I Tried Living With Dog Vision

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i've always wondered what it would be like to live with the vision of a dog according to google dogs only have two color receptors and 20 of human visual acuity i have absolutely no idea what that means but at a guess dog vision sucks but how bad does it suck all right so i found this app called dog vision surprise surprise and it literally turns your iphone into dog vision so if we hook this up to a vr headset i think we're good to go so currently i can just see normally uh this is human vision and it looks fine apart from my messy room sorry about that there are three filters that we need to activate to be officially in dog mode first is the color blindness this isn't too bad uh wow i look like a vampire next step is the blurriness this is a little nauseating why is it so blurry and the third step is i can't remember what it's called but it probably is going to make it look awful oh no that is not what a dog sees there is no way that that's what max do you see this literally and metaphorically because you're a dog frodo just looks like a blob of of gold oh you are a blob of gold frodo side note i have no idea how accurate this app is but based on my extensive googling the brightness thing is maybe a little bit too high but apart from that it's sick [Music] do i see a dog do i see a dog come here come here looking at this pile of dog toys i'm instantly attracted to this one that's a nice toy i feel like i want to follow this i also feel mildly attracted to the red ones do you want to chase this one you do blue and red toys look great they look they look great this white teddy bear looks absolutely terrible at max you probably don't want to chase that do you oh it all makes sense now three two one go no no no this is my toy now okay shadows look really nice i must admit shadows look really good wow running around is actually quite fun oh yeah now that's great that's great wow that bin bag looks sick oh wow i look like a simpsons character that is so sick like a really low quality simpsons character for the most part i can navigate the kitchen pretty well [Music] i'm just i'm attracted to this blue thing i don't even know what's in it oh nothing what does dog food look like i never actually thought about that maybe i should eat one dog food just for science [Music] [Music] max your eyes look incredible [Music] oh you're so cute what are you doing so i've had a lot of people say to me liam teach your dog to solve the rubik's cube it'll be so easy okay no one said that today we're going to find out if that's actually possible for a human let alone a dog that looks like yellow oh that also looks like yellow wait oh that looks exactly the same in three two one ding ding ding something's wrong something's wrong [Music] oh wait oh wait is that complete oh my god holy crap i just solved the cuban dog vision dude oh that really hurt my eyes that's a good way to end the video my friends holy crap is that actually i'm a legend every time i look at max looking around now all i see is like him kind of blind thank you all very much for watching i will see you very very soon peace out [Music] and bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Liam Thompson
Views: 5,791,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: liam thompson, how do dogs see, dog vision, liam thompson dog vision, what do dogs see, are dogs color blind, liam thompson living, liam thompson vr, living with dog vision, liam thompson living with dog vision, living in dog vision
Id: oMOW3bUhIsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 20sec (320 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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