i wore only solid colors for a week omg (ft. unzzy)

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hey guys how are you it's lindy welcome to a new video so in today's video i am going to do something that is very far out of my comfort zone because i am going to try well it shouldn't be too hard to put some clothes on but i am going to try and wear colorful outfits for one entire week and i know that for a lot of people this isn't really like a big deal or anything but i only wear black or white or gray clothing like i i do wear colors sometimes but i generally just wear black because i don't really like color that much so i thought let's do something that i've never done before and let's wear some colorful outfits for an entire week oh my god and today's video is kindly sponsored by ansi and that is an online clothing store and all the clothing i'm gonna be wearing for the upcoming week is from them so yeah let's start on outfit and numero uno oh no no no no i kind of look like a crazy painter right now like i'm about to cut my own ear off i think i'm just going to tweak this out a little bit because i went in very hard for the first day especially this beret oh my god oh my god i'm wearing way too much highlighter today oh god that is what happens when you put on your makeup in the dark this looks way better yeah this looks way better by the way look at the back of the shirt um but i like this but i can also wear the other one with a white t-shirt underneath it maybe that's better okay wait let me let me change wait i actually think this looks way better and the beret also makes sense now so i think i'm just gonna wear this today am i already cheating on day one pokey pokey what do you think of my outfit pokey is not impressed pablo what do you think oh my animals are all so lazy oh my god it is two o'clock right now and it is time for me to leave my house because miss thing needs to go on a walk you want to go on a walk ready for a walk [ __ ] um i do need to wear a jacket though because it is too cold for me to not wear jackets so it kind of messes up the outfit i'm sorry but i have to because otherwise i'll freeze to death sort off i'll get cold i don't want to get cold so yeah i'm walking around in my purple getup and i actually don't feel awkward right now i actually kind of like this outfit maybe it's because i'm wearing a dark jacket on top of it i don't know okay am i still looking good okay so the next fun trip that i've planned for today is going to the grocery store yay i mean of course there's like a lot of different things that i can do right now so i'm just gonna go to the grocery store in my getup [ __ ] and i'm going to buy myself some ingredients to make some kimchi and we have this like service over here where you can rent a scooter um by just using the app you know 2020. and we have three different companies who do that but two of those companies are green as in their scooters are green but one of the companies purple so i'm just going to check if there's a purple scooter nearby because you know it matches my outfit so ah yeah there is one okay oh god there's literally a green scooter around the corner of my house but you know i'm just gonna walk a few minutes so i can get a purple scooter for some reason i am home hey papi wanna say hello to all your friends on the internet hello anyways do you all remember how i had to walk a few more minutes to a scooter because i wanted to have a purple scooter instead of a green scooter well a woman actually came up to me to compliment me on my outfit and she said that she thought it was really cool that my hair met scooter so you know it may have looked a little bit excessive but in the end it was all worth it i was looking pretty fly on a scooter [Music] oh [Music] it is day two which means it is time for outfits number two so today's outfit was supposed to be more of like a deep teal color um but it looks more green which is kind of sad because i got a different green outfit planned for this week so i'm gonna have two green outfits i guess but yeah let me show you my fit for today outfit numero dose oh [ __ ] [ __ ] i actually really like this outfit probably also because it is extremely comfortable to wear but i also feel kind of cool you know because i'm wearing baggy clothing it's making me feel cool cool that is what cool people do right they dab right what do you think of my outfits you just want to lick my ear let's go to uh judge number two oh you're sleeping again what a surprise hey baby what do you think of my outfit today really isn't gonna be a very interesting day because i'm just gonna film a video and edit it okay and i'm not really gonna leave my house today so yeah also i got my kimchi oh [ __ ] look at this bad boy oh it smells so tasty i love myself some homemade kimchi very good very nice let's film a video pablo can you stop that um i filmed the video it's done should be up on my youtube channel hey i think if you're gonna see this video it's uploaded the week before so last week um but yeah still wearing my outfit i like it it's very comfortable um it's very cute and i am not mad about it at all [Music] pablo are you sitting in your favorite box again uh [Music] so pretty okay it is day three and today's color is going to be my least favorite color because today it's going to be red but since red is my least favorite color um i really tried to make a cute outfit so i actually have two options for today so let me show them oh my god this car looks so bad on me what i'm not gonna wear this today i already know because it is actually like super short i think that this dress is so cute you can like zip it up to be a little bit more um modest oh my god i look adorable this looks so weird on me oh my god i have red lipstick on my teeth why did nobody tell me this why didn't you tell me that it looked like a fool damn but yeah this looks cute but i think we're gonna go for the other outfit so let me quickly change i feel like i might have over accessorized a little bit because there is a lot going on right now but yeah this is uh my outfit for day number three i think i might take this off i don't know is it too much i think it is too much yeah i definitely feel like this looks better it looks a little bit more casual instead of me trying really hard to blend in with the cool kids of today hey what do you think of my outfit and what do you think okay i am going outside um i have to wear a jacket again