day in the life of a UX designer *realistic 9-5 vlog*

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[Music] foreign [Music] good morning we gotta walk the dog I applied to this local Foster volunteering group and my application is still being processed I work from home and I was thinking more recently about getting a pet but I just can't commit to its entire lifetime so I think fostering is the perfect in between yeah I'm practicing on pixie today with my parents dog I need to get used to having a dependent around feeding times someone that follows me literally everywhere when I'm peeing in the bathroom a little bit of getting used to but that's what we're doing okay there we go let's go she's doing a number two she always lies down in the elevator I think she gets scared foreign [Music] welcome back to the channel today we're going to be doing a little work from home day work from home day in the life of a tech girly there's a couple things changing in my work from home routine but I can't really tell you the context until a future video so today might look a little different compared to other days I'm a little scared and a little excited for Change Change is always scary right my desk is a mess so we have to clean that up to be able to start our working day it's currently 8 40. and I was just getting ready for work and I think I've been feeling a little down lately so I wanted to do something fun let's do a little flower here or something like that this is gonna be hard [Music] okay much better all clean let's get changed and set up for work I'm really channeling the Elven princess Vibe today [Music] [Music] I say hello say hello to the nice people like And subscribe because we are so so close to 20K she's gonna help me be extra productive and on the ball today aren't you she's actually just gonna help stink up this room you stink pixie you need a bath another thing on the to-do list speaking of to-do lists let's get up notion and make a to-do list of the day if you haven't seen my notion tour already I'll put it somewhere on the screen but today we're just gonna add some stuff to Thursday [Music] foreign [Music] I find it helpful to listen to something calming while I'm working like jazz they like jams you like jazz so I'll give you a little bit of a rundown if you're not really familiar with ux design I'll just give you a very like simplified rundown of what I do day to day I'm designing app screens so like what you see on your phone when you use an app what the buttons look like how you interact with the app you know have you ever opened an app and it's just super annoying to use it's really like old it's dated it's clunky it's my job to not do that it's very like psychological I have to get into the mind of the user all different kinds of people who might have completely different life experiences from you for instance if I was making a fitness app I might have to think about people who struggle with Mobility or something I don't know I just love it it's like everything that I like doing as a job as I said at the start of this video there's some things that are changing in my work routine lips are sealed for now let's work let's focus foreign [Music] I'm designing app screens and when I show my boss or show my client it can be kind of hard to imagine what it would be like as a fully coded real life app so I've been loving Proto pie for adding responsiveness and interactivity to designs thank you to protopi for sponsoring this portion of the video they let me test out the platform and I've got good things to say it's really helpful for bringing designs to life and adding transitions button clicks animations without ever actually having to write or know a single line of code they do have a free plan I got you but they did give me access to the Pro Plan which gives you unlimited prototypes password protected shareable links and so much more over on your left you've got screens and layers like normal and then in the middle of the screen you've got your workspace and to the right you've got your editing panel where you can add triggers and responses which make up the interaction so add out a trigger like tap select which layer I want it to apply to and then add a response like move you input where you want it to go on the screen and there you have it you have interactions that are easy as pie get it I'll stop you can easily import from figma and continue right where you left off I tried it out on a few screens I designed here here you can see I added a working text input field which is super immersive and they have other phone functions you can make in a test design like scan with camera and speech to text it's insane seeing static screens come to life like this without any code because let's be honest I don't want to touch code with a 10 foot pole and it's not just apps it's web it's marketing material art animation it's whatever you want it to be learning protopi was pretty easy it took me maybe three days to get the basics the super efficient and streamlined with the process that I already use as a paid and a hobbyist designer and it comes in handy on my resume too because companies like Google and Microsoft use it as well I know learning a whole new software can be kind of daunting but have no fear protopi have a bunch of tutorials and tips on their learning platform prototype school if you're into it check out the discount code in the description of this video for 30 off when you sign up for your protopi plan let's get back to work foreign let's get some lunch so let's check if these light bulbs fit in this lamp and this lamp I got them both at the charity shop but I just haven't been able to find the right light bulbs for them I don't know bayonet caps is that what you call it oh my God oh my God it fits I have to figure out if you work at all look how beautiful the lampshade looks I actually haven't even seen it with the light on yet I'm not gonna lie my office was such a mess this morning but I've cleaned up a bunch of it I actually just moved everything out of frame over here I'm just being real with you guys it's the reality can't be perfect right now I'm doing information architecture information architecture is like a mind map of all the information on the screen and what's most important to least important in its hierarchy [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I'm going to take a little bit of a break I'm pretty much towards the end of my work for today there's not really much more to get done but I'm excited to be done for the day foreign [Music] [Music] anything to you look at me come here come here it's a silly face [Music] once 4pm rolls around it's kind of just a little stretch of the day I'm tying up in the Sands making sure I've sent off any work that I have to send off and trying to stay awake I realized that I had to film this video today to get it edited by the time that I want to upload it for you guys because I'm going to nice and I didn't realize like I literally had only a week left to prepare this video for you sort of tired of working at my desk um I think I'm gonna take my iPad over to the couch and just work from there for the rest sort of lost hour of work today [Music] thank you [Music] it is 5 13. we have finished the work day pat on the back because the back breaking work that I do drains me it drains me all right it's time to blow off some steam I have to train for a 10K in August if you follow my Instagram you'd know that though Insider inside a scoop follow my Instagram let's change into something I can run in and let's do a run okay this is the Running Fit pretty basic but I get really really sweaty when I run so I don't really want to run on anything nice keys phone I forgot to post this on my Instagram story but I'm about to post it now 3K I'm already dying no more I'm going back the run is done well got milkshake afternoon what I'm so dead but pixie needs her walk you ready let's go come on [Music] oh you're terrified I see is there a downward dog with me [Music] I was sitting there on my phone for the last hour it's now 9 00 p.m like I don't know where the time went like but guys I'm so dead after today especially that run that run really took it out of me even though I only did 3K and I did it at such a slow pace I don't know how I'm gonna be ready for my race I just don't know all I've really got to do for the rest of the day is uh get ready for bed like take my makeup off I need to have some dinner but I don't know like I'm just not hungry I've got leftovers from last night that I'll probably nibble at I feel kind of sick to be fair after my run I didn't even run that far I'm such a another half an hour an hour it's now 11 p.m I've been up editing that video the video you're watching right now for like two hours Let's get ready for foreign [Music] took a quick body shower my friend did lend me this book Tara if you're watching thank you I'm gonna start it tonight the secrets of roster Place Let's Get Cozy I hope you enjoyed today's video and spending time with me and doing my daily errands and my work and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Lily Cameron
Views: 60,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ux design, ux designer, lily cameron, vlog, ux design vlog, day in the life of a ux designer, get into tech, work from home, work from home setup, designer, learn ux design, user experience career, user experience design, user experience designer day in the life, what does a ux designer do, women in tech, product designer, day in the life, sarah pan, chun buns, breanna quan
Id: _pG2XLbW8KY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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