I Tried Designing a Pocket Money App In 2 Days (UI Challenge With Feedback)

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[Music] foreign [Music] projects at my company so I'm practically being paid to do nothing so they've asked me to do a fun little side project two days to make an app I wanted to do this together and update you as I went along but one of the days is already gone so I had to get most of that work out of the way today they want me to make a money saving app for any target market that I please by tomorrow at 4pm I have to focus on the onboarding of the app so like the login screens and the introductory screens and make sure that that all makes sense and is realistic I've decided to go with a savings app geared towards children's budgeting and getting children understanding financial literacy and and getting children on board with saving habits because saving is good we should all save saving money so awkward I don't know where I'm going with this I'm just thinking about the fact that I literally have less than 24 hours to make this app and not only that I have to make a presentation as well with it and they're testing both they're testing the app and my presentation skills I'm on the verge of a mental breakdown what we're gonna do is I'm gonna tell you the market research that I did I looked at a bunch of different apps on the App Store like money box and Hyper jar so this is the hyper jar app it's sort of all these budgeting pots that you can add family members to and I believe this one is the NatWest rooster app for kids budgeting is that your tour allocation and how much money it is this is the 52 weeks my savings app this isn't really what I'm going for but it was just inspirational and it's sort of visual and it's UI it's very simple and it also feels like it could be geared towards kids so I was taking inspiration for it that way budgeting saving pots and a little bit of investing the only thing that I really found that some of them were lacking is an integration of both so what happens when a child learns how to save but then they get old enough to learn how to invest you know you turn 16 in the UK and you can open an investment account what happens then that's the sort of Niche that I want to fill with this app and hopefully they find that interesting if they don't that sucks but that's what I got that's all I got that's all I came up with in like two hours okay my desk is right here it's a mess I'm not gonna lie I'm not actually gonna show you because it's not bad but we're gonna sit down and I'm gonna put you at a very convenient angle to not show any of that mess hold on for some reason we have Rave lights in the bag Lou yeah that's nice here is the home screen I named it saver just because it's like a saver cool and edgy you know how the cool kids do I did a little cool graphic here where it goes like simple piggy bank to learning how to cut up and divide your budget to investing as you go up you want to get more complicated because as you grow up you sort of want to level up you know senior gets pretty much everything that the junior saver has except for an investment button option on the junior saver it'll have their date of birth so when they hit 16 years old a little pop-up will say graduate to a senior saver and the app will flip over to the investment side of things so they get a little virtual card on their phone they can tap tap tap away and they get to see the consequences of their own actions play out because what's a better way to teach a child how to save just give them complete free reign over their money I'm just gonna keep going with this tonight so yeah let's keep going [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] I think I'm gonna finish up there I'm really really tired now I'm feeling pretty confident it's pretty much just the identity checking pages that I need to flush out and the dashboard I think from when I wake up to 4pm I can get that done so yeah wish me luck I'll update you on how it's going tomorrow but for now I really need to get to sleep good night and I will see you in the morning foreign a.m I've got some new ideas of waking up fresh I'm feeling good so let's get straight into it and see how much we can get done today I have to finish the UI and make the presentation I'm not really good with speaking spontaneously I have to make a script for what I say I know when I speak to you guys like it just flows but if it's something like a presentation that I'm being graded on then I'm gonna need a script finish UI presentation script let's go [Music] foreign [Music] s here I didn't actually design them I just kind of copied and pasted them in as a vector file you can find them online on figma community but um they're really helpful for making it look more polished and look like it's in situ realistic because these things will actually pop up as you use the app so I think we're pretty much done we've got the main screen the parent or child login but choose your account type what's your number verification your name date of birth and ID video and then you know complete and once the parent has an account they can link their account to the junior account then the dashboards they're not completely done but almost got the parent dashboard which just shows sort of household saving part and recent transactions and I'm going to add a little bit for setting child permissions then we've got the junior saver