I Transformed the OCEAN into an AXOLOTL ISLAND in Minecraft Hardcore... (#8)

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on the last episode i found 200 of the rarest axolotls in minecraft but there was only one small problem they didn't really have a home so on this episode i will be terraforming the ocean and turning it into a giant axolotl island where more than 200 axolotls can live and thrive in this was an insane project and it took me so many days to complete so if you guys can please like and subscribe that would be amazing anyways welcome back to episode 8 of my hardcore series i hope you guys enjoy oh my god look at all those axolotls that is over 200 blue axolotls the rarest mob in minecraft it took me a whole episode to get these guys but i finally did it and i one-upped wadzy but the thing was one up me on is having a better home for these guys because these guys are stuck in a little glass box so now in this episode i'm gonna have to one-up him again and build the axolotls a better home and my plans is to make a giant blue axolotl island where all the blue axolotls can live right here in the middle and they'll be surrounded by sand and random stuff to keep them happy maybe a movie theater or like a popcorn bar or something for some entertainment for the axolotls i have no idea but this is gonna be a pretty big project last episode if you guys haven't watched it already go check it out in the link below but i finished making the mountain part of the home so the inside layer but i still have yet to finish this side the outer layer and the sand in the middle so this is probably gonna take a whole episode i'm gonna need a lot of resources and right smack in the middle i'm gonna have another mountain or the island and it'll be pretty tall with a big blue axolotl sitting on the top of it i have no idea how i'm gonna make that but uh we'll see how it goes and hopefully it'll look better than wadzie's but first things first i have to grab some food and obviously i'm out of food like always just like every single episode oh never mind actually to begin this episode let's harvest this potato farm i haven't harvested since like episode three or something when i made this so all these potatoes are probably like moldy and rotten it probably smells like rotten toes but i'm gonna harvest it anyways let's see how many potatoes i get comment down below the exact number of potatoes you think i will get and i'll try to heart your comment because honestly i don't even know how many potatoes i would get from this and there we go i have a whole inventory full and i still haven't collected all of those on the ground but let's fill up this chest here or i'll fill up this whole barrel and let's collect the rest and with all the potatoes picked up i have about a whole i have about 10 11 12. uh 13 stacks of potatoes and a whole barrel so if you guys guessed right i'm not sure what the math is you'll get a heart but that's a lot of potatoes and the sun is setting already that that's how many potatoes there were oh my i forgot i need to replant them oh my god all right a quick snap of the fingers and voila there we go totally magic it only took uh the whole night to plant all of those potatoes but now don't eat harvest the potatoes for like a solid three years i mean days all right but like i said the main goal of this episode is to build those 200 blue axolotls a new home and i already have some resources in here but i think we're gonna need a lot more stone so let's go grab some resources and head back down into my shirt mine geez i actually mined out a lot look how long it is that's uh that's what she said that's what i didn't say because i say short but anyways let's minor even more of this strip mine for some stone and luckily i've soaked touched enchantment on the monkey demolisher so i don't need to smell some cobblestone to get the stone thank god all right let's get mining all right minor this huge section let me actually light it up so no mobs spawn down here and i got a lot of stone i unfortunately did not find any dimes though holy cow this is a long path alright i think i have enough resources to start i have a whole bunch of stone a lot of sand and some miscellaneous blocks to add around to make it look a little natural it looks like these turtles are already moving in though i'm sorry for destroying your little island but it's gonna be a huge beautiful island soon guys by the end of this video it's gonna be beautiful trust me on that all right trust me george he doesn't trust me all right but now let's do some building let's grab all of my stone and let's work on the middle island right here i don't think i'm gonna make it go all the way down to the ground because there's a bug in my face you guys can't see me when i'm throwing hay makers in the air right now i'm swinging at the air trying to get this bug off my screen but i don't think i'm gonna make this a mountain that goes all the way down because it'll block the view so it's just gonna be like a random floating island or something so let's do some building all right this is what i got so far it's just gonna be like a little round island i don't wanna block too much of the view because i wanna still see the axolotl swimming in the middle all right i think i completed the