I Secretly Fed My Family Vegan Meals for A Week

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oh my gosh this might happen okay plot twist kind of up my cake it's a bowl of vegetables i took a big risk i thought it would pay off gorgeous it's just six-year-old behavior yum i'm into this oh yeah thumbs up is it good oh yum hi i'm hannah i'm the world's okaiest mom and last season i secretly hid veggies in my family's food for an entire week and it was a huge success so this time i'm going to try to take it even further i'm going to secretly feed my family vegan food for well i'm going to secretly feed my family vegan food for an entire week will this seven day vegan challenge solve my problems i don't know let's find out wish me luck so here's the plan for the week i want to make every single meal and snack vegan for the entire family minus henry i'm gonna just tell them that i'm trying new recipes which i've used that excuse a lot i think so i don't know how well it's gonna work we have tried a seven day vegan challenge before and i got a lot of good advice saying that i wasn't prepared enough and that i bought too many pre-made foods and that's why my grocery bill was so high so this time i think i have a better grasp of what is vegan and what is not if i make it through this week and nobody notices that i'm sneaking vegan foods i get to treat myself to an entire pint of my favorite ice cream so first things first where am i we moved basically working from home with all the kids at home and only having a pool and concrete backyard like drove me to the brink so we sold our house in l.a we're living out in the california desert in a tiny tiny 1 000 square foot home but there is lots of land and lots of outdoor space and we're really loving it here and i've since discovered my love for crocs i have two pairs of dope crocs anyway that's our situation onto the food vegan breakfast is actually pretty easy to make because we usually do a lot of fruits for most breakfast i just make toast and i'll do this like superfood honey wait is honey vegan so i googled it and i feel like there's a lot of mixed opinions around honey some people choose to eat it as vegans and some don't so i just played it safe and i put it back in the cupboard instead i'm going to do some superfood coconut butter serve it with some sliced banana yum something that i had recently discovered before this week was vegan yogurt it has come such a long way in terms of creaminess and flavor that it's almost indistinguishable it is so delicious so i got this they can read so i'm going to put it in another bowl and see if anybody notices you guys want a little yogurt before we go on our walk i love yogurt do you want soda okay i'll get you some bye don't hover thank you so i was so excited to see the boys blind taste test this yogurt and see what they thought because they are yogurt connoisseurs that's good how are you doing wyatt they loved it they could not tell the difference they thought it was delicious and i will keep buying it thumbs up is that good oh yum so day one was easy let's take on day two day two was all about the cheese i've had very mixed luck with vegan cheese and i really wanted to do something special and tasty i'm making deluxe cheesy back i hope it substitutes with no issue and just with the theme of cheese i've decided i'm going to serve it with a caprese salad i found a vegan mozzarella and so it gave me the idea to make a caprese salad i got this beautiful big heirloom got some regular tomato okay plot twist this mozzarella is very mushy this cheese turned out to be more like a thick cream cheese it's not like like a regular mozzarella where it has like some bounce and some stretch to it it does taste good though the flavor was there so i didn't even mind the difference in texture the boys on the other hand you don't like that cheese tomatoes i like what's wrong with the cheese i don't like the tomatoes because there's green stuff on it's basil friend then just take the basil off okay really good [Music] that's really good the noodles are good the sauce is fine everybody loved the mac and cheese they ate it they loved the meal why it did notice it doesn't taste like cheese but he still ate it it made me a little nervous that they might have noticed that it was a vegan meal so i figured day three i'd have to step it up a little bit more we're getting a late start to dinner but i have my potato peeler right here while we make coconut curry so when we were living in los angeles this thai restaurant that was by our house had this amazing yellow curry with potatoes and carrots and chicken so i use that as inspiration for my day three meal at the core i am a clean out the fridge cook i am not a recipe person i look at what's in my fridge i look at what's about to go bad and i figure out what to make with it and that was my biggest mistake on day three i had kale that was on its last legs i had to use it and i wanted to see if they still enjoyed mushrooms and i think it was just too much and yes those are crops what are your thoughts what do you see i see mushrooms my favorite you like mushrooms yeah it's good what do you think ryan [Music] wyatt what's your favorite part [Music] you'll notice that wyatt doesn't talk much in this video i think it's primarily because his sassiness has evolved to the next level where he refuses to acknowledge me sometimes what do you think it's like thai thai flavor is it like the restaurant yeah henry is full-blown toddler now so he was painfully trying to get something off the table any different the curry was underwhelming it was a little too vegetable forward i'd say i really think that after today they're on to me so day four my mission was to throw them off it's burger day these look great they cook up just like regular burgers i made a salad with tomato butter lettuce cucumber usually i would top it with some cheese but we're not gonna miss it and then i have all the fixings for some epic burgers and then i did get some veganese i've heard great things about veganism