NVIDIA Just Supercharged Ray Tracing!

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Feast your eyes upon these beautiful  images. Oh my goodness. And get this,   none of them are real. None. Yes, that’s right. These images were created through a technique  called ray tracing. Simulating the paths of light   rays to create beautiful images and animations.  And, goodness, it would be an absolute dream   to be able to create video games that look like  this. So, wait, why is not everything ray traced   today? Well, there is a problem, and not a  small one. And this problem is noise. Look. What is going on here? Well, during this process,  we have to shoot millions and millions of light   rays into the scene to estimate how much light  is bouncing around, and before we have simulated   enough rays, the inaccuracies in our estimations  show up as noise in these images. Do not worry,   this clears up over time as we simulate more rays,  but it may take from minutes to days for this to   happen, even for a smaller scene. For instance,  in an earlier paper, this one took us 3 full   weeks to finish. 3 weeks! Yes, really. I am not  kidding. Ouch. So, can we do this in real time? Here is a classical technique, path tracing  trying to create images in quick succession   for real-time applications. Whoa! This  is a terrible disappointment. As you see,   there is unfortunately plenty of noise here. But  wait, noise filtering techniques exist that are   specifically designed for light transport,  and these do an absolutely amazing work,   look at how much more we know about this scene.  But still, but come on…if you look at this,   who would be able to guess what  the real image should be? No one. Now, wait a second, we have decades of research  works in the area of ray tracing, so if we jump   in time about 30 years, we get this. This is  so much better, however, this is unfortunately,   still not that usable. So, is that it? Is all hope  lost for getting these beautiful ray-traced images   in real time? Well, don’t despair, despite  the fact, that unfortunately, the problem   gets even worse. Dear Fellow Scholars, this is  Two Minute Papers with Dr. Károly Zsolnai-Fehér. How does it get worse? Well, as soon as you  start moving the camera, we get this thing   that we call high-frequency noise that makes  almost all of this footage completely unusable,   even after noise filtering. There  is just too much flickering. And now, hold on to your papers, because here  is this absolutely miraculous new paper that   can do this instead. This is a collaboration  between University of Utah and NVIDIA and   it not only looks so much better immediately,  wow! However, it has four more huge advantages   that only reveal themselves to experienced  Scholars with a keen eye. One, try to look   at the frequency of the noise. It is of much  lower frequency, in other words, it is a great   deal less jumpy so when we hand it over to the  denoiser, it can do so much better with it. Two,   it also has much better antialiasing. What  does that mean? Well, look - the edges are   more visible, better resolved. Once again,  that is a lot more helpful for the denoiser. Three, it is able to get more information  out of each light path that we simulate.   How much more? Well, 25 times more. Yes,  these results are equivalent to 25 times   more rays with previous techniques, that  is a huge leap in capabilities. And, four,   large glowing light sources that  are not in focus, called bokeh,   seem to be often completely gone with  the previous methods for quite a while,   but are resolved better with this technique. I  am absolutely stunned by these results. So good! Now, despite all this, not even this  technique is perfect. Three things here. One,   we don’t yet know how well it generalizes to  motion blur, things getting a little blurry   when we move objects or the camera around.  Two, if we need a super sharp still image and   we are willing to wait for longer, there are  some moving parts called pixel filters that   this does not do well with. This is not super  relevant for real-time applications. Three,   it takes a tiny bit more time per frame than  previous techniques, but it is totally worth it. And there are more good news. The source code  of this project is also available. They just   give this out to all of us free of charge.  Absolutely amazing. When I was a PhD student,   I was thinking whether real time ray tracing will  be a possibility in my lifetime, and here we are,   approximately 10 years later, and we get this. I  can’t believe it. What a time to be alive! Make   sure to have a look at the paper in the video  description, it is beautifully written. Also,   I have a master-level course on light transport  that is completely free for everyone, no strings   attached. We write a full light simulation  program from scratch there, check it out!
Channel: Two Minute Papers
Views: 152,052
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Keywords: ai, nvidia, nvidia rtx, nvidia ray tracing
Id: _VJgl-Et7Bc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 58sec (418 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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