I Took Indonesia's New High-Speed Train 🇮🇩 (Jakarta To Bandung)

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today I am going to take Indonesia's new  high-speed train from Jakarta to Bandung   it's going to be my first time traveling with  such a fast train so I'm quite excited and yeah   how fast will we reach Bandung and what will the  experience be like join me and let's find out all   right so this is halim station which is in East  Jakarta actually quite far away from the city   center excuse me where's the the fast train oh  the whoosh yes who over there yes okay Ki okay   but this is where you have to go if you want to  take the new train so I do have a ticket already   you can easily buy it online I will tell you more  about the process later ticket I have on my phone   oh uh oh you need to see it here okay this go this  way yes okay thank you all right so yeah very easy   you just show a QR code on your phone and there  we go and yeah booking the ticket was actually   quite easy you can just do it on the website of  the train you need to register an account there   which can be done in like 2 minutes and then you  can simply pay online as well so very easy very   convenient but I'm actually surprised that there  are no signs here for the train because I think   this station is also for like the Metro or for  like regular trains hello is this the fast train   ticket again one person yeah okay all right we  do have tight security here comparable to the   security at an airport but that's all right  hello brother C how bik hello oh you're now   going to band I'm going to Bandung yeah I follow  you oh really oh thank you very much nice to meet   you oh what's your name is swy ah you're from  Jakarta I'm Malaysian but stay in from Malaysia   yeah oh oh meeting Malaysians what's your plan  I'm going to band today B I want to take picture   with you so I can show off to my friend where  in Malaysia are you from I'm sarawakian you've   been to Sarawak right yeah yeah I've been there  last year you're also taking the the new train oh   yeah new new train actually I I I try the new  train from Bandung this morning oh you tried   it already yeah so all right this morning and  now you're just going back yeah just to try the   train so I do think that the line that you can  see behind me is probably already the line for   the for the train I am here like half an hour  before the scheduled departure and it is here   on the screen Hal toala that's the station name  in Bandung where we're going to end up and yeah   departure time 1:00 State checking so this is  gate number one so we need to find gate number   six oh this is gate 2 but I see a long line oh oh  actually this is there's a difference between gate   and platform so I can see over there platform 5  and six and gate number two I'm also not the only   person filming here this is a brand new train only  opened uh recently I think like a week or two ago   so also for the local this must be a very exciting  train ride to take all right just scan the QR code here oh here we go that was easy and yeah there's  also a VIP room here I'm not sure how you get   access to that there are actually three different  classes on this train like a first class the   upper premium class and the basic class I'm not  really sure about the names though but there are three but yeah here we go this is the new train  and I think we have eight different uh sections   of the train now even staff here welcoming us  but yeah let's go to the front to take one view   iconic view at the front and yeah this is now  the fastest train in all of Southeast Asia and   I think it's also the second fastest train in the  world only one train in China is faster than this   one and yeah the whole project of this train was  actually also funded by China it was a $7 billion   project all right I'm not the only one who wants  to take a picture at the front here so as you can   see it's very popular to take pictures here of  the train I waited already a few minutes here   now because I would like to have a shot without  any other people but yeah if you want that you   need to bring some waiting time but it's still  there like 20 minutes before departure so all   okay all right that took quite a while just to  take one shot in front of the train but yeah you   see the final result as the thumbnail of this  uh video so there's really a lot of Step here   like you can see like I see like five six people  just here and yeah I'm looking for my cart now oh   there's even a TV in here I think see the big  camera much bigger than my camera so this is   number three right here oh I have number eight  so I guess it will be at the end over there wow   I can feel the excitement of the people here  everyone is taking pictures or little videos   if you're from Indonesia let me know if uh this  is something really exciting for your country it   is my impression that it is hello I'm looking for  eight eight eight yeah I think I'm an eight let   me double check and for you oh yeah in front  of you the last one okay thank you very much   oh there's so much staff here I think I've  never seen so many people just welcoming you   into the train basically every door has somebody  working here 6 7 hello oh I'm literally at the   front of the train oh actually I should have  taken the picture here nobody here check it   out from this side there are no people here so  this is a nice shot of the train right without   any other people yeah the train actually also  looks quite beautiful I have to say all right   I have premium economy class that's the name of my  class hello I can leave the back here okay that's convenient all right here we go first impression  it is very nice air conditioned in here oh I think I'm walking by already five I think that's my SI all right  let's see how full the train actually will be   I see quite a lot of empty spaces in this card  at least for example the three over there but   yeah let's see how comfortable is the seat  actually so first impression I have enough   leg space here for me which is important I am  a tall person 1 M90 62 in American size