I Transformed Fallout 4 into a REAL Apocalypse!

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[Music] Fallout 4 has a million possibilities when it comes to its modding scene and after over two years since I lasted a Fallout video on my channel I thought I was a long Duo return in this video to tackle arguably the series most valuable thematic aspect and as you've read in the title that's of course its nuclear apocalypse and so I set out to uncover some of the best Fallout 4 mods the community has to offer to truly enhance this now 80 year old game into something you might see in the 2023 release and do it in a way that offers a new challenge that'll change the way you view the Commonwealth from hordes of the Living Dead ghouls roaming what once were populated public areas and settlements plagued to Forever relive their Undead Nightmare to a realistic bustling Boston city that is now glorified to immersively be the most treacherous and danger-filled location in the game that is home to a plethora of new horrifying and immersive Gauntlet enemy types so sit back and relax and get ready to re-experience Fallout 4 in 2023 [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Commonwealth a desolate state of isolation and Decay and Fallout 4 captures that feeling in its environments and art Direction but that doesn't entirely mean it can't be improved visually in order to immerse you further in the world around you so we'll start by covering mods that affect the visuals and environments and for this section I'm mostly going to show you a few Alternatives in terms of the four and fauna as I personally like to keep Fallout 4 vanilla themed as a lot of its thematic elements are centered around the type of environments that inhabit the Commonwealth and so we have two mods by the same author the first name Ross Bel Flora the second named frostbite which as you can tell completely transforms the world around you into an icy frozen land born out of a nuclear winter that has fallen ever since the bombs fell but while I think this looks amazing for this video I'm going to stick with rust belt as it aims to inhabit all of the traits that the vanilla game did but in a much more beautiful way overgrowing the entire Commonwealth with Autumn Brown trees and completely reworking the grasses and ground covers and it's honestly such a big overhaul that this alone could reshape your experience with this game but next is vivid weathers and visceral EMB two mods which paired together offer a beautiful yet realistic graphical enhancement to Fallout 4. really bringing to life many of the environmental changes made by Rust Belt and also just embracing the sort of full season Frozen in Time look that we have created but with that being said it's time to move on to the real meat and bones of this video with the danger and immersion mods now Fallout 4 has its survival mode and personally I think it works great with this game and it's pretty much the only way I play Fallout in recent years but in general something always felt a bit off in Fallout to me and that was that during rad storms and other irradiated weathers you could breathe just fine granted you did soak up a few more rats though but that's where our next mod comes into play gas masks of the Wasteland is a mod which distributes and adds functionality to gas masks in the game requiring them to be worn by the player and humanoid NPCs when in a radiated Weathers in order to breathe thus suffocating to death and it's only when those weathers are worn off or you're able to make it to an interior when you can safely remove that gas mask and breathe freely again and the really nice thing about this mod is it comes with a bunch of difficulty presets depending on how extreme of a playthrough you're aiming to have [Music] in the easier mode only rad storms and optional precipitation weathers will require the player and other human NPCs to equip a gas mask in order to survive breathing in the deadly toxins in the environment however if you choose the harder mode the air will always be hazardous when outside so whenever you decide to leave any type of interior location you and all other NPCs and human enemies in the game will be required to equip their gas Masters in order to survive which actually adds some very cool gameplay elements to facing such enemies for example gas mask filters won't have to eventually be changed which are either purchasable or craftable so it adds an extra element of preparation before venturing the Wasteland and you can even break enemies gas masks during combat causing them to quickly become irradiated and eventually die as a result and really just adds an extra immersive element to manage in your game but raising the stakes in our new toxin-filled world doesn't end with just throwing on a gas mask every now and again because the Fallout series Bears other potentials as one of the enemies you often find rotting away in dank irradiated Corners are of course the feral ghouls mindless rotten beasts who were once normal people like you or I but whose Minds have been melted to Mush and their bodies withered and decayed and as such we have a few mods to make the Commonwealth feel infested with creatures of this caliber feral ghoul outbreak and worldwide ghouls are two mods which both aim to add more roaming ghouls throughout the Commonwealth and particularly in Boston some areas are only home to a few extra but others more public locations can often be found Infested by a horde both of these Mods together offer a terrifying walking dead-esque world for you to navigate however if you want more of a balance without blowing up your PC with a bunch of enemies everywhere then you can just use worldwide ghouls alone as it adds the lesser amount but our dual mods don't end there feral ghoul's expansion pack is a mod which adds a plethora of new diversity among the feral ghoul spawn pool with horrid new enemy types such as a terrifying croma it will stalk and Scurry in order to rip you apart floaters who explode if you get too close brutes who are more of a rare tank type and even psycho ghouls who wield weapons and wear armor and there are just so many different types of ghouls added in this mod that it really helps to diversify the encounters you'll come across especially when you have increased forms from the previous mods and together not just combined with other feral Gore mods we have just shown but also the added danger preparation included in making the world or just rat scones more toxic provides you with a deadly but truly fun rewarding world to navigate throughout your playthrough and with that being said it's finally time to move on to the final section of this video which will focus on improving the actual world and exploration itself [Music] um so now we have a new experience in terms of how the game looks and feels and the dangers in gameplay you'll have to navigate while exploring it I wanted to give the actual locations you encounter across your travels a fresh new feeling while still sticking to that vanilla feeling as is meant to be more like a ghoulified apocalypse of the Commonwealth and that's where rin's Fallout 4 comes into play a mod which solely focuses on revamping a huge number of existing vanilla locations into something more realistic to real people and factions surviving the nuclear apocalypse for example this Gunner Outpost situated atop a highway bridge has been injected with some Grandeur and realism to reflect the actual Gunners that would have lived there South Boston military checkpoint is another example of a newly leveled designed area home to many cool areas to explore designed as if this was a real military Outpost in the months prior to the bombs falling and there are a bunch of locations that have received these types of upgrades like the Gunners headquarters which now actually looks formidable and diff difficult to infiltrate but my personal favorite location is West Everett Estates a settlement overran and ruled by super mutants and honestly there are just so many cool details and fun uses of Gore and other Super Mutant adornments to really get across that feeling of what an entire settlement ran by super mutants would actually end up looking like and this mod adds a large number of these locations that have revamped the old vanilla locations to offer something more fresh and unique upon your next playthrough and this mud even includes some new misc locations to explore such as this shipping dock located out on the water on the coast and overall rinse Fallout 4 just brings a much appreciated facelift to the entire Commonwealth and its inhabitants but there is one last thing I've included at the end of this video for you all to enjoy so without further Ado please raise a glass for the full non-tv version of vintage dreams [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so hard to find these seem impossible to score [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I kept on looking but everyone's such a boy [Music] the lights were tenderness on me forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you for watching this video if you're in the market for a new pc check out my page on apex gaming PCs you can pick from three tails of PCS fully capable of running modded Fallout or Skyrim with your channel regular and they have just announced their free international shipping already in effect use code Burns at checkout to save up to 250 off your purchase and I'll bid you farewell and see you in the next video take care
Channel: Heavy Burns
Views: 460,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xbox one, ps4, modding, mods, fallout 4, fallout 4 mods, fallout modding
Id: bb-yA6T4JSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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