giving myself an intense 4 hour glow-up cuz i NEED it

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i really need a glow up hello fellow humans and welcome to another video um why am i so disgusting i'm sorry um hey it's me lindy hello i don't even know how to talk i don't even know how to draw so um you might know that i recently moved house okay which is very fun but also extremely um exhausting i've been wearing the same outfit for about three weeks now i think i've only worn makeup twice in about three months maybe two or three months i don't even know my fingers are basically falling off of my hands because they are so dry my hair well my hair actually looks kind of cool so that's one of the one thing that looks good but yeah overall i just i just feel like a mess okay and i don't like it so today i'm going to give myself a makeover and try to make myself feel good again make myself feel fabulous and amazing and gorgeous also this video is sponsored by regal rose which i am so excited about oh my god but i'm going to talk more about their jewelry later in this video so yeah let's let's go on to the first step of my makeover of the day oh my god i my skin just looks like i'm dead okay okay so the first thing that i want to do is something that i think is over here no okay wait so i am going to bleach my teeth today i won't be bleaching my hair about my teeth i've used this stuff once and honestly it it didn't work but i'm just gonna try it again and then maybe i got some a beautiful pearly white teeth at the end of the video you never know okay you never know ah ah changing my mind hey first things first let me take off this sweater that i've been wearing for way too long oh my god shocker another black shirt underneath my black sweater damn who would have thought i'm going to uh bleach my teeth but i'm also going to um burn my lashes is that okay i'm going to give myself a lash lip yeah i've done it before and that actually does work so since i'm on a time limit today because that's basically what i am every single day i'm going to do my lashes and my teeth at the same time also let me take this thing off i always dye my bus cut in like the most intense patterns and then i just wear a beanie the entire day where is the logic i do not know so i think i just need to like stick these on and then glue them down and then just do the whole washi blank so let me just do the whole sheblang okay oh [ __ ] oh my god they're still there's still lash stuck to the beds wow that's a good omen this is my before can you see that okay and then we're gonna create the after okay so this needs to stick there for one minute this looks and feels terrifying i'm seeing everything double right now now on to step two okay step one i i can't really see a lot anymore but now i'm going to use this i need to put a timer okay 12 minutes okay see what i have to do for my tea no no no stay here with me please you gotta stay how much do i need probably like the entire syringe i think you put way too much in there okay [Music] um [Music] um 20 minutes later um a content warning if you do not like gross stuff you should probably look away now [Music] okay step one and two are finished i got some beautiful white teeth that are still very yellow but they definitely look whiter and also got my lashes done wow i can't see it i feel like they look better right so next step for me is to do these bad boys welcome to crystal's crusty nail salon where i'm going to try and fix these okay i'm not going to do a lot okay i'm just going to work with the stuff that i have at home because you know pandemic okay my first step of my manicure is going to be o'keeffe's working hands oh there's a hair in there pablo's hair in there isn't there oh and now my nails oh look how pretty look at this oh god oh i just moisturize my hands and now i'm absolutely destroying them again with acetone ah whatever life is just like an endless psycho anyways oh bam it's very crooked but i don't care hey i'm starting to feel fancier by the seconds i am feeling fabulous already [Music] okay when it's time to put some makeup on this face and what i'm also going to do is i'm going to give myself a beautiful eye lift and these are little stickers that you just like plop on your eyeballs to um make your hooded eyelids kind of disappear i mean they don't disappear completely but you do get a little bit more eyelid space and i want that because i want to go for a bold liner um i made a whole video about these so if you wanna see that you know check it out okay primer i feel so much more fancy now i have these nails like even putting on my primer just makes me feel beautiful it's like oh look at me just casually blending in my primer very casually just look at it foundation and a sponge which pokey got a hold of i don't know if you can tell but yeah this is this is the sponge that i've been doing my makeup with for way too long now concealer contour for blush i'm going to use a lipstick because i want to get like an orange blush and i don't really have orange so i got this which is the nyx professional makeup lipstick in the color cactus dreams oh pretty use this whoa hold up beauty highlighter palettes i'm gonna use this color look at that skin damn eyeliner so let's go so now it is the moment of truth did i do a good job at lifting my eyelashes or not we shall see this is actually so pretty oh my god i did something good for once [ __ ] so even though i just spent an hour on giving myself a lash lift i'm still gonna wear some false