i tried a beer rinse to repair my extremely damaged hair *stinky*

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who wants to come day drinking with me hey guys how are you it's lindy welcome to a new affinity so as you might know i am on a quest to repair my damaged hair that is on my head right now and i could probably spend my money on some professional haircare products that most definitely will actually benefit my hair however that is just not the bath that i've chosen for myself because i just want to put food and drinks into my hair okay and today is going to be no exception previous thing that i tried is flexi gel and if you want to know how that went you can click over here or there i been doing youtube for so long and i still do not know where the little thingy appears and today i am [Music] going to put one of my favorite drinks into my hair and that is bear yeah beer that stuff that is terrible for your liver apparently is very good for your hair so let's just see what the benefits are okay let's go hello and welcome to my very professional research station yeah i know i'm suddenly wearing jewelry i mean i forgot to wear this in the intro and i wanted to feel fancy when i'm putting beer into my hair so for the research why is beer good for your hair i don't know but the internet knows so apparently there seems to be a lot of benefits of putting beer into your hair and if i'm gonna be honest it feels like it's kind of too good to be true because the list of benefits is very long let me read them all for you it adds shine increases volume boosts bounce strengthens strength replenishes moisture cleanses and clarifies deep conditions softens hair and creates fullness i mean that just seems to be a lot you know if it really was that good why doesn't everybody put beer into the hair i mean why do we use hair masks if just a single can of beer can do the job i don't know but then of course the question is why is beer good for your hair so apparently the malt and hops that are found in beers are full of protein and protein is actually very good for your hair because it nourishes it and it also strengthens it and i've done a multiple protein treatments in my hair over the last few years and those are by far the best treatments that you can do for your hair so therefore you know if beer contains a lot of protein then it might actually work because protein is very good for your hair but be careful to not use too much protein because if you do that then your hair will actually snap off which is something that has also happened to me i've done a lot of [ __ ] to my hair i know and apparently the alcohol in beer contains vitamin b and vitamin b tightens the hair cuticle which makes it easier for light to bounce off of it which makes your hair appear shinier the only problem with that is that i've always been told that alcohol is like very drying so i do not really understand why you should put like alcohol and already dry hair because it just doesn't it like make it worse i don't know you know what i'm just gonna try that for myself so let me get myself a beer [Music] i got it wait can i show this on camera or am i gonna get like age restricted i don't know hey [Music] got my beer and my beer again opener i don't know why i'm saying that so they say on the internet that you have to get rid of all the fizz so i think i'm just gonna like shake it and then open it pour it out beautiful so i'm just gonna whisk it for a little bit because i think that that is gonna get the fish out of it is it i don't know if this actually works but yeah let me just whisk it for a little bit okay because i just wanna feel like i'm actually doing something [Music] no that does not taste good so well idiot lindy is whisking her beer i'm just gonna wash my hair because you have to put the beer on clean hair so the scent is really gonna penetrate the hair follicles and since i have absolutely no idea when the last time that i washed my hair was i'm just gonna do it right now okay so i'm just gonna use some shampoo and then no conditioner because the conditioner is going to be like a barrier between the bear and the hair so only shampoo and after that we can put the berry in woohoo [Music] ready [Music] oh no not that creature again i am underage but thank you hey so my hair is clean and it's also dry because i just blow-dried it um i could probably also let it air dry but honestly who has time for that i just wanna like damage my hair and then complain about it and then put beer in my hair to fix it you know so i've got my beer over here and i'm pretty sure there's no fizz in it anymore but let me let me check [Music] so basically how you use it it's just a rinse so normally you would probably do it under the shower like that's a lot easier but i like to do it on my floor for some reason so what you do is you wash your hair then you rinse it with beer then let that sit for a few minutes and then you wash it off with water and soap maybe i don't know do you use conditioner after that i don't think you should probably so i'm just gonna dip my hair in the bowl and then put a towel over my head and then let it sit for about 10 minutes and then wash it off okay let me just dip it in there right now here we go [Music] oh my god oh it's so cool [Music] okay it's in my hair and it feels gross you can really smell it so i hope i'm going to be able to like rinse the scent out of it because i feel like otherwise everybody around me is going to think that i am a raging alcoholic because i just reek of alcohol right now so yeah i'ma let it sit for about 50 minutes and then rinse it off and then we should be able to see the end result i guess okie dokie [Music] okay i rinse my hair out and i only use some water and i think i actually got all the beer out of it i mean i don't really smell it anymore so hopefully the people around me are also not gonna smell it so right now i'm just gonna like i'm going to blow dry it a little bit and then let the rest air dry and then we can see the end result so yeah see you in five hours because it takes a long time for my hair to air dry [Music] my hair is dry so now we can see if it actually worked so let me just grab the list of benefits and see if they were lying to me or not first off let's shine i mean yeah it is pretty shiny it looks very shiny so i would say that one is okay increases volume i don't think so i mean my hair already has a lot of volume so i don't think the beer is gonna be able to add even more to it because i think i'm already maxed out on volume boosts bounce my hair is not moving no strengthens strengths i don't know if i would like feel my hair it does feel like harder does that make sense it definitely feels different however i'm not really sure if it's like stronger or just like dried out because of all the alcohol you know so i would say not sure on that one replenishes moisture i would definitely say no to this one because my hair feels super dry cleanses and clarifies i don't know maybe i also shampooed it so i'm not sure if it actually is cleaner or not deep conditions again no my hair feels drier soft as hair i would also say no to this one because like i said my hair feels drier right now than it felt before and it definitely like it feels harder and drier the last one is creates fullness which i just realized that increased volume and creates fullness is basically the same thing so to that i would say no so what's the end verdict on this beer mask the only thing that i'm like really seeing a difference in is like the shine of my hair but the thing is i have never like once in my life thought that my hair wasn't shiny enough like i don't know if this is a problem that people have but i don't need my hair to be more shiny like it's never been a problem for me actually it's the opposite of it because i feel like the shinier my hair is the more it's looking like a cheap synthetic wig i don't like it i don't like it it i don't feel like it did anything to my hair like i said it feels worse now than it felt before and also looks frizzier especially the ends of my hair so i'm sorry but this hair mask is not it for me i mean i personally rather drink the beer and then put it in my hair so that's what i'm going to do from now on this was today's video um please let me know in the comments down below if you've tried the bearings before and if it actually worked on you or if you had the same results as i have which is complete and utter disappointment so thank you for watching and i really hope to see you in my next video bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Crystal Lindy
Views: 28,683
Rating: 4.9694948 out of 5
Id: Jkl-6y8wV3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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