I tried Andrew Tate's $49 course The Real World... (as a STUDENT)

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The Real World by Andrew Tate is it worth it in 2024 as a student the answer is yes and no first of all I'm Aaron a base grade student on self-improvement and a few months ago me and my friends my closest friends decided to buy the real world and try it out for a month we bought one joint account and we shared the account amongst each other so we didn't have to spend 50 bucks each and we were just planning on joining for one month and grinding through all the courses and taking notes on everything so we didn't have to stay in it for that long so we then went on call one day and we bought the thing firstly we explored all the different courses and like campuses they call it that they have they have social media client acquisition stocks AI content creation and a lot of like different campuses where you can go into and make learn how to make money so for example one of my friends went into the AI campus another one went into copywriting and I went into the social media client acquisition campus and let me actually now tell you about the content right the content was actually pretty damn good they had all they had different professors for each campus so you didn't get to learn much from Andrew Tate himself but you know it's stuff like copyrighting and your Tate never did copyrighting one thing that you should keep in mind though is that if you're a student you're likely going to be under 18 and most courses in there are people who are over 18 and have a bit of money to like invest in their business to get started like for example the Drop Shipping course you need you needed like at least they said minimum 1,000 bucks to like you know invest in the products and buy ads and stuff also to do Drop Shipping like legally you needed to be over 18 and I don't know if you really want to do that and sell cheap Chinese products for like 10 times of the price so during that month we extracted as much value as we can from The Real World we went through every single course grinded it and took notes on everything so how much money did I actually make from the one month that I spent in the real world zero nothing and I think I know why cuz I didn't really try that much to try and use like the nor that they gave into there to try and make money and stuff online my friend who did the copyrighting campus he actually tried and he managed to secure a deal for I think 80 bucks it was and he got paid in crypto so that that's a win I mean you can make money from The Real World so it definitely has shown to work I didn't exactly join the real world to learn you know the best well creation method and make money online I wanted more to you know learn how Andrew Tate you know ran this community you know kept the engagement High how everything was structured I just wanted to see how these online communities work you know all the way from the sales page to the actual process and stuff this in like marketing terms is called funnel hacking I I have a book I can go show you right now I recently had read com Secrets where he tells you about funnel hacking and it's where you buy someone else's product and then you go through their funnel as like a customer and then you see like how everything works so you can you know Implement some stuff yourself so I more so joined the roll to funnel hack and not exactly to learn how to make make money but still I went through the courses and some of the information in there was really good I mean it wasn't an Tate that taught us but I mean it was his like people that he outsourced it to there was one campus though where it was Andrew Tate speaking but there he just gave us like motivation and mindset stuff and not really exact you know nitty-gritty wealth creation methods but the real world did have some pretty good courses I'm not going to lie like I went through the Charisma course which is really good Spotlight course there was a old like Andre Tate Body Language course which was also really good and so what do I recommend to you I say that you try it out you know you try it out maybe for a month and see if you actually like it and you actually Vibe with it the information in there is not bad at all and it's definitely something that you should you know spend the time learning but I think the value goes down after a month I think you should buy into the real world planning to stay for only a month and extract as much value as you can like we did cuz after month that's where like the diminishing effect occurs where like the results you get in the first months like the information you get is really good it's it's a lot and then after a month it kind of like tapers off cuz there is really nothing new they say that they updated it a lot but it's not really much you know that $50 can be spent elsewhere like you can invest it into your business or into your goals but if you do buy the real world and you really like it like you like the accountability you like the community cuz there are like like-minded escape the matrix people in there if you do like that Vibe and Community then yeah feel free to stay in there it's it's a great Community but I I personally think that you should just stay in there for a month and get like the maximum bang for your buck value information from there and then just leave by the way on that note when I when we tried to leave there were like these uh questionnaires that you had to do like why were you leaving like what happened and once we answered the quick question here there was like an an tapate video where he like sold you on why you should stay in the rare world and me those were some really good sales videos bro is so good at selling it's actually really impressive it almost made us you know want to stay in the re world for even longer so that is something that you should keep in mind and I found this useful cuz you know I could like take some lessons from the sales videos you know see what he's doing and Implement them you know further down the line but after one month I really think they should cancel the subscription and there are other like very good sources of information on the internet some people are like Alex rosi bro bro is an actual goat in like online entrepreneurship business there's Alex her mozi there's Sam ovens there's also this new guy called Charlie Morgan he's also really good I found and they also give like really good like based business entrepreneurship advice and it's not like these clickbaity type videos where it's like dopamine edits every millisecond and you don't actually learn anything but just you know consume content but it's but the videos that they post are really high in value for entrepreneurship and business just wanted to say that so the real world yes it's worth it cuz you can learn a lot of information in the first months you know get a lot of value which I think is worth the 50 bucks that you spent and know in the sense that after the one month there's really not much point in staying like you don't get that much value and that much bang for your buck and instead you should you know spend that 50 bucks elsewhere but if you do like the community of the real world and you do want to stay in there and you like the accountability and stuff then yeah sure 100% keep staying in the real world hope this helped in your decision this was just my opinion do subscribe and I'll see you in the next one all right all right then we share it for them as well br
Channel: Aaron Chanda
Views: 4,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aaron Chanda, Is TRW worth it, Is the real world worth it, I Tried Andrew Tate's $49 Course The Real World (Insane Results), I Tried Andrew Tate's $49 Course The Real World For 30 Days..., hustlers university, the real world, andrew tate, i tried the real world, hustlers university review, the real world review, i tried andrew tates course, andrew tates the real world review, i tried andrew tates university
Id: mHaI7ydUgzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 35sec (395 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2024
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