I Tried To Re-Create This Giant Ramen

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- Okay, so, here we are, this is Eating Your Feed. My name is Niki, my best friend, Adam, has challenged me to make a giant bowl of ramen based off of a viral video. I'm excited, I love ramen, I've never made it before. But, how hard can it be? Oh my, that really is large. It's noodles, ramen broth, a mountain of bean sprouts, and surrounded by fried chicken. That's mostly bean sprouts, he barely even got to the ramen. He didn't finish it. Also here to help me today, she's very good at everything that I'm not good at, my friend Rie. - Hey. - I'm making ramen. - Okay. - So I have to make a broth, I have to cook noodles, I have to blanche bean sprouts, and I need to make chicken. What's different about Japanese fried chicken? - We cook with potato starch instead of flour. - Oh, alright, so I'm just going to give this a shot. See you later. - Good luck. - I've never made ramen broth. I know it can be quite difficult, but I think I'm going to find an easier version of it. Oh this is in Japanese, I don't know what it says. I think we're just going to stick to the Shoyu ramen. Karaage. I also don't think I've made fried chicken on my own before. I need ramen noodles and I need a lot of bean sprouts. Okay, I can do this, for sure-zies. Alright, I got a bunch of stuff and this cow. He's very cute and he's full of jelly. A cow bank, it's like jello shots, but for kids. I have to marinate my chicken. This recipe is per three, ugh. I'm going to triple this chicken recipe that I have. I'm just going to start grating some garlic. This is ginger, I knew that. I'm just cutting the skin off the ginger and then I'm going to grate it and I need roughly six tablespoons. This grater's too small. Grating it might not be the best idea. I just decided to chop up the ginger instead. My fingers are going to smell so spicy. It's for a marinade so it doesn't need to be super crazy minced. Next, I'm going to do roughly the same amount of garlic. I'm just crushing it so that it breaks open and tossing them in. Why does this one look weird? I'm not going to use it. (sniffs) okay, I think that's good enough. I need nine tablespoons of soy sauce. Nine, ooh, ten, oh well. (laughs) I just completely spaced out. I forgot my apron. Six tablespoons of sake. Oh, sesame oil. (grunts) Oh, that was hard. Three tablespoons of sesame oil. Oh gosh, well, sugar, mmmmm, looks good, I hope this is enough, because I've got a lot of chicken. Oh, chicken gloves, there we go. Oh my, this is a lot of chicken, good gravy. Okay, this is enough marinade, that looks pretty good. Alright, I'm going to let this sit in the fridge for about an hour and then we'll come back and I'll add potato starch and we'll be ready to fry it all up. Here's the big bowl I got, I think it is large enough, it is bigger than my face, but also, I have these ice cream sandwiches that I can't put in the freezer anymore so I'm going to eat them. This is really tasty. - Yeah. - [Niki] Broth, the recipe calls for regular soy sauce and then a light soy sauce. And then salt, it doesn't make a lot of sense, but I'm just going to do it. There's two tablespoons of soy sauce of both kinds, I'm going to times that by four, so that's half a cup of soy sauce, math! This is not efficient, oh, this one's even worse. Okay, there's that. This is a lot of salt, why are we cooking soy sauce. And the rest of it is chicken stock. I mean, this is a lot, I don't know if it's going to fit in the bowl, this feels very salty, yeah, it tastes like chicken bones, in water. I'm just going to add this to here. Looks like a beef broth, it's not terrible. - Pretty good, it is very salty. - Yeah, this is a little salty, so I'm going to add some water to it, that's tasty. Broth is done, I still have to do the noodles, the beans, and I think we should do chicken next. Looks good, it's been marinating for a while, now. Pot of oil for frying. I've never done this before, so I need a cup and a half of potato flour, this is what's going to make it crispy, this is weird. I need to dredge these a little bit better, so I'm going to get a bowl and put the rest of my potato starch in there to make sure that these are well covered. I'm going to do one test chicken. (cheery music) Is this supposed to look like that? There's like this bunch of white stuff on top. So I don't think we need to dredge it like this, so I'm going to put these away over here. And just kind of keep it at this saucy texture. And see what happens, ooh, bubble city. Hi. - How's it going?' - We're just getting started with some fried chicken. There, that looks great, so that's way better, so I definitely don't need to be dredging them extra. And I'm supposed to put them back in and do a double fry to make them extra crispy, but they look really good, they smell really good, so I'm just going to keep going. Oh, they smell so good, you can smell the ginger, and the soy, and the garlic. Alright, that's the last of it, I still have to double fry it but I'm going to weigh it and make sure I have hopefully, 1.2 kilograms. 