The 15 Minute Meal Plan for the Mediterranean Diet

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what up y'all welcome back to the fit men cook kitchen today is a really fun video so we just wrapped up my first ever 15 minute meal plan now what that means is that each one of these recipes was actually made in under 15 minutes we've got the time stamp to prove it jesse was the judge he won't let me get away with anything so jesse i kept your honor you kept me honest i'm an honest man this year every year and this meal plan is actually really easy so whether you are pretty seasoned in the kitchen or just getting your feet wet don't worry you will not be overwhelmed and i promise you i'm gonna get you in and out of the kitchen just like that check it out y'all here we go boom for meal one we are having an egg wrap so the first thing we're going to do is crack some eggs open however many eggs you want to eat and you can do a combination of egg and egg whites as well add in a little bit of personality having the thick cook everyday seasoning let's whip this up and as we're doing this we're going to fire up a skillet this is something that's easy to make fresh every single morning and our pan is already nice and hot so we're going to spray it with a little bit of olive oil and then pour in the eggs and what you're going to do is you're going to pull the eggs from side to side and skillet and use a spatula especially if you have a non-stick skillet so that way you're not scratching it up you don't want that nonstick coating coming off and right when they're almost through to keep them nice and fluffy take it off the heat and finish cooking perfecto all right now let's make our wrap now for the wrap we're going to take a whole wheat tortilla then i bought some pesto spread that all over and i'm going to add in here some spinach and then i've got some beautiful cherry tomatoes i'm just going to slice these in half add those in there take our eggs place our eggs right on top helps to wilt some of that spinach i'm gonna wrap it all up slice it down the middle and boom got ourselves a quick pesto egg veggie wrap jesse how are we looking i don't know man how's that that was just if you finished in time that was 15 minutes right what was it no you're good you got like nine minutes left oh i was like really maybe i was talking too much [Laughter] i was kind of nervous there don't do that add ourselves some blueberries and breakfast is served ready ready go alright now for snack two is that part of my time all right now for snack one meal two we're gonna be making some we're gonna oh my god now i'm nervous about the time now for meal two snack number one we're gonna have some hummus and some bell peppers one of my favorite snacks and when i go to so you can either make your own hummus or you can just get some store-bought hummus i like this one i'm actually going to use bell pepper these are mini bell peppers so i'm going to take them and just slice them down the middle and what i'm doing is basically creating those scoops kind of like the frito scoops the most important thing this snack is supposed to give you another great dose of fresh vegetables we're gonna finish this off this is an optional piece but i'm gonna finish it off with a little bit of feta if you like that it's a little better action i love adding some zatar this is a it's a blend of some herbs and oh my god it's just super super fragrant now if you're needing some more calories this is an optional ad you're going to add a tablespoon of sun olive oil there's our snack you can stop the clock now jesse where am i at i saw this time 11 minutes here we go here we go here we go i don't know man he's been pretty easy so far yeah well you could have done like you know a couple five minute meal preps in here i'm not i'm not i'm not pushing the limit enough all right so for meal 3 we are making a shrimp orzo pasta salad with lots of raw veggies you're going to love it first thing we're going to fire up a pot bring it to boil so we can cook up our orso while that's preparing itself and getting hot we're actually going to fire up another skillet we're going to spray it with a little bit of olive oil in goes the shrimp and we're going to keep the seasoning here pretty minimal because there's going to be a lot of seasoning in the salad itself we're just going to add a pinch of sea salt and some pepper and we're going to let that sear and cook up i'm going to add some salt here get this water to boiling and shrimp doesn't take a long time to cook a little bit of effort stubborn trying to get out the pot no you will be cooked too we're leaving no shrimp uncooked while these two things are happening we gotta multitask and start to prep our veggies so here's what we have grab our onion adding in our diced onion now waters to a boil orzo pasta same thing as pasta only takes a little bit to cook i'm going to add in a little bit of olive oil helps it to keep from sticking and i think our shrimp is almost finished as well how are we on time nine minutes nine minutes left all right we can do this oh fudge fudge okay all right this is a party in the kitchen today cool kev chopping up now the cucumber in goes the cucumber we're going to slice open the the cherry tomatoes and depending on time or how meticulous you want to be you can quarter them or you can just have them shrimp is finished add it to a bowl it can begin to cool down we don't want to add it piping hot to our salad but the shrimp is done next we've got some beautiful fresh basil i'm going to tear off the leaves and i'm going to place them right on top of the parsley we're going to double up the time here what i like to do with my herbs is i like to roll them up dice it up see makes it so much easier man it's so fragrant right now about finished here let's see yep or so it's finished i'm gonna go drain this can can i get a pause while i drain it because i don't have the kitchen here technically okay i'm going to drain this with some fresh lemon here and then sea salt some black pepper and then a little bit of the fit cooked lamb seasoning and then add in our