I tried surviving with just a dumpster in The Sims 4

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dumpster diving in the sims gives you ways to find food you can find furniture you can woohoo in it you can nap in it I mean it covers all the bases so theoretically you should be able to survive with just a dumpster in the sims 4 right hence the dumpster challenge so here's the plan we get one Simba get an empty lot oh that looks terrible let me get rid of the terrain pain - wow that's really nice you get a single dumpster should we put it like stick it like right there you get one dumpster maybe I'm like a cute color like yellow yeah Wow I think he needs a mailbox - it's gonna auto play something nice I'll do it ourselves but like that's it you get a dumpster you get an empty lot you get 0 samolians and you survive from there this here is Stanley Humphrey the poor sim that I always put through the suffering in these sort of challenges he's a slob he's a freegan and he loves the outdoors I think because he's gonna be digging around in trash and living outside for his entire life that probably makes the most sense and of course he's got a very cute weaning costume he looks really good you see but from here on out we have to survive exclusively out of our dumpster and I think I'm seeing two issues already one it's not gonna have much trash in it ever we're allowed to use other dumpsters around the world I think that's fair otherwise we would just die and if we get any furniture from the dumpster like if we find a toilet or a shower or something we can place those but until then we can't use them so like I don't think I should be allowed to go to a gym and shower there I think I'm peeing my pants and showering in the rain and who knows maybe we can afford something at the end of it I guess we'll find out but because that's empty I think we should go to the waterfront and hopefully find a dumpster that isn't empty cuz otherwise we're doomed doomed I tell you yes dive for deals oh my god quickly before someone else gets there do not beat me to my dumb start post close first dive of the episode oh you look so good don't judge me Mila I will not be shamed for this you gotta do what you gotta do oh we found eight samolians no I don't mean to brag but we're making Bank from this back we go this is gonna be kind of a boring video I think you get out of my dumpster oh I found an extreme shower top with customizable curtain do you think that it's nice do you think it'll be a good shower like be broken or something are we gonna be good to go because if we already found a shower that's not bad all right we sounded up a questionable condition chair that's not helpful another questionable condition loveseat okay give me something useful like a shower how did I get so lucky so early on three simoleons old boy grim died oh no my dumpsters empty maybe we should like talk to people oh I'm smelly oh I didn't think that through maybe it's a good thing that I found a shower oh I'm trying to talk to people to see if we can at least get some influence because in an ideal is there on a toilet here oh no oh no anyway in an ideal world we could at least vote on like a community space project give me a garden yeah oh go back and die for more deals I think Lily just found food in the dumpster and started eating it sweetie you're like the richest woman in the world literally what are you doing you don't need to eat dumpster meals moonlit rose oh I think we got a cool painting is he sleeping in there oh that's nice that'll be us later I got a sink too oh and a microwave how is he doing so well I'm realizing now that I don't know what the best way to get our fun up is maybe we should die for some meals Oh empanadas Wow you eat your lunch buddy but I'm thinking maybe we should try and find someone to date because then we can woohoo with them for fun like is that a good use of our time I think the answer is probably yeah it's like this dumpster is never-ending this is kind of fun Oh rain bores oh it's it's empty now okay never mind listen I know this girl is married but she's the first person I'm seeing should we try and talk to her we're also really stinky but if we at least get to know somebody this could be good for us later I bet we'll be glad that we did this when we need to whoo-hoo somebody to get her fun up that's probably a bad outlook on life huh you know what else is about is that he's gonna pee his pants it's it's a fact we don't have a toilet there isn't a toilet here like then he's gonna be embarrassed maybe we'll find one in the dumpster is it wrong of me to ruin her marriage I don't know do we have morals in this usually I would say no we're getting more influence points though which is good master crafter by the way so she is alright brag about it Tina I think she likes me this is good this is like the ultimate rags to riches challenge it's kind of sad okay I'm gonna vote some more for community garden with the rest - please points can you count on my dumpster Nancy I need that some people have just no shame well how come she can dive and I can't okay whatever well I wanted to see what else is winning what neighborhood action plants are winning green gardening that's boring I'm not gonna vote for those I don't care just gonna go home and buy home I mean I'm gonna go back to my my dumpster my personal private dumpster all right what do we got microwave we can't actually place a sink that appears to be broken and dirty a shower that appears to be broken and dirty this painting that I can't place that okay well I kind of like the idea of having my dumpster chairs can I sit in them oh no I'm sorry Stanley you might as well just pee your pants and while we wait we can fix this because then we'll have a sink that'll be nice Oh trash