1.4 kilograms, so these two are just extras. This is my second fry, it's at a slightly higher temperature, it's going to be a for sure, shorter amount of time, it'll just crisp it up a little bit more. Ugh, my fire's not on anymore. I ran out of gas? Way to have fire, oh, these have been in here for so long. Oh man, these are very crispy, it's fine, it's fine. Look at all this chicken, oh yeah, holy cow. I'm going to cut up the chicken, I'm going to leave them pretty large. 1.25 that's a lot of chicken and there's spares. I'm going to get that hot for my beans. This is what I'm going to cook my noodles in. And here's my ramen, how much do I need? 800 grams of noodles, good Lord. This is my broth that's been sitting back here, but I'm taking it off, now, because I think it's warm enough. I'm going to get my pasta water and heat it up. This is 2.27 kilograms, I'm just going to go through with this, and then pile it high and if I need more, I'll make more. Not what this is for, so beany. This is going to take forever. Well look at this ridiculous bowl of beans. Goodbye bean water. This is "le bowl." We got out beans, we got our chicken, we have our noodles and my broth. Oh, that's really salty, I think I'm going to water it down a little bit more because that is pretty salty, that's better. Alright, so I'm just going to start assembling. We'll go broth, first, that feels good. I'm going to pop the noodles in. Here we go, looking pretty good. I don't think they're supposed to be chewy. - Is this boiled? - No it's just very hot. - You have to cook the noodles in boiling oil. - Love it. I think these noodles are cooked. Come on. They're all gooey, this is not appetizing looking. And now we bean sprout it, this is what they do, they make a bean sprout mountain. I am very excited about this chicken though. This is a lot of work, just putting it together, not even just attempting to eat it. Wow, this is the perfect amount for this bowl. Ta da. (serene music) Alright, I'm going to go get Rie and the only thing left to do is eat all of this. I hope you're hungry. - I am, but I cannot finish this. - We're going to do it together. - Okay. - Okay, at the restaurant, if you finish this in 20 minutes, you get your name on the wall, and they pay you. - How much? - 50,000 yen. - 50,000 yen is 500 dollars. - Let's see how far we get in 20 minutes. Go! - Mmmmm, oh wow. - Yeah, good, yeah. - What recipe, tasty.com? - Yes. - There's no way we can finish by ourself. - No. - I think it's already watered down. - Oh look, noodles, no! I think I understand why that guy was sweating. - Oh wow, the broth is like nothing, now. - I know, because of the bean sprouts. - I don't think the three of us can get through this. - Do you want to bring people in? Are you guys busy? A bunch of us are eating giant ramen. - [Friend] What? - Yes, get in here I made this. - [Friend] Good job, Niki. - [Niki] Thank you. We're at 10 minutes, we're halfway, keep going. Here, have a straw for broth. - Where's the salt? - The bean sprouts soaked it all up, alright? Yeah, oh! It's almost been 20 minutes, we have like, two minutes left, I think there's like, 10 of us here, but there's still a bowl full of sprouts and noodles, so I don't know how anyone does this. I think I did a pretty good job. I made a broth from scratch, made noodles, I made three pounds of bean sprouts and one and a half kilos of fried chicken which was my first time making fried chicken and was really tasty. Our time's up, we did not win. Tastes like soy-flavored water. (laughs) The chicken was great. (lively music)
Channel: Tasty
Views: 8,938,371
Rating: 4.8959947 out of 5
Keywords: K_fe, adam bianchi, andrew ilnyckyj, buzzfeed, buzzfeed tasty, eating your feed, giant ramen, japan, japanese cuisine, japanese food, niki, ramen, tasty
Id: iKI6z9dcjMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 09 2018
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