I Tried your Dumb Blox Fruits Spinning Ideas...

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mythical bloxers have less than a 1 in 300 chance to spin from the fruit gadet so I wanted to test your mythical fruit rolling tricks to see if they actually work and we're starting with / kilo it gives mythical luck if you guys aren't aware the kilo fruits has not been in the game for a very long time so let's see if this actually works SL kilo walk through Sketcher with the SL kilo luck I mean that's just fate no we got the rocket fruit from a SL kilo spin so that one does not work okay so mis's transform into every Beast fruit and roll okay I can do that let's see the first Beast fruit Falcon boom that's his transformation next up is Buddha we've got little falcon wings after Buddha we've got Phoenix I'll do the f move as well and I'll do the V move you know extra luck after Phoenix we have Mammoth easy transformation and then we've got T-Rex which I've got to go get Max Fury to transform okay my Fury bar is so close to being full there we go there we go transformed into T-Rex next up we got Dragon already full then leopard any moment now yes and last but not least we got kits which we got to get more tails for again okay we got two tails these ones take a lot longer to get if this actually works I'm doing this every single time I spin a fruit from now on all right C A transformation now we just got to go and spin a fruit see what we get does it work you can't be serious man okay for the next one this guy says he goes all the way to the first sea and kills the gorilla King he then goes to the second sea and kills diamond and then the third sea and kills captain elephant so if we go all the way back to the first sea then we can start part one okay I'm going to ignore that first things first we got to go kill the gorilla King who is all the way over here gorilla King it's nothing personal I just need luck where is he he is not here this guy caused problems he despawned okay wow the gorilla King magically respawned okay there we go B defeated okay now we got to head all the way back to the second seat and now that we're in the second seene we need to go kill Diamond I think he's the next one on our list aha here he is already waiting for me you'd love to see it oh there's a random guy no no no don't steal my diamond kill there we go ignore this guy we're heading straight for the third sea is he chasing oh he's coming oh no if he interrupts my rolling ritual it's not going to work leave me alone please please leave me alone he's he's chasing after let lety lety come on come on Captain what's wrong with you let me in Oho he was firing that ice Sea move I think it's a sea move straight at me all right who does he want us to beat here was it Captain elephant oh risking my life for this one Captain elephant is a turtle Mansion which is actually convenient because then we can just go roll straight afterwards however hello is it safe out there it is no longer safe right I'm going to run this way run this way do I have any uh any accessories let's put the pale scarf on we need to see people he's beating the boss no no kill I got the final hit run away run away run away run away why are they fighting there combat tackle that was not the play back to Manion I go safe Zone safe Zone yes bro that was a mission just to spin probably not very good fruit I did all of that for a spring that one also doesn't work this guy's Strat is using a controller to roll works every time trust I am on controller and I forgot bro this is so difficult to use my turn speed is so slow okay but we're we're getting it done I can't stop dashing how do I click okay I figured it out how do I bring up I brought up the things so I can press this random fruits bye what did I get oh I got barrier whoops I don't know how to use controls on a controller is the best fruit we've got so far so honestly I can't complain about that I don't know how anybody plays on controller though this is so tough I'm fat fingering everything oh no that's stuck on my screen now how are you meant to use this it makes not it's so slow next up we are going to try and say bro watch me roll a spike either you're going to get Spike or something better yeah surely we don't get anything worse than a spike right there's no way that had happen right you know I'll type it as well BR watch me get a spike I'm not expecting anything we got ghost not a mythical but not bad this time I've got a pretend zus is a God and give him fruits and praise him and then roll a legendary or above fruits I just know for a fact this isn't going to work because I've tried before how do I gift him fruits I know here you go zolas this ghost fruit is for you I will sacrifice it in your honor it did say fruits with an S so I'm going to do that again and this time you know what we'll do it with a rubber fruits you know the super awesome super high skilled fruits that everybody likes we go Zas both of those were for you now please give me the goods I'm not asking for much just a Mythic fruits it's probably not going to happen in the first SE though o but we upgraded he doubled it and gave it to the next guy let's go we got magma but once again not mythical okay this one's a bit of a longer one dive five times