5 Tiktok Recipes that actually work. (easy & vegan)

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[Music] hello and welcome back today I thought I would finally take the time to recreate some of the many many recipes that I have saved over on the Tik Tok app I usually never go back and look at my save folders and then just forget about all these cool ideas but not today not today I will also be putting my own spin on some of the these recipes you know for example veganizing the meals if I have to and so on ever since I can remember being on the recipe side of the internet I've seen so many variations of these healthier millionaire shortbread bites but I don't think I've ever actually given one of these recipes a try let's do it first melt down some coconut oil in a small saucepan in the meantime grab an 8 in or 20 CM loaf pan and line it with some parchment paper next set up a blender I couldn't seem to find my blender funnel if that is the right term so I had to improvise using a coffee filter that I cut a hole into it worked semi well I would say anyway the ingredients for the base are ground almonds oats salt some syrup and the melted oil blend this until smooth I also added added a splash of milk and then I also ended up having to go in with a spatula to make sure everything properly Incorporated transfer this mixture to the loaf pan and using wet hands you're going to press this into the pan and smooth out the top put this into the freezer for 10 to 20 minutes in the meantime start working on the date caramel blend up the following the soak dates some Nut Butter of choice I'm going with peanut some more melted coconut oil this is my personal recipe adjustment but I would highly recommend you add in 1 to 2 teaspoons of miso paste then I also added some vanilla and some water which can very well be the water that you use to soak the dates in and then once you're happy with the consistency you're going to add this on top of the Almond layer and then this goes into the freezer again whilst you melt some dark chocolate using whatever chocolate melting method you prefer the chocolate of course goes on top of the other two layers and then I put this into the fridge overnight you can of course again just freeze this for about 10 minutes and then dig in right away I was super happy with those the only other edit I would make to this recipe is instead of coconut oil use vegan butter or a flavor Nutri natural coconut oil I think that exists just cuz I think I would prefer this to be a bit less coconuty but still this was really really nice and I would definitely make these again moving on to this cozy soup recipe I'm hungry with no patience for measuring so let's indiscriminately throw things into the pot and call it soup for volume I like to add some vegetable broth and I'm covering the brand because those holes aren't paying me squeeze your baldheaded ass lemons that you got the zest from earlier and now now you got soup thicker than a BBL congratulations all right so first roughly cut up some onions bring a large Soup pot to medium heat and add some olive oil to it give the onions about 3 to 4 minutes of cooking before dumping in the whole tomatoes I would also recommend to add a splash of water here just to prevent the onions and everything from burning with the lid partially on top give this about 15 minutes and then use using a wooden spoon you're going to crush the tomatoes that part is really fun next add in some vegetable broth plus some orange or yellow lentils now bring everything up to a boil and give the lentil 15 to 25 minutes of cooking also make sure to mix here and there in the meantime go ahead and prepare the garlic yes basically just oil garlic and some some basil allowing that to cook for about 3 minutes over medium low she also mentions to adjust the spices according to one's ethnicity so in my case if you're wondering I'm half German half Arab so we have a good amount of spice in the front and then the salt and pepper in the back because that's as Wild As It Gets when it comes to German spiciness anyway so the spices go in together with the zest of one lemon and the juice juice of half a lemon or one lemon depending on your preference I'm pretty sure I also added some lemon pits next at the basil garlic mixture and now feel free to blend everything up either using an immersion blender as seen in the Tik Tok I don't have one of those so I had to go with a big blender I ended up serving this with some fresh mint and some sesame seeds of course no surprise there but yeah this was really good on German Tik Tok I found this amazing looking crispy YY salad the other day as you may or may not know I do not have an air fryer so I had to work with what I had which in my case is just an oven so first off I preheated said oven to 190Β° C and added a little bit of sunflower seed oil to my baking sheet that was filled with thei I also added a bit of salt mixed everything up thoroughly and then allow this to roast for about 30 minutes or until nice and golden brown as for the dressing I Loosely followed the potato salad recipe from my cookbook all day vegan available anywhere there's books check it out but I also didn't have all the ingredients so I had to improvise with what I had which was unsweetened saw yogurt vegan mayonnaise mustard white wine vinegar salt and pepper and then I also added some chives towards the end now the nyaki did turn out nice and crispy despite there being no air fryer involved I would definitely recommend you let these sit for at least 10 to 15 minutes