island or at least the bottom of it looks alright this is not the best let's say just a big plop of stone in the water i want to add some nice little decorations like oh my god they could swim hello is this even fair minecraft this does not make any sense how are they still flying what is this we're designing these things go go go go i'm running away oh my god these things are so annoying whoever added these to minecraft really needs to get fired all right i'm going to bed all right but as i was saying after i got really interrupted by these flying actual apes i think it would look really good once it adds some little decorations like oars and vines or some chains that like hook onto the mountains or something some corals at the bottom it's gonna look fantastic all right and now with all the remaining stone i have left i need to make the stone mountain on the outside perimeter of this entire thing and this is gonna take a lot of stone look how big the outside perimeter is oh man this is gonna be a grind all right but we gotta start somewhere so might as well start now [Music] i realize this is gonna be kind of hard to build because it needs to gr and because it needs to be like in this all right yeah i'm not gonna try to explain let's just try to start from the bottom up i'm not sure how i'm gonna do this though so i'm just gonna like monkey it or something and see how it goes i'll see you guys in a bit all right i got a little outline for how it's gonna look just to make it a little bit easier so it's gonna have to gradually like curve upwards into that thingy majiggy and hopefully that will look more natural i don't know what i'm saying thing is this will help guide me to actually make you look natural so let's fill up this entire side and see how it looks i wish i could actually breathe underwater like a mermaid man all right let's get building [Music] all right this is what i got so far it's not the greatest it's a little too smooth for my liking it doesn't need to be perfect it's just a little mountain but it's gonna look great once it goes all the way around but i might have to add like a little bit of uh jazz over there i i don't i don't know i i'm not good at explaining guys i'm sorry i'll just shut up and continue building i'm actually gonna do all four sides first and then i'll start doing the corners because the curved corners look kind of hard to do if i had the conduct it would make my life so much easier i always have to go up and breathe again why didn't it add scuba tanks in minecraft come on just add it to minecraft just for me guys all right and i got this side complete this one doesn't look as good i think i kind of messed up a little bit on like the gradualness of the mountain if that's even a grammar i don't know i got two sides complete and now i got two more shots to work on but these corners are gonna be kind of hard to work on i'm also running out of stone so i'm gonna have to go resource hunting for some stone again well it's not really hunting if the whole world is made out of stone oh i'm so stupid all right um let's work on the other side now we're making a lot of progress though all right i finished the third side and now for the fourth side we're slowly getting there guys don't worry all these blue axolotls will be happy soon because they're probably getting super claustrophobic in here i'm surprised they haven't started fighting each other yet because if i was one of these guys i would start brawling don't worry you guys would be happy soon in the meantime have some bread or or some kelp or a block of stone to eat and suffocate on i don't know hello sir and goodbye all right this is the final side let's get cracking ah what if your brother came i'll be able to meet your brother again all right let's get cracking away let's finish this up i find it pretty awesome that you can completely tear for minecraft though it seems kind of cool that you could like take this empty ocean and build this giant island in the middle of it and make it look super natural well i mean it doesn't look that natural yet but i'll get there i think it's kind of cool huh maybe i'm just weird i don't know put some stone here some stone there maybe some stone there some over here and what bam all four sides are complete this one's kind of awkward because it kind of connects to the uh the sand island that was already made from minecraft well what is happening here minecraft what is going on we got an infinity ocean pool right here but anyways now that all the sides are complete i need to work on the corner pieces and some of them are pretty large like this one like it's a huge corner piece so it's gonna take quite a long time and i already used like a whole inventory of stone and i'm probably gonna need a whole another double chest because i only have two stacks left so you guys know what that means it's time to go stone hunting all right i'm finally out of the mines i was in there for way too long probably a couple years ooh my mega project is looking pretty sick though it's looking pretty nice i do have a whole inventory of stone and hopefully this will be enough to finish up everything i really doubt it but let's just pray together all right but anyways the same thing let's get back to building all right i got these little lines