I Tried Viral TikTok Vegetarian Recipes ๐Ÿฅ—

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today we're making some viral vegetarian Tik Tock recipes freaking amazing wow well so good I'm getting hungry guys don't forget to Thum thumb thumb this video I totally got catfished by this fried chicken [Music] recipe [Music] let's start the new year with a bang welcome Zen my lovely kitchen assistant today we are going healthy mode at least some of them will be healthy maybe not this Fried Chicken variation but at least we'll be eating a lot more vegetables I've got my oyster mushrooms ready to be turned into Fried Chicken so let's make the batter into my o milk I'm going to put apple cider vinegar give it a little whisk that goes to the side for the dry ingredients I've got my flour here I just use allpurpose flour and then I'm going to add in some cornstarch 1 cup 1 tbspoon of baking powder a tbspoon of paprika and then a teaspoon of onion and garlic powder I'm going to add a bit more garlic not going to lie and some salt mix that together and then I'm going to add some of the dry ingredients into the wet mixture give it a mix okay it's starting to look like her now I was getting a little bit worried now that we have our wet and dry mixture ready I'm going to start dipping and coating my mushrooms I realized that hers are so much bigger than mine I don't know where she got them from they're just huge ooh ooh oh it actually looks good it actually looks like fried chicken guys what are we doing today did you just speak to my chest cuz he's not wearing a mic and out it's so soft spoken what does it look like it's Fried Chicken baby it's a fried chicken bite check out this mini drumstick how good does that look looks like an ear I don't know whose ears you've been looking at but cheers it's dip dip dip dip it's actually quite good is it just cuz it's fried mhm what it tastes is better it literally just tastes like I'm eating better because this mushroom is just so thin it's not like a thick juicy mushroom you know what I mean it's good feels right unhealthy guys my mushroom's healthy I wouldn't mind this as a bar snack but as like a m meal or anything nah I need something more substantial I think this one deserves a one thumb from me what about you one thumb not bad the batter recipe though is really good so I feel you can just tweak whatever you fry in it like calamari ring yes yes if you don't like washing up too many dishes then this one pan recipe is for you this vegetarian one pan Oro bake is an easy and super delicious option for a meatless Monday meal start by adding Tomatoes mushrooms broccolini onion rosemary thyme and salt to a baking dish hit it with some olive oil work it in and then into the oven get it out of the oven and add Oro and veggie Stu and it goes right back in out of the oven once again so you can sprinkle in some grated parm burst those cherry tomatoes mix it together and top of mozzarella and into the oven to looks like this the camera is basically next to my head for us to get this shot guys so for the longest time I thought she was using rice until I discovered that there's actually pasta in the shape of these rice greens they're also known as Roni number 26 in goes my cherry tomatoes some mushrooms broccolini chopped up onions Rosemary and then some thyme then some salt Sal and she said hit it with some olive oil time to work it in now I can pop this in the oven for 15 minutes uncovered now we're going to add in our pasta shaped rice rice shaped pasta rice rice shap rice pasta shaped rice rice rice shaped pasta pasta wow that took a lot of brain power we're in one brain combined Zen and I we're half brain agent together one we're one nothing we should be proud of but let's put this in then I'm going to add in our veggie stock mix that around a little bit oh my God man I cannot I cannot rewrap this it's right it's still good it's still good go back in checking that's enough ah it's hot what am I doing it's like first day back on the job it's so hot please be careful when you wrap this it is hot back in the oven it goes time for the reveal well it's actually not done yet guys but I just want to see ooh I'm going to sprinkle on some paresan cheese oops maybe I should have checked for lumps before committed I'm committed let's pop these Tomatoes Tomatoes Tomatoes squish squish oh that's kind of Fun's give it a mix oh yeah okay I definitely need mix because some of it kind of like stuck to the bottom I'm not going to hold out on the cheese we need more cheese I yeah we need more cheese okay this is looking more similar to hers now ours looked a little bit liquidy a little bit watery top with more cheese Mozzarella cheese actually no I lied it's a pizza topping cheese what I had in the fridge okay now we can open a new bag of mozzarella cheese and now this bake goes in the oven one last time this looks look freaking amazing let's give it a mix I want to see how cheesy it is ooh that cheese get a good spoonful of it let it cool because I have a feeling this is like a recipe for disaster blow up blow up Cheers Cheers M wow wow that's good that's so good wow can you believe that's just all vegetables it's so satisfying it's so hoty why don't we do like pasta bakes more often o this is really good this is so good we just go back for more M okay before we have another bite let's just put our spoons down and rate this hands down it's a double thumbs up from all of us yes definitely try this out I hope Mila likes it I don't