do you know what this means he didn't even finish now okay you know what just go nap in your dumpster buddy this is a disaster and he's peeing his pants yeah Lizzie and pee in his dumpster right maybe we should try and fix the shower first we got a kind of nice setup going on over here he's gonna get his hands enos skill up I mean he's doing great now you can shower maybe we should go nap again oh god he's gonna starve to die for meals shall we an onion and I love to plant that I think I am oh yeah yeah that's good that's real good here's how we make it in the world with your dumpster onions did he's fart you know what a potato oh I didn't even think about getting plants from the dumpster that's no bad oh there we go oh nice honestly we're getting some high-quality meals here that's literally an excellent quality meal it's kind of freaky that he found an excellent quality dish that requires fresh fish in this dumpster but again I'm not here to judge oh I got a bike it's ugly that's fun though great he's fun super low should we try and whoohoo with that girl well she might actually be into us we'll just we'll just try we're friends right now we could be more than that and Sue's about our interests complement her appearance flirt with her a little bit you know you could date me oh she didn't like she is married to a woman so I guess I'm not that surprised okay I'll stop I'm sorry that was inappropriate I didn't mean to you can leave so I feel bad now I'm sorry I was just I was desperate it wasn't a good idea about Mila she won't talk to me la please please I need a friend what are you doing I need that scavenge for parts I forgot I had that now we've got more trash never mind I guess we can't have friends but we can die for deals at least oh I can ride my bike for fun why did I forget about that I'm sitting here trying to woo hoo with people that's so inappropriate I can ride my bike oh it didn't work maybe I can't ride my bike go right around there we go oh I see I'm so dumb I don't need friends I got my bike come back here I've got more deals to die for recycled materials are so useless give me something good like a toilet alright 5 samolians that's fun maybe I should try repairing my sink again no it's fun also as we can't write an upgrade our sink too because we've got some parts I found another sink and this oh that's nice this I shouldn't have this is because he used to have a military career and I had to quit it so don't ignore that I've got two sinks no I don't mean to brag but one of them is kind of nice so we have some music we can listen to do you guys like what else I can't place this down yet we can't afford a wall so I'll keep it just in case though this is pretty nice and now we can dance well that'd be so fun yep ii pants peeing of the day awesome you need to grow up buddy it's not that big of a deal everybody pees sometimes no need to feel embarrassed about it no one's around well oh listen Brent I don't need your judgment okay it's not my fault everybody pees sometimes and you know I might be wearing a hot dog costume soaked with pee but at least it's yellow so you can't tell oh we found a bed I can't actually use it yet but I got a bed I don't even know how you go about fixing these I think we need to be in a certain career huh skinny bear I found a teddy bear in there no I got a friend oh that's good I'm so much less lonely now of course our only plants are both out of season classic right let's die for some meals shall we at least farting again gross we get it you're eating dumpster food but like oh this is gonna keep breaking this thing the fact that it's raining and we don't have a roof a black bean oh cool that's not gonna be enough Russy for dinner so we gotta get someone else a mushroom okay that's too much it's still not good enough for us to eat for dinner we can plant both of these things though can you do that for me what season is that oh the black bean bush is in season how about our mushrooms at least we can eat these right those aren't our mushroom is - that's very good news I was kidding worried this poor guys live in a sad life I do I feel bad for him I just keep napping over and over again in the dumpster right now it's raining again I'm sorry here get some lunch yogurt parfait mmm spoiled yogurt parfait YUM wait where did it go no but not have any meals I had a check if it was still spoiled and now it's gone so jerky kyu-ho eat that that's good oh he's still hungry here you can eat this yogurt right there it is it's on the floor but he'll eat that he'll be fine and soon we can pee our pants again oh and we can shower in the rain that'll be fun oh it stopped it stopped right before you can shower in the rain I'm sorry I don't know I'm having a bother shower oh he's peeing in the shower I didn't realize they did that oh that's kind of fun alright that's that's big brain now we know if he asked to pee is make him tick oh we got your buds that's good and a rustic stinky Ottoman table we got so many like broken things here so many things you can't Oh a golden mahi-mahi mount that I'm saving that I didn't even know those existed once I get a wall mark my words I'll put that on it he's farting again we found two more samolians in there again I don't mean to brag but I'm just saying now I have that I have that I've got that Wow are you guys jealous of my house I feel like I should make him shower but also oh look I can put things on my table so I can put some of my cool new live pink whales we can put this stuff on my table there's my collection of cool things I found he's not even tired like at all this is sad life he's living maybe now I can shower in the rain wait wait buddy here's your chance or you could nap in the dumpster and now it stopped raining again you're never gonna