I Tried TikTok's Viral High-Protein Vegan Desserts

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[Music] hello everybody what's going on it's your girl Merl and welcome to today's video we are going to be doing another high protein video you may have noticed that I've been doing quite a few videos about how to get high protein meals that are vegan I'm trying to get more protein I know a lot of you are trying to get more protein so I figured together we can figure it out I never thought about protein that much but now I'm trying to work out more some of you like we know you told us I just feel like I need to explain why I'm prioritizing protein so much we've done high protein dinners we've done high protein meals we did high protein breakfast and now we're going to do high protein dessert I just feel like why not why not why not find ways that we can enjoy and indulge our our sweet tooth and we can get protein all together and then we can call it healthy some of these might not maybe you can't really call them healthy but actually I think all three of these are pretty healthy and that's just a win-win when it tastes delicious and indulgent and it also happens to have some very nutritious aspects to it that's some of you guys have started tagging me in high protein videos you see on Tik Tok and Instagram keep doing that you guys see stuff that doesn't pop up on my algorithm and I appreciate it I love to see it it's also just inspiring to me to see new ways I can change up my day-to-day eating habits let's not waste any time we're just going to pop right into the video so so I'm hungry basically what this is why am I delirious right now I don't know what going I don't know okay so this first recipe we're going to try is by Gigi goes vegan who I've been going down a wormhole of her whole account and I highly recommend you do the same she's got so many great high protein vegan recipes so many today we're going to be making her high protein silken tofu mousse the main base to this the main protein source is going to be our silk and tofu here I made a couple slight adjustments to her recipe to crank up the old protein honestly I didn't really change anything other than just kind of doubling the recipe the recipe calls for instant coffee and I didn't have any I just ground up some coffee beans I'm going to go light on those just to make sure it doesn't overpower the recipe completely I think instant coffee might be a little less intense than these just straight up coffee grounds I could be wrong I know nothing about coffee ask me a question about coffee I don't know see she said that this recipe is around 19 G per serving I think we're going to be able to kick it up quite a bit here I've got some vegan dark chocolate chips you can use semisweet you can use whatever you want really as long as it's vegan if you want it to be vegan and then I've got some unrefined coconut oil here we're going to add a little bit of coconut oil into this chocolate because that's going to help it melt and coconut is nice healthy fat what's not to like about that and that rhymes we're going to quickly microwave this meanwhile I'm going to take this tofu to the the sink and just drain the water from it if my dress looks weird it's cuz there's a mic pack in my underwear okay as you can see we are not quite there yet [Music] one package of this Trader Joe's silk and tofu is about 36 g of protein I'm sure you could find Silk and tofu with a higher protein content is this silk and tofu or is this firm it doesn't say it just says tofu it is silking it's looking pretty good I don't think all of this is going to fit okay so basically now all we need to do is blend it all together of course like li like Silk and tofu it's one of those days man let's start by blending this down all right let's add in some chocolate it doesn't quite do it all the way through I think we will need the other blender let's try this again shall we so I am going to deviate from her recipe actually I think after all because I'm starting to think this is going to be really hard to blend cuz the silk and tofu seems to be difficult to work with here but hold on when stuff like this happens you just have to think life was never meant to be perfect I feel like so many people are always saying to me like oh you cook so much like how do you cook so much how do you know how to cook I'm like honestly I am flying by the seat of my pants just like how I added more silk and tofu I think they said 300 G and I'm using like 600 G they said 1 tbspoon of hemp seeds and I'm using three off to a great start ooh things are happening things are happening this is looking fairly liquidy they did say that I could add some sweetener liquid sweetener let me just take a little taster I think I need to add a little bit more chocolate for one thing cuz I doubled the tofu amount and right now it just kind of tastes like tofu I'm a little nervous about this coffee ground I'm just going to dust in some of the coffee call me crazy I'm going to heat up more chocolate then I'm going to put it in here and I'm going to toss this in the fridge and we'll check on this in 2 hours okay so this has been in there for like 2 days I want to say and it's almost taken on like an ice cream quality wow that's actually really nice I think when I make this for myself and what I'll probably do like right now is have this with some fruit so it's not just chocolate cuz it's actually pretty rich you do not taste the tofu like at all this is really nice it's like very decadent tasting yum here come try this delicious treat that is good you like it yeah it's a it's like a chocolate moose silk and tofu really is that amazing that a little bit more for me he likes it I have a l the B please oh my gosh he likes it there's protein in there huh it's all protein another bite please what what look at this one of my favorite things as I progress in my Wellness journey is that I feel like I'm learning so much more about myself and my body monitoring my sleep which workouts I enjoy which ones require more energy