I took my duck to the Vet

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want for the gas and made she [Music] go not going to lose my lucky feather anle you gave it just to me bet bet bet go into to F to going to come on wrinkle don't be [Music] shy hello hello hello how are you what's your duck's name wrink Wrinkle that you guys yeah is good job to drink if I could get a coffee would be amazing and wrinkle you get a little ice water yeah [Music] fill I served meat sippy [Music] sippy this hardly feels like a waiting room at all I've been in many waiting rooms rooms like the one in uh oh the Places You'll Go that waiting place was something else wasn't a wrinkle you remember the waiting Place how long have you been waiting here I'm starting to think this isn't the DMV at all does r like fruit or anything do you have any grapes I don't have grapes I have strawberries blackberries and blueberries okay let me grab some of those and then we'll go into a room yeah wonderful all right perfect [Music] is it charging that's crazy I didn't even know that technology was possible that wrinkle how does it charge my phone like that are you scared of Technology wrinkle no there's that thank you so much all right shall we go to the room yeah yeah it's not going to be scary at all yeah you're not scared are you let the Sero out and then we'll put rinkle on here oh we're going to get weight yes we are 7.4 7.4 wrinkle oh see you've been losing weight I told you you shouldn't listen to them we've been exercising and eating right me you see that you have room to grow we can actually start doing a couple mukbangs or something like that give me one moment I'm going to grab my laptop and we'll start with the exam okay awesome all right I don't have any of the fun stuff I usually like to play with the stuff while they're not here like the gloves all right she's down here she's waiting for you right yeah it's okay she is my first dog ever she is [Music] yeah how's her overall health and everything any concerns any concerns well just about just about her weight we can check her heartbeat one of those right [Music] now heart sounds good he's got a very good heart's got a very good heart that's a good thing people take of exactly do that well maybe from your perspective everyone in the world is awesome nice and wonderful it's pretty accurate it says over here on this double scale I even took her to a carnival and and the weight guesser guessed her at 10 lbs and I was like oh no might look large but yeah and when did you wave her at was it us a Petco yeah it was a couple months ago I went to petmart petmart and then and she was 9 lb you want your shoes on it's okay we keep your shoes [Music] on 9 lb 9 lb no see that one Petco is wrong feeling good that's right right 7 and2 lb that's very very good yeah R you weigh perfect yeah and even when you're 9 lb that's even better cuz there's more of you to love I love all of your shapes you could be any shape you could even be a square sometimes you're a triangle and sometimes you're a circle and circles are pretty much my favorite shape oh really yeah I love circles do you know when your ears will grow in so that will be I think that behind are small holes ear holes they grow actual like Ears Like Us I'm not a professional I thought that they would come no no it's okay it's okay who wants ears anym you got ears that's the most important part can we check her heing do you think she might does she get ear wax that would be a question for the doctor I actually don't [Music] know I will let Dr re know you're here she'll be in shortly awesome all right nice seeing you he nice see let's go through some stuff Popsicle sticks Popsicle a someone already ate this popsicles gross wrinkles who ate our popsicles wrinkle who ate our popsicles I forgot to ask one major question someone ate the popsicle I I didn't I've been framed eat a Popsicle what type of food does she eat oh she eats uh like a salad like lettuce tomato peas carrot corn cucumber she likes bananas of course grapes are always great okay and we got uh some duck food and we also put some extra nin in there to make sure it's extra ni and it's nice all right let's see what's in this third ooh little treats a dog biscuit dare you to eat it dare you to eat the dog [Music] biscuit don't judge me don't judge me ring go right here [Music] hi [Music] you me make you a rose I'll make you a rose rose wrinkle doesn't it look nice don't worry there's no Thorns yeah there that smell good orle I made for you made to a rose hi special visitor we have made a rose for you my gosh oh thank you oh my gosh this is amazing we check for parasites R check for parasites yeah we were in the jungle at one point we read this one Jungle Book and it transported us into the jungle and it and some people say that it was just dream that we had but we both