I TRIED THE MEDITERRANEAN DIET FOR 14 DAYS & this is what happened...

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I have 99 problems and not one of them has ever been eating a vegetable there are a lot of different diets and ways to eat out there such as [Music] tell me why my brain the first one it brought from the files was cannibalism that shouldn't even be on the examples I apologize I am unwell which is actually why I decided that I wanted to try out the Mediterranean diet in the first place as many of you are aware because I have not shut up about it I have been experiencing an abnormal amount of and upon Blues closing the situation I have decided that the problem was hormonal and so I went on a quest to see if there was any way to balance my hormones through diet and the internet said yes and I would like to take just like a brief intermission right here to remind you all that I am not a scientist I'm not a doctor I'm not a dietitian I have an art degree I'm a rare own health and wellness really put that in my bio that's actually a really good way to explain this channel future B remember that anyways what is the Mediterranean diet who is she what's her deal so before anybody gets all up in arms over the word diet I just want to say that the Mediterranean diet is not a trend it's not super restrictive it doesn't have any hard or steadfast rules basically scientists in I think like the 60s went on this worldwide search to see who was the healthiest in all the land spoiler alert it was not Americans we know it's true but they notice that people who lived close to the Mediterranean Sea Spain France Italy Greece they were living longer and had lower rates of cardiovascular disease they were basically killing the health game without meaning to they were just eating the foods that were readily available to them so the people who were researching this looked at their eating patterns and put together some kind of makeshift guidelines and called it the Mediterranean diet so let's briefly go over them so first of all more plant-based you know dark leafy greens including those alternate forms of protein other than meat such as beans and legumes veggie focused eat fish and seafood more often especially with your fatty fishes like your salmon see macaroles your sardines omega-3 is good for the heart good for the brain dairy's still on the table Greek yogurt small amounts of cheese it's perfectly okay and here is what's saying to my heart and my soul you're still allowed to eat bread you just kind of want to swap out your processed white bread with some whole grains include fresh fruit use extra virgin olive oil instead of butter seek out your healthy fats like in avocados nuts and seeds flavor your food with herbs and spices and kind of cut back on the salt or you can get rid of it all together if you're crazy and the last one is save red meat and sugary foods for special occasions don't get rid of them entirely you just eating them less often so all of that seemed very straightforward and reasonable to me and so I decided to give the Mediterranean diet a go for 14 days but before we get into my experience I would like to thank the sponsor of today's video which is green Chef green Chef is a ccof certified organic meal kit company that helps you cook clean no matter your lifestyle they have options for keto paleo vegan vegetarian fast and fit Mediterranean and gluten-free they've helped me save time and Elevate weeknight dinners with their seasonal Chef curated recipes featuring farm fresh produce and organic sustainably sourced ingredients plus they make switching up your diet super easy the process is simple you just choose from the 24 weekly meal choices they offer and a meal kit is delivered to your doorstep the ingredients are pre-measured with minimal prep the instructions are easy to follow and you can mix and match eating preferences so you don't have to stick to one specific category so if you want to try out green Chef for yourself you can go to greenchef.com and use code Beatrice 135 to get 135 off across 5 boxes plus free shipping on your first box again for 135 off across five boxes plus free shipping on your first box you can go to greenchef.com and slap in code Beatrice 135. huge thank you to Green Chef for sponsoring this video so I was trying to think of the best way to present 14 days worth of food to you without completely boring you and taking the whole rest of your life to do so because I was looking back on the footage and it was a lot and a lot of it was very redundant and I don't know how many times if you want to watch me eating overnight oats but I figured you probably weren't super interested so I decided instead of doing like a day by day type thing I would break it down by categories like these are all the different breakfasts that I had yada yada but that way we kind of like cut out all the anesthetic leftovers and the times that I ate things more than once also I will link all of the recipes that I followed down in the description so if you see something you like and you want to try it out for yourself that information is available to you anyways breakfast is probably the worst thing that I had this entire two weeks and by saying it was the worst thing like nothing I had was completely bomb worthy nothing was terrible it just wasn't like the most excited I've ever been about a meal but hands down it was the berry chia