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in this video I'm going to try every single Clips Heritage speaker and tell you which one is the best Clips was started by Paul W Clips within the confines of a Tin Shed in Hope Arkansas in 1946 for the first two years Paul Clips would build his now famous Clips horns by himself and in 1948 Clips would get his first factory a former telephone exchange building and hire his first employee today that factory is still standing but now as Eclipse Museum the manufacturing for all Clips Heritage products has remained in Hope Arkansas for almost 60 years and clips products rarely Chang and over the years few new products have been introduced the current lineup of products is the clips heresy the Forte the Cornwall the lascala and the clips horn and today we are going to try every one of those and afterwards we're going to tell you what sound each one is going to give you what amps we recommend with them and what the best value in the line is and I'm going to tell you why I would buy each one over the others that's right I'm even going to give you a reason to buy the heresy over the clips horn but to make it more interesting I must follow the following rules so the first rule I cannot talk about price the second rule I can't just say one sounds better than the other and finally I have to give at least one reason to buy each model over every other in the line so let's get started started first introduced in 1946 and now on its sixth iteration this is the clip horn you're probably not asking yourself this but you may why would you buy the clips over the heresies the heresies were actually originally made to be the center channel speaker of the clips horn so you notice that wood grain pattern there and that would be the only thing that I would really compare this to the Forte this has a lot better look aesthetically on the front and again you're probably not comparing the clips horn to the Forte and try trying to decide between the two you're probably at least looking at the lascala or the Cornwall but if you're looking at the Forte and the clip shorn the Aesthetics and the amount of wood on the front of this one yeah that makes a difference so if you're debating between the clips horns and the corn walls you're probably saying well the corn walls can go anywhere against the wall well so can these unlike the original models that were only meant for the corners the new clip shns can go against the wall as well you'd probably need a pretty big room though the corn walls are massive but they're only a fraction of this size I don't know how much much they weigh but it's a lot I almost feel it came on two palletes do you remember if it came on two palletes yes it did is that the Box you locked me up in in the back behind the store and left me for dead yes it was so I guess if you want your kids to have a big play for box you could also get one of these cuz the Corel box is just slightly smaller now this is the closest comparison you're going to get in any of these clips Heritage speakers that's going to be the clips horn versus the lascala and you're probably debating between the two because they're totally different sounding speakers but the clips horn is going to give you more of a live sound it's going to be Fuller engulf the room more and just give you that concert feel so if you like that then go with the clip horn now the clip horns originally got their name because of just that they had to be set in the corners of your room and they could not go against the wall because they were open baffled in the back it's not the case anymore but that's how they originally got their name Steve from Louisville Kentucky said I upgraded from my Clips al5 to the Korn ak6 and it was worth every penny this is the clips lascala and if you're comparing it to the clips heresy and you're probably not this is much more of a statement piece for around the house it's huge it's lower to the floor than the than the clips horns but if you have small children or pets it's a great hiding spot they can get down in here crawl back behind where the wolfer is okay a small child is probably not going to be able to do that but a pet could probably fit back there now if you're comparing the clips lascala to the clips Forte you're going to notice the mid-range on the ncala is much more defined a way better mid-range and I mean really a lot more speaker than the Forte but you're probably also not comparing the two you're probably more comparing the lascalas to the corn walls which Mikey are behind you see those that's the corn walls these are probably the two speakers where if you're like in that Cornwall range and you're like should I spend the extra money on the lascalas could is a big price difference why would you do that so the first difference is the lascala is actually a two-piece speaker two parts here this one sits on top of this part that's a very uneducated way of saying that the horn sits on top the bass driver but it is a two-piece set you're going to get more definition in this speaker than you would the Cornwall it's going to be a less iny yourface speaker than the Cornwall is it's going to be more defined in audio file for that concerts and the classical music and the notes and everything so that's where you're going to get a little less in your face with the action and a little more refined the comparison you're probably trying to make is the lascala versus the Korn for people that like a more refined experience that's where the little Scholars are going to come in they're going to give you that more like low noise more detail audio file type sound rather than the live stage sound that the korns are going to give you but the Buffalo audio file doesn't agree