLESI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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