I Tried Selling My Diamond Play Button **they really offered this**

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bugs for 10 million subscribers that's definitely a lowball being there's real life it is we've done have you guys ever wondered how much a diamond play button is worth me either but today we're gonna find out because we're gonna be taking this 10 million subscriber plaque to different pawn shops and we're gonna see how much they're gonna offer for it now to me of course this is priceless I worked my butt off for this for like seven years straight I got ten million subs greatest accomplishment of my life but I'm just actually curious to see what people are gonna offer for this are they gonna lowball me are they gonna offer me a million dollars I don't know let me know in the comment section down below how much you think a 10 million subscriber plaque is like this it's beautiful and of course has my name in the back dude I would never have thought that I would get a 10 million subscriber plaque so shout-out to you guys when I came up with this video idea I thought I was gonna be the first person to do this and then I searched it up and I saw SS sniper will did this a couple weeks ago so I want to give a shout out to her but I still thought it would be pretty interesting to see what people here would offer for my 10 mil plan I hope you guys enjoy look guys it's Benji he's alive it's also Bosley it's still the ice cream truck yeah so yeah oh no it's not if you guys missed my video the other day I turned my Lamborghini into an ice cream truck and I gave out free ice cream to everyone and I thought it was like one of the dopest videos I've ever made even if someone offered me like 10 million dollars for this plaque I would not sell it cuz it's just priceless and it's a sentimental item to me but you like they're gonna lowball the hell out of me yeah they're not gonna offer you like maybe 20k at the most you think someone will offer 20 yeah yeah for it no okay 10 million subscribers yeah guys think about this this is rare it's only youtubers with 10 million subscribers half this plaque it's very very limited like it's priceless alright we will see you guys at the first pawn shop oh my god with the suitcase right here I'll be like what the hell is this but I don't think this is qe item what is it I mean it does have finished and I'm in play button right BBS - Oh media's diamonds bus down good I really wish we got the details of the actual diamond on this but we'll see what they have to say come in play button and we want to see like how much maybe buy it for okay it's a YouTube diamond play button it's like for people that hit 10 million subscribers yeah I want you guys think 20 bucks five hundred Abbi all right thank you 500 bucks 500 bucks for a ten million subscriber plaque come on that's definitely a low wall yeah we could try another place this is gonna be such a long traveling day we just drove 30 minutes because there's no pawn shops near each other so we're gonna drive to so many different areas in San Diego the first place was 500 bucks let's see if they're gonna offer higher or lower is your arm okay are you getting a workout it's actually have you I'm gonna try to like curl it like just oh yeah there's at least 20 pounds at least good how are you so I have this diamond plate and I got from YouTube it's when you hit ten million subscribers they send super rare they open it up and I really just want to know how much you guys could maybe take it off my hands for let me see okay thanks hey do you have a Gucci bag though it's in the red one oh that's actually sick may be traded in trade it for the Gucci down in the conferring not but earrings earrings okay maybe some pearls those are in right now some pretty if I already give off her I probably do not for like and that's because some sold out yeah that's crazy I can't believe that yeah but I would definitely keep it go that's really cool okay yeah it's cool yeah it's super cool okay thank you so much I appreciate it thank you she said she can't take something like this but if she were to offer it'd be a hundred bucks a hundred bucks for this 10 million plaque I would say it's like a dollar every subscriber so like 10 million dollars would be like a reasonable offer but I still wouldn't take it like wait serious note why is your truck over some guys just in here all right on to the next we are here once - how much yes it may be offer for it you want to like pick it up and take a look at it that's what I there's a real diamond it is get it really all right we buy diamonds and guns let's see if we have any luckier but do they sell fortnight guns play button from you - no what is it exactly it's not a diamond play button cause like this I'm like so YouTube logo right here that's cool you want to like bold in something you know what it is we don't have a lot of people coming in doing that look at a footstep on eBay which is what I have to do with something like that yeah and if somebody's offering you like that kind of money Zella Gary yeah yeah yeah faze rug Oh what though can I take a picture yeah yeah for sure my sister's gonna get away there you go so nice to meet you nice to meet you too have a good one you too this is not worth $500 we need to go to like a real diamond jeweler I think I think that's where we're gonna go man look at the cops are after them they're like dude why are they offering such a low number attempt number I think seven we got two people that gave us legitimate answers the other people said they can't price it so we're gonna see this next one okay how's it going how are you so I YouTube diamond play button and I want the sea flight and guys can price it it's us when you hit 10 million subscribers on YouTube okay guys so we couldn't get an offer from that last pawnshop but they did refer us to someone that actually will give us a legitimate offer they're gonna inspect it and finally give us a real offer this is the whole point of the video to just see the highest offer we could get for this 10 mil apply and they're finally gonna give us a real answer so I'm hoping it's gonna be at least four digits like a thousand dollars what do you think though I don't know bro we got one for how much like a hundred one hundred five hundred and like two other people said we should have accepted the five hundred long as they said you're probably not gonna get better so we'll see all right so person we're supposed to ask for her name is Yuki so Yuki please just come in clutch and give it a hi offer please you don't really just gonna think I guess you're gonna offer us 1500 for really legit that's my guess if I get it right this video has to hit 200,000 line hi I just finished talking to the other side all right guys so we are on our way to the mall right now because there's a few jewelry stores in there that hopefully could give us a price on the 10 mil plaque and maybe test the diamonds to see if they're real but I just want to let you guys know we've been driving around for five hours now and we've been calling every pawn shop in San Diego I went to places in San Diego that I didn't even know existed and they just wouldn't give us a price on anything but we didn't want to put that on the video because like there's no point but we've