I Tried Shortbow Heal SCRAPPER - Thoughts

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all right hello YouTube mck here and today I tested uh the short bow Scrapper oh my gosh the short bow healer Scrapper uh for those that don't know the engineer short bow is meant to be a support weapon which means it is competing against the old support weapons which were mace and shield which you can see here so the engineer has got to do better or sorry the shortbow has to do better than those to be viable now let's talk about what does the short bow bring to the table okay the short bow in its kit the one uh pew pew and some vone whatever the two gives some barrier and some might on a fairly short cool down and it's a blast finisher the three is some healing and some condition cleanse uh that pulses and it's a Darkness field also it makes a blue aura that can cover red circles so that it gets your teammates killed similar to the Untamed green not Cloud it will cover things that they need to see and uh help murder your allies the four key is protection up time and one Aegis the Scrapper did not have access to Aegis so they have one AIS with that and the five is ACC in a weird line thing also uh again that's a blast finisher darkfield fire field blast finisher whichever order you do them in like if you do one of them the next one you do will chain it so like this does Pro but then if you fire another arrow where that one was there's more Pro so for example if I do four you know there's Pro five there's more Pro two there's might three there's more might okay so whatever order you do them in can affect the Buffs you get all right so uh really quickly I have got the console uh is giving me alacrity to pretend that I am grouped with someone giving me aity this is a normal Golem it is in an extreme damage field I am going to run in here I'm going to use infusion bomb a blast gyro on top of it so it becomes a comb uh four and five and two and three and I'm going to use my self heal which also helps give Pro and look if you look at this boom looks great right looks really nice very nice I can even use the Elixir gun here and the mortar kit to throw down some more healing Fields uh we can do two three again cuz that's almost up we can do infusion bomb into blast gyro again cuz that's almost up and then we can use four and five and we're doing okay we are doing okay in the bo apartment you can see that here but there are some problems let's talk about it all right so we're going to remove the Golem so I'll leave the combat what are the issues with this okay so first off those bones where are they coming from the short bow gives might neither heel Scrapper nor heel Mech had problems with might Scrapper gets mountains of Might from blast gyro Mech gets it from the mech there's not been a problem with might with either of those this makes it slightly easier but not so easy that I felt like I could take blast gyro off the bar I tried taking blast gyro off the bar and it felt worse for a couple of reasons this build does not provide Fury we are getting our Fury by running relic of the midnight King with this which with a 1se second internal cool down when you do a CC on something you give your group some might and some Fury now without blast gyos so let's say I took this off to see if I'm getting enough might from relic of the midnight king plus the new short bow to justify taking this off the bar without that on the bar we only got one cc which is short bow five so I was like all right well so I'm only proing the fury one time which is 9sec duration every 25 seconds that's without a laity factored in so it wasn't enough so blast gyro went back on the bar so with blast gyro on the bar as long as I don't trigger short bow five and the blast gyro at the same time because this has a 1second internal cool down I do like that one and then that one or vice versa but not at the same time they will trigger this twice and you've basically got Fury covered okay so that's the fury it doesn't feel that bad you're getting it from a relic but you are burning your CC when you don't need it so you do not have it when you need it you are getting pro pro okay Pro feels awful on this and I'll tell you why you get some Pro from this Arrow which is also your source of Aegis so if you're using that Arrow to help keep your prot up you do not have Aegis on demand which is the whole point of Aegis you get some prot from your self-heal we're back to this crap all right so I have to burn myself heal to provide an essential Boon if I choose to get the pro that way you can get some from Shield skills via this trait we are not using Shield the shield with the short bow so we cannot use that trait and you get some Pro by burning your Rez ability so pick two do you want to waste your agis or your self-heal which is also a big AOE heal or your ability to revive people for the next 20 seconds sacrifice two of those and you're keeping prod up on your team it's possible that my mouth has been slightly off I've been playing this for about 3 hours now but if anyone would like to correct me I welcome it that's how it seems compare that to heal heral which hits one button every 30 seconds