with me with his festar review he says if you want to invite the live musicians into your house get a pairall of scalas and when your guests leave they will think that they're coming from the back of the speaker look at the size of that grill that is a massive Grill and it just it m look at that go watch listen know if you're comparing these to the heresies just think of it this way the corn walls are like a massive heresy so everything is going to be bigger now if you're comparing these to the fores which are right over there yeah those these are going to be a lot easier to position around your room not only will they work in bigger rooms but you can put them close to the wall out from the wall because the base ports are down here on the bottom and everything's coming out the front unlike the fores where the bass drivers in the back you can literally put these anywhere now if you're comparing the corn walls to the lascalas the corn walls are going to be a little boier I mean all the Bas is coming right out of the front a little less analytical but you're going to get a nice live boomy sound out of these compared to the lascalas this one's going to be kind of stupid but it is what it is if you're comparing the corn walls to the clips horns you know it's got a lot of same sound characteristics like that live boomy sound but cornballs are easy to use for an audio rack so a component such as this Cambridge Edge can sit right on top your Cornwall and it's a lot easier to place and get to where on the clips horn it's taller and it's going to be harder to get to that component so I love the corn walls because you can literally use them as high-fi racks kind of I mean I use them for high-fi racks you can put plants on them a lot of people bring in corn walls that are you know 30 years old with rings all over the top a lot of the clip speakers you can mean you can do that you want a nice plant stand you can use the Forte for that as well I I wouldn't recommend it though Hi-Fi Fiesta in Germany said after many years of searching for the perfect speaker I finally found it the Cornwall four speakers exceeded my expectations Dynamics spatiality and dry Bas that's exactly what my ears need the worksmanship is beautiful and the Finish very American I love these clips and I want to grow old with them the American Clips very americ am made in America oh look at that Grill I was going to show you how nice the grills are on the clip speakers just sticks right on magnetic grills are great so if you're shopping for the Forte compared to the heresy it's going to give you much better base response cuz if you flip it around you're going to see this bass driver down here on the back and that's really going to help with that now in comparison to the corn walls these are going to give you more fun with placement right cuz these corn walls everything's on the front but if you go on the Forte you got this bass driver on the back so it depends where you're sticking it against the wall to how it's going to sound so you can actually adjust like an EQ the sound of your speaker by how far away from the wall that it actually is but that's not the reason most people choose the fores over the corn walls the real reason is the size so this is a huge speaker I mean it takes up a lot of real estate on your wall but the Forte does not and then being closely price if you want something that's a little smaller you go with a forte and that brings us to why you would choose this over the lascala and reality it's kind of the same thing I mean this is a lot smaller fruit print than the lascala which is going to take up a lot of space now comparing this to the clip horn and you're probably not you're probably not comparing this to the clip horn but this is going to be a lot more fun to position because who wants to constantly move a 100 plus pound Clips horn actually it's probably 200 plus pound Clips horn speaker when you can just slide the Forte they got little sliders down there that make them easily SL flatable I don't think I can move the clitch horn with my foot Mt Bloomers in mizala Montana said he's 68 years old in high school my buddy bought a pair of korns we were the luckiest young men on the planet that classic music is etched in my memory noting their size It seems impossible they sound like korns Clips rules now a lot of people are choosing between the clips heresy and the Forte and as you see here this heresy is not like most heresies it has a stand and I prefer my heresies with a stand and what that can do is where the fores sit right on the ground the heresies then you can have a stand to put your albums underneath depending on the stand you get and not that the one we use can do that but you get the picture you would also choose the heresy over the Forte if you wanted to include a subwoofer in your setup so not having that extra bass driver in the back allows you to get a little bit more response and frequency range to that subwoofer and just keep the highs and the mids in the speaker and if you have a smaller room you may choose the heresy over the Cornwall because the corn walls are probably too big for your small room now lascalas and heresies aren't really much of a comparison but if you're like Chipotle how do you go about pronouncing the name of this restaurant chain Chipotle Chipotle and put clip speakers above the uh the line thing where they make your food as you can see in this picture you can see the outline from all the base it'd be pretty hard to do that with lascalas so that might be a reason for choosing heresies and compared to the E clip horns they're easier to lift that's all I got for that one an anonymous person in Ry New Hampshire said that they own the clips corn walls for years and were