just been stressed out so hard literally calling every single pawn shop and all of them just don't want to do it so our last resort now is going to the mall and trying the jewelers and seeing if they could just appraise it and look at the plaque and just tell us a number to say oh this looks like it's worth this maybe they'll test the diamond so hopefully we'll have luck there it's just like filming in public places is hard because not a lot of people want to be filmed which is understandable I just hope the luck is on our side right now Yeah right alright thank you guys so much I appreciate it that would be crazy that would be crazy yeah do you think we could like do the diamond tester on it it oughta be diamond oh no I actually always wondered if this was like oh that's coming out so not been here whoa that interesting name would come up as a diamond that's great I think we need two more that's diamond this review that it maybe it's a malfunction in the panel one question that wait wait hold on dude what if YouTube literally just yeah a big diamond looking million dollar plat dude that's crazy okay thank you so much I really had no idea that that would turn green anyways but hey guys we are at the next jeweler and we're gonna test this because we were thinking the other one probably malfunction because the guy didn't believe that it was like real so I don't know I want to see what you think so this since it plays they want yeah actually no actually no so like it didn't work on the center one it worked around this okay so that could mean it might be worth like millions right if it's right so yeah same ideas this one has a Ellsberg the way that it works is that if it gives me a green line is is a fuel diamond if he gives me the coloring okay yeah nothing give her a widow serving me any treats which means that maybe it is just a synthetic display yeah this one gives me a bit of a metal oh that just gives you the idea that is synthetic okay don't quote me on that how would you think it'd be worth it cuz we're going around asking how much you guys think this would be worth mm-hmm right now if I can I don't know [Music] okay so I don't know what's going on here the first play showed that it was all diamond which could have meant it would be worth like at least million yeah because that big of a diamond piece is like unreal and then this place showed that it was metal which I personally believe that it's metal first now where we going though now we're going to a place that tests the kind of metal it is dude we're getting in yeah we need to figure out what's going on here and how much this thing has actually worked oh there it is all right it's get it and look like white gold at all it just doesn't what so do you because I see it like it's plated like this yeah if you look at the light on it if you look at it with the luck yeah but if you look at it with the light you can see it brush this way like that and they'll never so what do you think it is like what would you think it support if you were I don't know I wouldn't know not silver if it's nine thing like that it's metal I wouldn't even know I wouldn't even know where to start thank you very much yeah thank you it's priceless I'm trying to tell you Billy priceless all right you guys ready guys like you want to try to hold it kinda heavy you want to try ok we'll hold it over here so just in case it drops yeah there's only one you wanna try thank you both thank you all right if you guys were to suggest like how much this is worth you want to try to dig again Oh other people are saying like $100 so I have this diamond play button from YouTube might say 10 million plaque today and I was just wondering if there's any way like you'd be able to like to see if it's like any real diamonds in it that's done yeah this is it have you ever seen one of theirs ever seen one pretty Melanie videos what if this turns a different color than green and red alright here we go so that's probably not oh wait what is that noise it's a it's literally a different color wait what is it wait wait that it's tripping that you see there's a diamond as a diamond just it as a diamond look at this look right there you don't hit it the right way yeah yeah we're literally just trying to figure it out like it's so weird it's like certain spots hit like a different meter it's like it hits different it really just hit the ten volt like just hit different okay I do have a question though so we went to different pawn shops to see how much they would offer for this and some of them said like five hundred 100 so we want your guys's opinion what do you personally think that this is worth I know it's hard yeah that's the hard part if you personally it would have to like you put a price on it what would you think yeah just any number any number [Music] because it was yeah for some time in the side oh yeah yeah thank you guys so much really good nice to meet you too man thank you man have a good day see what this bad boy is made of hi I was just calling because I received the 10 million subscriber diamond plaque from YouTube and I just wanted to call the number on the plaque to see exactly what it was made from oh it's just all metal is it like a is that like a legit diamond or is that just like stone or okay cool cool thank you because I made this video where I went around to like jewelers to test to see if those like real diamond and some of their pens that they use tested for diamond and like some tested for metal and like it was kind of like making the Pens fans out so I was like really really curious okay awesome and I don't know if you can like disclose this information but do you know how much it's worth I like that that's exactly what I've been saying it's just priceless you know thank you so much man exactly you know it thank you have a good one all right it's confirmed it's made out of metal and there's crystal diamond in the middle I still pretty dope but as he was saying it's invaluable this right here is so priceless because I worked my butt off for this and I owe it all to you guys because if it wasn't for you I would not have been able to even touch this or even dream about it so thank you guys so much for watching today's video if you enjoyed please be sure to drop a like and remember the point of this video wasn't for me to actually try to sell this like I said I would never ever do that I just kind of want to see what people think the price would have been and we got a few offers for like five hundred a hundred and you know I just love this bad boy I stare at it every single day I hope you guys have a great rest of your day subscribe if you are new smash that like button and other than that it's been rug and I'm out [Music]
Channel: FaZe Rug
Views: 14,216,075
Rating: 4.8705435 out of 5
Keywords: faze rug, rug, rugfaze, fazerug, faze rug 10 million, 10 million, diamond play button, 10 million subscriber plaque, 10 million subscriber diamond plaque, diamond plaque, 10 million diamond play button, i tried selling my diamond play button, selling my diamond play button, pawn shop, 10 million subscriber plaque pawn shop, pawn shop diamond, pawn shop diamond play button
Id: fynlVAIWuXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2019
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