GW2 WvW Shortbow Support Scrapper - Improved and back to the meta

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hello guys and welcome back to my Channel today I want to talk about an updated build which is the heel Scrapper for war versus SW this build already existed but it received several Buffs in the latest patches and also other supports were nerfed kind of hard so I think this build now can find a spot in the current meta because it is very tanky and supportive and it can unleash a lot of barrier for your allies a lot of cleansing a lot of heals also some stability or some super speed or maybe just both of them this is the build I've been using but please keep in mind that some of these traits can be changed to other traits because both of them are very are very good please don't just copy this build but listen to my explanations and and when to use a trait or whether to use another we run inventions Alchemy and also scrapper so on inventions we run overshield it will boost your protection you have on yourself also it will grant protection to your allies whenever you use a shield skill we don't run Shield so you might be wondering why run this tra simply because the other two are kind of bad this one is regeneration AOE whenever we press our F1 but we don't need this because we give like unlimited regeneration already because we have this tra whenever we remove a condition from an Ali we give them regeneration so this tra is useless then here we have a decent trait but it's like it's like three pulses once every 20 second each time you get disabled and it's just an AOE blindness which could also be blocked so in my opinion just go for the tra so you are tankier because protection will protect you for 40% of the damage instead of 33 so this is the first tra but maybe you could just go Auto defense bomb dispenser instead of overshield so this was the first alternative I was mentioning then here we also have gr protection to nearby Alles when you use a heal skill your heal skill is your F1 is considered your F1 if you run the med kit and I wanted to mention this minor trade because we run this other trade here and I will explain in a second then here we have heal nearby allies when using a tool belt skill so whenever you press from F1 to F4 and also F5 I think you will heal your allies around you then we have anti-corrosion plating here we have also an alternative so on this tra we have a condic lens whenever we when apply protection to our allies so this is why I wanted to mention this trade here and also we have as an alternative medical dispersion field if you feel you don't need a lot of condic lenses you could just go medical dispersion field every 3 seconds 7% of the healing you have applied to yourself will be shared to your allies around you once every 3 seconds like permanently you just have to walk around and be alive so this is very good for additional healing but if you need condic lenses just go anti-corrosion plating on Alchemy we run health insurance which boosts our incoming healing by 10% and also our outgoing healing to our allies by 7% whenever we equ our medic kit then we have comeback cure which I already mentioned we Grant regeneration to every Ally we can cleanse a condition from so we cleanse a condition from our Ally let's say with this skill we apply regeneration each time we cleanse a condition from them so it's kind of huge it's basically permanent regeneration to everyone in our party because we have a lot of condic lenses and and then here we run purity of purpose every 3 seconds whenever we apply a Condy cleanse to an ally instead of cleansing that condition we will convert it to a bon so let's say we are con we are cleansing to for example or fear it will convert to stability which is huge every Boon here is huge this tra used to have no coold down in the past and it was overpowered as so it was nerfed because it needed to be nerfed maybe 3 seconds is too much but still still it's decent to have and also the other two trades are kind of bad so this is very good to have it's once every three seconds per Ally so let's say you have five allies to cleanse conditions from you will convert one of the conditions into bonss from them once every 3 seconds on Scrapper we have several interesting trades so let's start from the first here we have two Alternatives most people I would say will run gyroscopic acceleration basically we will grant super speed to all for 1 second and a half whenever we press our gyos we have a lot of Gyros so it's a lot of super speed if you sum it up and also we will have an a bigger radius of our wealth skills which are the Gyros of course so this is very good for super speed but in my opinion since the current meta is kind of Chinese meta we are standing in a spot and pressing our every skill we have to sustain and to kill the enemy we don't move a lot very around so I chose to go in my opinion for Mass momentum we gain might when we have stability and it's okay we don't need this might but also our function gyro applies stability to allies when cast so we press the F5 and we Grant two stacks of stability and this is huge because later on we will have this trait which will grant two stacks of our F5 so we will have two sources of stability with a cool down of 35 seconds with the straight so it's not that good but it's better than not having it also keep in mind that the chronomancer was nerfed in the stability aspect as well so it's very nice to have an additional stability here we have a very important minor tradeit because it will grant super speed to ourselves for 4 seconds and to our allies for 2 seconds whenever we press our F1 so you can press it at this start of the fight and we have protection because of this trait here and also because of this trait which we run it's expert examination our F5 will apply protection to our allies so we will have two stacks of F5 each of them will apply stability and