*MOST EXPENSIVE* Charizard Box Ever Made

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now there's a point in every single year the Pokemon goes and releases one of the most expensive mind-blowing products of the entire year and ladies and gentlemen we've just hit that point that is right guys I want everyone to meet the Charizard Ultra Premium ridiculous good luck refinancing your house collection box and I'm not even joking this in Australia right now has an average retail price of about 250 I'm curious what's inside of here how many boosters and I think you get a bunch of Charizard promo cards which are supposed to be the most like mind-blowing promo full arts you've ever seen and already off the bat look how shiny this thing is you've got this sword and shield gold font right there sure Resort on the front this is the type of box you don't throw away you can keep it on the sides look at that Crimson fire burning sort of flame color and then on this side it's like the uh oh gosh everything's shaking it's that pure gold sort of embossed Pokemon logo so let's do it let's remove the magnetic lid off the top well oh look at that it's the Charizard V-Max sorry Gengar you've got to go to the side this thing's just too massive but as you can see you literally peel the lid off like this so you peel the magnetic lid off you see the Charizard right there and then you peel off this first layer right here which I reckon might be the play mat look at that the play mats in this gold sort of box right here okay all right look feels pretty high quality looks like it's the most ridiculous oh my there's so much fire on this and everything I don't know about you guys but is anyone else like Curious what Pokemon was actually down there I can imagine being I don't know maybe it was a horsey or something like really cute and it's just got absolutely obliterated okay so claim that to the side destruction right there and as you can see we've got three drawers so let's open up the very first whoa even the drawers have Charizard on them oh sugar you get okay I didn't know this you get metal coins so it looks like poison and damage counters full metal Edition right there these are classic they seem to be more and more of these luxury products you get full metal Dice and these have some weight to them and then you get your Charizard sleeves so if you really like that artwork very similar style right here on the sleeves it's got that red border around it which looks really really cool but that's draw number one down let's have a look at the middle one the packaging's always fantastic hey we get boosters all right what are we dealing with what are we dealing with for this crazy price point right here we've got oh look at that that's a Charizard coin can we make it where is it there it is there's Charizard spitting out the fire right there now the boosters what have we got Fusion strike oh three Fusion strike all right three evolving skies and then three uh okay two Vivid voltage so we could get the chunky two and a random Darkness Ablaze so let's have a look at the final draw right here which does feature Charizard himself so this oh it's the Primal cards I'm not even ready these things look things look second because those are really special no way lost origin who how many two okay two lost origin packs not too shabby um three astral Radiance I'll take it as well and three brilliant stars and there was a book in here what's in the book welcome back to what is another classic episode of reading with Ando I know sit down it's a fan favorite series but basically this book right here I didn't realize when I bought this Charizard box but it's Pokemon's way of saying goodbye to the sword and shield era all the way up into the last one which is silver temp burst so this is a really nice book to walk down memory lane and realize how many Pokemon cards I'm actually missing from each set I know I know it might be the best segment on the channel but let's actually have a look at these Charizard promo cards because these are Bonkers not only is the artwork fantastic but they're not cheaped out by any means they're full art they're textured they literally could be PSA graded if you get a good enough one but I think because they're like mass produced it's gonna be hard to get one that's super duper scented and uh in pretty good Nick so let's try and get these out without damaging anything check out the artwork people were freaking out over this for the longest time all over Twitter all over Facebook everyone wanted this because this card right here looks amazing Charizard's almost like waking up from a snooze or just had a big battle or something with Venusaur up here you can see all the flying like the forest burning down it is epic this is just like would I dream about proper Pokemon cards looking like sometimes and the hand-drawn artwork the battle the epicness the texture of the full art this is literally the plot of the new Godzilla film it's just unrated unreal gmax wildfire and Claw slash now you guys in the comment section are gonna have to pick your favorite Charizard card and then this is the big one hands down my favorite artwork it's the Charizard V-Star we got Mewtwo right here you've got Charizard and a couple of other like cameos of Pokemon all throughout here oh diggle it's looking terrified it's 250 bucks in Australia I think it's around 120 in America um it's the highest point Charizard box ever released do you think it's worth it because really you're buying it for the three promo guards we'll have a look at the pools and see if those are worth it but oh for me I think it is but to be honest I'm like so blinded I like a lot of new Pokemon stuff and I would probably grade these two you know what you gotta grade this one as well I might send all three off to PSA these two are my favorite though like I'm such an abstract hand-drawn type of guy so okay what do you guys think of the promos what do you think of the extras in the box but to be honest let's have a look at these pools and see if it's all it's cracked up to be I literally know if we can get the golden Pikachu today hands down I'm gonna buy 20 more maybe a sealed case and it's gonna be the product of the year um but for now let's open up a brilliant Stars we'll get a really really good selection of different stuff to open up Fusion strike brilliant Stars astral Radiance got the Chimchar chime Echo core fish oh I know you know what the celebrations had good pulls in the celebration packs but the Ultra Premium didn't have good pulls in the regular boosters like maybe you got a v here uh maybe it was a V-Max or something I don't recall it being amazing love their artwork Sue Spirit soon got the Clank bit off as well here we go this is what I'm thinking we're gonna get a bunch of V cards maybe we'll get a V-Max but with how those late show results are looking and how expensive this box is I can't imagine we're getting a crazy secret rare but I could be wrong you guys can let me know in the comment section it is a lot of boosters and I think at the end of the day the reason they put this box towards the end of the year because Charizard doesn't have a crazy amount of like relevance I guess like the only reason he'd come up with a product now is so everyone asked for it for Christmas I ask who and a Moltres Hollow which isn't too bad all right look at that we're getting back to back pulls okay