for the corner pieces but look how much kelp is in the water i have to clear so much kelp just to build it's starting to lag my minecraft a little bit it's lagging my toaster oven i paid good money for this all right now for the bottom outline i gotta make it like curve to each of these pillars just like this it doesn't even be perfect as long as it looks kind of cool and natural ish i guess and connect it to that bam and there we go that's not too bad it curves pretty well and it will go all the way up and it'll look like an actual mountain range in the ocean kinda i guess i don't know this might actually turn out really bad i think just in my head i'm telling myself it's gonna look good we'll find out in the end how it will look let's start building this up here alright i'm making a lot of progress here i'm basically halfway done well i guess not that section in that section i haven't been giving a lot of love but i'm basically halfway done it's looking pretty good i think it's curving pretty well not too bad i still have a little bit of stone left i'm gonna need a lot more stone i have three more corners to work on but let's speed this up here uh-huh yes an hour later i finally completed one of the corners for the island it goes all the way down to the ocean and all the way up and it's looking pretty poggers i really need to stop saying that that's so like 2012. all right but i finally finished one of the corners it's looking pretty good ah [Music] oh yes the dolphin finally came to visit me finally i can swim faster oh i could breathe too oh wait never mind i'm dripping oh he already left me yo where you going at least you guys are here watching me play stone blocks all right the second corner is complete sheesh that took a really long time and the good news is i got the hard ones uh oh actually this is still kind of hard i was gonna say i was gonna say this part would be easier because i thought there'd be like a mountain in here but there isn't so this one is just as hard okay let's uh do a little spin and it's here yep i am done finally all right that is the third corner complete i only have three stacks of stone left though so i might not be able to finish this but i do know this corner is pretty small as the smallest of the bunch oh oh my god i think i could finish it it's ashy's puny i thought it would be like a lot bigger okay i think i could finish it with three stacks oh let's go and i am done i think i've right-clicked my mouse at least like 10 000 times already let's see how this corner looks uh not bad it doesn't really matter too much because you don't really see this corner but hey i think it's pretty good all right let's hop on my boat and let's take a spin around the entire island and look at the stone i'm finally complete placing all the stone down it looks like a huge volcano coming out of the ocean it's not too gradual with the ocean floor like i still need to place down some sand so it looks like it like slowly turned into the mountain it looks like someone just like landed a spaceship right into the ocean or something the good thing is i'm finally done that took a couple of hours but now on to the fun part now all i need to do is add some sand all around this little ring and the island in the middle so it actually looks like an island floating in the ocean so i'm gonna grab some dirt or some random blocks i can place along this water and then put some sand on top of the dirt so it doesn't fall into the ocean you know what i mean i haven't seen this village in a couple of episodes though it looks like they're doing pretty good some villagers are still alive get back in there get back in prison all right let's collect some dirt here destroy the planet i'm just kidding don't do that kids reduce reuse recycle why did i even come up in my head i haven't said that since like fifth grade i'm actually a child all right but i got a whole inventory of dirt now let's head back to the house and the sun is setting so uh mobs are coming soon run cookie run use those fat short legs all right but i got a whole inventory of dirt now i think i got way too much to be honest and let's start on the platform and we're finally done the entire dirt floor is complete and now i can place some sand above it now let's grab the sand and let's go oh my god my brain is going numb why did i decide to do this i could have just left them in that little box and the sand is good oh complete there we go all right it's actually starting to look like an island a little bit once i remove all of this cobblestone here and make some little mountains like this right here with the sand it's gonna look really good we're almost done oh i totally forgot to do the middle island gotta have some sand in here too oh yeah it's coming along nicely it looks a lot better now that it is sand instead of cobblestone oh yeah once i remove these cobblestone rings around it's gonna look nice and juicy oh yeah boys and girls it's coming along you guys know those like floating islands in dubai where there's like they make man-made islands in the ocean this is what this is what it feels like doesn't it to be like wealthy but i'm i'm wealthy in minecraft they're wealthy in real life but i'm really this is looking a lot better now this puts a smile on my face i really like this