I took my duck to College πŸ“šπŸ¦†

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[Music] now is your day of graduation it's been four years of hard work I'd like to give you this time [Music] water hurt so my best friend's favorite animal is a turtle turtles and Ducks were kind of our favorite so I drew this and I was like this is based off a wrinkle look at you [Music] laughs [Music] sleepy Zippy the way we go Adventure Ahoy it's a new trend for the for the young parents [Music] yeah well she's kind of goofy stuff like that oh well you know she might have had a uh a goose milk man we're looking at elementary schools now you know it's planning for the future if you need some consultation stop and swim and smells flowers what do you think this one smells like on your head it's pretty it's my little angel foreign oh and it made a cute little fart sound it knows what I like that wrinkle doesn't have ice too yeah look at this ice water in town look at that Facebook [Music] login yeah oh my God immediately okay she's actually famous she's famous this is actually like the best thing I've ever seen but we just do this [Music] I'm sorry yeah thank you [Music] all right here we go get queued up yeah you're not bad [Music] thank you [Music] oh my gosh what's your dad's name that's wrinkle wrinkle wrinkle two and a half years did you want to do this yeah yeah I sat on her for 30 days what's your name uh my name yeah they're nice to meet you nice to meet you [Music] it's really big hands [Music] you could be like I want that one Mickey Mouse is an alumni of Santa Clara I didn't know Mickey Mouse went here it's like the rain what is that wrinkle foreign [Music] I gotta take a look yeah engineering no idea well you know I don't wanna I don't want to push her into anything I mean I'd like to try a little bit of everything and then you'd have more educated decisions or what you'd want to pursue oh what's your what's your tone and I say she's gluing 60 Second Life drawing and she's already getting ready [Music] there we go [Music] all right I got a stopwatch here are you ready let's go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my God [Music] trying to like do something right now and the neck and the body is just one thank you [Music] highlighting the feathers you know important part there I tried going for the front view the the round duck known for the nice little orange machine [Music] are those like little bugs here [Music] [Laughter] and then you can pet her she doesn't talk to strangers okay friends you haven't met yet [Music] you're gonna get your full license real soon it's real soon [Music] all right [Music] [Music] I just hope that my tours helps you guys get a little bit get to know a little bit more about the campus she's looking into different colleges there's only two and a half years old but she shows a lot of Promise in her future since we're trying to make sure you know it's never too early to look ahead of course yeah proactive I really do marine biology seems like it would be a good fit but you know you don't want to just do it because you never know I think the marine biology course yeah yeah it was good they went paddle boarding she would have loved that you hear that uh oh what about the uh disabilities with students with disabilities because she's a special needs child does have an amazing opposite accessible education uh I'm very successful college career here oh it's wonderful you know we're working he doesn't have any hands right now but we're working oh she can't help herself around shorts [Music] say hi all right this is so metal okay that's skateboarding um [Music] [Music] wrinkle wants to be able to feed the humans okay okay tell me how to help like food animals is like money and I like to do something like this here Siri graceful and we'll see if somebody picks it up [Applause] and we're feeding humans right now oh yeah oh that's scary [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] laughs [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yo someone stepped on it that's great you know yeah all right so which way are we running we're running this way to the church go go go go go go go go go oh [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] hello we're wondering if you uh if you had any grapes [Music] this is amazing thank you so much so there's no grapes mango chunks we'll come back tomorrow [Music] and now is your day of graduation wrinkle it's been four years of hard work and I'd like to give you this diploma that's right an honorary diploma you graduate okay you have to introduce yourself oh nice to meet you it's okay wait [Music] hi hi Rachel yeah you having fun you having fun in there come on so say you swim [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] is this wrinkle up [Music] it's like demand [Music] it's a very nice hat you have what a fashionable hat you have three quarters [Music] it smells so good yeah that's me that's awesome yeah this is wrinkle yeah yeah a little back and forth I just spend 24 7 with her since she was hatched did you travel with her on the plate we road trip everywhere okay yeah she hasn't been on a plane yet that's very very soon socially aware and go oh my good girl it's so crazy they actually live that's yeah that's my baby [Music] what does it smell like does it smell like bugs oh it smells so good oh it smells so good it looks like a little Ash trace it sounds just puts the cigarette out [Music] thank you [Music] thank you
Channel: seDUCKtive
Views: 1,529,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wrinkle, Wrinkles, wrinkle the duck, seDUCKtive, seducktive duck, duck life, travel, traveling, people, blog, blogs, vlog, vlogs, seducktiv, duck, ducks, quack, quacks, quacking, duckling, ducklings, humans, human name, cute, wholesome, calming, relaxing, anxiety relief, esa, emotional support, animal, animals, pets, pet duck, pet, pet ducks, I took, i took my, good vibes, positivity, College, university, campus, tour, school, learning, education
Id: NlitKyKIX04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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