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I went to my local Pokemon card store for the final ever trade day of 2022 to see what ultra rare Pokemon cards we could trade for but I also secretly brought hundreds and hundreds of boosters to give away to everyone I've attended today's trade day [Music] [Music] all righty so we got my man right here he's got the Christmas shirt on so he's all ready to go and he's thinking he's like and I got this rainbow rare B-Max Gyarados right here and I want to trade it for a Charizard B Star so I'm thinking it's a pretty good trade so I reckon that's gonna be the first trade of the day what do you reckon yes in the Charizard yep all right my man let's do it the regular returning veteran right here he traded us for the unknown V but he's literally been like and I've got this stack of top loaders I want to trade do you want any of these I'm forming the biggest army of gold Pikachus so let's do gold Pikachu and you want a new card out of uh V-Star Universe which is the uh hansier right here look at the alternate Arc it is gorgeous so there you go my man and then thank you all right trade there we go and you've got the Christmas Pikachu shirt on alrighty so we're busy doing our trades right now my man submitted another trade and I'm building up the chunky Chu Army which I'm excited about so I've got this golden Pikachu and uh a Gengar originally he was like Ando you've got to take the Gengar off my hands I want to trade for this one they love the 3D artwork like this card is sick I love the uh Pikachu as well so I offered him promo Charizard out the premium box this Gengar V-Max which I actually worked out was a bit more expensive than I thought it would be and he's a big blast where it's radiant so I had a Japanese one so I will do those ones for these ones and I'll also sign all the cards you need like the unlistedle leaf energy I've got you alrighty man what were you hoping to train today what would you bring to the day he brought the Tyranitar full art now you like you said you're like old school cards yeah I've got a couple of first edition Bad Boys I've sort of pulled earlier this week so we could give you a couple of those ones but then you know what since it's Christmas time he said you like the Fuller cards we go with a bit of a colorful full art we shut this one in too so there's card number one and we'll get these four bad boys as well for the Tyranitar all good yeah all right Merry Christmas yeah all right thank you so much this is a trade regular on the channel everyone knows my man right here so he's got these two right here and this one's special because you said it was a no symbol right so no jungle logos and no symbol and he's got to pull out weird here and he really really likes this brand new V-Star Darkrai and look at the the artwork on this card is a sensational yeah all right thank you Dad alrighty my man you came all the way from another state for the trade day this is like probably the furthest anyone's traveled but what do you got right here you got a sewing sneezer yeah and your big requires a fan you reckon yeah yeah all right all right so I'm thinking we got a Rayquaza B Max for the hosurian sneezler what do you reckon all right let's do it my man nice alrighty so we've got the legends from last time AKA is a pokey shed right here but what do we so you've got your favorite card binder right here you want to show off all right let's show the audience what's in the favorite card binder I haven't seen it either oh he's got the Moltres from last time we actually pulled that in the channel what else we got right oh sugar a lot of rainbow rares he'll be on got the new gold card Dragonite Visa oh wow the Australian Kangaskhan oh the vending machine all right we tried the vending machine in a second if you're getting that good stuff out of it these are easier oh wow that is sick I take everything back I'll trade for that one that's amazing I'll try again they're either that one oh that one and then these are my two binders right here you can have a look through these and then let me know what cards you'd want to trade for them all right you were keen on my Arceus right there beautiful card but I'm also thinking you know what he really likes this one too so let's give him a bit of a two for one deal today you can have that one as well thank you and that's the trade of the day that's all right man he's got the new shirt as well alrighty I thought it was done with the trades of the day but my man he had this binder and then he had this Blaziken right here and I have been dying to get this card so I was like dude look through my binder anything you want I'll trade for this one and he's picked out the eternalist b max right here so we're gonna do beautiful card for that oh my gosh this is such a banger right here wanna do that one 100 100 this one's so there we go so enthusiastic I'm so excited that he's like trade of the day for me I reckon all right so we've got Mr 9 entails himself back again and he's brought this bad boy and what was so special about this one it's the nine tails and 90s ex always one one in the nine so I've got the formalizer oh really yeah you completed the trade congratulations man that's a good buy that's a good buy I love that every week we get an update on Mr nine tails yeah yeah alrighty my man so you want to trade away your uh old school jungle Vaporeon which is going to go perfect with my nose symbol I just traded for and you like this one right here Center Scorch so there's your first card oh you're like the mute didn't you yeah that's right there we go we'll give you the new as well I'll go Wigglytuff there you go thank you very much that's in line the sleeves hey definitely worth it all right good trade man yeah all right and just like that guys we're gonna wait all the way until January for the next trade day meaning that was the last one for the entire year I tried to make it super special by giving away all of those booster packs and I tried to do a couple of big trades to really certify the 2022 trade binder I thought it would put all of my favorite trades and some of my like highlight cards inside of this thing and every single year we'll make a trade binder so I can fill it with all of our favorite cards from that year and at the end of the year we can see what we got I am like creepily obsessed with this binder though it's like a golden Arceus one there's even like a gold zip on it and it's a four pocket way sleeve one so it looks really really massive and ladies and gentlemen when you first open this up it's all Pikachus like I'm not joking I want to fill the whole page with just golden chunky choose like wouldn't that be the coolest thing ever so for the time being we've got five of them and I think next year we should go and try to trade for even more then as we uh Turn the Page over this season and we got some absolutely ridiculous oh Arts like some of my favorites probably the top three right there the Blaziken we got today which is just unbelievable but then the alternate are unknown which I never would have gotten I never pulled it I never saw it again and this one chilling pain you don't ever get good pulls out of that set so to go and get the gallerian Zapdos V it's made by year plus a couple of bonus or odds I really really enjoy right here but we've got room down the bottom for next year if we get even more now look at this the Fuller page ho ho looks really really nice unknown Fuller is amazing but let's be honest frenzy Gala it's probably the best trainer of this year and thunderous ex you never beat a thunderous now down the bottom I put a few gold cards just because I was like oh the gold cards I didn't have enough of them to Warrant a whole page but golden dust Blaster it was the card I really really thought was hilarious that they made a whole gold card over a vacuum cleaner and then as we swing it over we actually got some really nice vintage Gods the no symbol Vaporeon and the symbol one next to each other which we we both traded for I thought that's hilarious start the day with none end up with both of the additions Gengar from fossil looks nice corporeon then we've got these two EX cards that requires her I looked it up it's like worth 150 bucks that's an insane like trade for one like thing I can't get over that then we got Wolverine as well I think there is more cards I traded for but off the top of my head these were my favorites that Rayquaza though looks amazing so thank you very much for following my trade Adventures for this year I would love to continue a next year make this a regular series and uh yeah leave a comment what is your favorite card that you've seen me trade for but most of all have an absolute fantastic 2023 but most of all you need to keep on gaming alright guys next time I'll see you then
Channel: UnlistedLeaf
Views: 175,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Pokemon Cards, New Pokemon Cards, Trading Pokemon Cards, Pokemon Card Trade, RealBreakingNate, Gold Pokemon Card, Shiny Pokemon, Pokemon Games, New Pokemon Games, Gold Pikachu Card, Full Art Pokemon Cards, Pokemon Booster Box, Pokemon Booster Pack, Pokemon Booster Opening, Pokemon Fossil Pack, UnlistedLeaf
Id: EE2bBO7Zw9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 06 2023
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