I Tried To Speed Paint Like @MarcoFrisoniNJM

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this week's video has a bit of story behind it I had 3 days to paint all these models for D andd Adventure from the start I knew all washes would be a must to help me get the models ready in two steps also Marco's video on oseran came to mind so I thought why not try out rendering the initial colors with my airbrush and see if I can save some time I don't have the skills or that good of an airbrush so let's see what I can do to mix my paints I used a battery blister bag and just added some water to dilute them but before jumping to the model I made sure to test the flow of [Music] paint Marco uses a 0.2 needle my airbrush which has seen better days has a 0.5 one so I quickly realized that small and medium details would have to be painted by brush however some models were composed of mainly one element so for these first two models I thought I could at least get all the ropes done before picking out a couple other details and have them ready for an oil wash once I was done with the color I glass of water was used to clean up the airbrush but make sure to L with the PSI or you'll have water flying out everywhere like I mentioned due to a lack of skill my Renditions were limited to senal highlights as far as the robes goes yes I did get some smooth creamy white tone but at the same time it turned out quite Bland and I regret not having went for a more creative Shadow tone like purple which would have contrasted great with the gold details I would paint after but I made sure not to repeat that mistake moving forward the application of the initial color is done first from below it will be much easier afterwards to go around the model from above and I want to avoid any overspray where I to begin to insist in the hopes of reaching the innermost Parts I got a bit more creative with my colors moving onwards mixing sunny skin tone alongside some purple every layer was applied at at least a 45° angle so as to leave the Shadows untouched and as the mix got lighter I also up the angle of spray I did push all of my Renditions to an almost white since the washing will add some color to them in the end while keeping the airbrush away from the model made it spray wider and with less Precision it also made sure I got no spider webing from overspraying however by angling my airbrush straight from above I was able to keep as much of the Bas tone in the shadows as I could as well as some of the midtones like I mentioned my airbrush skills could only take me so far and some brush work would be required for the other base [Music] colors apart from the two Thin coats of Base color I sketched some highlights very roughly as you can see in the footage this was no more than a minute of work per section or 5 minutes per model overall the rough texture will contrast nicely with the smooth transitions from the airbrush over on the skin and help differentiate one element from another [Music] so far I can say that I did save a lot of time by using the airbrush to get those bace Coates over the element which occupied most of the model itself while I could do better by spending more time and using a brush I was running against the clock so this would have to do however I'll con clean and say that there were some models where the airbrush wouldn't have helped me at all be it as I mentioned by my lack of skill or the tool itself so I simply gave them their base codes keeping the color count low but now I can move on to step two oil washing is something I'm well vers in on my videos I've covered three applications as well as thick applications alike you can refer to this video above for a bit more info today I'm using different color es and different consistencies but all models will be covered from Head to Toes to begin with I'll then leave them to the side for an hour or so to have a snack this will be enough time to have the solvents evaporate and allow the oils to get a slight grip or tinting over the paint there is no exact recipe to mixing oil paints with solvents since different colors will behave in different ways but the working method compared to normal washes is reductive instead of additive right now I have too much but that's because I will clean the paint from the rais areas instead of of TR to get it just on the recesses still more dilute mixes for highly textured surfaces can be used in the same manner as any other wash but today I'm working on models which lack very pronounced ridges and creases and this overall application with a thicker mix will result in a more organic shading after the cleanup stage for the cleanup I'll get some solvent and low a Q-tip to absorb it all around but we'll get rid of any excess with a paper towel I'll do this very gently since I want the Q-tip to be slightly moist by lightly going over the model the solvent will reactivate and dilute the oils which will allow the Q-tip to pick it up from the ra surfaces by having a controlled amount of solvent on the Q-tip I avoid any excess tripping onto the recesses and washing paint away from them leaving me with some defined shadows and clean race [Music] details [Music] [Music] over on bigger models I can begin with some makeup sponges once again we want to go lightly and slowly pick up the oils from the race details the sponge will work Wonders on those white spaces slowly creating gradients towards the Shadows it is fine if you can't get all the way into the shadow areas it'll just up the contrast in the [Music] end [Music] finally I'll go back to the Q-tips to remove the last layer of paint over on the brightest points it would seem that the sponge already removed as much paint as possible but that hour or so I left the ALS to set and get a grip creates his final layer which is not even close to dry but will still require some reactivation with solvents in order to be [Music] cleaned in conclusion I did manage to to get the models ready in time it took me an afternoon to do all the base coating maybe 3 to 4 hours and the next day is morning for the oil washing which even with the hour of set time before clean up it didn't take me more than 2 hours in total while I have stayed away from airbrushing since I want my videos to serve everyone I do admit it helped to get the project ready in time and I will record to it again next time I need to have a personal project ready which I don't need to have painted to the best of my abilities I would also like to get my hands on a more precise airbrush in the future to better try out Marco's painting approach in the end I'm pleased with the results I was able to get the models ready and I learned something along the way and I hope you did also so thank you for watching the whole video and I hope to see you for the next [Music] one [Music]
Channel: Resourceful Miniatures
Views: 4,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, miniatures, speedpainting, gamesworkshop, age of sigmar, dungeons and dragons
Id: VWly9FWw0Ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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