protection and barrier and also since we apply protection we will remove a condition with this F5 so it's a huge value in my opinion and we should be running these trades I am listing to you you can change some of them as I already said it's fine so for now we run this one expert examination and it will also Grant additional protection on the F1 as I already mentioned then here you usually some people Ed to run kinetic accelerators whenever we blasted or lipped combo finisher we applied Fury and might to our allies so it's a lot of Fury and a lot of Might because the Scrapper has a lot of blasts and also lips but if you don't want to run this tra because you don't need Fury or might you could go for X minina which is huge and in my opinion you should not be skipping it will apply like two k and a half of barrier to you and your allies and it will grant two stacks of your F5 please keep in mind that even if it's not listed here your F5 will have 25 seconds cool down without this trait but if you run X minina the counter charge is 35 instead of 25 so this is a thing to have in mind before choosing this tra for the gears I run full minstrell Superior Rune of the monk if you need more boond duration you could go Superior Rune of the water then on the short bow I run Superior Sigil of transference and Superior Sigil of benevolence because the main goal of this class is of course to heal your allies so this is the choice to go to then we have full me on the trinkets of course and for the relics here we can run the relic of the antitoxin if you need more condition cleanses it's one additional condic lens every 10 second per Al lie so in my opinion in it Stacks up kind of well on the arc DPS cleanses and also to heal your allies and to remove and to apply protection to them so and regeneration sorry so this is a very valid option otherwise if you want passive here KS you can go relic of the monk whenever we Grant bones to our allies we get a stack let's see it you see we have these bones we get three stacks of Monk Relic and we will increase our healing to allies by 1% per stack to a maximum of 10 Stacks so it's a passive heal and then otherwise we could go relic of caraca whenever we blast finisher even if it's not our field we will heal allies for like one 1 k and a half maybe even more if you run a lot of blast you could go for this Relic it's very good but sometimes you just risk to overheal or just not exploit this this Relic properly because maybe you are already you have already used every blast you had your allies need healings and you will not benefit from this because you have no blasts left and so would going monk or maybe antitoxin would be an a better idea but this one is very strong if you run a lot of blasts if you run caracoa as a relic maybe you should just go for the supply Crate because it has two blasts when you drop it and when you press it again it it's an additional blast and also maybe instead of the shortbow you could go for the shield which has two blasts on the four and five skill and maybe if you run caracoa since you are you are relying a lot on your blasts you could go also for the kinetic accelerators which is the blast Fury and might and also your F5 will become a blast for now let's continue as a relic of antitoxin but you can change it whenever depending on if you need cleanses or healings for the utility skills we have the med kit the out attack can be used also on our it was changed you see it will change direction I'm pointing to him and it will change to him and heal him it will heal additionally for every Bon on your ally maximum four bonss all the time your allies will have four bones so it will heal for the maximum it's very decent to have to spam this heal if you have nothing left the skill Che will throw these heels and they will heal your allies the skill Tre will apply some pulses around you and they stay in place they don't they will not follow you and it will con cleans per pools on your lies the skill four your is your panic button basically because it will heal for a lot and it's instant instant you can press it and you see instant heals to your allies and it's like 4K heals so it's huge to have your skill five I recommend using it just a second before clashing on the enemies you are clashing it takes like one second to explode and it will apply a lot of regeneration Vigor and swiftness the next utility skill is your Elixir gun which has two big skills the first one is fumigate which will perform a big AOE condic Lans in front of you and it will not work to you to yourself so just make sure you are a bit behind your Zerg let's say this guy is my Zerg I stay behind and I Clans him with my skill three it's totally five cleanses per Target so ideally 25 cleanses just by pressing this so then we have the second good skill on The Elixir gun which is super Elixir you drop this AOE which will heal on the landing a big heal when it lands and then every pools will cleanse a condition and do a smaller heal then we also have this one which is a combo finisher blast and is unblockable and you can blast your own field your super Elixir which is a light field if you blast it you can additionally remove a condition AOE with this and also you can cancel the animation by swapping weapons while you are midair on this skill so it's good to have then the next utility skills are bullwark gyro it was changed now it will apply a big barrier on yourself and then also on your allies a pulsing barrier and it's kind of huge the the barrier is big like it's not too big actually but it's four pulses so it's very good to have and it was recently buffed earlier it could redirect the damage from your allies to yourself and it it was kind of suicidal to have but it's very good now you see a lot of barrier on the initial blast on yourself and on your allies and then consequent pulses applying barrier then we have the porge gyro it will apply a big gyro around you which