I Tried Growing a Monstera From Just a Stump

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I'm going to turn these little stumps into five fully fledged monstera plants that's right these little leafless stumps that were destined for the Sheffield May plants bin can be rescued and turned into brand new life and I'm going to show you the full process from stump to Hipster plant in this video it's 6 months in the making so I hope you get something out of it if you do then hit me up with a like or something now I have done this before with this Ficus Elastica but I wanted to see if I could do it with the world's favorite Instagram able plant monstera I mean when we prune and cut back a monstera we're often left with little stem pieces like this that we normally throw out but not anymore my plant friend make more plants Young Apprentice the twist in this video is that I'll be using four different mediums to add some drama and to see which one is best hint there is a shocking winner an abject failure and a couple of mixed bags ooh the suspense so in the trade these are called wet sticks yep not sure what but that's what they called I like you thought that once a stump lost all semblance of being it was toast but doing this job for a few years now has taught me otherwise don't ask me how these things stay alive though because really I'm no scientist I guess the leaves aren't the only place where photosynthesizing sorcery takes place must be some magic in the stems themselves too now before you go off and start hacking Your Monster to Pieces there are a couple of things that you want to make sure are in place on each stem first it needs to be a no node a node is a fancy term for where the leaf comes out of the stem you'll see a line on the stem and this is not only where Leaf making magic happens but also root making magic and the second part is the most crucial and failure here will mean you're just massively wasting your time you see these little green circles or ellipses on each of the stems these are Buds and where the new stems will emerge so we need to make sure at least one of these are intact on each stump so don't hack into them like an ape so the mediums I'll be using for these boys perlite is my favorite propagating medium so I'll be plunking two in a mini perite prop box I've crudely assembled I've absolutely no fear that these will Sprout roots and leaves in no time but will I be proved correct anyway these little prop boxes are great because of the humidity trapping lid and all the air that get into the nooks and crannies of the perlite a recipe for root making deliciousness I'll plunk another one in a glass of water one in leer which is basically little balls of hardened clay and last one straight into soil no one propagates in soil for some reason but it's my hunch that maybe it's the best option sure you don't get to spy on the progress but the beauty of soil is that there's no tinkering needed no need for transplanting and all the potential shock that that can cause once it's in it's in done deal now I mentioned that this video is 6 months in the making as it's May as I'm putting this video together this means I started this project at the beginning of winter not a great time to start something like this because winter in Sheffield is a gamic experience the sun only comes out to say hello for 8 hours a day and all my plants suffer the consequences this is why I pop these fellas under my sansy grow lights to be honest even if it was summer I'd probably do the same things just seem to propagate so much quicker under grow lights must be the control you can exert over your little misters and I use my 15% discount of sansy when getting this clip on light and you can too by following in the link in the description so what do you think now is the time to give me and all your peers your prediction in the comments will leer rise to the top or will perlight remain unbeaten All Season maybe soil the underdog will be a surprise shout for top four my money is on perite to show roots and leaves the quickest never lets me down before we go back to the future let me just quickly point you in the direction of my free plant parents troubleshooting handbook that you can download by following the link in the description or scanning the QR code here it covers all the common nasties we experience as plant parents why they happen and what to do about it and then easily digestible digital handbook and it's completely for free check it out well ladies and gentlemen it's now 4 weeks later this is exactly the time when you'd expect to see some action and uh it looks like nothing is showing itself on the soil one just some algae which is always a pleasant addition to any experiment nothing rearing it's not so ugly head in leer either now I'm searching my computer but I don't have any footage of the perly for some reason must just mean nothing was happening which is a surprise but what's this is that a cheeky little rout I see on the water wet stick phew this hasn't all just been some massive waste of time I've got some success with at least one stamp and that's the bare minimum if you do want to revise your predictions in the comments then now's the time to do so because we're jumping ahead to week seven thank you Marty I mean Richard this is footage from an exclusive update video I did for the cheffy over on patreon well if you sign up to my patreon you get to see behind the scenes exclusives that can't be seen anywhere else which is why they're exclusives I guess anyway details in the description if you're interested now things are hotting up nicely