still don't know if we've got our value for money just yet um let's put this one to the side here we go there's the code card let's go fourth in the back astral Radiance uh is next up this one yeah it's actual Radiance as well I thought it was brilliant stars for a minute all right astral Radiance has got a lot of cool hits but I'm not too sold just yet Cricket saw got the EV and a Glaceon glacion has got a big fan following but again just a regular smear okay astral rain this guy come on come on come on one of these boosters are gonna come out with the goods even if we just get like maybe I'll take a V-Star or something lightning type we're gonna knock down jubilife Village Waltz got the toga P chatter Magnemite the suian Arcanine and regileki regileki uh it's big at the moment I think this is the set that was building it up to have its own sort of set and had the time of its life this is good black border four from the back lost origin next oh my goodness you know what save the good hits for the next booster wait and see turbo what am I waiting for I need gold Pikachu right now so I thought Tom the G lotto and another v-card and of course it's gonna be B drill doesn't it so we got three full-load Charizards two v's and a holocard come on come on come on training Gallery something crazy on the training Gallery let's go let's go let's go please okay open this one up swing it around oh my goodness Hazel what do you reckon Hazel's right behind me and I can hear every time she rattles she's like getting up she's excited dude there is something in the back it is it's like darkness in color oh I'm just gonna hope that that's in the reverse slot it might be a regular V I scan got the Panic mask ducklet flip bug come on Zorua got the Paris fencina and a full art Gallade I'm gonna take a full art because this is way more than I was expecting lost origin coming through it's the new set as well if I aim to get a fuller card I'd kind of want it out the new set because if you double up you can end up trading it at the moment I mean it's not too shabby getting a full like couple of these and a hollow card we're only about halfway through these packs final lost origin come on this is gold Pikachu hour oh it's okay it's a white border but it could still be something there's the V-Star marker swinging around got the gallerian stone Fisk bronzong kol Ross's experiment mean food come on Litwick Snover but the Suey and zeroark and obeying at regular rare So if in doubt you don't get the gold Pikachu you guys know what you do you go for the rainbow rare Pikachu out of vivid voltage pretty cool that they chucked in for voltage I reckon they actually did take a look at like what was selling the most what fans would probably want and then they chucked in some of these Banger packs because I'm not actually too disappointed in the choice of boosters even getting the darkness Ablaze I actually don't care too much I know why they did the dancer blades because that Charizard V-Max art is all over the box it's everywhere and it's heavy inspiration for uh some of the promo cards there let's go for swing it around have you guys in the comment section bought this box what were your pulls do you think it is worth it um I watched a debate recently saying that before 2019 or around 2019 I think it was a lot of these like look at that tornadoes Hollow cards but they were saying a lot of items that have a retail price of over a hundred dollars like these crazy premium boxes the biggest store is like Walmart and Target actually don't tend I mean now's a different story but before 2020 they didn't tend to ever order them because they would just sit on the Shelf no one's going to you know off the whim buying a hundred dollar box so you can see the markets changed people are willing to drop a lot more money on Pokemon cards at the moment but yeah do you miss the art of like a really nice 40 box or do you prefer something crazy like this where you get 10 000 different items and you feel like you've got to remortgage the house and wear gloves to open it up Mr mime and a Kangaskhan Holo card I can't help but feel Pokemon know the exact ratio of like how they stack these boxes because it's just been I don't know has it been a bit mid we'll see we'll see at the end if I can get another like Fuller card I reckon that would be a win drowsy Scraggy fee bass Hitmonchan oh High School Riding High School my favorite it's High School tag team and Trump now for evolving Skies huge win right here so many cards we could potentially get and it goes and gives us a fuller Green Card come on okay we've got a metal type energy Scroll of the Flying Dragon what a name for a card got the Mareep drowsy Scraggy come on Elemental badge and a gorgeous regular rare after this evolving Skies we have three fusion strike and then we do the 250 dollar recap time there's the yako god let's go whoop Fusion strike oh actually you know what I take it back I would probably prefer a couple more cards at a fusion strike than uh evolving Skies just because I've had way better luck with that set and I'm closer to completing it there we go nothing in evolving Skies but hopefully Fusion strike like a Mew Espeon Gengar any of those puppies would be awesome I love the coins around the right way right there four for the back final three boosters got the fire type representing Charizard quite well I would have thought though I think a lot of people were thinking when they released the Charizard premium box the boosters would correlate to Charizard somehow so it's interesting that they went with the newer stuff okay second to last boost I reckon I saw something the nerves are kicking in a little bit did I no way is it if it's an old art I'm actually gonna put my pants live on camera um just as well smeller Vision doesn't exist dude don't give me an o r if you give me an all uh I'm gonna be so careful Hazel's right behind my chair Oh I thought I saw something Dragon Ball right there now I'm just hyped for it oh art okay and this is the final pack it's got Mew in the front that could be a good sign but is this Charizard box everything we've dreamed about it's been so hyped it's sold out everywhere if you look in Australia like you actually can't get one here we go swing it around there's that final code card let's go for from the back psyche type got the Cooper Roger Helio Lisk free Loom sigolith growlith gluncher come on gun spice you gotta come with the goods the final pull of the Charizard box toxicity Hollow card [Music] and that right there was the absolutely epic Charizard premium collection box AKA goodbye sword and shield would you guys think of it are you a fan of everything is included like the sleeves you've got the gold plated dice those like coins or the promo cards are you a fan do you reckon it was worth the crazy price point I think the promo codes are really cool I think the uh way they say goodbye to sword and shield is at least they gave it like you know a nice little box and send off but I'm curious what were your pulls like at home let me know in the comment section most of those guys have a fantastic day but most of all I'm Gonna Keep On gaming I'll see in the next unboxing guys see you then [Music]
Channel: UnlistedLeaf
Views: 186,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: l1n8EaljEMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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