this   is actually all right and then I have a view out  of the window here which we are going to uh yeah   make use of later during the ride of course  and then there's a little table here I guess   where you can place something up to a maximum  of 10 kilo and then there's a little TV screen   here as well we have also in English welcome to  Jakarta bandong and other than that I think I   have discovered everything so for example what  I'm missing here is electricity sockets which   we're having here actually so you can charge your  phone or your laptop also here in the the train   let's actually have a look the the gentleman next  to me just had a brilliant idea uh I should film   the first class as well let's see ah yeah nobody  is in the first class oh this is the first class   okay looks way uh more spacious of course than  the the class where I'm sitting so we have two   seats here one seat on the right side and only  three six nine seats in total in the first class   here so I yeah way more spacious and then over  there is uh the the conductor of the train I   guess I'm not sure when I tried to book the the  train there was no first class available anymore   but I mean it's like 5 minutes before departure  and there's nobody here so that is a bit strange   maybe the first class is not available to book  it oh does it close automatically I guess so and   then there's a seat here as well for the crew I  guess and then here you store your your luggage   which is actually quite nice so if your bag is  too big to store it up here then you just leave   it in the front of the train what is your name you  are from B okay in case you are wondering whether   there's Wi-Fi on the train or not I don't see a  Wi-Fi that sounds like it's from the train just   probably all the other phones here so no Wi-Fi on  the train but yeah it should be a very quick and   short ride so I would say Wi-Fi is not actually  needed all right and we are leaving and are we   leaving on time it is exactly 1:00 now so that is  a great first impression we are leaving punctual   on time I'm not sure I I've been on many trains  before in my life but this is something exciting   for some reason being on one of the fastest trains  in the world just feels a little bit different all   right let's see so I think the whole station  here actually is quite new it looks like it's   still being constructed in many parts so I think  not only the train is new also the whole station   here seems to be quite new the speed is shown  there later right yeah yeah so obviously we are   not at full speed now I'm curious how long it will  take until we have reached the the maximum speed   which by the way the maximum speed is 350 km per  hour which is about 217 mph and yeah the length of   the journey is 142 km or 88 M and yeah the usual  trains take about 3 hours for this journey but I   think we are going to be much faster than that  did you ask if we can go to the first class say   no oh nobody in there oh much never asked you  never know right you can at least try it all   right and we are now in a tunnel actually for  I would say like a minute or so already and I   can feel that the speed gets a bit faster current  speed what are we at now 143 which is like a half   or less than half of the top speed I think this  is the speed that uh I am known to like a regular   train in Germany for example feels like around  this speed and yeah you can see here there's a   residential area over there and here we have have  these walls probably to uh reduce the noise level   coming from the train and also maybe to prevent  people from actually entering the railways okay   and to show you the journey on the map so we  are here leaving Jakarta now and then Bandung   is the city right here so that's more towards  Central Java but still consider it rest Java I think wow and you can really feel we are getting  faster and faster I'm not sure how fast it will   look later in the video on the camera but I can  already feel that this is very very fast currently   there's no speed announcement on the screen  suam ruang I think no that's the temperature   22° but yeah the temperature in here is actually  very nice sometimes the trains in Southeast Asia   are very very cold I remember when I took a train  in Malaysia I had to wear a hoodie because it was   that cold so some trains in Asia they cranked the  AC a lot but here very perfect temperature I would   say okay we are almost at top speed now and it  it feels very fast definitely different compared   to a regular train experience but still the train  is not shaky it's very quiet it's also not really loud all right we have reached the top speed  and actually it feels still very smooth it   looks incredibly fast when I look out of the  window but other than that if I'm just sitting   here normal and I wouldn't know it's that fast  actually it's still comparable to regular train   ride but I'm actually curious how does it feel  when I'm actually walking so H let's have a look   outside the window here so this is the Indonesian  country site and yeah many parts of the railways   are actually blocked by the by the walls like  this one here so they probably the people living   behind here are not disturbed by the noise  in the first class is still empty and yeah   in case you're wondering there's also a toilet  attached here let's have a quick look into to   the bathroom here actually for a train bathroom it  looks really really nice I think I've never seen   the train bathroom that clean and nice actually  wow that's a great impression of the bathroom here let's actually have one walk to the other class so this looks like some machines right here oh and then we have the same  that we have over there as well   the same class the same seats we have  toilets here two actually right here   then another compartment to store the  luggage it looks like we in a tunnel again yeah but the whole train  really looks very nice you can   really see it's a new train it's a modern train any I am surprised that you can just walk  around the train pretty normal despite the high   speed oh and we have some mountains