and uh not all for the right reasons as you can see the soil wet stick is showing me up to be the fool no action whatsoever but then who knows what's lurking below the surface maybe there's a massive root Network ready to pop out the first Leaf of the project let's check in on that water route not looking too shabby is it that one route has grown longer and she's got a friend bless I'm not talking about the algae either now look the bud is starting to swell a little too so a leaf should be emerging anytime soon yay and Mr leer not much happening here no signs of any Roots but the leaf bud is swelling a little that Browning on the bottom is looking a little suspicious though which is why I give it a little trim the last thing any propagation wants is rot taking hold but I wonder why that's happening one to watch for sure and what are the peight we've not seen anything from these yet well it looks like I was PR proven sort of correct because we do have roots or root anyway and they always look nice and healthy and perlik must be because they're actually growing into something and not suspended in water with only algae for friends let's check the other one ooh look at the bud the head is popping out to say hello so to speak I'll be a father for the h hundredth time in no time I'm so proud it is a bit weird that the leaf has come before the root to be honest but I'm sure it's nothing to worry about if you know why this happens then do let me know it's week n now and we have a shocking development well I think it is anyway the first Leaf has sprouted and it's not from perite or water no it's soil so who had that down as first to show life now be honest soil really doesn't get the credit it deserves in the propagation world all those folks propping in fancy perite prop boxes present company not excluded and water and most of the time soil is perfectly fine if not better I'm getting ahead of myself let's see how things progress It's week 10 ladies and gentlemen and tragedy has struck the sheffel bay plant's household our first casualty is Mr leer wet stick look at the state of him the poor fell the worst way to go I was worried when I had to trim off his bottom in week seven and it looks like there was no saving him and I don't get it to be honest was it the lecker or just bad luck a pathogen getting into that stem but not the others very odd all right folks we're at week 17 now time flies when you you're having wet stick fun and look at soil wet stick a new Leaf is just starting to emerge monsteras really are slow Growers aren't they 7 weeks for this maddening not sure why the original Leaf is still not fully opened and look at the state of the water wet stick I can barely see it because of all the algae light plant and water are really not a match made in heaven the roots are a bit longer but still no sign of that leaf Bud swelling I give her tons of light so I'm not really sure what she's waiting for and I'm not too happy with the color of her bottom suspiciously Brown like the Le a wet stick but just look at how excited Mr perite wet stick is to see us so excited he's busting out of his lunchbox I'm still waiting for his brother to show us his package but he does at least have some rots so I'm sure it will come I didn't even mean that inuendo let's move on right there my plant friend it's now a massive 11 weeks after the last update and I bet you're dying to see the progress made this is week 28 of the entire project yet surely they're big beautiful plants by now well not so much like I said monsteras sure are slow Growers it's going to take years for me to get my first fenestrated leaf and I've not got the mental capacity to put together a video that spans Years anyway I digress which one do you think is furthest along then yep I think the soil wet stick is the champ she's got one full leaf that first decrepit leaf and another one on the way in second place is perite number one now I moved the perite ones to pot because they were outgrowing in the trade a called home perite number one has a decent leaf and I'm still waiting for a second to emerge yep absolutely no sign so far we're still waiting for perlite number two to make his move pulling him out and checking out his private part and we can see there are nice long route and the bud is swelling so it will come just more patience is required you might be thinking that the Leer wet stick miraculously came back to life but this is actually the water one the water kept drying out too quickly so I moved her into Lea to keep her stable let her hold on to moisture but not sure why I did that based on how fast the original leoan went downhill this girl was the first to show any sign of anything with that tiny R and it's been a slow Journey since and I'm not too keen on how that bud is looking what do you think so basically as it stands we have two successes one abject failure and two where the jewelry is still very much out my hunch on why this has been so mixed is because I started at the beginning of winter I'll keep nursing these bad boys for the next few months or so and I'll do an update video to show you how things are looking so subscribe to look out for that in the meantime check out this video here where I show you how to FreeX the growth of your monstera see you next time
Channel: Sheffield Made Plants
Views: 54,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: monstera wet stick, monstera wetstick, leaf node propagation, nodeless propagation, monstera propagation
Id: ihXl9CE_lPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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