and how to get the most energy from what I eat I can easily track all of this with the sponsor of today's video Lumen Lumen is the world's first handheld metabolic coach all I have to do is breathe in and then out on this little device and on the app it lets me know if I'm burning fat or carbs and it gives me a tailored guidance to improve my nutrition workouts sleep and even Stress Management your metabolism is how your body turns the food you eat into fuel now that I've gone from working out every other week to working out 6 days a week this kind of information is super important and honestly really fascinating to me after getting to know you through your breath Lumen gives you a flex score that you can track and improve metabolic flexibility just means that your body is able to efficiently switch between fuel sources with that first measurement of the day I can see how to best feel myself whether I need to eat more carbs or something before like a high-intensity workout so to get your metabolic Health score go to go. lumen.me meral 100 or just click the link below in my description and you'll also get $100 off Lumen so click the link below to get $100 off and start improving your health today that's go. lumen.me Merl 100 for $100 off and your metabolic score thanks again Lumen for sponsoring let's get back to the video this next one I am very appropriately dressed for and this is my kind of dessert okay I'm not always like the biggest chocolate Seeker I like chocolate don't get me wrong but I am such a like Berry Plus Cream like apple crisp or like strawberry shortcake like those are my two favorite I also really love pumpkin pie but that doesn't really fit what I'm trying to say oh that is fruit wait is pumpkin fruit pumpkin's fruit right cuz fruit is seeds and pumpkin has seeds so a pumpkin is a fruit if you're like me and that's your genre of dessert that you love look no further when I saw this I thought this has everything I've ever wanted you can kind of control how much protein you want in this dish she uses 1 tbspoon of protein powder I'm going to use like a whole freaking scoop and I'm actually going to put protein powder in both the berry base and in the crumble that we're going to make so we're making a berry and peanut butter crumble this one is by Chloe she's amazing love her recipes she's another one who does a lot of high protein stuff so go check her out as well so we've got about 3 cups of frozen berries here might be a little bit more there there's no added sugar in this recipe another huge bonus something super cool the sweetness we're going to get is from these dates these mle dates I went ahead and took the pits out and chopped these up go ahead and sprinkle those around now she didn't do this I'm going to add a little protein powder in right now I've got this vanilla soy protein powder and it has about 24 g of protein per serving she didn't do this in hers so so you know you don't have to do this obviously I just want to cuz I am becoming a protein fiend so I'm going to use some of this vanilla soy protein the fruit the frozen fruit is going to release the liquid that'll like help to make this blend in better all right we got that and then the last thing I'm going to add 2 tbspoon of lemon juice and I've got my oven preheated to 350° F that's 180° Celsius so we're going to go ahead and toss this in the oven and bake this for 10 minutes and in the meantime we're going to mix together our crumble do anybody else like um Vox Machina I've started watching this because I got so obsessed with playing balers gate it reminds me of like DND D Boulders gate universe and I'm loving it it's so funny I'd highly recommend it I'm going to add in one cup of rolled oats this is nice cuz you're getting the protein and you're getting the fiber all in one dessert nice complete protein and then we're going to add a/4 cup of peanut butter now not all peanut butter is created equal we have the no stir and then we have the stir the stir has 1 gram of protein per serving which is 2 tablespoons the no stir one has 7 G so there's a little bit more in this one I don't know why it must have something to do with how they process it I don't know added about a/4 of a cup oh gosh it's basically like a PB&J cobbler she just used raspberries but I'm just using mixed berries cuz that's what I had was frozen mixed berries and what the heck can't hurt to get more berries then we're going to add she said a tablespoon of protein powder I'm going to go ahead and add another freaking scoop another 24 g of protein we're going to add about 1 and 1/2 tbspoon of plant-based milk she used oat milk I'm using soy cuz it's what I have and it also has more protein and then we going to add a little bit of vanilla one teaspoon and some cinnamon one teaspoon of cinnamon now we're going to mix this all up which hopefully won't be really hard with the peanut butter and since I added a little bit more protein powder if need be I can just add a bit more of the plant-based milk or a little bit more peanut butter put the berries in the oven add a little bit more peanut butter cuz why not a little more soy milk just to kind of bring it all together so I'd say I probably added about 3 tbspoon of this soy milk M smells really good smells like a delicious granola now we wait for the berry mixture to bake and then we're going to sprinkle our crumble on top and we're going to put that back in the oven for another 25 to 30 minutes we've got our berry cobbler kind of thing here smells so good I'm so excited to try this wow look of this yogurt this looks so beautiful let's give it a try that is so good I would eat this for breakfast honestly the peanut butter there little pockets of like burst of sweetness from the dates and then there's a little bit of acidity from the lemon juice and the berries wo I'm blown away I have no words it's so good how is there no added sugar in this it's just the berries doing their thing the dates doing their thing I got to give it a 10 out of 10 when you get a good bite it's a 10 out of 10 when you