shower in the rain oh hello we got a cat we've got a cat I can't see my game oh we found some sort of cubed carp carcass meal YUM yeah eat that he's farting again I'm sorry this is a really sad life he doesn't deserve this I'm gonna make him shower so he can pee in the shower oh my cats gone I love the tepees in the shower that makes me so happy I wish that he got his fun up from dumpster diving I feel like that would be a great addition to the frickin tree we found another bed wait oh I got a bathtub oh cool it's broken but and I got these cute flowers and I got this broken chair and I got this broken bed and I got another barstool and I got this broken sofa yep that's pretty good yeah we can repair this oh look my black beans are grown harvest them we can eat those I think I mean they came from the dumpster originally I think I'm not gonna have him bother like cleaning his dirty showers and sinks because they're kind of funny that way yeah well we got seven black beans we can eat those so works out well his fun is low again and his social need is low we should go try and make a friend like an actual friend not a special friend just right I mean we also got our community garden we voted for which we never even went to so we could go over there to see it's pretty are there any friends here for me is there on a dumpster here anymore oh I'm so dumb I made it into a garden and now I don't have a dumpster I can use yeah nice work idiot there's not even anybody here I'm not even allowed to use this stuff I'm gonna put a dumpster down I feel like it's only fair they need even Gardens need dumpsters you get like compost that way and it's green so it works I'm gonna come right here and I'm gonna wait till somebody shows up so I can have a friend oh here we go Oh see there's people here look at this guy's Dennis Kim he'll be my friend I missed you I've been so lonely this whole time in Sue's about interest all he does and discuss interest too he just talks about dumpsters all day he has nothing else to say he doesn't do anything else literally all he can do is talk about dumpsters why are you all talking to my friend he's my friend get your own friends I don't share well tell gross joke about dumpsters of course me literally nothing else to say I'm just trying to get his social need up it's taking so long why I had to talk to people so much in this game and it's an unpleasant conversation what did I do I hate these people I'm gonna have him go ride around on his bike to get his fun up we don't need people I'm fine Oh fitness level for two not bad look at how my house looks for the math oh man this is sad how about you eat a black bean buddy how many of these does he have to eat to get us some needs all the way up is it even worth it oh he's fine it's like a nice little snack oh I found a stranger Ville national bass poster oh look who decided to show up where were you when I needed my best friend huh when I was sad and lonely ask due date she actually pregnant or is that a thing like a joke thing it's just a joke thing okay I don't need you I'm busy I'm diving for deals Vivian Louis oh I've called to inform you that your great-great grand second wants a roof cousin's friends grandpa has passed away and for some reason has left a vast fortune to you blah blah blah you want me to get married for money I can't I only live with my dumpster this is sad suit yourself say goodbye to your samolians Vivian I'm not happy about it either but I live for one thing only and it's my dumpster once amoliant great then now I have 50 i got an action figure look at my cool collections I'm doing great okay now the question always taking a bath don't take a bath take a shower so you can pee in it there we go look at it I'm glad we learned that because I felt bad for him before the constant peeing your pants is not a good look well I got another bike this one's green oh that's way more fun make that my favorite bike I started playing music on its own that scared me so much I didn't like that I wonder if he pees in the shower because he's a slob cuz I feel like I've never seen that before but he does have the slob tray so that would make sense oh we found a cool fruit we can plant and some blackberries you know what I'm a little bit worried about is what's gonna happen wintertime maybe the challenge is that we have to find a way to survive in the winter like we have to do all glow orb okay I'll plant that too this is not being very helpful guess I'll just eat my beans I'm gonna come see about this dumpster over here there is more than one around we just haven't been going to this one over here for a while there's a rat gross ran out of stuff in that dumpster too it's not good there any more around hello hello any dumpsters that I can dive in please please I need the money please Oh No we did get a couple more things like I know we've got another chair got that thing we got that table I got a big putt maybe I'll put my bears by my bed you know my bed that I can't use and I have a poster but I can't use that yet either should have dived for meals oh my mushrooms sell for a lot of money good thing we can come harvest those two unfortunately I can't actually like sell them they're just yeah 180 samolians for those that's it that's really really sad it's okay I'll just eat my beans oh we found some eggs and toast in there that's great grab a serving of that there you go buddy now I got this cool thing Wow not to brag I could another sing oh he's got 69 samolians wait I can buy a wall and a cool space rock oh boy okay let's build our wall well I can buy two walls now again I don't mean to brag okay I don't want to be a brat and brag I'm gonna put this ugly sink back there and my two cool sinks in the front do you guys like my house do you think it looks