lashes because i just like the look of it okay so let me just pop those on real quick and i'm going to put some red lipstick on because i'm feeling it damn boy that is some bright ass lipstick oh [ __ ] okay so teeth are done lashes are done nails are done and makeup is done and now it is time to do hair so let's go into my um wig stash and see which one i'm going to pick out i mean i already know which one i'm going to take but i'm just going to pretend like i don't you know so you know let's go shopping in my wig drawer literally like oh god gross yeah here are my wigs and guess which one i'm going to take the blue one oh wait what's that okay we don't need that the blue one [Music] i haven't worn this one in a pretty long time so it's looking very it's kind of gross let me brush it i can't work with these damn nails should i like style it it looks kind of it looks kind of weird right now right maybe like a side part [Music] it doesn't want to stay okay this doesn't work okay so i made two little braids in my hair which i did a terrible job at because i don't know how to work with these nails okay no outfits outfit outfit so let me go on to my beautiful closet which is over here and um i'm just spotting oh my god can you see that too can you see like this one red item that's just magically right in the middle of my closet right now whoa damn i think i think we should go for this one right and on to the very last thing and that is jewelry because i can't do a glow up where i'm going to transform myself into a fabulous human being without wearing jewelry it just it just makes everything better okay and that also brings us to the sponsor after this video which is regal rose so let me show you let me show you all the beautiful things that i got so in case you do not know yet um regal rose is a jewelry brand jewelry i don't really know how to pronounce that word but yeah they sell um earrings necklaces rings and it's all so beautiful i swear to god i've been wearing this stuff for years now i wear them almost every single day and i'm very excited they want to work with me again for this video so let me show you what i got first items are these super cute like adorable heart-shaped earrings with a little teddy bear in the middle oh my god these are so adorable i also have these earrings i love them they're adorable and i also got these super cute rings so cute and i got a matching necklace that like matches the ring which is so cool so cool and then the last thing that i got is zigzag necklace oh love it so yeah let me just put it all on my body on my body oh my god how am i supposed to do that with these nails wait no i got i gotta open it oh yeah here it is oh oh no there's no way i can do this there's no way i can do this hey okay what do you want me to do okay i want you to put all my jewelry on so um the black here this necklace that's a necklace yeah they can go around my neck really yeah that's what it's for yeah it's for your neck i don't know either ah beautiful okay with thanks to my lovely boyfriend i have all my jewelry in right now let me show you a little close-up moment yeah he was pretty rough with my ears so they are very red right now but yeah look oh it's so pretty so a big thank you to regal rose for sponsoring this video i will leave all the links all the items i'm wearing in the description box down below if you want to check it out for yourself okay so let me put on the dress and then show you the end results also my head is itchy from the wig i think i need to wash it i don't remember the last time i washed this wig actually i don't know if that's a problem okay wait let me let me put on my dress [Music] [Music] i don't need to make it over oh oh my god this is this is the end of my transformation and this is how i look my room is too small for all these lights that i have i'm just gonna please ignore this one okay good luck oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] also i'm not actually wearing shoes right now because i didn't know what to wear so i'm literally just wearing my my coffee stained socks right now which is kind of messing with the vibe i was going for but we're just gonna ignore that okay okay i like it i love the combination of the the blue and the red and oh my god i should have worn this on valentine's day but instead of wearing this i just wore my gross sweater and my gross sweatpants because i am romantic like that but yeah dress gorgeous hair gorgeous and of course my jewelry oh my jewelry look at look at my gorgeous jewelry the only thing that's missing is a shitload of tattoos i mean look at this look at this little spot over here i was supposed to fill this up last year like i wanted to get so many more tattoos but everything was closed and everything is still closed and i need to have more tattoos i don't know how to suddenly turn into me being sad but okay um i look fabulous thank you for watching this was today's video hope to see you in next week's video well i'll probably be wearing my gross sweater again also yeah i love having hair it's been so long since i looked like this oh my god this pandemic has really messed with my aesthetic oh yeah uh thank you for watching i'll see you my next video i love you bye-bye [Music] peace [Music] you
Channel: Crystal Lindy
Views: 179,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _EemXH3aqxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 6sec (1266 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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