get a below average bite it's like a 7 and 1/2 I'm obsessed with it and I will be making it from now on until forever this is a problem how good this is only it's not cuz it's like good for you the recipe that I have in the description is mine if you want her original recipe I put the link to her video right there down there as well okay so it's a new day I couldn't make the three desserts in one day or I was going to blow up sweetness overload let's make these brownies we're going to be making protein brownies with quinoa that's a new one I feel like I've heard of avocado brownies and even like sweet potato brownies but not quinoa I'm pumped I'm excited to see how these taste one exciting thing about these brownies is that they are a complete protein because the quinoa actually has all of the required amino acids when I saw these brownies I was like damn this person knows what they're talking about they looked creamy they look like fluffy and moist and dense I feel like brownies are like the one thing you can get away with calling moist like and people not getting really upset with the use of that word but anyway these look amazing so let's I don't even want to wait I'm My Sweet Tooth my hankering is coming back around so let's make these all we need is a blender here we are going to add our quinoa and the quinoa I soaked it for about an an hour and that just kind of softens it up we are going to add some maple syrup for sweetness oh that reminds me we should preheat our oven now while we're waiting we're going to set the oven to 180° C or 350° fhe and then I've got here some flax meal with a little bit of water to make a slurry this is going to act as our binder instead of an egg then we've got some vegan yogurt she used Greek yogurt cuz the original recipe actually wasn't vegan some cocoa powder a nice ripe banana this one's pretty perfect 50 g of peanut butter so that's going to be like 3 tablespoons I guess I should measure it just to be safe huh I will I'll I'll do that cuz baking can be very specific in sciencey one teaspoon of vanilla extract I'm going to mix this up this feels like it's going to be very dry I mean I think the quinoa will probably hold some of the water that it was soaked in so it might be fun now it is time for us to blend this [Music] up okay that was a little bit of a roller coaster ride now it's like this beautiful creamy batter I was wrong I'm shocked by how creamy this is jok's on freaking me I'm not even going to try it yet because I don't want to spoil the surprise thank you for your service and I'm going to give this just a quick little spray just to be safe and then we just transfer the batter and that's it it wow this is looking so damn good this is reminding me of my Easy Bake Oven days I was out there truly baking with a light bulb like why do I ever have any concerns of my abilities to bake got to give yourself credit where credit is due people oh no you know what I forgot to put in I forgot to put in the baking powder I'm going to quickly blend it into scoop of this it's going to be okay everyone it's going to be just fine this is why baking is a problem for me forgetfulness it's like if you forget to put an ingredient in cooking doesn't matter as much we do need the baking powder cuz that's what's going to make these rise we're going to mix that in with everything now the last thing we're going to do is add some dark chocolate chips or whatever your favorite vegan chocolate chips are I'm going to mix those around now we are going to bake these in the oven for about 20 minutes and when you check it you know you can poke a little thing in the middle of it see that it's all the way cooked through if not you can just add another 5 minutes or so and that that's it okay we'll see you on the other side it's been 20 minutes let's see wo she looks cooked this came out looking kind of weird um it has like a fruit leather top kind of looks like cracked earth like Death Valley or something all right maybe I judged a little too quickly it's a very interesting texture it's light as air not what I was expecting not in a bad way I think overall I give this a 7 .5 they're giving a little bit impostor Vibes then the texture of the brownie is almost like bean dip and it's quinoa so it almost has like feels like it's like kind of related to bean dip this is like Bean Dip's zesty cousin I'm remembering now that in the original video I saw she like covered the top with chocolate so you couldn't see the Death Valley top realistically these are very okay I think they could use a little work I think it's cool to use the quino the texture is like nothing else I've had it's like a chocolate bean dip it certainly won't stop me from eating the entire thing I'm going to get arya's taste test on this and see what he thinks very tasty it's good is it healthy maybe with quinoa m w yeah it's tasty that tastes better than most um other like vegan brownies I've had it's just quinoa banana Maple a little bit of maple syrup just a little bit that's tasty that's good delicious oh and also for the cobbler rating I want to give the cobbler like a nine out of 10 I think there's a lot of beautiful potential there the fact that some bites are really good and some are not I can't give it a 10 thank you guys for watching this video I hope you had as much fun as I did I discovered some wonderful new recipes let me know which one you want to try tag me in any of the recipes out there on Instagram or Tik Tok let me know I'm always happy to try them and I'm trying to do a couple more videos sometimes twice a week not every week but sometimes twice a week for like little oneoff fun things if you had a good time please like And subscribe it really helps it really does it actually does and anyway I appreciate you guys thank you for watching and coming along on this journey okay so long everybody goodbye
Channel: Merle O'Neal
Views: 52,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Lq8bdCxyAEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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