pretty this is great because now I have more trash to put in my own dumpster see it comes full circle here okay I also have this thing and we just got to houndstooth dies that's kind of cool we've actually got like the death flower dye and the hounds tickling that's kind of cool stuff over here it's kind of exciting if you ask me I don't know I'm gonna let him just go sleep and we're gonna die once it starts getting cold outside having some nice yummy black beans for breakfast oh right I have this too I heard for that Wow yeah it's the first kind of cold day that's not good that is not good at all cute a plant Wow maybe we should move all of our actual trash back here we can't even repair any of this stuff we aren't even in the career do you think it's worth maybe just like putting it all back in our household inventory except for my tables because I want those maybe we could go recycle them I think it's happening I think I'm gonna recycle all this stuff that I can't use why do I get eight samolians from that what okay it's Santa get on my dumpster stop I'm diving for deals not you Santa stay away from me no Santa I just put trash in there sorry I don't really upset about that but I was worried I don't have much time or many options I will not let Daddy winter ruin this for me I've decided that I should have voted for a makerspace and I don't know why I picked community garden oh I'm changing it look I got another one of these music things that's really funny a stinky desk Oh genuinely very nice painting what that's worth 2,000 small hits no best I can't give you a thousand simoleons I have 37 she really said oh but how else are my dreams supposed to come true thanks anyway I guess best what about my dreams Bess I don't even own a toilet I hate her I'd kill her if I could oh he's found a cupcake in the dumpster that's good see you're doing great all right I'm getting real sick of finding sinks I don't know how many more sinks a person can handle here I did find these nice plants oh and a real chair oh good that'll be nice Oh see now it's super hot outside we're doomed oh we got a toilet oh my god we got a toilet oh this is big another bathtub in another bed and another painting Oh we hit the jackpot today oh no way it's a real bed we can actually sleep on it oh my gosh and we got a real toilet also this is our third bathtub we can probably sell the bathtubs to be honest how about any of these chairs we can't keep that we can't keep that yeah we can recycle a lot of those things we do have another painting though I just leave out an inventory because you can't get rid of it we have a toilet this is huge you have any idea how huge this is I'm sure you do know how big this is this is really big I just got money from recycling I feel kind of dirty about that because I feel like that's not in the spirit of the dumpster challenge but we have done quite well we just have 45 samolians in the dumpster I can't afford more walls think I'm gonna get them look at that and here's what I'm thinking we've fully proven that you can survive with just a dumpster I say now we sell some things that we don't need and we use that money that we left over to build a real house of course using mostly just our dumpster items if possible we actually made a lot of money we we're fine we could give him a little like shipping container type home right oh we can make it red on the outside and yellow on the inside to match his hot dog costume should we give him a window we should probably give him a window huh I'm gonna keep my bears I feel really dumb for that but I do I don't want to get rid of my friends I can put him in my front yard right they can hold hands right there look at that he's even got a real kitchen they grow up so fast I don't know what to do a lot of these things like we've probably got a head of craft furniture and stuff maybe I'll just put them in my household inventory for now and then I can keep all my plants next to my house I'm gonna let him keep his microwave I'm gonna put that right there anything to have an excuse to keep some of our original furniture right well very easily got him a very full completely functional house after playing for an hour just dumpster money and I put all of his decorations and we kept them all I mean things like his poster and it's alien rocks I think we learned a very important lesson here today and it's that dumpsters are a very good way to make money in the Sims I mean the number of like 1200 Somalian items I got like fancy paintings and fancy bathtubs like it was kind of easy to do this and he wasn't like going hungry I mean I'm just saying highly recommend a dumpster for all of your needs quickly before we go though I would just like to do one final thing okay that didn't work before we go I would like to do just one final thing I'm telling you right now dumpsters really were the best part of the Sims for this here is true love anybody Santa oh hello hello you guys okay in there oh this is a family-friendly channel by the way yep okay good bye I do feel bad for this Sam I keep putting Stanley through some horrible rags-to-riches type challenges a link some of my past attempts with stuff like this down below but on that note I'm going to go I'm sorry Stanley I think he liked it though he had fun I think the dumpster is one of the best additions to the Sims 4 in a very long time I'm gonna be honest I really enjoyed that [Music]
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 710,022
Rating: 4.9722443 out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly, dumpster, eco lifestyle, evergreen harbor
Id: I0e108lR1L8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 27sec (1347 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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