to an NPC in the first sea then go to the third sea sacrifice a barrier and a rubber fruit into the ocean of tiki Outpost then go back to the second sea trade a bu first SP okay this is to be continued until we can do all those first steps all right let's do this first C here I come so first things first we got to die to an NPC in the first SE which is going to be a lot harder than it looks because of how much HP I've got so we're going to make our way to a higher level place and I'm wait where is it ah Fountain over there I have purchased the finest Vestal available now you just got to get over there I we got to do wait I got to do this five times are you serious I feel like you'd have more luck just spinning and then waiting the 2 hours cuz it's going to take probably an hour just to do this I've made it to Fountain City I just need to now perish hey you you don't do enough damage we need the boss now I'm really hoping this one works because all of these are supposed to be guaranteed mythical fruits but they're not really working too much that's a cyborg you got this that's one that's two there's three there's four and there is five I refuse to believe anyone does that that took too long now we just got to get back to the third sea wait what what okay don't mind if I do no way sacrificing myself five times to the cyborg gave me a love fruit but we're not here for that we're here for the spins okay here goes this is like the hardest part is genuinely getting to the third sea it it's rough out here everyone's just trying to fight there's a do fruit you oh no does he see me oh he left why is there a huge ship there that's kind of worrying all right go go go go go yo don't mind me I'm just uh I'm just leaving okay we've made it all right now that I've done all of that I need to sacrifice a barrier and a rubber fruit into the ocean of tiki outposts now on this account that I'm doing the spin on I only have like these four fruits so you know what we're going to do something a little bit different we're just going to sacrifice the love fruit that I got instead because that's about the same value well here goes into the water around Tiki I got this love fruits and here it goes this is so sad this is all together mythical though what do we have to do now we have to go back to the second sea trade a Buddha for spider and point a gun at Zola's guaranteed mythical fruit he says now there is one big problem with this Strat and that is that I don't have a Buddha fruit on this account so I'm going to have to get one and then trade that way wow what a mysteriously convenient trade that I got to get the Buddha fruit let's see if this actually works okay now that we've got the Buddha fruit I need to trade this Buddha fruit for a spider I don't know why spider specifically that's what he says oh wow a Buddha for a spider if this works I'm going to be impressed and there we go hopefully he doesn't jump wow he didn't jump what a good bacon now we've got to go on point to gun to zolas preferably the refined okay right I don't have where do you get the refined musket oh no the refined musket is apparently a drop from the magma Admiral so I got to hope that I get it first try he's already in here this is good news come on give me the drop we got nothing magar Admiral attempt number two is not a success how about number three though also nothing what is this drop chance magma I thought I got it I got magma or nothing again now look all that I'm saying is if my luck is this bad to get a musket then how am I going to get a mythical like what this is the one it's not the one oh that I I think I killed about 20 of those bosses for the musket but I finally got it now we can head back to like the third see and try our luck all right now that I'm back and I can properly threaten ask nicely from zoles we should be guaranteed a mythical here zes I ain't asking for much just a mythical fruit or else I will 360 trick shot you off the top of there this is your final chance what are we going to get wow just wow I did all of that for a Tru all right I'm a man of my word you're not ready zes 360 I missed hang on I got to I got to hit these I got to hit these you're done for Zas oh so cool sacrifice the CP blushy to the RNG gods and then roll a fruit I can happily do this here goes the Moment of Truth goodbye coup blushy it was nice knowing you and he's gone I'm feeling good after getting rid of that guy and he was causing me some problems especially since all I can think about right now is shop. c.com you should totally go there and sign up so you can know when that little plushy's going to be released so you can sacrifice your own because watch bro my luck today is awful like what is that I sacrificed my plushy and I got a spin this next trick I really hope works this guy says if you type slash if you don't give me a good fruit I'm going to report the game I can try this here we go if you don't give me a good fruit I'm going to report the game you know the drill and so do I zes apparently he doesn't care about the threats he was like here Tav a diamond next up we are going to try Co walking from Castle to the gcha now on this account I haven't actually defeated Indra before so I'm going to try something else we're going to cool walk all the way