there is one creeper claiming that island though we got to claim it [Applause] yeah my island all right but now let's get rid of all this excess stone that's surrounding all of these borders right here and make it all sand oh yes it's actually looking like an actual island i'm actually really happy how this is turning out once we have some mountains in there some little corals we're gonna be set it's actually reminding me of dubai for some reason this is definitely one of my biggest projects yet in minecraft now let's add some little mountain ranges right here like with the sand some little hills some bumps so it's not too flat let's add a little hill right here i have some plans over there i think i'm gonna add a big waterfall so the actual lavas can swim up it and feel cool i guess and over here i'm gonna make a big stone arch right around here like a mcdonald's sign and yeah and right in the middle will be the blue axolotl i'm not sure how i'm gonna make that model but i'll try my best all right just ran out of stone and i'm also running out of sand yeah time to go resource hunting again all right after a long time i collected all of my resources i got a lot of stone and a whole butt ton of sand with some sandstone and this will help me finish my waterfall over there i just realized i'm building a bigger and more beautiful home for my axolotls than myself i've spent two full episodes on this i literally terraformed the entire ocean for those axolotls and i live in that little shack yeah whenever i build my house it's gonna have to be a huge project i better be living in the white house or something but anyways on that note let's continue building the axolotls home oh man all right i think i finished the waterfall i don't really know how to make it look any better than this i added some little like bumps right here so make some cool ripples in the waterfall or something out let's take a look from the far hello mr turtle and oh it's actually not bad it's not bad i tried mixing sandstone with sand to like give it a nice textured look or something i'm just trying to sound smart um but i think it's pretty good so i'm gonna go grab some water buckets and let's fill it up with water and see how it looks and let's grab some water holy cow i have a lot of water from all that acts a lot of breeding all right let's fill this up with some water oh here we go that's actually not bad that's not bad let's jump down here into the waterfall oh see all those ripples that actually work all right i'm liking it hopefully the axolotls don't swim up and die up there though they could escape from up there too so i still need to find a way to make some walls so the axolotls cannot escape and i still need to make it look good too like i kind of don't want to surround it with a glass because it just doesn't look that natural so i'm not sure what i'm going to do yet and let's also add a nice little pond right here on the floor level so the axolotls can have like a nice little chill spot this is where all the mating will happen for the axolotls and there we go not too bad so we got big waterfall over there and a little chill spot right here it looks like the turtles are moving in quite nicely it seems like they're enjoying their new spot all right can we take a moment to appreciate how big of a project this is you guys remember the starting of last episode when they were just a little small sand island right here look at this we literally terraformed the entire ocean and we're not done yet all right now i'm gonna make a big stone arch right here that is it's going to take a while so let's just try my best to design this i'm actually going to make a layout first just to see how it will look let's make it kind of high like this go up it was kind of high that's uh not a good thing to say and connect it up all right let's see how it looks from the bottom break my toes that side's a little messed up there we go i fixed it a little bit i lifted that side and now let's uh let's thicken it up a little bit just like me all right i've thickened it up and it's looking pretty good so far now i just need to cover it up with some sandstone some sand like some toppings and we'll be good all right there we go added some sand some sandstone i'm liking it we're almost done decorating let's add some little more hills around oh my god i'm going to sleep oh go away go away go away go away go away go away i'm done i'm done i'm done save me axe laws do they attack phantoms they're still chasing me okay i'm just going to bed yeah burn how do you guys like that oh wow it's it's coming together guys it's coming together those actually i was gonna be so happy there's so many axolotls in there too all right now the plan is to decorate the inside of this pond with some corals something really colorful to make it pop and look real nice so let's go grab some coral reefs from that ocean i should need more food to be honest house is always the problem in one of my episodes like how i still don't have any food i have 28 here okay that would do oh man the sun's setting all right turn around time for bed what i gotta wait for the sun to set this is this is amazing all right it should be night time now let's go find some coral reefs i think there's one all the way over there near my desert bottom