just because I personally don't love the idea of a hot mayo based salad especially when mixing it with fresh cucumber but that's personal pref friends and yeah this was really delicious the only downside to this recipe is that as soon as the noi have fully cooled they do lose some of their crispiness this was a post filming Feast for me and my friend EMA we had the soup and the salad together which is a bit of a weird mix but not in a bad way honestly I was helping her with one of her uni projects so I was able to put my food photography set up to get use here next up is a recipe inspired by Maya from fit Green Mind might ring a bell her pasta just looked amazing and so I wanted to give this a try putting my own spin on this recipe as well preheat the oven to 190Β° C grab a casserole baking dish and add some whole cherry tomatoes a roughly chopped onion or shallot I also added a clove of garlic plus half of a vegetable broth Cube some olive oil some vinegar and instead of the vegan cream that Maya uses I went for some hummus I let everything roast for about 25 minutes in the meantime you can start to get some salted water ready for the pasta and then Maya's recipe says to just mash up everything with a fork but I did have a bit of time and so I decided to grab a blender of course and add the roasted veggies together with some oat milk you can also use water here and that was my was my pasta sauce it's really good it tastes very fresh due to using the fresh [Music] tomatoes so I paired this recipe with the next Tik Tok recipe which is for these buttery cheesy cauliflower steaks the video didn't give you all the Specific Instructions or at least I can seem to find them but I think I guessed correctly I first preheated my oven to 190Β° C and then put some parchment paper on a baking sheet next I grabbed a small head of cauliflower and first removed the leaves before trying my best to cut this into staks this part is tricky it's not guaranteed that you're going to be able to get staks out of this it helps to cut them really thickly so like at least 3 cm [Music] wide but yeah I only managed to get two out of it put the cauliflower chunks and steaks onto the baking sheet lightly brush them with oil maybe add a pinch of salt and then put this into the oven for about 15 minutes in the meantime finally chop up one to two cloves of garlic or more mix that with some softened or melted vegan butter and now remove the roasted cauliflower and brush it with the garlic butter don't forget to sprinkle some vegan pizza cheese on top I let this bake for another 10 minutes or so before removing it and then this is my personal little addition which is some punco breadcrumbs and then I gave everything another 5 minutes in the oven or until lightly golden brown yeah I would love to know your opinion about Tik Tok versus YouTube that is a topic that I could debate for hours I find it so interesting I feel like we're all aware of the fact that Tik Tok comes with a lot of bad and I used to be very very anti- Tik Tock but I've come around to it since I've gotten so many great movie music book recommendations from this app is it the funniest place on the internet right now possibly maybe and it is kind of cool to feel like you're on top of things like you're on top of knowing what is happening in the world what is trendy what is funny right now what are people talking about so I get that I get that at the same time it is also an incredibly addictive dystopian hellscape that we should all be avoiding so I don't really know I don't really know I personally have zero control when it comes to Tik Tok and whenever I'm not using the app I actively have to delete it I need to force myself to delete it cuz otherwise I am stuck on there and I found myself really just using it as a mind numbing coping mechanism where I'm like oh I don't want to have any thoughts right now I don't want to deal with what's going on in my head let me just go on Tik Tok I try doing you know the market research and thinking you know when you do social media as a job you also need to be on this app as well and so I went into it consuming a lot of content in order to understand the landscape of it and figure out where I could fit in um but then I ended up just becoming addicted to it as a consumer and not creating any content for it hardly any definitely not enough to be successfully feeding this content monster that is that algorithm so that's why I'm not on Tik Tok not really I am but I'm also not let me know your opinion on Tik Tok versus YouTube in the comments and um leave me a little like maybe share this video with a friend let me know if you test other recipes if you do tag me in a photo on your story that is always very much appreciated and I will speak to you soon goodbye don't you see the world is full of [Music] possibilties a number n side of fries one for you and one for me
Channel: Mina Rome
Views: 89,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: testing tiktok recipes, tiktok recipes easy, tiktok recipes vegan, easy vegan recipes, tiktok recipes that work, testing tiktok meals, viral recipes, testing viral recipes, easy vegan, vegan college student, vegan meal ideas, uni vegan, vegan teen, vegan cheap, realistic vegan, simple vegan recipes, tikrok recipes, vegan tiktok ideas, meal ideas vegan, what i eat vegan, what i eat realistic, healthy vegan meal, vegan meals easy, vegan recipes simple, tiktok food vegan
Id: GaSkxb5_3o4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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