arguably this is further than Castle from this mushroom we're going to cool walk all the way over there all right here it goes we just got to keep on walking oh this is going to take so long you would never be able to do this on a public server because like 10 people with do would have already completely annihilated you we're about a quarter of the way there oh we're about halfway it's becoming daytime and we're about three qus of the way we're in the gates if this doesn't give me a leopard fruit I'm going to be furious that's all I'm saying like my luck with spins hasn't been too bad recently but like I just need some mythicals so this needs to work come on this is the one we worked all the way here for a dark fruit that's actually tragic this one I actually really like the idea of if I roll a fruit expecting not to get anything good and I should expect something like rocket now this is quite a good idea cuz I'm just not going to have my hopes up and if I get something good it's going to be extra height I should get back to back dark there's no way come on man next time we're going to try a pretty interesting one he says my Strat is to go up to the hardest boss with a bum eaten and in hand beat it then I eat the other one as I spin normally I get a good fruit I got control earlier all so we got a tried and tested method huh I'm actually going to have to like take a couple of these dark fruits or maybe even this ghost because I currently have no bom fruits on this account so if I store those then I got to trade myself a bomb all right here we go we got a bomb fruits that is just not enough value I need to add something else we go we'll out of sand and then I'm going to need to somehow beat the strongest boss I can all right let's do this it's bum fruit time okay we just got to eat this n n n and then you know what because I'm only level 1500 we are going to fight against H who should I fight against all right I know exactly who we're fighting against Captain elephant a perfect boss to test my bomb skills on or my my bomb skill let's do this targeted bomb does oh that does nothing okay new plan Run This Way run this no uhoh uh-oh uh-oh this is actually terrifying just going to run away and keep on exploding him like this this is kind of dangerous get away from me run away I got to I got to like hide behind this tree yeah yeah that's the Strat that's the Strat I don't know how long I've been doing this this is taking so long I want to just I want to use my electric but I can't and I'm going to have to manipulate this one again a little bit because I don't have another bomb fruit to eat I I I just don't have enough also this one is evil whoever's making me do this and this if this doesn't give me a mythical I'm going to be mad this is taking so long oh we got pirates wait I need to do this fast he's on orange this is still going to take ages okay I literally had to go and grind for new moves because it was taking too long but now that I've got all my moves and a couple of deaths later there we go and I'm stuck there we I'm free I'm free right and now that we've done this I can just go Spin and I should just get something right I think that's the way that this one's supposed to work at least I hope so all right you know what just to be safe we'll play some landmines around here should increase our luck at least a little bit oh hold on a second wait that actually worked okay the bom fruit strap actually good strap that one's approved so for the next strap we got to hold the kitchen a lamp zemu for 5 seconds and then spin now this is kind of a problem because this account only has the pole first form so instead what I'm going to do is I'll stand here and then as you can see my little main account's here as well if I have my main account hold the Z move and spin around and like bless you with luck very in mind my main account Fox lamp also has a blessing on it so this should be like extra lucky and now that he's done that we get a mythical okay maybe that didn't work as well because it wasn't me doing it but there's no way I'm getting kitna lamp on this random account that's only level 1500 this next one wants me to hit the gritty and then spin for Dragon guarantee I feel like this guy's got some like secret hidden information that nobody knows about and honestly I can't hit the gritty but I can hit the dolphin down dance yeah this is guaranteed luck okay here we go the Dolphin Dance luck gives a buom fruit not exactly what we're looking for sakuna wants me to flex a Mythic on zolas and roll well luckily for you sakuna I've got a kitchen a on this account we're going to like flashbang him with mythicals yeah what you going to do about this Zas huh you got to give me the goods now imagine got a smoke are you serious you saw two mythicals and he's like yeah you guys are rich enough you don't need anything else that's actually so tragic next subscriber saying jump three times than emote and roll so I got to do boing boing boing and then we got an emote so we'll do a dance and then we just Spin and then we get a mythical apparently not looking awfully mythical to me stop looking happy we got the brightest Spike fruit in existence why is it so bright okay I got to be really fast for this next one because we're on a time