will apply conditions removal to you and to your allies it's F five pulses totally so it's like The Elixir gun skill three it will apply 25 pulses if you manage to land every PS on allies which have conditions so this is huge to have and also don't forget that the Gyros will have super speed on them if you run this tra which I didn't run because I chose to go for the stability trade for the elite skill you could go maybe sneak gyro if you need additional stealth and also if you need additional super speed if you run this straight however I would not recommend going for the sneak gyro unless you run this straight and maybe even if you're run it you shouldn't be going for sneak gyro because there are better Alternatives when I was testing this build I was running the mortar kit because the skill five is unblockable it's an unblockable projectile which will land on the ground it will form a combo field water you can blast to heal your allies and also it will pull additional healing so it's very good to have you press it and then you swap back to your short bow or whatever else you were doing and your skill five will heal your allies for you just by sitting there and also since this AOE is static and in this in the current meta we are static a lot we don't move a lot we will benefit from this a lot and also here it's an an interesting other two skills this one three skills actually this one is a combo field poison don't forget that poison will reduce healing from enemies by 35 33% which is huge your skill three it's a combo field chill ice so it's a permanent chill for 5 seconds once every second and then we have blindness pulsing blindness on this one so I think this is kind of good in the current meta because we don't move around a lot if you are not convinced by the mortar you could go for the supply Crate which I already mentioned it's good for the relic of caracoa because when you drop it it's a combo finisher blast when you press it again it's another combo finisher blast blast and also when you drop it it's 3 seconds of stun which is kind of huge if you let it on an enemy which has no stability in my opinion just go for the elite mortar kit but it's up to you your tool belt skill her bandage self it's your healing skill you will heal a lot on yourself apply protection super speed your allies and it's very good to have also low cooldown then we have the F2 it's your only break stun you press it you apply a lot of regeneration on yourself and on your allies the F3 is the defense field you press it you cast this dome which will block the projectile and then also apply stability on your allies and on yourself three stacks of stability for 10 seconds and this is huge because also we have stability on our function gyro which is the F5 and if we run this tra here we have twice the F5 so we have three sources of stability two on the F5 and one on the F3 the F4 is kind of useless is an AOE combo field poison it's it's good to reduce enemy healing if you can hit them and then the F5 is your function gyro which is used mainly in PvP and PVE to revive enemies to revive allies sorry and to stomp enemies but in warus SW since they will insta die just press them for the barrier for the stability and for the protection don't consider Reviving or stomping enemies with this with this skill if you're playing like anything more than 10 versus 10 because it just needs an interrupt to get cancelled so it's kind of useless use this to initiate the fight with the stability with the protection and with the barrier now let's get to the short bow it was introduced like one month ago to the game so on the Scrapper we have the skill two which is very low cool down like 3K barrier and also might then the skill three it applies heels pulls heels conditions remove and also if you chain the this short bow skill with another short bow skill I will explain in a bit how it works you will conic Clans to even two more condic Clans then the skill four applies protection edges and if you change this skill with another short bow skill it will apply another protection so don't forget that protection will remove condition cleans will remove conditions sorry so we have protection in the base version of this skill and then if we chain it we have a additional protection so it's an additional condic lens too then the skill five will apply super speed and also an AOE stun and also days if you if you manage to chain react this skill so how does the short bow work on the Scrapper so you will land these arrows skill three for example it says if you chain it with another short bow skill it will have additional effect you have 4 seconds to chain the skills on the short bow the rotation ideally is skill three and then skill two and then skill four and then skill five because skill three we chain it we have additional cleanses because the tool tips says to says so and then on the skill four we need to chain it with the skill five because the skill four has additional protection on the Chain while we have just a days here which we we don't need so basically what you need to do is pressing skill three and then chain it with the skill two and then skill four and chain it with the skill five the skill two has a very low cooldown so you can use it freely once without relying on your skill three it's a 3K barrier and AOE of course and also five stacks of Might for 14 seconds so skill three again is ready skill two skill four you see the protection and the edges I chain it additional protection so this is how it works so Scrapper is not the easiest class because you have two kits your short bow and then you have like another kit on the elite skill if you run mortar you are you have skills from F1 to F5 so it's not maybe the easiest class but it's very rewarding at this moment so let's get into it this is a fight we had so we are about to engage I cast my skill three and my skill two additional barrier might then I try to cast some