i tried diy flaxseed gel to repair my extremely damaged hair *it works*

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[Music] my hair is dead hello everybody and welcome to my hair being right now i mean look at it this is not normal hair behavior okay this is not what is supposed to happen recently i went from pink to blonde and i used a color remover and i used some bleach and i thought okay i thought that the color remover was going to be like a less damaging product to put into my hair to get the color out of my hair well it turns out it's actually like super extremely damaging and my hair is literally breaking off as we speak right now it's insane my hair it feels so bad it feels so bad so i went on the interwebs and looked for a hair care method that i haven't tried before because i love trying new stuff out and i came across the beautiful wonders of flax seed what is flax seed you ask honestly i have absolutely no idea but i'm gonna get it and i'm gonna put it in my hair so let's go [Music] so i got myself a pack of lines up which is the dutch word for flaxseed the more you know what actually is it i mean the way that i would probably describe it it's just a regular seed that people have been using for over thousands of years but now some big corporation decided that it is a super foods so they can make it at least 500 more expensive than it actually should be isn't that like the problem with all the superfoods i mean quinoa is something that people have been feeding chickens for years and now all of a sudden it's like very expensive and totally very good for you i don't know but yeah let me just look up the actual benefits of flexi because apparently there are a lot of them so okay interwebs love it flax seeds are rich in vitamin e which is great for both skin and hair health it helps improve circulation in the head thus promoting hair growth and slowing down hair breakage that is something that i can use right now flax seeds are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids oh my god animals what are you flax seeds are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids which are known to be great for the skin and hair as they keep them nourished and prevents hair drying the nutrients of flax seeds may prevent hair breakage by improving elasticity of the hair that's also something that i can very much use and lastly flax seeds act on both hair and scalp due to the presence of nourishing nutrients like b vitamins magnesium manganese selenium and copper these nutrients boost hair growth and help them grow stronger and longer oh my god so if we have to believe in the internet this is like some magic ingredient however i generally speaking don't believe the internet because there is a lot of [ __ ] on the inside like i feel like most of it is just lies so i'm going to try that for myself i'm pretty skeptical of this i mean it's just it sounds too good i mean remember when everybody was saying how good coconut oil for your hair is and everybody used coconut oil on the hair and then everybody suddenly was saying oh no wait it's actually really bad for your hair so i'm just going to try that for myself and i will see what's going to happen so let's make some flexi gel right now sick hey welcome to my kitchen which looks kind of crazy right now with all the tape and stuff but i'm redoing it so you can just ignore it also yeah i haven't even shown you all my finished house and i'm already redoing everything life of a libra so to make the flexi gel it's actually super easy all you need is a pot some flax seeds obviously um and some water so i use a quarter cup of flax seeds and two and a half cups of water and of course make sure that your cat licks the water because that's just what life is like with the cat then you want to put everything in a pot and just boil it for around 10 minutes and you want to make sure that you keep stirring the pot because otherwise the flax seeds are gonna get stuck to the bottom and you definitely do not want that you also want to make sure that you keep an eye on the pot because otherwise it is going to boil over and that's also something that we do not want and you want the consistency to be like not too thick and also not too thin it kind of needs to be like i don't know like a slimy consistency i think i actually made it a little bit too thick but i'm just gonna work with it so it's done cooking right now so i turned up the stove and now i just have to let it sit for about 45 minutes and then it like thickens up a little bit and then i have to strain it so much work can't you just like buy this at the store honey dinner is ready no not for you wait no you're not oh god yeah my room is messy i know i'm also redoing this room so my entire house is messy and unfinished anyways i got my little gel over here pablo seems to really want to eat it my favorite i don't i don't know if that's good for you baby just don't try i mean he wants to eat everything though so but yeah can you see this is the concert what i didn't do anything this is the consistency right now it's very like it just looks like gel it looks pretty cool actually so since we don't want to put a bunch of seeds into our hair we gotta have to strain it okay and the way you have to strain it is by getting a container of some sorts and some stockings okay so what we gotta do take this and then just put it over like the container you have [Music] like this and then you pour this into there and squeeze it okay [Music] [Music] oh my god this is so weird what the hell can you see that point she's crazy so now we're gonna have to like squeeze it out of there oh okay see that oh this is so gross but also like super fun at the same time [Music] oh my god look at it okay so i got my beautiful flexi gel over here it smells like breakfast it actually smells pretty nice i'm just gonna go my hair through and be careful that this isn't gonna break off because my hair tends to do that whenever i comb it flex it gonna grab some of it i'm gonna put it in my hair it's such a gross consistency look at it they say that you don't really have to use another product but i don't know i always just tend to overdo everything so i'm just gonna leather my hair for some reason i thought that it was gonna be very difficult to like spread it through my hair but it's actually very easy to do and it feels kinda gross but also very satisfying they say that's like very good for a scalp and since my scalp has been through a lot in its life i'm gonna make sure to like really focus on my scalp like massage it in a little bit because my scalp deserves some me time so my hair is completely covered right now as you can see they say you have to keep it in your hair for about 30 minutes to an hour so that's what i'm going to do right now and then i'm gonna rinse it out and then um we're gonna see the end result wait why was that so hard for me to come up with i don't know yeah see you later alligator hey [ __ ] um it has been about 50 minutes since i put stuff in my hair and i'm about to rinse it out right now but first i just want to say i mean i know this stuff is called flexi gel so the fact that it like acts like gel shouldn't really surprise me but oh my god this is just like gel i combed my hair like this 50 minutes ago and like it didn't move so even if my hair doesn't get healthier because of this i might actually keep using it because it's such a good gel and it's not like crunchy or anything i actually kind of like it anyways i'm gonna rinse it out of my hair right now so let's do that [Music] hey well i rinse it out of my hair didn't use any shampoo conditioner i just rinse it out with water since it's like a very light mixture as they say on the internet so you don't really need shampoo so right now while it's still wet um i don't know it does kind of feel stronger for some reason i don't know if it's just like a placebo effect but it does feel kind of stronger so what i'm going to do i'm just going to like put it into the way that i want my hair to go which is very much inspired by my animal crossing character i'm just gonna leave my hair like this let it air dry and then once it's dry we can see the results we can actually like actually see the results okay let's go [Music] oh my god so it is about three hours later because even though i almost have no hair on my head at all it still takes three hours for it to completely air dry but was it worth all the effort [Music] yeah it was oh my god my hair feels so soft what um yeah i was very skeptical of this mask okay not because i thought that it wasn't gonna work at all but i just think that like they said so many amazing things about the mask i was like i i don't think that's like gonna be true it's just too much okay but my hair actually feels amazing it actually feels super soft right now my hair is like fried beyond repair you know it's like the state of my hair is absolutely terrible so the fact that just some flax seeds can make my hair feel soft again it's actually amazing i'm not sure if this mask is all of a sudden gonna let your hair grow extremely fast like i don't think that that is probably gonna happen i mean but it definitely makes your hair a lot softer and like shinier can you see that it looks so healthy and it feels so good i am going to rate this hair mask four out of five pablo hahahahaha because it's very cheap it's very easy to use it's easy to rinse out um my hair feels amazing my hair looks amazing but there's always room for improvement thank you so much for watching this video if you liked it please don't forget to give it a thumbs up also let me know in the comments down below what your favorite like natural hair care products are because i would love to try out some more i mean you can also send them some like actual hair care products but i just think it's fun to put food in my hair you know okay yeah thank you for watching see you next video bye-bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Crystal Lindy
Views: 93,896
Rating: 4.9804845 out of 5
Id: KJnQ_ViDOko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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