know about you but I've never eaten carrots like this trending vegan carrot balls recip in China pick all the carrot in Grandma's Garden s slice with left hand Steam for half an hour brutally mash it with Grandma's spoon add corn starch well mixed it knat dough with a single hand shape into multiple small bows fully cook in water from Mississippi River leave it alone ketchup soy sauce sugar black vinegar clean water stir well mix it with hot oil cook until bubbling add carrot balls black sesame seeds heat and what's up Bugs Bunny for this recipe we're going to need carrots I'm just going to do one just to try I don't want to make a big batch and commit just in case I have commitment issues now I'm going to steam them carrots have been steamed for 30 minutes and now we're going to start mashing oh they're not so easy to mash oh wow okay maybe I needed to steam mine for even longer than 30 minutes okay A little tip guys cut them very thin so you don't have to steam them for as long it's the thick slices that I'm having trouble with I'm just going to blend it I feel like I'm making baby puree food all over again now I'm going to add in some corn starch give it a good [Music] mix wow okay I think we need more corn starch I think it's starting to look like his now I'm going to make little balls feels so weird I hope I'm doing this right I feel like it's a little bit sticky but it's forming into balls okay so I'm just going to cross my fingers and heart for the best I'm going to pop some balls in it's getting stuck together oh no oh no they're sticking separate you they're just so attracted to each other that they can't resist they're darkening you can see the ones that we just put in later yes say hello [Music] hi boo wow you so good at that how come they don't look as like silky smooth as his one yeah I look little bit furry not going to lie Al does not look appetizing whatsoever but let's just make the sauce 1 teaspoon of ketchup 2 teaspoon of light soy sauce how much sugar 3 tpoon sugar and 3 tpoon of black vinegar and then 5 teaspoons of water I'm heating up some oil now and then I'm going to add this concoction into that and make a sauce make it bubble oh she's sizzling she's bubbling add in our sad carrot balls I mean the sauce is making it look better like it's shinier somehow that sauce made it look a little bit more glazed it's a lot smoother our balls Alfred's like what the hell did we make I'm going to get a small one cuz I don't really know if I want to commit to this want the tiniest one Cheers Cheers Che then you have the tiniest one I'm scared oh tastes like a b it's actually not bad I was expecting it to taste a lot weater and the texture to be a little bit I don't know not like this that's what I mean it's like rice cake but a carrot cake I'm actually pleasantly surprised say was carrot cuz I don't taste any carrot at all actually Alfred has a point does not even taste like carrot whatsoever it just tastes like flour to be honest with a sweet sour sauce on Top's playing beautiful background music sound effect I don't mind it but I feel like it's a lot of hard work to put into bowls like at the end of the day had I known it would taste like this I would have just used flour don't even worry about the carrots to be honest everyone one 2 3 this is our ranking Al likes it the best but he complained the most I'm doing half a thumb and then Zen's doing th it's not going to impress anyone let's just say didn't really impress us but it's edible the sauce is not nice if you need more vegetables in your life then you need to try these dumplings these days I'm always trying to get more veggies in so let me show you how to make these simple but delicious veggie dumplings start by finely chopping shitake mushrooms and grating carrot Into Thin strips next chop onion and APPA cabbage and set those aside then over medium high heat sautรฉ garlic ginger and onion for a few seconds until fragrant then add in your mushrooms carrot and cabbage add salt to season and also drw moisture then surf FR for 4 to 5 minutes to cook them down and set them in a bowl to cool next Chop Chinese chives or scallions then season with additional salt to taste along with sugar white pepper shaing wine soy sauce MSG sesame oil and give it a good mix then take a/ teaspoon of filling into your dumpling wrapper and wet the edges with water fold up your dumpling into a half circle then use your thumbs to pleat down both sides and seal your dumpling pan fry steam or boil I'm so prepared because I've prepped all my ingredients we've got shitaki mushrooms grated carrot cabbage oh so bright oh a moment for my onions please and I have garlic and ginger so what I'm going to do is actually cook these ingredients first in my w Uncle Roger would be pleased today's weapon of choice I'm really scared of my walk actually Alfred usually does is I need my broccoli glove very fitting vegetarian recipes in goes garlic in goes Ginger that smells good already onions I'm going to put my hood on because it is very [Music] frent then I'm going going to season with salt so it can draw out the water content man this is a workout eating more vegetables and I'm working out you use resolution tick my arms tired do you want to take over with you should I massage you whilst you do it I don't think that helps okay okay oh wow look how much liquid came out I've got a huge Bowl I'm going to transfer it into a bowl now in goes my chopped up chives it's raining chives tastes so good but your breath oh