i've heard that it actually tastes better than regular mayonnaise so i figured what better way to try it than on a burger we're gonna put it to the test it looks like you use like vegan vegan burgers yeah beyond burgers do you like them though yeah they're yummy it's fantastic [Music] honey just give it a taste it's not mayo it's a cream sauce try it are you finished oh my goodness thumbs up they loved the burgers end of day four i am feeling very confident in my sneaky skills i feel like i've thrown them off completely and they don't suspect a thing so of course i blow it on day five dinner time tonight for dinner i am going all out i'm going to make an epic stir fry the one thing i'm going to try to incorporate is tofu i like tofu i eat tofu all the time i serve it to my family and i know that they don't like it so why i decided to bring out the tofu for this week in particular is beyond me i should have known i have this gorgeous head of cauliflower i'm gonna roast this separately some of the best vegan food that i've ever had is asian inspired with asian seasonings and flavors ponzu sauce so good on a stir fry i thought would go over really well and maybe change their mind about tofu i was wrong what do you think [Music] there was a very adverse reaction to my stir-fry you'd rather have fun yeah i would rather sorry this is what henry thought even henry didn't like it tough customer it's a bowl of vegetables and rice everybody hates it it's fine it's not great day five big fail 100 my fault but i had two more days to really blow it out of the water and do a good job so day six i decided to make buffalo chicken burgers because the beef fooled them pretty well so i wanted to see how fake chicken did can't go wrong with a little fruit on the side this looks good how does lunch look good it's really good wait did you see i gave you a small avocado piece just to try will you eat it yes amazing what do you think it's really good oh gosh there's a big mess on the table that's good the bun certainly helps this is very good those chicken patties were fantastic and crispy and juicy and so good down to the flavor and texture if you hadn't told me they were vegan i probably wouldn't have noticed yay finally something quiet like it seems like i have three happy customers i think they ate that entire meal truly believing that it was chicken day six was a big win back on track so day seven it was time to finish strong day seven big finish here's what i decided to do i wanted to combine a classic meal with a wild card ingredient so i'm gonna make some pasta sauce some bolognese and spaghetti obviously spaghetti what else do they make up my game i've gotten these meatless browns and i'm gonna put these in my sauce and they're gonna be delicious and as an appetizer you can grab cakes i am allergic to shellfish and it was an adult onset allergy so i didn't become allergic to shellfish until after i'd already had wyatt i am so excited for these if these taste anything like crab cakes i'm gonna freak out the secret to my tomato sauce i use san marzano tomatoes and i like to get the whole peeled ones and i squish them with my hands so satisfying got some salt and then i'll add a healthy amount of oregano then lightly dried basil but the great thing about san marzano tomatoes is they're less acidic so they make the sauce really sweet you don't have to add any sugar or anything and this might happen so i'm going to bring this sauce to a boil reduce the heat to a simmer and just do it forever set it and forget it you want to simmer as long as you can releases all the flavor makes a delicious sauce i have my vegan crab cakes cooking appetizer is served [Music] not quite but still good just it's not very crabby you have to buy this again this would be the best one jackson was crab cake he fell in love i think maybe because he was so young when i became allergic to shellfish he doesn't really know what it tastes like or remember what it tastes like so this is the first time he's really had anything close to a crab cake you don't like it wyatt did not like the crab cakes which didn't surprise me and all it meant was there were more for jackson to enjoy oh yeah this looks fantastic is that good yeah it is good i'm missing a little parmesan oh they love my pasta i make good pasta i made it through the week i really felt like the boys didn't suspect anything at all so all that was left was to tell them do you remember the food we've had the past week did you know that it was all vegan yeah and they knew the whole time so i tried to be a sneaky mom for the week and my sons are so kind they humored me but i thought i was the sneaky one in the family but they're the real sneaks of this video so the one thing that i did take away from this week was i found a lot of meals that they really enjoy and that was really exciting because i want to continue to incorporate more plant-based meals into our diet so i know i said that if i made it through the week and tricked the boys i got to reward myself with a pint of ice cream now i didn't trick them but i did already buy the ice cream and i'm an adult and i can do whatever i want so that's it for now i'm hannah and if you don't already make sure you follow me on instagram and please message me and let me know how you think i did with this challenge was i sneaky was i not am i a mean mom please let me know and if you'll excuse me i have some work to do on this ice cream til next [Music] time [Music] you
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 1,255,790
Rating: 4.9320378 out of 5
Keywords: I Secretly Fed My Family Vegan Meals for A Week, K_fe, KtKp, buzzfeed, buzzfeed hannah, buzzfeed video, buzzfeed wine mom, buzzfeedvideo, family vlog, hannah williams, millennial mom, millennial moms, mom in progress, motherhood, parenthood, parenting, parenting advice, parenting tips, vegan family, vegan food, vegan recipes, wine mom, world’s okayest mom, young moms
Id: BlQ8_B1XMLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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