where it's still all the sand bro i had a boat my boat titanic i'm i'm literally in the middle of nowhere all right it looks like i'm swimming my way all the way over there i'm finally to some trees of course that happens to me let's chop down some of this wood and make a boat oh there's some right over there maybe it was destined for my boat to break and to swim over to this island because it led me to some corals oh yeah let's go destroy the ocean don't do this kids keep our ocean safe but for minecraft this is for a good cause because i need these corals for my axolotls and luckily i have silk touch so i can actually get the corals with the color in it it's not like the ugly gray because if you mind it like with a normal pickaxe i think you get the poopy ones like it's just gray and there's no color to it let's grab some pink my favorite color some purple some nice gorgeous red ah the sign of production and progress a whole bunch of coral blocks floating in the ocean but i kind of feel bad stealing from like the ocean i think i got everything in color and now i don't feel that bad because there's a lot of corals over here so let's go down and destroy more of the ocean don't do this in real life guys these are actually really important to our ecosystem all right i got basically every single block from the ocean this should be enough hopefully so let's head back home get off my island i spent a lot of work on this all right so let's grab these blocks here and let's make some corals i honestly have no idea how to make these i think you just place them randomly let's try like uh how does that look it looks okay i i don't really know how corals look let's put some fire ones over here let's actually make it look like a fire how does that look it's okay all right anyways let me spam the entire floor with all these corals and then we'll take a look and see how ugly or how beautiful it is alright i added a whole bunch of corals at the bottom and it looks pretty good i love the extra color and i'm gonna add some on the side as well so it sticks out of the stone part and see how it looks so let's put yellow one right here get some purple ones right here a red right in this corner a nice little pink one and last but not least the fat blue one i used to love the color blue that used to be my favorite color i swear blue was everybody's favorite color as a kid already added a couple on the sides and it looks pretty good it looks really nice with the color now let's just throw in all of these random flower looking things these fans and this should make it a lot better let's throw some blue ones all around here some yellow ones over here some of the red some of the purple and last but not least the brain ones the pink bam bam bam bam bam bam bam all right that took a super long time i had to make two more trips to collect more corals to fill up this entire place but it looks really nice with all of the corals everywhere and all the color axolotl is gonna love this place i still have 24c pickles so let's uh slap these down all over the seafloor i guess this is actually not a lot of sea pit because i should have got more ooh there's a dolphin in here hey buddy thanks for the help oh i didn't even get okay i did i didn't even put any corals on this one okay i only have a couple left so let's just slap some around here all right all the sea pickles are down and i think that's enough decorating that is a lot of coral to put down a little too many i also decided to cover the middle island with coral and i put a lot in here so it looks pretty good but now that the entire place is all colorful and decorated let's start putting some sand everywhere to actually make it look like the ocean floor because right now everything is basically stone especially the walls so let's take some sand and let's spread it all across the wall right here to make it look a little more natural hey we got our first glow squid in the aquarium nice he's probably gonna suffocate anyways because i swear they don't live that long i've no idea how squids always suffocate it's so weird it's like basically choking on air they live in the water how do they die in the water and there we go this took way too long to change just these two sections of sand because you gotta break the stone and save the court it's a lot of work but i think i'm only going to do that much because uh because changing all this stone to sand will take so long anyways i think we're almost ready to bring the blue axolotls over here all right now that the water is basically all decorated let's throw a whole bunch of cactuses around to decorate the top so all these islands can look at least somewhat better instead of being all sand and stone and we'll bam cactuses are placed down and i don't think i can still touch dead bushes it would be a nice addition here but you know what i can add some of these oh yeah let's slap a bunch of leaves everywhere not too much but just a little will make it look a little better at least i hope so aha there we go what do you guys think a nice little addition with the leaves it adds a little bit more color to the sand i think it looks pretty good i also put some leaves into the water so it looks like it's growing into the water and it's using the water to like you know get water i don't