afterwards that lingering chive breath now I need to season it as well salt we're doing fancy salt white pepper I don't know I don't even know if this is shouting wine actually it just says cooking meu as always I'm measuring with my heart guys sugar everything with u tastes so good though can't deny that is that too much Sesame o technically I can taste this right cuz it's all cooked okay taste taste M it's good M I'm happy with my seasoning now so let's get wrapping I bought prade dumpling skin if you want to go above and beyond by all means make your own dumpling skin I just don't have time for that do you guys know that how to wrap dumplings shall I show you how I wrap them quick tutorial put the filling in the middle pop some water on the edge close the dumpling up and then you're going to kind of like pleat and fold one all these sides and then go back on this side I'm not great at explaining guys just watch watch watch my fingers you want to make sure it's all sealed otherwise the feeling will ooze out okay so I like to wrap them like this if I'm going to pan fry them which I am because they have this like nice bottom that you can place it on the pan and now I just need to repeat that 100 more times oh no my dumplings oozing I just realized that our mixture has let out a lot more liquid now okay so I'm going to try to just pick up the dry beads for now this is a lot of effort I actually don't mind wrapping jumpings if I have help hinting then I don't know why then but I feel like you'd be good at this yeah cuz you lived in China and your dad's a chef I don't know drinking that's enough to to to make me assume it's in your blood to be able to wrap D yeah you were like born knowing how to do this oh wow it's so pretty look at that dang check out Zen's dumpling totally approved look at that nice nice oh my god I think I'm I'm I'm getting better at these guys you have to be at least like four or five dumplings in to get a good feel of it you know and then you just get into the Zone wow this is an ugly one four dumplings in it gets good and then after like 10 it gets real bad I'm just going to oil My Pan first then I'm going to place my little dumpling pouches [Music] on and I'm going to let these fry for a couple of minutes until the Bottom's Brown and then what I'll do is I'll pop a little bit of water close the lid and let them steam to cook this is the scary part of when you do the dumplings when you put in the water and it sizzles and then because it's oil it can Splash so you need to have a shield aka the lid I told you it was scary step away from the pan that's popping the sizzling sound has gone down now I'm going to lift the lid and just check if there's still any water left there's still a little bit of water but now I'm just just going to wait for the water to evaporate and then I'll take the dumplings out wow I'm getting hungry hungry hungry I'm getting hungry I'm getting hungry we got our dumplings grab a dumplings should we just show off our dumplings guys Beauty bloggers turned Tik Tok chefs and then there's Alfred what are you doing Alfred what is that you have to put the dumpling in the middle of your palm so you can see you're definitely not a beauty blogger I'm excited I'm so excited any more feeling the thing is with this vegetable dumpling it's not like jam-packed I think I should have just like gotten gloves and just like squeezed it and then wrapped it because there's little air pockets in it that kind of make it feel a little bit empty but the taste is there The Taste is good so now I know with the next batch that I'm wrapping I'm going to ring out the liquid and then wrap so that everything's more like together but it's good it's good would it be the best dumpling I've ever eaten no because I'm just like a meat are you right Alf spice went off my nose is it the best dumpling I've ever eaten are you okay like what what's happening behind me are you guys like doing what what's happening well that was chaos not the best dumpling I've ever eaten but pretty tasty considering it's packed with veggies maybe Lyla could eat this I think she'll eat this good for kids if you want to if you want to just sneeze your way out of the frame good for kids if you want to increase their VG intake let's all rate the dumpling recipe we're going to give it a one thumb it's good it's not the best but it's good it's a new year we need a new thumb routine B ideas we've never had good ideas let's be honest shall we up it this year like do a little bit of a like choreographed guys don't forget to thumb thumb thumb this video every time I do this me dies what do you mean what do you mean it's amazing it's amazing aren't you guys glad we're back for 2024 L's back too L come come you want to do thumb don't forget to thumb this video look here don't forget to thumb this video if you guys want to check out more Tik Tok recipes click on the video on screen and these three stoes we'll speak to you guys next time bye four four stoes I actually she's not a stoe she's the brightest of us all she's the smartest one of the year
Channel: Tina Yong
Views: 536,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tina Tries It, tina Yong, tina young, tiktok recipes, tiktok foods, viral recipes, easy recipes, tiktok, food, cooking, vegetarian recipes, vegan recipes, delicious vegetarian recipes, best vegetarian, easy vegetarian recipes
Id: fT5V-E7ykL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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