i'm so sorry i know it kind of messes with the outfit but i live in the netherlands and it's cold over here so i really need to wear a jacket but yeah i'm gonna walk with my little girl over here i'm looking like this right now i will try to like keep my coat open okay so people can still see the outfit so yeah i am outside in my beautiful red outfit and i gotta be honest it's actually pretty nice that i got these red gloves because it's so cold outside right now oh my god good girl oh i am done walking poke and i'm gonna be honest i got a lot of weird looks on the street but to be honest i always get a lot of weird looks on the street so i don't know if it was because of my outfit or just because of me in general i don't know i have to work now um i have to edit tomorrow's video so that's what i'm going to do right now with my fingerless gloves so i wonder how good i'm going to be at typing um [Music] hey hey that's red hey pokey you're excited that dad's home again hey what do you think of my outfit it's pretty different than yesterday this is more lindy yeah you think so but in red yeah but yeah this is today's outfit yeah what's up with these gloves look they have hearts on them all right and the shirt has hearts on them oh wait i'm not wearing my necklace wait wait wait wait yeah i've gotten my heart-shaped necklace as well i kind of got a theme going on it's a little wednesday today no it's a valentine's day i think it looks good yeah it looks good you think i should wear more color in my life yeah but i'm not a fan of red no it's my least favorite color yeah today's outfit is kind of um it's already a failure because i only got one item um today's color is green and i got a skirt but i also wanted to have a green sweater with it which looked so cute it is this one but it was sold out so right now i only have a green skirt with nothing or on top of it so hey this hey i was wondering what do you have something that i can wear on top of this skirt i don't think so we don't think you have a green sweater i don't you do i do nuts the one with the towel fabric oh yeah yeah i already looked in his closet don't tell him well you can wear that if you want okay thank you so this is outfit number four get is included i actually really like this oh my god this skirt is such a pretty color i just feel very cute right now i feel adorable and it actually has like built-in shorts look it's so cool oh my god i love it when skirts have that pablo what do you think of it you like it pablo what do you think of my outfits oh okay yeah you like it oh my god please don't ruin my mouth [Laughter] yeah baby i love you too oh my god look at my glasses i'm like asking powers right now what do you think of my outfit yeah funny funny in a good way or funny you know please don't ever wear it again no i like it i like the color i'm not really fan of the pattern but i like the color you don't no i think it's cute hey oh wow we are at the beach right now and i'm actually blending in very nicely with the big car yeah you're blending in perfect it's nice right it's like you almost can't see me nope but yeah this is my outfit kind of sick look how pretty [Music] oh my god everybody um it is friday which means it is the last day of my colorful outfits and since it is friday i thought why not wear like a party outfit i mean i'm obviously not gonna go to a party today but you know friday is like thank god it's the weekend you know so i thought let's celebrate with a party dress hey it is your favorite highlighter oh my god this dress is so bright i think this dress is cute okay like i really like the fit of it it fits me pretty nicely however it is super short look can you see that oh no you can like see my butt so bright i am uncomfortable and also a little bit cold but i do look kind of cute right it's kind of cool but also it feels weird so yeah let's just go on with my day i guess pablo what do you think of my outfits do you like it oh god why do you always lick my ear okay well she licked me so i guess she approves of this outfit so i sent a picture of my outfit to destly and literally the only thing he said was huh is it conan's dog and if you do not know conan's dog is like a national holiday over here where everybody wears orange so i guess he doesn't like my outfit oh wait what i'm literally getting a new message from him right now oh wait he said he's joking he said it looks cute with my hair like this oh thank you honestly i feel so out of place in my own home right now this is way too bright but i do really like the fit of this dress though like i feel like it makes me look good i look like a woman damn i look like a woman today [ __ ] so everybody this was my week of wearing only colored outfits oh my god the wig is done friday was kind of a failure i'm sorry but that dress was just way too cold to be wearing right now but overall i actually really liked it i really liked the outfits that i was wearing and i felt super cute in them not saying that i'm gonna wear only color from now on because that's definitely not gonna happen but maybe i'm going to you know add some color into my wardrobe the only color that i wasn't really a fan of was the last color the bright orange because it was just it was just a little bit too intense for me okay it was so bright oh my god i think i am more into like the the darker and muted colors because the the loves dress was basically just a highlighter but overall i would definitely consider this to be a success so that's kinda cool [ __ ] [ __ ] so yeah everyone i really hope you like this video if you did please don't forget to give it a thumbs up also let me know in the comments down below if you think that i should wear more color or if i should just stick to black white and gray which honestly i wouldn't blame you if you would say that and let me know what your favorite outfit was i think my favorite outfit was probably the first one the lilac one i thought it was pretty cute so yes everybody thank you all so much for watching this video also of course a big thank you to anzi for sponsoring this video i will leave all the links to all the items i've worn in the description box down below so you can check it out for yourself and yeah i really hope to see you in my next video bye [Music]
Channel: Crystal Lindy
Views: 67,793
Rating: 4.9740658 out of 5
Id: MZ_9lLrn9c4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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