pudding it tasted like swallowing a slightly sour cold slug but it was a Whole 30 recipe they're pretty notorious for not being the most flavorful dishes I've noticed the only sweetness it had was coming from the frozen blueberries that were in it so I think with the sweetener like a maybe a maple syrup or something it could have a Redemption Arc like I think chia pudding is something that I need to revisit in the future but nah overnight oats I don't think I really need to get into much detail about that that's been a staple breakfast of mine it's nothing strange it's nothing exotic it's nothing foreign to me but fruit and nut mostly I bought a box at Whole Foods and I was very curious about it because I'd never heard the word moosely before and I was like who are you but it's just kind of like a bland granola situation at least the one I picked up I'm not 100 sure that I was eating it correctly I just Cold Cereal Style with some almond or coconut milk but despite the lack of flavor I didn't really mind it that much because like something about the texture was oddly comforting I ate that quite a bit because it was just like a really quick easy breakfast the next thing I ate quite a bit I showed you guys in a vlog it was the balsamic soaked berries over the Greek yogurt that had a little bit of Honey mixed in that was just so good I did have to give it a rest though because the acidity of the vinegar was just tearing my up like my tongue the inside of my mouth my esophagus it was all just burnt away so I was like I need to stop with the balsamic vinegar for like just a second but that led me to a new way to eat Greek yogurt which was Savory with eggs which I was a little bit skeptical of but you mix chive Dill lemon zest and garlic in the yogurt you spread it on a toasted piece of sourdough and then smashed some soft boiled eggs on it sprinkle a little bit more chives and there was just like a symphony of herbaceous fresh tanginess in my mouth and I was excited again about eating eggs for breakfast plus with the eggs in Greek yogurt it's high in protein teen and also I thought I messed up by getting sourdough bread because I was like ah it's white like you're not supposed to eat white bread but then I looked it up and it turns out like according to this article sourdough is a healthier alternative to regular bread or whole wheat bread because it has lower phytate levels and prebiotics so that was good enough for me and I was like sourdough is a go because that's my favorite type of bread anyway fun fact one morning I decided to make my own toast concoction and it was just like a piece of whole wheat bread I slept some cream cheese on it and then I made a scrambled egg with green chili on it and I put that on top and I'm still going back and forth on whether that was a good combination or not like it wasn't terrible but there was like questionable things about warm cream cheese to me I don't know now that brings us to lunch dinner and I'm combining these categories because like I said previously a lot of times one day's dinner would become the next day's lunch so they were often like very interchangeable so a bevia big salads is kind of a given especially when you're going like the whole plant-based route but I had this one salad that was new to me it was called capiche burrata salad and I wasn't sure what Morata was turns out it's just kind of like a mushier mozzarella but it had peaches plums pears Tomatoes all in a bed of kale balsamic vinegar and olive oil drizzled on top with a slap of burrata on the side and a toasted piece of sourdough you had the same magic going on between the balsamic vinegar and the fruit as you did with the berries and yogurt that I described earlier just chef's kiss I had quite a few green Chef males I had a Thai vegetable curry a chickpea soup this like sauteed cauliflower vegetable bowl and southwestern style zucchini boats all of which were very good and offered different flavor profiles and I definitely appreciated the break in figuring out what to cook I discovered Buddha Bowls and I think that I'm very like late to the trend on this one because I remember seeing them on Instagram and I think Pinterest quite a while ago but it's basically just like this bowl of nutrients you have some sort of grain you have a roasted vegetable you have raw vegetables you have fermented vegetable you have some kind of protein Source that's plant-based like I had chickpeas I had tofu and it's usually drizzled with some kind of sauce I tried two different types of tahini sauces I tried one that had turmeric and one that was just like the plain recipe but they're just like a really warm hearty salad and even when I would put the same ingredients in the bootable like from day to day it always tasted different I don't know why but it definitely didn't feel like I was eating the same thing when I had it multiple days in a row plus I think they're going to come in clutch for winter because the last thing I want to do in winter is eat cold food so salad for me is harder to consume during that time I made this vegan in Mediterranean stuffed sweet potato that was really good it was very reminiscent of the bootables because I put a lot of the same ingredients in the stuffing that I did have in the bootables so that was good very filling because you're having just like a larger portion of the sweet potato the next thing that I was really fond of was