surprised when they bought the heresies how much they actually sounded like the corn walls all right now I know all you guys are asking what these speakers sound like cuz I didn't talk about that at all when I run around climbing in them so for that portion of the video I brought Spencer and Tom so we'll get started and talk about the heresies tell me about how the her heres sound to you so I feel as though the heresies are really really open I think they pack really good mid-range good base response and treble throughout I feel like the detail is kind of unparalleled and if you like horns they are great the clarity and the spatialization the the stereo space that you get from them is phenomenal they're still very warm and just very crisp and and Punchy you like them one stands you like him on the floor you know the floor is the classic look you know you got the whiskey glass because on the floor what what kind of stands would you put them on I usually put them on the Linton stands yeah some straight stands yeah put some vinyl underneath so what about the fores I like the fores a lot I think they give you more mid-range I think they fill it in I think you get more presence in the mid-range base respon is off the charts I love the fores yeah huge jump in warmth and just low end when you go from the heresies to the fores they definitely are just going to fill the room with just all that richness you lose some of the specialization that the heresies get but just the rich mids is phenomenal do you like to play with them I mean position them around the room that is well you know they're kind of fixed where where they would like to be well no that's the thing with the fores you can do whatever you want like if you pull them away from the wall it's going to change the base if you put them closer it's going to make it more you know you can you can play around with them so the person that likes to play with their stuff would really like the fores I think all right so what about the corn walls corn walls are where it's at for me again it feels like twice a forte it feels like it opens up entirely it feels like the depth of the room is totally changed the base is crazy it is an old school speaker that will fill a room no I mean the corn walls they're kind of the the the perfect sweet spot of just filling the room not taking up the entire space you can still fit some bookshelves or whatever but I mean just classic classic sound I mean it's yeah perfect all right lascalas so lascalas to me are totally different I feel like they're more of an intimate speaker where I feel like the corn walls to the clips horns are more similar I feel like the scows of their own be I feel like it brings you in there's speakers that like kind of soften everything up they almost in some ways don't feel like a horn but they give you the presence of one and I feel like again it's it's a speaker that you just want to listen to all day long you know at that point you're getting these things that are really really filling up a big room and when you're sitting in a Sweet Spot it's phenomenal the lascalas are definitely warm like they have that warmth similar to like kind of the fores yeah just very rich and and warm but also very Spacey in those beautiful wood cabinets and last but not least the clip shs they will rock a room I mean any room that you put them in they're going to fill it in entirely I mean the horns the presence the clarity that you're going to get is again it's kind of unparalleled like there's nothing quite like it and I feel like again the depth in the Basse response that you're going to get is crazy I feel like any type of music excels in it if you listen to Jazz though you're going to feel like you're at the bar watching a jazz concert they're wild yeah I mean it's like having a concert hall in your house where it's just it's very live the spatialization is just phenomenal they're the speaker that I'll be listening to and it's just the most just like Immaculate they're probably my favorite in the line they they're a lot but I mean very just huge huge sound all right so now we promised you that we would tell you what amps we use on all these speakers or which ones do we prefer so guys what would you use on heresies honestly for heresies I like the leak 230 I think thing just like rocks I think it's plenty of power 75 wats a channel I feel like again the kind of tonality Blends really well and it gives you that vintage aesthetic the thing is sweet for the heresies I do like a morance vintage receiver I just think that they're rich and warm and buttery and that's a great combo with the heresies I was going to say the same thing actually so I'm glad you went there all right so for the fores all right Forte I'm going parasound hint six I think the thing rocks I think it's I think it kind of gives you that warmth to it it's plenty of power it's a great great pairing honestly yeah no that's really what I want that yeah cuz the Forte is just so warm and Rich and the pair sound is just clean and just a really good power supply and it's you know it doesn't get in the way of the Forte so what about the corn walls then cuz that's what I would have pair the parasound with but what would you pair with the cornall if I'm going to get away from the pair of sound I I would go a nice Yamaha I know we're all in agreement on this was not talked about how you should set these up but um oh like talk about it beforehand instead of just being like and what do you think about this one yeah dude like a 3200 would just be beautiful you know the big Vu meters right there in the Cornwall kind of price matches the Yamaha and the corn walls as well so that kind of hits right on because they're so sensitive I mean you could go