How To Paint Small Miniatures & Faces

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since today's video is a bit long I've made a timeline so you can skip to whatever part you like and with that said I was actually feeling a bit uninspired this week so instead of forcing myself to do something I wouldn't enjoy I chose to paint a model I just liked and to be honest there probably won't be any new lessons on this video I haven't covered before but I hope you still find it useful to begin with I base coded every part of the model with its corresponding color even though gluing it to the base only made it harder to reach some parts lately I've been skipping this part of my paint since there's nothing special about it but as a general reminder it is always best to apply two Thin Coates of paint in order to achieve full opacity than a single thick coat so as to avoid clogging any details with paint you will also find the paint process to be smoother this way [Music] to paint the finer details it is half a matter of skill and half a matter of preparation I always make sure to work the paint into my brush from all sides and then twist and pull to form a fine tip at the same time discharging any excess paint so as to have just the right amount to where it won't be floating out of my brush into the [Music] recesses having applied the corresponding base coats the model is more readable but still a bit blocky so to better differentiate each element from one another I grabbed a couple of dark tones diluted them with water in a 2:1 ratio and apply them in a manner of a wash while diluted acrylics won't give me the same result as proper washes they do provide me with more color variety as well as being a cheaper option and since I plan to work up the highlights whether I use one or the other won't really matter much [Music] you'll not that on the Rock I'm letting the dark gray mix with some Browns and greens if you haven't already start adding color to your rocks it will look more realistic compared to just using Grays and whites once dry while I don't have super defined Shadows now the base color can be used once again as a first highlight for some details I'll be using the side of my brush to do the work for me placing it this way will make it so that I can only catch the race [Music] details in order to prevent the saturating my colors too much I used ice yellow instead of white for the rest of the highlights initially coating the race details and upper facing Parts with the base color followed by one or two passes of the lighter mix to which I increasingly added small amounts of ice yellow [Music] to paint the cape I follow the same steps I showed on my black cloth tutorial from a couple of weeks ago but this time I didn't bother with the blending I'll link the original video above if you wish to watch it as well this time I am just doing horizontal lines along the folds and as I go brighter with my color I also shorten the highlights I left this part of the footage in its original speed so you can see that as long as you have a good grip on your model and you keep a cohesive motion off the wrist this process won't take too much time the dilution of the paint is the same as to when it was base coating this will allow it to flow freely from my brush and it is why as it dries you'll see it darken down a bit [Music] and so it is time to paint the face I am following the same steps as in all of my face painting tutorials but this time using actual skin tones instead of mixing them myself the highlights will be focused over on the nose cheek bones upper lip jawline and Chin I am slowly incorporating lighter tones into the general mix and not creating huge jumps in color this way as I slowly reduce the area of highlights I'll get a natural transition without the need of washing or glazing [Music] for the hair I just did a bit of over brushing and as I mix lighter and lighter tones Focus only on the top part kind of in the shape of a Halo leaving the middle hairline a bit darker [Music] over on the eyes I'm using the same brown which I base coated the hair with and I turn the model around so my brush is pointed towards the nose so nothing is on the [Music] way by starting from a dark tone as I do the same in a reduced area with an off white the thin lining around will both frame the eye and work as eyelashes it is very important since we're working with a small amount of paint which will dry fast test to rinse your brush and snatch new fresh paint As you move from eye to [Music] eye instead of the usual black pupil I use dark blue to represent both the pupil and the iris for a more colorful result try not to have your brush rest on the cheek as you trace down in order to minimize the chance of a mistake thank you for watching till the end I hope you found the video useful or entertaining enough special thanks to my patrons cab Cedric I like sosis and moridin as of now I am working on an update of my old washing tutorial for next week so if you're not subscribed make sure you do to not miss out but that is all for today hope to see you again next week [Music]
Channel: Resourceful Miniatures
Views: 666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lotr, dnd, minis, mini painting, dnd minis
Id: n7CCUihPlUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2024
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