I TOOK THE $3,000,000 LAMBO TO CARMAX! They offered me......

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what up guys today is the day you've all been waiting for we are finally taking the Miura to Carmack's now you guys totally blew up the other video it's over a hundred thousand views has like almost four thousand likes absolutely ridiculous so thank you so much I'm gonna set a light goal today of five thousand five thousand that's it I know you guys can't do it you blew up the other video five thousand likes the Diablo will go next the Diablo is a one of 12 only 12 in the world exists it's a special edition it's called the Alpine edition so yeah 5,000 likes the Diablo go necks no need to wait any longer let's take this thing to Carmack's really quickly before we leave what do you guys think they're gonna give us so when you sell a car with chromatics they look at auction results the auction results from the Mira s the last meter s that's sold as far as I know is Mecum auction about two or three years ago I'll put it up right now see almost 2.6 million dollars in that car was in bad shape the guy who bought it had to put like five hundred six hundred thousand into it so he's a good three million dollars into it so three million into it what do you think they're gonna give us for this [Music] [Applause] [Music] John's gonna be here for this to park next to the Mia some at Carmack's and we're gonna get the appraisal so he's gonna sean is gonna walk you over what you got what they do we walk around the car want to take down any conditions that may impact the value in any way get done the options of the vehicle get down to VIN of the vehicle go inside send other pictures from my regional and do some research and see if we go okay miss point okay awesome yo I'm actually shocked by the amount of cars they have here look at this Shelby gt500 like what [Music] a gt350 Wow Wow a Jaguar f-type you know Carmack's are stepping up their game this is no joke I want this car this is avalanche banks called then it's my favorite color this is the color I almost got in when I was looking 54 how many miles where'd you say miles am this is a beautiful car [Music] you know how to open the valves [Music] [Music] so yeah I'm super excited to be here this has been a long time in the making so the mirror over there they are working on getting us an offer there I don't know they're going with the regional managers and stuff what yeah so they're working on getting an appraisal because it is such an expensive car they need a check with a bunch of different people they need a research auction results and bunch of stuff so I mean let's see what they're gonna give us I say a hundred grand like that's what I honestly think hundred grand no Claire max has been so amazing about this PR public relations they have been so nice and wow they're just so nice here so thank you Claire Maddox I know you guys are watching this so thank you Carmack's like seriously Carmack's good for you and for 2015 m4 dam m2 35 you guys have stepped up your game he just realizes the m235i it's a very good deal why is it got to lock boxes and the same for even has the full carbon fibre roof I am proud of what climax has turned into this is the most expensive car ever take any car max any Clara it's like no one has taken a car of this value to a car max before next time we're gonna bring in 918 it's cheaper because that was a horrible comparison [Music] honestly in my opinion this is one of the most beautiful cars ever made without it is amazing zeal one looks huge compared to it so some things that are making it difficult to evaluate is orange is worth more than any other color well most other colors green is worth more than oranges worth more than a majority of the colors and it's a series - it's a late Miura S which is gonna make the car more valuable a lot more valuable because it more represents the SV so uh yeah smart car to evaluate 65,000 original kilometers and of course the gated shift well whoo this is exciting the guy just said he's going inside to get the offer so he'll be out in a second huh how much do I think I said okay anywhere from 100 to 200 why 900 I don't think they're gonna French truth here he comes with the offer so what am I gonna think about this man so we really appreciate you bringing your car by today here's your rent offer for car max this is how much we can offer you on your vehicle today as you see we didn't even have the Maria in our drop-down menu so the notes down here show the car that we appraised here with mileage so this offers valid for seven days and we appreciate you thank you guys were super nice Lily thank you I appreciate it enjoy your afternoon guys thanks for coming by if you're interested in that Mustang let me know awesome thank you we sold it you still think this is one of the most expensive offers that were given to someone I I'm getting more than - or somewhere around close to $200,000 offered got to take the thumbnail all right guys well there you have it one hundred and ninety nine thousand and nine hundred and ninety eight dollars so two hundred grand obviously we do not take that offer I know Carmack's wouldn't buy it what are they gonna do with it they can't put it on their showroom who's gonna walk in and buy a mirror all right well you guys know the goal five thousand likes let's hit 5,000 likes in the Diablo go next so that's the end of the video peace out guys
Channel: hp_overload
Views: 9,113,401
Rating: 4.305057 out of 5
Keywords: carmax, lamborghini miura, miura carmax, lamborghini carmax, took lamborghini to carmax, supercar carmax, selling my car at acrmax, lambo carmax, stradman, vehicle virgins, doug demuro
Id: U0hAC8O7RoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2017
Reddit Comments

He was offered $199,998.
I skipped to the end to find that.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Falconinati πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 14 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Sooooo.... what's the point? I work in the car sales industry, and really think this is just waisted time for the salesperson. I don't get it? Views? Your just a clown? You need attention? Stop wasting sales people's time. They don't get paid to appraise your car you have no intention of selling. Nice car though....

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/chopper3121 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 14 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Who is this guy? And how does own a $3million car??

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ZoeCathereine πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 14 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

That dude is awkward af

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bamaster πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 14 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
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