actually a cucumber sandwich tell the people about cheese sandwiches basically you get sourdough bread you put cream cheese on both sides of the bread like just like a thick smear of cream cheese anything with cream cheese is glorious I was a little bit like I don't know if the cream cheese is necessarily Mediterranean diet or not but did I care not cucumbers of course tomatoes onions pepperoncinis a spring mix drizzled with balsamic vinegar and then you slap the other Bread on it and the cross section it's beautiful I mean come on I had found at the grocery store some Autumn squash soup from Panera and if you know anything about me that is my favorite soup I had to pick it up because that hoe is only seasonal I don't know necessarily if it follows the criteria of the diet because technically it's processed and you're trying to like stay away from things that are super processed I don't know but I figured there were worse things sprinkle some pepitas on that dip the sandwich in the soup it was just very decadent and I felt like a fancy person attending a high tea which does not happen often for me I made my own miso soup with some of the tofu that I had left over I threw some mushrooms in there tons of chives it was just a super comforting light meal my only regret was making it on literally the warmest day in September I made a creamy polenta with sauteed mushrooms on it and it looked absolutely brilliant like gorgeous and I love polenta love mushrooms but I made this like topping sauce but I didn't have the correct vinegar so I just subbed in red wine vinegar and I poured it all over the mushrooms and polenta before having tasted it which was a mistake but sometimes that is how the cookie crumbles probably the most indulgent meal I had was like this tomato gnocchi with burrata and I just got store-bought potato gnocchi made the sauce myself slept a few pieces of that burrata on the sauce but everything about gnocchi is Comfort because basically you're combining a potato and bread as far as dishes with meat go in them I ate considerably less meat than I typically do you guys saw on a vlog me and Anne burn this out of a piece of salmon but that actually tasted really good the burnt bits kind of just gave it like a little bit of crunch then we had it with couscous in a Mediterranean salad and it was actually just really good so I made this masterpiece of a cod recipe right bed of roasted vegetables you got tomato shallot artichoke heart olives drizzled with extra virgin olive oil Italian seasoning garlic all of that stuff in this pan and it roasts and then you slap on some cod and you roast it in all of the juices of these vegetables and what emerges from the oven is just like this completely decadent flaky juicy fish that is just like butter falling apart in your mouth and I've always had problems in the past cooking fish because I tend to overdo it but my mom has this phobia of underdone meat and she decided because the Cod was moist that it was underdone and she takes her portion like this beautiful piece of cod that I wanted her to enjoy because I was like just enjoying it so much and she puts it in the microwave and now emerges this rubbery Puck of what was once a beautiful meal and that was basically my childhood in a nutshell like everything that woman touched was just cooked to like but it was just funny I do think that me like harping on her over that situation kind of made her change a little bit because a few nights later she cooked a salmon and she didn't absolutely cook it to Oblivion it was pretty decent but I'd also made a coconut lime chicken and this was a Whole 30 recipe too so again wasn't too fond of it it was definitely edible it was all right but it was just not really anything special as far as snacks go I didn't really snack a lot because the meals were super filling and I didn't really feel the need but if I did it was just like grabbing a banana or a piece of fruit I was actually craving sweet stuff so I found this recipe for energy bites it was kind of like a Trader Joe's copycat recipe and they were the best things ever they have cashews dates apricots threaded coconut lemon zest cinnamon and you roll them into these bite-sized balls and it kind of has like this cookie dough texture and they definitely satisfied that sweet tooth my favorite thing was at the end of the day getting a cup of herbal non-caffeinated tea because I've been trying like different assortments and eating like a couple of those energy balls with my tea and I just felt like I was having a wee spot of tea and crumpets it was just like a little bit of a self-care routine I don't know I also tried to roast some chickpeas those weren't too bad like the Savory ones I also tried to do a sweet one this is a recipe called for cinnamon and sugar and I was just like nah I won't put sugar on these just Cinnamon's fine it was not good at all but the Savory ones that I threw like garlic powder onion powder and salt on kind of tasted like chicken as far as going off plan I did take out twice I got Indian food once I got the mango chicken tikka masala and probably ate a little bit too much naan but I don't think it was that terrible also I got Chinese food I got mango chicken I noticed a trend of wanting mango and chicken the other thing that was like one thousand percent like without a doubt like not on plan was a matcha boba tea and that just had like so much sugar it was