to provide prop to their team or heal Scourge they provides one hits one button every 20 seconds to provide prop to their team this feels awful feels absolutely awful to have to sacrifice those things so like if I know it would be good to have Aegis available soon to block a big hit I will I could sacrifice my revive and heal to then cover Pro for a short time to let this come off cool down to then use that to be able to block a it was just like H juggling what tools I had and what tools I didn't felt really really lame so that that was pretty rough again the the Bose stuff it felt rotational I would have to do like 4 five 2 3 4 five 2 3 and that would basically do pro extend Pro and this is also a fire field two would blast the fire field and start a m chain three would finish the M chain okay so that makes a fire field it does two blast finishers for might and then the two and the three extend it and it also extends the prop it 4523 felt like the best thing to me there could be better but that's what felt like the best to play so I was trying that out all right as far as the other stuff we uh a scrapper has to jump through a lot of Hoops to provide quickness to their party again compare that to heal heral the heral can literally go AFK and still provide quickness for like another 45 seconds you have to on for those who have never played Scrapper you have to do a blast or leap finisher to provide quickness as an example there's a com there's quickness for a few seconds okay that is it five well I I'm almost boona I don't have a food buff or the proper food buff right now uh so this would be like 6 seconds but You' get 6 seconds of quickness per combo and you know what I honestly am not opposed to classes using combos to provide their bus the combo system is fine a lot of people don't know the ins and outs of it I'm not against that what I am against is one class having to do Inc you know crazy Hoops to get their bonss out while others just pulse them and can actually play the game so that would that I I don't like that now we are also so we're we're we're burning this off cool down we're burning our CC off coold down in order to do blast finishers so often I did not have a cc available when it was time to CC so this felt like you know I the other day I said man Tempest feels like it's got really bad CC this is somehow worse because it's always on cool down as part of the rotation two is often on cool down but that's fine it's providing might it's doing some barrier three is often on cool down and at first I I did not like that because it's condition cleanse and it's a healing which means you don't have them on demand however because the engineer if I need a condition cleanse I can use medkit 3 I can use Elixir Gun 3 I can use Elixir gun 5 uh you've got other options for healing and you have other options for cleansing so that's fine burning the the uh short bow 3 in order to just chain an arrow for example in order to like chain the two or to uh chain the the four uh it wasn't the worst because you had other things that did the same job you know it's not like you only had one cleansing skill and you're having to waste it you know this was you're having to use one of your three or four cleansing skills so it's not that bad so but that is how it is so you're you're encouraged to burn all your short bow skills to do the chaining effects even when you don't need them for their actual things you're encouraged to burn your res you're encouraged to burn your self-heal which is Al your biggest AOE heal because of medical dispersion field and yeah so that's what it is um additionally without the mace I mentioned that the mace provides regeneration and vigor to group but the short bow does not so what about those bonss well in a scrapper that's using Elixir gun which any good healer will be using Elixir gun will get healing missed on their tool belt if they are using that off coold down and they're also using medkit 5 when it is available you will have regeneration covered for everyone that's totally fine Vigor you'll get some Vigor uptime from infusion bomb but you will it'll go from like 100% down to like 50 you know with mace it was 100% Vigor up time with this it's like 50 swiftness is the same swiftness is very low up time on heal Scrapper however you do have the ability to give your party super speed which is pretty awesome all right there's almost there's very few other classes that can do that it is pretty awesome being able to give your party super speed so how did it feel to play it I mean I would basically run into a fight I would burn you I'd go into medkit I burn infusion bomb I'd burn blast gyro I would burn basically all the arrows skills in a certain sequence I would burn healing Mist just to be able to give my group regen I would often I I chose to burn bandage self and essence of liquid wrath in order to keep Pro up because I wanted to keep the function gyro for saving people's lives I like green numbers I like saving people when I can and having the function gyro available to save folks was you know very nice I was I would rather have that not be available than the other thing the first run I did I did in harriers and