crunch it's currently 3:59 and the next one says to spin at like a0 like 8:00 a.m. or 5 a.m. something like that so we got to wait for the clock to strike over this is oh there it there it is there it is as about say it's perfect timing we can't was the timing let's see 400 p.m. on the dots gives us a chop fruit you know maybe it's just a 400 p.m. diff it's just too unlucky none of these are working I I just hope this one does it wants us to one turn on our hcky three times and run around zis three times that can be arranged as long as I've got hcky let's see boom that's one there's two and then there's three I'll leave it on for the third time and now we got to run around him three times there we go and now we should just get a good through my secondy look has been terrible this one's quite simple we've got to Simply turn your back back to him and then spin while facing the opposite direction and this should supposedly give us a guaranteed good fruit let's see so going to do aop little 360 a little 180 and then while he's like deviously stood behind me like that let's see what we get light fruit that's like not bad not mythical though I I need something to work I sounds the only good fruit we've spun this guy wants us to buy a game pass and then eat your best fruit that can be arranged what have I got in here I got a rubber fruit I'll install that what game pass should I get I don't think I have have many Robux I'll get drop chance I've only just got enough for two times drop chance all right we've got it and now I'll eat this and now we're going to get a good fruit guaranteed mythical fruits this is really not going well honestly at this point I need a miracle if I want to get a mythical I'm going to need something crazy so how about to obtain a good fruit from the BL fruits gcha known as Zola's admin and head of the okay what is all this Gap you must prove that you're worthy of obtaining a good fruit by doing kind actions then you must be a believer of Karma and then you can spin for a fruit which with this ritual will increase your chances so I need to do something to get like Karma let's see there's many options of things to do I know I'm going to go and give someone their dream fruits that's like the best possible thing I can do all right here we go dream fruits go tell me your dream fruits that guy said legendary Aura my dream fruit is Rumble okay I got you homie there is his perm Rumble that guy's saying kits in okay fine fine what's his name Pro you can have one as well there's your perm kit a I'll do one more just to build up extra Karma points Yo furry what's your dream fruit tell me now he says Buddha that can be arranged I'm going to have so many Karma points now I'm going to be chilling I'm going to be spinning backto back kits and a with this much Karma there you go and now I leave like nothing ever happened scoo okay so now that I'm poor I should be able to just spin a good fruit right that's how it works my karma is through the roof why I did all that for nothing like I yapped he wrote a paragraph that's probably chat GPT he probably had AI right that makes no sense okay so sound is still the best fruit we've got even though we've been trying to get a mythical I've still got a few more cheeky ones on my sleeve that might just work next thing we're going to try is to use any V4 and then do a spin sounds simple enough we just got to build the our V4 as fast as we can and I know just the bus to do this we're just got to come all the way around here and then walk through this door and now we need to try hard all right let's do this I'm just going to build up my V4 by fighting all the bosses on Turtle I should get pretty close close with this boss just like off the bat that b wow it fills up so slowly when you're not attacking a player that's actually great why is it so slow okay he's in his second form and we're more than halfway I think I'm probably going to have to do another boss unless I just die hold on don't die don't die don't die I should have put a leviathan shield on instead of laay this is kind of scary I'm actually ter wait this is going to come down to the wire come on come on give me V4 V4 no wait what it's a dis what I just got scammed I actually can't believe that that's crazy round two let's go to we'll start at ice cream we'll get a bit from K I can't believe that that's actually so tragic all right I've got my V4 looking awfully devious and now it says just from having this on my look should be Amplified I got sand wait the way that you hold fruits in V4 is hilarious but sadly for me it's not funny how bad the look was that now then this totally real and not fake one says they're being subscribed to koople gives mythical fruits bro I said being subscribed to Koopa okay you know what that's not bad it's not too good either but I'll take it that is what happens when you subscribe however it seems like none of these ideas actually help to get a mythical first
Channel: Koopekool
Views: 878,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: koopekool, roblox, anime, mythical fruits blox fruits, mythical fruits, spinning fruits, blox fruits spin, spin blox fruits
Id: a1BgiUq9Ygw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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