account which shows their goal how much they've saved their wish list and their pocket money and a little bit about graduating to a senior saver when they're 16 and then the senior saver their goal they have little budget jars because at that age they'll be wanting to understand how to budget by themselves a little bit more I'm thinking about putting this in the junior as well but I'm not sure I've got to mention that I actually made two extra pages the first page is a saving checkpoint page which just acts as sort of incentive and congratulates you for adding to the goal there's a little dragon there's like a mascot to personalize it and it's just a fun way of seeing your saving progress then we have the lesson plan which is just like beginner friendly lessons on finance it eases you into topics like interest and investing and parents can actually monitor the progress of their kid and set rewards so yeah so two extra pages I made because we're going above and beyond here so I've been pretty much non-stop designing for the last six hours I physically cannot look at the screen any longer it's about one hour till I present the presentation needs a bit more work it's a bit basic right now I'm gonna take a half hour to take my eyes off a screen [Music] thank you [Music] thank you foreign a couple times the market research that I did I found three main themes in savings apps number one Investing For Adults investing geared towards adults I designed saver family budgeting a family budgeting app teaching children to save and invest that teaches children to save and invest the parent the parent the parent the parent the parent dashboard to help them more as I said to help them independently manage their money and divide it as they see appropriately a little lesson section here and then the little like a little lesson session tab that's it that's the app and I have 10 minutes until I present I'm gonna go over this a couple more times familiarize myself with what I'm gonna say [Music] that'll do I think I've got two minutes I always get nervous before these things bravely breathe no one else is there yet I have to share my screen and there's so much in the background hold up let me delete everything please Lily why are you going crazy thank you my mentories I hate it when it's only hello literally just finished have you yeah I feel like a tight deadline in my experience the best UI design has done 10 minutes it's always in high stress mode I made a snazzy little app called saber lyric writing has blocked me over already and I found a sort of like Gap in the market for an app that teaches children how to save their pocket money as well as start to become more like Savvy with investing once they're old enough the onboarding I tried to just make it really simple the parent will choose whether they're junior or a senior and a senior essentially means they can set up an actual investment account like an ISO they've got a main saving goal for instance like if a junior wanted a bike or a senior wanted a Nintendo switch that's there and they can save towards that that's it yeah so first of all that child was getting paid way too much through the work really good he's really good Lily like honestly like the the style you've gone for the little imagery Parts the idea itself and the thought behind it is really really good first of all you presented back about a research so it was nice to see that you you haven't just jumped that off what can I start visualizing there is definitely a good bit of thought put in Turkey I like the way that you told the narrative there rather than just here's the UI I would have liked to know more about the styling of why you made some stylistic choices so like the little dragon and stuff is really cool tell me more about that um I guess I just thought like for instance if a kid is going to be more engaged with it than they'd want like a character to attach it to yeah just add news little bits okay because that's a clear conscious decision that you've made did you check any of your contrast accessibility's been doing this I did try to sort of eyeball it yellows and oranges quite often they don't pass double A or Triple A standards of contrast they're a nightmare to design with to be honest which is a shame because the color scheme in this is actually really nice done that went really well they gave really good constructive feedback I was so deep in designing that I couldn't see some of the stuff that they were saying so it was really good to get that feedback I'm so tired now if you have any other recommendations of another theme of app for me to design I'm more than happy to take suggestions if you put them in the comment section below thank you so much for watching this project and I'll see you in the next video bye foreign [Music]
Channel: Lily Cameron
Views: 27,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ui challenge, graphic design progress, lily cameron, vlog, fun challenge, day in the life, day in the life as a ux designer, designer, learn ux design, product design, product designer, tech, ui, user experience, user experience career, user experience design, user experience designer day in the life, user interface design, ux, ux design, ux design process, ux designer, ux/ui, what does a ux designer do, what is ux, women in tech, ui design
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 08 2022
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