i don't know i just think it looks pretty good i need to get some more leaves though because i think i want to put some more into the water so it looks like seaweed so let's grab some shears i think all i need is two and let's go to bed because the sun is setting and off we go to collect some leaves my favorite part of the day yes my leaves i need to make a leaf song you guys remember when like back in the day when making minecraft music was a thing remember captain sparkles and all of the main music i think we need to bring that back all these all these youtubers are rapping now and get into the music industry i think it's time for me to make some minecraft music and it's gonna be all about leaves someone wrote me a song with all the lyrics and send it to me on twitter and i'll sing it for you guys that'd be so funny all right let's collect all these leaves up the sound of money coming into my pockets and let's jump into the water and place some leaves down here just so it looks like some seaweed that's growing from this uh little island or something i think it'll look pretty cool let's let's see how it looks and there's all the leaves in the water what do you guys think it might be a little too much now there's a lot going on in here i try to add a lot of seaweed what the you can't be you can't be here this is paradise you know i think it looks pretty good to be honest there's a lot going on but it looks like paradise it's super colorful there's a lot of plants and everything growing around and i think the blue axolotls are gonna love it and now i need to come up with a fence it's either use glass blocks and just make a glass fence all the way around which is kind of boring but i'm not sure what else to really do because i don't want any of these blue axolotls to escape let me do some brainstorming yeah i've been talking about glow squids he already died yeah i think unfortunately glass fence is the only way to do it i'm gonna have to make a glass fence all the way around the perimeter and make it two blocks high so none of them can escape but i must say it's looking really good now i can't wait to see what it looks like when it's entirely finished but let's take a break and go to bed all right but let's smelt up all this sand for some glass and i'm gonna go grab a snack snack break everybody go get some water and hydrate yourself stay healthy i'll be right back all right i got my glass and let's make the border all the way around this island just like this so nobody can escape and i'm also gonna make a glass box above on top of this waterfall just in case the axolotls try to do a prison break or something just to be safe all right and we are done which side do you want turtle outside free world or the better world totally not a prison all right looks like you don't have a choice you're going in paradise all right but i think i surrounded the entire border with glass i'm gonna make a quick run around to make sure there's no gaps anywhere and i think we are good nothing is escaping yeah let's not think of this as a prison let's think of this as like the protective area so they can live here in peace all the turtles dolphins and axolotls all right so far so good now let's dolphin dive into the water and let's make sure there's no gaps at all in this stone layer because if there is and i see axolotls escaping that's not going to be good after spending so much time on this so let's make sure there's not a single hole that leads them out to the ocean alright after swimming around a bit i don't think there's any gaps so this should be a safe home for all the axolotls now i think it's time to move them all into their new home this is pretty exciting i'm pretty happy for this i can't wait to see all those axolotls in there i really hope it goes as planned but this time i'm actually going to move all of the axolotls with water buckets because last time when i let the axolotls pour out into that little glass box they all despawned and now i can actually count every single axolotl and know exactly how many axolotls i have what the this guy's spin body but let's move all these rarest axolotls into their new home [Music] all right here's 30 axolotls in my inventory and let's place them down yes all right the first eight is in i hope you guys enjoy your new home please don't despawn looks like they're sniffing it out it seems like they like it and there is another eight another eight right there and there's my first 30 of the blue axolotls in here holy cow it already looks like there's a lot and they're feasting on the tropical fish in here see now i don't need to feed them because tropical fish will spawn in here and they can just feast look at them all right that's 30. let's keep an eye on them to make sure they're not escaping or anything all right looks pretty good all right let's get some more water and transport more of these blue axolotls home there's another 30 let's put them into their new home and now we have a total of exactly 60 blue axolotls in here now that the axolotls are in a bigger home it looks like there's a lot more axolotls compared to them being stuck in that little cage but let's keep going until all the axolotls are moved into their new home and that is 90 in total 110 more to go and after transporting all of the blue