here that  looks beautiful actually right oh and now the   view is blocked again by the walls maybe like  this ah here we go yeah usually I really like   to take trains because it also gives you an  opportunity to actually see something from   the country that you are visiting so I don't  really mind long train rides usually but this   train ride is so fast that I don't really have the  time to enjoy the views you know and by the way   the TV here doesn't show any movies or anything  it's just the same picture whole time and yeah   it's crazy 23 minutes into the right and we are  already almost in band so we are here currently   coming from here that is uh just incredible fast  and in case you're wondering there are no drinks   or food being sold on the train so if you want  to have some drinks you got to bring your own   but I mean for such a short ride you don't really  need food and drinks right okay as you can see we   have slowed down a lot I think that's because  we are approaching the first station so there   are only two stops uh on this right so we are here  now padalarang which is here on the outskirts of Bandu okay and it is now 134 so from Jakarta to  this one on the outskirts of band was 34 minutes   okay nice to meet you nice to meet you bye-bye oh  Indonesian people are always so friendly yeah I'm   in Indonesia for I think around 6 weeks already  now and uh yeah I really really like it here the   people are so friendly it's definitely one of  the friendliest countries I have been to hello   see Talking of friendly people and then she comes  with a bright smile saying hi I love the people   here but yeah to be honest with you I start to  feel a little bit dizzy I am not 100% sure if   it's because of the right but I can't really think  of another reason I had good breakfast today I am   hydrated with water but I do feel a little bit  dizzy in my in my head also a little bit in my   stomach so maybe that is coming because of the  dis speed so I'm actually happy that the ride   is going to be over soon so I think from here to  the final station just a couple of more minutes   let's have a quick look outside here we go yeah  looks also like a very new station here I have to   say so maybe the station is also newly built and  more people are taking pictures in front of the train okay and we are leaving the station  for the reference it is now 139 so 39 minutes   total traveling time and let's see how many  more minutes until the final station and wow   check out the view here that looks really nice  right the sun coming through the clouds here wow so I think they're already preparing here for  the right back and uh actually it's crazy because   after every person that uses the toilet somebody  comes to clean it so they're really are taking   good care of the train here but yeah you can  see it's uh yeah absolutely nothing to complain   about super clean here all brand new modern so a  really nice train we would like to stay goodbye   and thank you for using our service Woos Woos  Woos yes okay and we have arrived at the final station and yeah what's the time now it is now  1 54 so 54 minutes which I think is a little   bit later than the scheduled arrival time a few  minutes but hey less than an hour for a journey   that regular trains need about 3 hours for so  that is actually very nice and yeah also this   station right here have a look it looks brand new  everything new and modern but yeah let's see how   the checkout process out of the station will be  and then I will give you my final thoughts my   final review and yeah once again people are taking  a lot of pictures here with the train in front of   the train next to the train yeah I really feel  like this is also something very exciting for   the locals here not only for me as a tourist I  have uh lift as well oh it's okay I can take the   stairs yeah no problem but yeah if you don't want  to carry your bags there's also lift available   over there okay so how does the station look from  the inside here not much going on like no shops   or anything so if you want to go on a journey  like this better bring some food and snacks if   needed before okay it looks like you also need  to scan your ticket to leave the station good   thing I didn't delete the the QR code yet all  right here we go simple and easy oh and check   this out people are being interviewed there from  probably the TV about their experiences oh says   CNN Indonesia here that is very interesting I I  just had a look on Google Maps I just noticed that   this station is actually quite far away from the  center of bandong and you know what's very funny   uh it takes about an hour to get from here to  the center with the car to be honest I didn't   check that before but that's longer than the  train journey and that's oh incredible maybe   it would have been smarter for me actually to get  off at the first station which might be is nearer   to the center of bandong so that was a little  bit of my mistake to be honest yeah so this was   indeed a big mistake I made if you want to go to  the center of bandong better get off at the first   station and from there they have so-called feeder  trains which can take you within a few minutes to   the center of bandom but yeah overall I would  say this was probably one of the best train   experiences I ever had also the process of getting  the ticket online was very easy and by the way I   paid $300,000 Indonesian rupia for this and if  you haven't seen my previous video from Jakarta   where we explored some very local neighborhoods  met many friendly people then check out the video   right here stay healthy stay positive and  then see you on the next episode ciao guys
Channel: Ken Abroad
Views: 536,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ken abroad, indonesia, travel indonesia, traveling indonesia, indonesia vlog, indonesia high speed train, whoosh, Kereta Cepat, bullet train, indonesia bullet train, indonesia train, jakarta to bandung, jakarta, jakarta train, whoosh train
Id: -i0wcn86FV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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