cooked orzo beautiful hit it with a little bit of olive oil drizzle drizzle drizzle and lastly our cooled down shrimp yes add that in and mix everything together fold everything together and boom how good does this look and i think [Laughter] that son of a he did it yes 15 minutes that's awesome come on come on come on come on come on yeah okay like i'm proud of myself really really proud of myself what a hearty lunch this is going to be whoa so for meal 4 for snack 2 we're gonna have a green apple protein shake we're going to add in some almond milk and this is something that you can blend up at the very beginning of the day and then just carry with you keep it in their fridge the same way that you would your lunch or in a insulated bag toss in a green apple you want to do half an apple i want to do the whole apple toss in some spinach and then you're going to add a scoop of your favorite protein powder then pop the top and blend it up [Music] and just like that add it to our shake glass let me just do a quick taste test make sure it's okay oh yeah that's some good stuff that's really good stuff all right then you're gonna enjoy this with your choice of nuts so i've got some pecans here boom snack two meal four is complete stop that timer just at nine minutes you killed it again i was talking a lot too and i couldn't resist but you still got some green mustache going you're such a jerk why don't you say that that's how you know you have a true friend like don't say anything don't say shut your mouth she's funny just let them keep talking so for meal 5 for our dinner meal we are going to make a spicy chicken chickpea stew we want this to get really nice and hot because we're gonna sear up our chicken first so we're gonna grab yourself some chicken thighs if you want this to be a little bit leaner then you could just use some chicken breasts and once that skillet is nice and hot we're gonna add in our old pal olive oil then we're going to add in our chicken thighs and again we're just going to go for a nice sear in there as the chicken is searing up we're going to prepare our garlic and onion and we're going to cut up the onion this time into some large chunks smash up some garlic chop it up as well remove the chicken bring that heat all the way down to a medium we don't want it burning and in goes the onion and the garlic and we're doing a rapid fire cooking here but i tell you what if you cook this for a little bit longer beyond 15 minutes it's gonna be that much better because it allows time for the flavors to melt now we just want to cook up the onions here i'm gonna add in just a pinch of salt to help to draw out some of the sweetness all right so now we're going to add in a little bit of tomato paste and then this is some harissa paste now if you don't have harissa if you've never heard of paris or rather just some roasted spicy bell peppers and just roasted red peppers it's very common in moroccan cuisine in north african cuisine you can find it in most grocery stores on the international aisle we're going to let the harissa work for us i like to just put a splash of some dried herbs and now cook everything together it's like this mix it all up and it should be super super fragrant right now in your kitchen like all of the all the work is pretty much done now the only thing we're going to do now is help to deglaze it and we're going to add everything back to the skillet we're going to add in some chicken broth a very light simmer we don't want it boiling we just want a very light simmer on there in goes the chickpea our chicken thighs back in three minutes three minutes three minutes nestle everything down in there and then cover and cook for the remaining time i smell it beautiful 50 beautiful left seconds left all right i'm gonna garnish this we're gonna squeeze in some fresh lemon and then we're gonna garnish with some fresh parsley boom technically our dish is done 10 seconds [Laughter] i'll take it i'll take it hey what are you going to do with your 10 seconds i'm going to disney world actually i'm not going anywhere i'll take my cauliflower i'm just going to grate it into a bowl and it's up to you if you want to use some steamed cauliflower do that follow the scoop jesse look at that beautiful piece of chicken and our harissa chicken chickpea stew is ready [Music] all right y'all so that is it for today's 15 minute meal plan now of course we can't do all these meals in 15 minutes but each meal here you can prep in under 15 minutes and maybe even you know what just to give you some time i'd say under 20 minutes and we got the time stamps to prove it so there is no excuse about you not having time you can set aside 15 minutes to prep yourself a meal and if you don't do the entire meal plan well what meal can you take from this what snack can you take from this that you can prep so that way you can be prepared throughout the week and you can inch closer to your wellness goals alright so if you like videos like this i invite you to smash that like button below and remember to subscribe to the channel if you're new here what up how you doing and happy new year welcome on to the squad don't forget that you've got to ring that bell ding ding ding so that way you can be notified every time we post hot new content here on the fitment cook kitchen thank you so much for watching until next time i want you to keep it healthy of course never ever boring boom bye y'all [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Fit Men Cook
Views: 200,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fitmencook, fitwomencook, fit men cook, fit women cook, cook recipes, cooking healthy, cooking ideas, easy recipes, easy recipes for men, easy recipes for men to cook, food recipes, balanced diet, best diet for weight loss, healthy recipe, healthy recipes, healthy recipes for men, all recipes, 15 minute meal plan, meal plan, meal plans, mediterranean meal plan, mediterranean meal plan recipes, mediterranean meal prep, meal prep, mediterranean recipes
Id: zqX7mrMN3Bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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