there was a moment where someone clipped me with a red circle and I popped like a balloon so I changed to menstruals armor because this build does less than 1K DPS it does less than 1K oh and let's talk about uh stability you do not have to bring bullart gyro but it was really cozy it is another button that can give you a lot of barrier remember this is an extreme damage field gives you a lot use your whole team a lot of barrier when you use this key and it comes with the tool belt skill defense field which is a projectile block and stability on demand so and a relatively short cool down 25 seconds before alacrity so you could use this to block all of dagda's bullets block the adds bullets on bone Skinner to give your team stability when they're about to get knocked down or something you only have one way of giving your group stability with this class however it does give three stacks and it has a very short cool down for most stability skills but yeah you you're you're popping out quite a bit of barrier you got some barrier from the short bow some barrier from the bullar gyro you can go into med kit to do more healing you've got a big heal button in Elixir you got a heal button in Mortar kit you can go into the traits and you the uh I don't think I actually showed these at any point these are the traits I was using there is some leeway here you can move things around round uh if you wanted to rearrange where you're getting your might you could use HGH I preferred P purity of purpose I was also using comeback cure you could use a backpack regenerator if you wanted it it's kind of like tomato tomato but this is the build I was using and there is a a few things you can change there but yeah this this class almost no CC on demand almost no damage which isn't the worst but it is a thing and it constantly is burning its tools to be able to do its job where other classes do not have to and that's it that's that's kind of how it feels that's kind of how it feels now some of those problems are just with Scrapper and not with Scrapper short bow some of those issues will also be relevant with Scrapper ma Shield however Scrapper ma Shield is pretty much everything shortbow does but with two more Bon so that's nice I will say to just give it something positive the short bow does more healing output than ma Shield ma Shield after providing those Boons does no just instant healing it does a little bit of barrier on the mace 2 but the shortbow 2 does more barri barrier and the short bow 3 has the healing chain so if you if you do three and then something else it'll do a bunch of healing so that uh honestly I I healed bone Skinner on this and I was very sturdy because I put on minstrels gear which is super tanky after I got popped by that one person I was like I'm not having this again I'm not doing any damage there's no point in me having you know the power from harriers I feel like so I just went to tanky gear so I was fine but I also except for people that you know didn't step out of the puddles it felt very easy to heal them I always had a tool to heal like there was never a moment like oh gosh I burned my big heel skill I got nothing for 5 seconds that feeling never happened on this character because it was like here's barrier here's healing here's more healing here's more barrier here's more healing here's more healing here's more healing here's more healing here's let me block all the bullets from the ad here's more healing one second here's more healing every one of those is a sizable heal or barrier and between medkit your short bow your Elixir gun and your mortar kit you have a lot of options there but when people are moving around and you got these Circles of letting me keep you alive on the ground and they're having to move around you know maybe some mechanic made everybody split up or something it feels really bad it it's very much a I can perform decently well when everybody is still in one location and and that's basically basically it but yeah a crap for cc crap for damage if you care about that low up time on Vigor low up time on swiftness and you have to pick your poison when it comes to Pro that's kind of how it feels right now yeah so I mean in conclusion when it comes to heal short bow uh don't or do I mean maybe I've heard it looks I've heard it works okay in World V world uh I'm I'm I'm just truly not a fan it doesn't feel great all right so yeah that's it that's that's my thoughts after I was dreading this one making myself play this for a few hours we got through the strikes you know we healed through it it was it was okay but it was not enjoyable it was it was a it was a tangle of fingers on the keyboard but yeah uh if you got any uh questions props thoughts concerns if there's anything that you think I missed when it comes to this post in the comments down below I'll fight you therey cut this part up [Music] h
Channel: MuklukYoutube
Views: 13,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mukluk, gw2, guild wars 2, final thoughts, review, secrets of the obscure, heal, quick, shortbow, quickness, engineer, scrapper
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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