mortar skills on the enemy and I cast my skill five from the mortar when on the location we are going to then I run Elixir gun the fight is about to clash I drop my skill five under our Feit so we have healings and cleanses covered for a bit at this point when I should wait for the skill five to time out and go for the skill three if we need additional clanes we still don't need Clans always keep an eye on your party you see we have no conditions on us then we are about to clash so I use my F5 for additional stability additional protection additional condic Clans and also for additional barrier mostly which is like 3K barrier with the trait at this point we have we have clashed so I I start seeing conditions on my party I use my skill three I stay behind a bit you see I'm behind the commander skill three to cleanse people in front of me at this point I run the med kit skill three to apply the that AOE which will pulls condic Lans around it then skill four to heal then another skill five because the barrier was not at maximum value just reminding you that the barrier cannot exceed the half of your total HP so if you run 20K HP the barrier on yourself can Maxim be 10K then you see short bow again skill three skill two I have chained them now I have no arrows on the ground skill four and I chain it with my skill five so we get the additional protection I was mentioning earlier I also used my skill F3 for the additional stability even if we had a lot of stability I know we had chronomancer and also myself and also the Droid also this guy died so so it will not receive Buffs and maybe I just got the stability from another Firebrand party we had no Firebrand here skill three to reflect also the projectiles and to apply stability then the Elixir guns skills are already up again in the meanwhile I also used I didn't talk about them sorry I used my Gyros the bullwark gyro for the immense barrier and the coni gyro so sometimes on this class the risk is to overheal and over and over clanes here I did not perform pretty well in my opinion I should have just waited because I used all my condic clanes at once like the POR gyro and the bwar gyro together with the Elixir gun skill five and also the skill three like let's say I needed coni lances now I had nothing left but still the fight was already mostly over because the enemies were were dying a lot I had my short B skills which are good to Condy cleanse then I started blasting my skills on the F1 F2 F3 F5 I have the ball work gyro ready again you see how low the barer is now let's see I guess I press bullwark gyro now and the barriers will go up I still didn't okay I used it you see a lot of barriers coming up and then I have my Clans gyro here I was pushed behind don't waste your Clans gyro here because otherwise wise you would be cleansing only yourself just move back to the Zerg and using it to cleanse them at this point I have used every skill I have my skill three and two ready again on the short B I have Elixir gun skill five ready again skill five from the mortar for additional healing water Fields skill three from The Elixir guns you just need to be rotating from your Elixir gun to your medkit to your mortar skill 5 meanwhile you can use the Gyros which are instant C and when you have nothing left you can go for the short B which which is good it's a very good addition to this class which needed a support weapon because it didn't have support weapons it usually used to run Hammer which is not really supportive but it was the the least worst weapon we had at this point the fight is almost over the enemies are trying to regroup right now I'm healing with my skill one which is a good heal skill four skill five skill three skill two now Elixir gun again I see many clanes on my allies you just step back a bit and skill three so you are sure to not miss your clanes skill five heals and clanes actually here we wipe not our enemies sorry my miscalculation but still I just showed you how this work let's see it again without stopping it so I also try to shut up the most I can so you can concentrate on the skills here we are actually Downing many of them I don't know how we lost the fight it was also our keep I think basically on the alexir gun you use your skill five and skill three and then you just rotate everything else and wait for the skill three and five to get back because they are very good to condic Clans in this Clips I was running the superior the relic of the antitoxin and it showed because my clanes are pretty high the healing was decent I guess okay I guess this is all for this fight okay guys this was all for today's videos as usual thank you for watching and for sticking in with me please consider leaving a like and a subscribe if you enjoy my content this class is very fun to play I'm glad it's back to the meta maybe because the other supports were just way too strong compared to the Scrapper but now since they were too down a bit maybe the Scrapper can compete it was always good to cleanse but the healings just were not there and the barrier were not there the only downside of the Scrapper is that it will not apply resistance it has no way to apply resistance except the purity of purpose if you convert the immobilized to resistance but it's not reliable like no and then we also have no boom strip but only other two classes can to can apply boom strip right now as a support actually three because it's the chronomancer The Scourge but both of them were nerfed to the ground and then we have the support spell breaker which is very strong at the moment because it has a lot of barriers and a lot of Boon strip see you onto the next video have a great night bye
Channel: metallone GW2
Views: 4,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: e42rrxBGj34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 14sec (1634 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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