axolotls from the cage all the way to their new home i was finally finished alright guys here's the big reveal every time i look down i started lagging a bit but here is exactly 219 blue axle bottles in here that is on the dot exactly 219 i counted with all of these buckets holy cow there's a lot more axolotls in here compared to that cage since they're all spread out now you can actually see every single individual one and there's a lot but it seems like they're enjoying their new home they literally cover all of the water it's pretty insane but i'm proud of what i've done and completed it looks like this dolphin's kind of scared of them this guy's hiding in the block on the surface oh my god there's three of them where'd you guys come from it looks like a whole school of piranhas down there to be honest like they're just waiting for their prey imagine i put some tropical fish and see and see how it looks of them chasing them i should go grab some tropical fish and put them in the water and just watch the army of axolotls chase them over i'm kind of curious to see how that looks to be honest so let's go grab some tropical fish hey nemo hey buddy all right now those things look like piranhas don't those don't look like tropical fish it's like a murder scene look how many fish are just chilling here god these axe laws are insane all right but let's put down a tropical fish right here oh okay there's a couple let's just spam them all in the middle let's see what happens oh oh my god look at the army wow they killed them so fast oh nemo wow that's like me when there's food on the table alright but that's a big success all the blue axolotls are in their new home and they're out of the cage now the final project before the episode ends is to build the middle island and build the big blue axolotl model right in the middle so it truly is the blue axolotls home oh my god i've been working on this project for so long i'm running out of food again i'm gonna go get some more potatoes good thing i made this potato farm so early in my hardcore world all i gotta do is just add like a little mountain here so the axolotl could sit right on top of it so let's put some sandstone just like this place down some sand try to make it look a little more natural all right now let's put some sand on the top so i'm gonna have to go to the nether to grab some quartz so i can use some quartz blocks to make this axolotl model so let's head over to the nether for my second time honestly i probably should have grabbed some gold boots or something ah whatever how's there a spider here hello you do not belong here but i do see some quartz up there so i'm gonna grab it with my silk touch pickaxe i want to get home i'm fortunate for even more quartz all right let's grab my trusty fortune pickaxe and let's mine all of these courts and there's a lot over here actually it doesn't look like a lot but it's around three stacks of quartz blocks draw some guesses of how many quarts i would get from all of this all right and if you guess this many around seven stacks you are a legend let's turn these all into blocks and it doesn't give you a lot i thought we'll give you a lot more than this and i'm also gonna make some light blue dye just like that all right let's go see what color they look like yeah they're bluish and oh they're actually kind of a dark blue like at least their fins are they look more purple than blue to be honest but this is the closest i can get to their color i think i feel like purple dye is a little too dark and they also have like orange little gill finney thingies and how on earth do i make orange dye orange and red i got it so let's grab some dandelions i totally did not have to search that i forgot how to mix colors and we learned that in like fifth grade or something let's grab these i swear all my videos are just stealing from the nature well i guess that is kind of minecraft all right let's turn these into die and this should turn the orange nice all right we got some orange dye i think i'm just gonna make the axolotl white and just use the blue paints or something cause there's no way i can get like a block of their color and i need stairs and slabs too so there's not not much to choose from i have no idea how i'm gonna do this so i'm probably gonna follow tutorial on youtube or something but let's make some slabs and let's try my best here all right i got the little face done it's kind of ugly it doesn't even look like a face to be honest it looks pretty random but i think i might change that white terracotta to blue wool i snatched these guys fur light blue wool and bam it's not too bad i think i like that a little more at least add some color so it looks like a blue axolotl but now let's come up with the body shape i kind of wanted to curve around this little hill so the tail will end up like right around here or something so let's see what i can come up with or maybe something like that will work i'm not sure if i'll be long enough but uh we'll see all right let's add some meat to his bones all right i got two little feet for him right here organics are hard to build in minecraft props to my build team because they are really good at organics let's put a foot maybe right there that looks kind of messed up all right and i think i put one over here