The Full Story of my 11+ year old Monstera Deliciosa Large Form

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back in March I Got This 7t Tall Monera deliciosa it was the most beautiful thing I ever laid my eyes on sorry sweetheart it was severely neglected and to my surprise had terrible root Rod to fix it up I repoted and propagated it and it was a hell of a project and this is what happened next it was at this moment that he knew he up 2 weeks after reporting the plant went downhill it started to get yell leaves so I went ahead and treated it with some good old 3% hydrogen peroxide solution in hopes it would finally stop the root Rod once and fall on the other hand I could already see some success with my water propagations and even the wet sticks in the Moss perlite prop box were showing first signs of root growth I decided to put the monstera chunks into a finely shredded magnas mixed with some peite it has been like this for 2 weeks now I already see some of the auxiliary BDS like swelling a little bit so the tissue around it is cracking softening popping off rootwise I don't really see a lot happening yet now back to the mother plant a few more weeks have passed and it didn't look great it has lost all and I mean all of its leaves I have to do something something terrible just the sound is [Music] terrifying so I killed it kind of because to my relief I found those two little auxiliary butts shooting with new grow so this plant was alive after all fear not we have hope this is the official update on the monstera that isuse a large form at least a part of it what you see here are the stem cuttings and the top cutting I put in water to propagate and let me show you the Roots the Roots are absolutely amazing I mean just just look at this I think these are ready to be potted and also are you ready for it oh my goodness okay just look at this wow that's uh a really well rooted cutting now let's get these babies into soil as fast as possible these will do and here is cook fire warm castings pearly orchid bark some slow release fertilizer just a general aoid mix I'm also going to be using the aoid mix from cyber soil from Cy Botanica starting with the stem cutting now I really want to make sure I don't break these delicate Roots moving on with the top cutting it has a much bigger much more extensive root system like [Applause] this I think in here there's already a new Leaf growing can't wait to see it probably will be small but it's alive that's that's a win for me this is nice with newly found Hope and summer around the corner I decided to put this Monera out on my balcony with lots of direct sun and natural wind movement to promote some really strong strong healthy new growth fast forward a little over a month and I finally saw the first little tiny baby leaves on the mother plant compared to the hum siiz leaves she had before this is certainly disappointing but I was just so relieved I didn't kill her and most importantly that I didn't have to admit it to you guys at home I mean # worst plan YouTuber ever this would have been very uncomfortable if we have a quick look at the propagations there is growth as [Music] well and even more exciting the wet sticks are starting to push their first leaves as [Music] well now welcome to the present day it's officially 7 months since I bought this giant Monera deliciosa brought it home butchered it here at my place and I want to show you where we are at now of course I will have to tease you a teeny tiny bit longer sorry but let's start with the propagations the Potted ones now these seem to grow quite slowly ever since I putted them into the soil we got one new leaf on the top cutting with some little inner fenestration as well and then we have this cutting with the original leaves still attached and two new leaves grown since we got some small penetrations but nothing major in terms of leaf size here now moving to the prop box here she is you can see the lid doesn't fit anymore not all of them have even rooted or grown anything yet and there en dire need of some dirt as always I'm going to use the Cyber Tanica cyber soil this soil mix is doing great things for my plants ever since I started using it so I'll have a 10% discount link down in the description box if you're interested I am out of aoid mix though so I'm just going to use enua mix I mean they are aroids too right as long as it's chunky and Airy we're good let's start by checking out all of these stumps and removing the big ones Okie do oh my goodness so this is going to be a little harder than I thought I want to show you we have a few of the wet sticks that still haven't rooted into the substrate like at all and I really don't know how I can promote growth this one is looking like it's drying out and dying so I don't know if this will ever grow into something and now let's see if we can untangle those from the Moss and each other oh my goodness that's the one thing I don't like about moss is the untangling part although the perlite in there helps with that a little bit this is all of the root system it's quite big and prolific I love that and now this one will be probably even bigger just look at this oh my goodness like this is mess that's amazing I'm done let's pop these back in and I want to putt these up ASAP to prevent them from drying out and since the stem is so broad I think I can chop it up one more time right here really don't want to hurt myself or the plant woo this will be also going into the prop box again and then we are left with this piece see this is a pretty tight fit fits much better I fear there might be a little too much soil if I fill it up all the way so I'm just going to putt it in quite deep in the pot number one is done moving on to the second plant I think I'm going to need a big pot as well since this one already has so many roots okay this looks amazing great it's so funny these will probably be in the shop sooner or later for sale but I already got so so so so so many question in person online and my shop just via Instagram everywhere if these will be for sale and I already promised them to a few people so they have basically already gone let's get these out of the way I guess it is time for my not so giant anymore monstera large form Tada uh this is her what is great about the plan now is that I have two shoots growing simultaneously so each one has gotten three leaves by now the last one is unfurling as we speak one thing that isn't optimal in my opinion is the bare stem down here but I was already thinking I might just put in some of the cuting or one other cutting in the pot maybe I could also put some completely different plants in there like a Mira or something to fill it out this could be a good idea I'll keep that in mind and no more yellowing luckily so I'm watering this very cautiously now and it seems to be doing great I started adding fertilizer now that we have some foliage again in terms of plants in general these leaves are still really big of course it's nothing compared to what this plant was before unfortunately I still got it on the steak here at the back I've got a few few got a few new aerial Roots growing down the back we have one inner fenestration already and quite honestly the leaf size is already bigger than my hat unfortunately we are heading into winter now so I don't think there's going to be much more growth for this year but next year I'm hoping for some more sizable leaves now in my last video there were a lot of people quite upset with me because I cut her back so drastically and I just want to say I did what I thought was best in the given situation with the best of my abilities and everything that I know about plants also it's just a plant I bought it it's mine and I can do whatever I want with it there I said it of course I'm a little sad that I don't have this dream plant of mine with those giant beautiful leaves anymore but for me plants are all about experimenting trying out new things learning from my mistakes and the nice thing is they do grow back and I'm only 28 years old so I have my whole life ahead of me to grow this plant into a giant once more Hello editing Christina from the future here and I just want to show you the last leaf that unfurled because it's bigger and better and I just finished the video and I just need to insert clip and then you're going to see this very meta right now I know just look at this Lea it has inner penetrations on M this already makes such a big difference in the appearance of the whole plant so if you want to see more of my plant journey and her over the years then hit subscribe I'll see you next time until then enjoy your plans and goodbye
Channel: Leafy_Luster
Views: 78,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: houseplants, indoor plants, indoor garden, zimmerpflanzen, urbanjungle, pflanzen, plants, plant care, houseplant collection, monstera, philodendron, plant decorating, Houseplant tour, Collecting plants, philodendron care, Monstera care, Monstera deliciosa, Indoor plant tour, relaxing plant chores, Plant chore vlog, plant diaries, plant care guide, plant maintenance, new plants, monstera plant, monstera delicious, mostera deliciosa large form, how to grow monstera, yellow leaves
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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