shared the same dream so it's like what are the chances yeah it's just looking at her skin just making sure that's nice and [Music] clean her skin looks good feathers look great no such of parasite let's take a look at that mouth it's like in the movies the little torture kid prise I promise never [Music] no discharge from her eyes or nose beautiful oh that tongue it's great goodful all that looks good no information especially around her tongue so that actually looks pretty good too well great job you're doing a wonderful job her over hair so keep great especially the drawing that you're doing that's very impressive I wonder is she your first yep yep she is my first and only oh great well I think uh Erica's my you wanted us to do some blood on hers I don't know what blood work is or what what it it does will check for infection in the stool um blood we typically focus on a complete blood cell count for that all right we'll be right back be right okay thank you thank you see you hear that wrinkle you're nice and healthy yeah I know who's my healthy duck who's the healthiest duck in the room if you're happy and you love the vet do your wings oh that's right love the vet even though it's kind of scary I know the vet can be kind of scary but you did a really really good [Music] job all right we are ready for you baby girl yes so what I'll have you do is I'll have you put her in her cart and then I'll roll her into the treatment room and then I will uh we'll collect all the samples and we're back far oh no I'm going to have to leave separate for just a moment oh give you a little that was very good give you one no all right she won't be scared she won't be here I can take you'll be okay I know I'll be okay you'll be [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] two I want to be a real boy one day I'll be a real boy it's like Jack in the Box yeah wrinkle I miss you so much I miss you so muching oh my God yeah so good for that we gave her a camo bandage so she's a cool chick you have a camo bandage you got a leg bandage I told you the B wasn't that scary she was worried that it was very scary [Music] [Applause] scary leader she's going to be the mom today these are my babies Georgina and gelato and those are self-portraits this is the bathroom look at this the bougie bathroom look at this is a nice werewolf see he was a prince now whenever it's a full moon he turns into a a we wolf like this you should see him when he's a human very very handsome oh look at that it's a thin Little slice of ham where' he get that ham what a lucky little cup oh look at this it's a nice little mustache diabetes I like it what was his name mar car oh Mariah car don't worry it's not [Music] real downstairs the basement wait this is where you do surgery this where the magic happens so we do dental we do Orthopedics we do forign body foran body like European and like anything if they eat like a rock or Ohan body and then we also have our our operating room which one's the which one's the gas that makes you go L and then this all connects to the gas want to be a doctor what if what if someone wanted to get like a fancy grill for their dog is that possible I've actually seen that before you it totally is possible well a wrinkle doesn't have any teeth but you know but if she wanted it you think you can give her she wanted tee she has a natural smile so let's keep that look at that you can't see it cuz it's camouflaged but if you look really close and I move it see start to you start to see it when I'm moving it you wouldn't even know it was there it's called camouflage we can actually it off um it's been [Music] that you got to squeeze your cheese and a weird little thumb toe hole awesome hey thank you you know the other B it's nice it's nice you you did it you got through them they were kind of scary but they feel like a normal vet this feels like a spot we try to make it like experience [Music] yeah for you guys not for wrinkle cookie thank you so much I'm to get you so pleasure [Music] ours another [Music] P ready weekend who's ready for the [Music] weekend r [Music] yeah she's the very best one you [Music] say [Music] on [Music]
Channel: I took my duck to...
Views: 262,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vet, vets, veterinary, veterinarian, pet, pets, duck, ducks, wrinkle, I took, I took my, human name, human, vet, vetique, Chicago, Tavel, vlog, adventure, cute, cuteness, wholesome, family friendly, pet duck, pet ducks, cute duck, cute ducks, lifestyle, pet influencer, pet influencers, wrinkle the duck, Family friendly, esa, emotional support, animal, anxiety relief, daily vlog, day in the life, ditl, ducky, ducklings, pekin duck, happy, smile, positivity, good vibes, feel good, relax
Id: h-5AdSU5GIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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