with a 12200 and be totally happy I mean it's going to give you that really natural sound and the corn walls are so big and they're so open again I feel like it would just really complement the characteristics of the speaker the thing would be sweet all right now here's where we're all going to disagree what would you pair with the lascalas acuphase e380 I think that would be absolutely killer so I'm I'm probably going to go the opposite way I I feel that the neutral natural sound of the luxman like a 507 would pair really well with the warmth of the lascalas I'd probably have to listen to it first cuz man there are some you know I definitely like a a really good pair with that but in my mind those are two opposites that would really compliment each other really well and the clip horns I would go acup phase I would do the total opposite so you you have like the honey of the acuphase would pair really well it would really fill out the uh the horns I think the luxman 509 would be the one just because I think it would it would be a step up you'd have more power which the horns don't need but I think again you would hear everything I think if you put the luxman on the horns you're just going to be blown away again it's going to feel like you're at that concert you're never going to want to leave all right so now everybody is going to be saying at this point in time we didn't say anything about tube amps and that's kind of what they're known for you don't need a lot of power they're very efficient whatever whatever whatever you want to have tube amps with it and we do have tube amps on a lot of the clips product but do you prefer a solid state with Clips or do you prefer a tubeamp I like the idea of tube amps like the sound characteristics a lot I think they give you that warmth they give you kind of this butteriness that some solid states don't give you mhm but me personally I don't like the hassle with tubes all the time that's really the only downside to them you know they need maintenance you got to keep up with them if tubes get replaced I think it's a really cool thing to also play with though you're some likes they do get Dusty if you're someone that likes to Tinker with stuff a lot tubes are for you you can mess with those you can mess with the Sound Stage that's a great point because there are tinkerers and then there are me not even looking at the specific speakers I am kind of more of a two pre amp solid state amp guy in general oh you got to mix them both I mean tubes with the cliffs Heritage it's an amazing sound but at the same time we had the uh the Cambridge The Edge mono blocks like and I just thought it was so so so clean that you know it's solid state with the clips Heritage stuff does work I love the Cambridge with the clips I don't know you guys didn't mention that like most of them because the edge the Cambridge Edge stuff on the clips that's what we have hooked to the corn walls is just sick yeah it was it was so clean it was the cleanest sound ever do you guys remember why the heresies are called the heresies you know I do yeah I cuz it was considered a heresy cuz originally they weren't horns that is incorrect cuz they're on the floor no so the original heresy was a center channel speaker a center channel and the reason it was heresy was because it was not a corner horned speaker when everything that Paul Clips made before that was a corner horn All right so now next trivia why is it called the Cornwall oh Cornwall is because they can go in the corner of the wall that is also incorrect he was very close but he got ahead of himself Tom is it because it can go in the corner or the wall it is correct that is correct that is very correct why was the Forte invented to give deeper mid-range response that is incorrect the Forte was actually invented and Tom's not gonna get this so I'm just gonna go ahead right do you know no I don't okay yeah so the Forte was invented because during the 80s Paul Clips wanted something that would match with CDs that digital sound and home theater so that's where they came up with the Forte so let's go to the lascala where does that name come from so the first iteration was the Belle named after his wife that wasn't my question so I don't know I don't know I have no idea something to do with Italy yeah something to do with Italy yeah what is Italy so you're both wrong again so those scholas were actually named after that concert hall in Italy where the stairs were named after the music notes or the lascalas if that's correct I got I got it some gray area there but it was named after that because they were primarily originally made to be used in concert Halls m and I got nothing for the clip seor I don't have an answer then oh there we go all right so you guys should ask us some questions because we probably have the answers I probably have the answers they may have the answers yeah I probably don't you know YouTube already knows what video you want to watch next well it's this one right here so if you like the video you just watched you're absolutely going to love this one
Channel: Just Audio
Views: 92,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best klipsch speakers, klipsch heritage, klipsch heresy iv, klipsch forte iv, klipsch cornwall iv, klipsch la scala al5, klipschorn ak6, best speaker, klipsch speakers, klipsch speakers setup, speaker review, best amp for klipsch speakers, best amplifier for klipsch speakers, forte iv, heresy iv, cornwall iv, la scala al5, klipsch la scala, klipsch review, heresy iv review, forte iv review, cornwall iv review, la scala al5 review, best speaker for home, best speakers
Id: r6eofCkn-CA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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