and how does that look right there not too bad all right now let's expand his tail a little bit let's drop it down one and maybe it'll dip into the water i think that'd be kind of a cool looking tail so he's dipping his little tail into the water i think that's a pretty good size all right let's give him some extra meat on his body all right let's take a look at what i've completed daddy uh yeah that's kind of messed up maybe this side is good that side is a little too straight it looks like a staircase to heaven or something i i need to add some extra curve to this all right there's a little bit more of a curve to the tail so it's actually looking pretty good it looks like a lizard i guess that's what an octolado is a swimming lizard all right let's take these glass panes let's make some orange paints for for the antler thingies i said antlers but let's add some over to his ears maybe like right here we kind of like point out this way i think something like that maybe a little taller oh those are tall ears never mind that a little too tall maybe that's perfect length and now let's do his cheek fins i think they come out like back here somewhere i have no idea and there we go i literally just placed them at random spots let's go see how it looks oh man i'm kind of scared oh it's not bad ah it's okay it might need to be a little bit longer i have no idea i moved those front fins closer to his little cheeks and i think it looks a lot better now let's take all the pains and make some light blue stained panes and this will actually make it look blue and i think i'm gonna make it go all the way down it's like front of the head all the way down to its tail alright so let's start from the top maybe like right around here oh i just broke his head did i break his face nah i think he's good i think he's good all right let's take the pains go all the way down his spine kind of like this oh this is gonna be so messed up and it'll go all the way down to his tail oh this is gonna be so ugly you can't really see it though maybe one over here no idea where i'm placing these and one right there oh man all right let's take a look how this looks i'm kind of worried oh it's actually not bad it's kind of leaning on to me it's it's pretty good i can never mind the more i look at it the more ugly it gets i'm not gonna lie but i need to fix it up with all those little gaps i'm missing oh yeah i think it looks pretty good guys i wish i could replace the quartz block with blue block so it actually looks like the blue axolotl but i could not find any block that matches with their color so it has to go white and add some little blue touches around let's try to take these blocks and turn it into blue blocks and with the remaining blue wool that i have i just spotted the axolotl with it and it looks a little better but that is my axolotl but i'm actually going to quickly make some fence gates and this will just add the extra touch that axolotl needs and let's put some fence gates right here just like that and some over here and now he has some claws like i said i'm not good at organics at all yes there we go the blue axolotl island is fully complete i got the waterfall the arch some leaves some cactuses a huge sand ring island in the middle of the ocean i even fully completed the ring island of sand with stone in the ocean so it looks like it's connected to the ocean floor and the most important part the inside ah yes it's so peaceful down here even more stones some leaves a lot of corals which took a very long time the island is fully grown with coral reefs there's somehow a glow squid in the island and the most important part all of the axolotls 219 of the rarest axolotls in minecraft in total take that wadzy alright but this video took a very long time to make it took days of building and recording so please drop a like if you guys enjoyed subscribe if you guys are new and i'll see you guys next episode on saturday also make sure to watch my other videos because they all take a very long time to make and there's a lot of effort thank you guys so much and i'll see you guys later oh and i totally forgot for the people who stayed till the very end drop some names for this guy in the comments because i really need a cool and sick name for this guy he needs to sound like the king so drop some names in the comments and i'll rename him in the next episode the guy that comes up with the name will be shouted out in my next video and yes i know i didn't add leaves to axelotta okay i left him leafless maybe next time
Channel: aCookieGod
Views: 1,369,886
Rating: 4.9561753 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hardcore, hardcore minecraft, minecraft hardcore series, hardcore minecraft series, minecraft hardcore ep 8, acookiegod, acookiegod series, acookiegod ep 8, i transformed the ocean into an axolotl island in minecraft hardcore, i drained the ocean into an axolotl island in minecraft hardcore, i transformed the ocean into an axolotl island, i transformed the ocean and turned it into an island, i drained the ocean and made an axolotl island, minecraft draining ocean
Id: lDsco7hXbeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 33sec (2133 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 07 2021
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