not good for my anxiety so let's talk about the pros and cons starting with the cons I would say picky eaters this diet has a ton of vegetables and if you were not a vegetable person it's gonna be hard for you personally that has never been a problem that I had I have 99 problems and not one of them has ever been eating a vegetable I like trying new foods I like experimenting I like the whole process of preparing ingredients and cooking and all that stuff my only real gripe is that like fresh herbs go bad pretty quickly and for like three dollars for like a little case you get just like a handful but that's pretty much like a non-issue like I made my own like little herb garden thing so far Nary is Sprout in sight but maybe someday we'll figure it out I don't know but as far as the pros go first thing I noticed was leftovers are definitely a go I am not someone who is fond of leftover at all if it has meat in it if I do have leftovers and there's me I'll just eat them cold so leftovers aren't typically something I try to have but when you're eating more plant-based that stuff warms up a whole lot better and it tastes the same so prepping meals and stuff a little bit more in advance is definitely a viable option for me on this diet the next thing is I overall just feel healthier you know when you eat a big meal and you just feel bogged down and tired afterward I had meals that made me feel completely full and satiated and like maybe I ate even too much but I wasn't tired and lethargic afterwards it was just like a different kind of full and you can have really big meals because it's like that whole volumetric eating thing you can eat like larger portions and it's not as calorically dense and the opposite side of like the herbs going bad quickly is that fresh herbs on everything are amazing and I don't know how I slept on them for so long as far as like using them more often to cook I was definitely more regular um we'll just leave that there okay as far as results go the main focus was me trying to balance my hormones and all of that and I think two weeks is just kind of too soon to tell my problems were mainly the week after my period having issues with increased anxiety like a lot of anxiety and that still happened to some degree this time but it wasn't as bad as it had been previously so I think it's just kind of too soon to tell but I did notice when I'm eating things like I had the Boba Tea and stuff like things that like Spike my blood sugar I'm not diabetic or anything but just things that make your blood sugar have a crazy jump that would spark more anxiety than like after I ate a salad or something because you don't have that crazy jump in your blood sugar it's more gradual and I guess that's why they recommend the Mediterranean diet for people who have type 2 diabetes and stuff like that anyway so I think it's a good Prospect for helping balance the hormones and stuff I just haven't given it enough time but I have noticed right now I'm on like the week after my period and that's like I said the week that I have trouble I usually see like a flare-up of hormonal acne like my skin goes crazy and it has not like I took a video of my face without makeup or anything before and then I took a video after and it's actually really clear which I didn't expect to happen so quickly and I definitely expected to have a breakout around this time because I do every single month and I also lost weight now I need to clarify that I have also been exercising I've been going on walks every single day incorporating yoga and strength training into my routines and focusing on reducing stress in my life and reducing stress makes weight loss a little bit more easy but I also have not counted a single calorie and I started the two weeks at like 235 point something and I weighed in on the scale today and I weighed 229 points something and I'll pop those correct numbers and the weight on the scale on the screen so you can see but I lost about like six pounds so that's a pretty healthy the amount of weight to lose in two weeks but I'm definitely going to keep up the Mediterranean diet and see where it goes because like I said it's just easy for me it's natural I like the food I didn't find it difficult in the slightest you can still have the things you love like bread and cheese I just really don't see a lot of downside so I think that this is my but anyways I just wanted to thank you guys so much for watching I hope you're having a wonderful day and if you want to subscribe and hit that notification bell all that stuff really helps out the channel but other than that I'll just see you on the next one bye foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Beatrice Caruso
Views: 439,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mediterranean diet, I tried, I tried the Mediterranean diet, is the Mediterranean diet healthy, what is the Mediterranean diet, mediteranean diet, Mediterranean diet recipes, Mediterranean diet weight loss, weight loss, weight loss journey, weight loss journey 2022, weight loss journey women, weight loss journey 2023, plus size woman, health journey, fitness journey, plus size, before and after, body recomposition, best diet for weight loss, best diet to lose weight
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 50sec (1190 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 26 2022
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